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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 15 Feb 1906, p. 4

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at the hundreds of girls in the cities when one hears "bachelors wanting wives": ceased to wonder after haviag Riohel 4 young Canadian way oo He knows that a great ject. She sai "We now . much to go out West; the very thought deal depends upon right makes ~--One Who Knows, planting at the right k in London Daily Mail time, and that the soil Counsellor 0'G washed the lettuce yet? Well, nev- = a must be kept enriched. | goansion Tl come and do it. Where Ontaric's Mines. No use of complaining known to weep Sa the r -- Yak ele i of in summer about a mis- o indi 2 " she wonders why her hus- al pi ¥ e o take made in the spring. s 0 : / ver 8 laughed so immoderately, and Mines, which show that the output of . why he'sald, "No thanks, daring!" to the Ontari> (Cansda) mines for. the. 4 . Decide before. the secd Be Judge' on \ $ 10 meet the requirements of my fri oe en e former mds and the salad when she had washed it nine months ending September was is planted. € : Sih : : oy ® --BENEDICT. double that for the same period of the Gitbest tine to reme. at b : general public in every aia gg EE " ; Breal B preceding year. Hs writes PNT we 1 a § 3 . Had phan la Gon 4.) da 3 EA an Wh vac, Break. fun ar _ Makingmgawance for the copuerstonu 1 dra Yond ongin | tice. rie ron" already extensive and' rap i C | (Saceessor to J. A. Rodman.) steel, 3 3 y . . - EY Crm a Ge intelligent forsigner who make: a beaforsus ouput 4 bid iy aA ness. Correct business principles. prompitsate Sz ¢dobes vorth of Ms. Widden's stare and courteous treatment may be relied on, "" Taig : 3 . ¥ 7 2 ds 4 3 = quick, Mary! What! Have- or the of our beautiful expressive lan- as about Betty vor rooted. At the first evi- » ; 677, so h 'Mr. Curran; he wot § § de ig dence" of loss of fies Four clevernwes, buth E 7 ting » ug 1 dime erat oad Hd tN ; - ron I Scott's Emulsion hy £0Age; but redily he has many difS- 90d it was: $5.08 culties to contend with. that the rate of production daring the "1 begin to understand your lan- present year is more than double that suage sien said a French gentle of 1904. The present will be the record man to the writer recently, who was 1 3, year for the production of nickel im . Yisiting St. Hyacinthe, Ontario. The outpih for the mine » §- should be taken imme- months ia already in excess of the id . There is noth- 3 ding Vil ceveit, 3 - Bu bi A "wasted tissue more {80 dreadful 8 cireumstamy : or 1 1 t imagination has not yet n NMR ZRIRIRIRIRA NA 5H FRA | common: "conto moms: = Sv pd pad gk pe athiy SF 3 TEL -- 1a ug-25 am } 0:5 Lai Ew = 7k Irg§am. T§5.go pm. t Se ae i 1.33 pm. 733 pW... Removal V7 a To mares omtme 5H ea Ep er Central . Lord, as I passed through | markets----" "Yes, I know, | Market," struck. in his Lo | actly, the Castle Market; ing one of the stalls I n proceeding to slaughter a © | his hand was raised, a lovely ¥ © | came bounding along in all thed "Ah, yes, I remember; break up--it was that she sald." "And why is she doing it?" "Because Ber health is broken into." "Broken doWn, you mean." nary foods absolutely And, indeed, since the influenza has ox Iris Osler was criticizing tie We will send you a sample fres. | mirth of childhood, and, te : pronage broken wp ub hae School' hive B tne Bh -- woveriog late--I see the life-blood E shi opening business in Port Perry, and would Inform the public : ide went en ou she going to lea "These banbles™ he sald = have Be sure that this | | Still--the butcher plunged h! nl} that he has moved his business from .ie Market building to the ' t s the house to look after itself, then?" eB an picture in the form to--into----" "The bosom of Store pr L = DO Wacdonell, Whiioy sama. "No; she is afraid it will be broken DO significance to anyone unless the of a label is oo the tod; the Judge. with greats \ : i 3 hpnary], Maoh 1 Aovny MrT : brok 1 = reason for their bestowal is known, and per of every on e 8 ¥ ; . Soperiberd, oie ol - --breken. How do I say that, please He bottle of Emulsion "No, my Lord; it went righ . He \ 5 -- Ember 3. 1907. dn 'Broken into." _ 2 you buy. neck of the calf," replied Cure Willard Block ) ps 4 ihm: "Ah, good!" "Perhaps if it were known Bo One a hi ' A Clerk, D. CO. Macdonell, ' BEE RI RSE your Lordship often anticipates - at' abo: h ts he Would be impressed Perhaps the rea- , ke yim a ny 1s ¥on weguid De bet Bitle bette than the STA A Queen Anne Mince P Queen Street a ott ray Ihave m bb ina. W. 1907, "No I reason a Parisian medical journal once WwW : i © | BROUGHA Clerk. M_ Glecron. Grerumaot. J Ra that engagement Is broken og hwlslgivion: ed aegis CHEMISTS | Take a large cow's tom anpouncing that I ve remo A A ee "Broken off, excuse me. An I "7 Toronto, Ont. || bounds of weet suc, cut the 1 where he will be pleased to fill all crifers for Meata | mer tha V : EO ra La BL * , excus 3 - . t : all crilers for Meats in a mn that 5 he th "Dr. X owes the cross' this journa » pounds of beef suet, cu n ma L 3 POBT PERRY- Clerk, J W. Burnham, P. a i rat sald, 'to the i of the os J soc. and $13 | thin slices and shred it, but shred dannot fail to please customers. Having new and incremsed | + toy, fir act Dhaos s ; por WT hE rb n Perry Indeed! Mrs. Brawn ls very wor- Cp Ee peers In hal opt all druggists | suet by itself; when they are p fucilities for the transaction of husiness he feels confident that y Place / 1 Woremvr 8. Tor, § ried about it. Her son only broke & UXBRIDGE Clerk Jor Gould, T'ylridge-- lie oan give better satisfaction than heretofore, and in order | WwW ate > the news down to her last week Is "EK | 1¥' fine put mithe suet hy Ge te aerify this state he solicits all to him Nin hi Jammary 17, March 16, 3, 1a. July B, Bujewbe her 1 ¥ 3 r e state he ' J , x: 4 to ret or mac Lor ne improvement of he om. | ade Wh bh gsi ---- a yb | ET Ey a oy " Flock of 3 g : me ver, g A Seki : No, merely broke A Nanaimo, B. C 8 och had a oi gr a tL Ska in three pounds of currans, B { which I am ahost ¢ Wttend ' n- | © A Merial 1a ve eb Is it really to be wondered at that Bae peri HCE itn a Ti oC artae re a clean washed, pick'd and d w GAME AND FISH IN SEASON. | creasd factiitics sob Hin poblic may be | 26 November 3. dun i8, 141 p foreigners mostly speak broken Eng- UNique experience . XL X03 SPUR | mace, nutmeg, cinnamon, better acedlin: one sade aod desir PETRY | » | 3 RETIN, 2 S. BEAVERTON (ri. Ceo P Hrice, Peaveroon. FE July 18, beptamber i? * daupary L 18, Ngi rmilen evenings ago. He reach- | fine, of all together three-g { tish? gulls severa mon an open boat containing The History of the Snowshee. arch 34, Ney. en 18, 1nd I. J. WHEELER. erably startied at beholding a man with a handkerchief tied over his face standing by my bedside In his hand Some Things That May Prove Reflec- erally speaking, snowshoes are made for the particular condition of the | cogntry where they are to be used. -- no foc --QUEBEC TRAVELER. ¢d Nanaimo! an ounce; half a pound of wh {praia ; ri His Happy Idea. erring. While up town The snowshoe is one of the best of |, 10.03 of gates ston'd) ne RIGS AT MOI¥ CHARGEE rE rae a I once had an experience which prov- . took possession of the opr Indian legacies. It was undoubt- yi a1i three ounces of gree: od i ER a SICKLER. | Mant 15, Mas Lon SUF I, Setatnter re ior ed to me that there is honor LE boat. On his return all but sixty flew edly invented a long time ago and has three ounces of candied orang: in- er EC SE Pos vor oF 2900 mos 2 - L " away his number had so gor¢ed come down to us from the unknown go yall thin bits, the yellow xipd of see By order Infgves. It happened several years 30 (hemselves with herring that they along with the birch-bark cance. Like two row lemony arated, thresumpoon- f~ EA = IE FARIWEIL, . n a Mttle town in the West. When re- 14 not fly. but hopped about in a the canoe though in a lesser degree, fuls of Verluice a gill or Maley | iW Dat a Whites Nos. eh. oi SF the Pence, 1 2 Airing to bed in the hotel one night &t iste of he'piessness. The fisherman the snowshoe has been modified and Balt 8 gill Of Tobe: watery {Lecat ted 4, Whighy, Nov. 2th, 106 ~ BB the usual time I placed my watch and fnaiiy climbed into the boat and improved by the white man. The shape yon EE He fill your pye | TRY SA TI rer TT PaThoE ma er Pe iar ed them overboard They were abie 10 of the bows and the manner of PUt- | care they do not stand too lo Til 5 Dong | Bla bom { 1 having been asleep for some time I Lyin with an effort, and most of them ting in the rawhide filling varies in | dry after they are jus ] ! Tangs #Onera! aCESTHI! ing 'Was awakened by hearing a strange ...: achore to recover from the eects different parts of the country. Those yen to Ty RE y re n tt yo et | --From a Cookbook of 1706. ) E hoise in the room of their feast . made by the Indians show their tribal { LAW ¢1 & Oi TE ou ean imagine that 1 was consid- OUR SMALL IGNORANCES. design as to their moccasins, but gen- - rd 2 tn having opened X7 iH FOTANNOUNCE #71 1 ¥ it "4 are. wow cnml xX My watch is at the jeweller's, be- let" or "I Allegro. feels himself to be Victoria .. : ry AE < : 3 N returning thanks to th tet! A $ was a dark lantern, which he turned tions on Our Cultures. Outing jghisn FRBtRIPS bots 7 Fal full in my face. | i ee ee ee ef ae afr fe ee aaa aes F test! eUEANLER ¥ 0 eles og "i He did not a 0 time to A great deal of the charm of polite -------- 1 . : ¥ Rhine. bat tn. & ve le HueH ded 'OUversation comsists mot im what is Arca of Canadian Cities. hratis tel my wateh and money. I don't know Sod Pul in what is lmplied--not in Acres } nan ri R 3 i : whatever put the ides inte my expressions, but in allusions A light Nigines een sess an 12,750 § 1) . HOA reference to some classical story--a 10ronto 1 3 2 but, Toe to.appear 2a calm a3 'ot trance at some page of History= Fredericton 10.730 & ' z ' Poss Bald: a half-line from some loved poem-- SL John . 9,169 Campi sang f Een you Exacty orhere {hey a. gives not caly grace to the remarks of Montreal ... -.. 6772 ae mn Stimpson y= EE Se EEG TE an ne -- OHBIE FRESH "MEATS "Well, you are cool I must say~ he ©f Bis audience Beidom does a verse london . - 4.3718 PH, in 31 v lod; "but Fou Just tell me where OF & couplet fall to "bring down™ the Hamilton ........... .......... 3,990 T EIOENY Tow . x and 1 will promise British House of Commons: reporters Ottawa 3,265 ak, ai to you . »: in Peldom omit to write ("hear") after a Braniford ..... 2,977 | PEALE te not to harm you and wiil leave you fine from Ho: Virgil Shakes; Charlottetown 2,400 us 3 " or Milton. And the listener who says Kingston ce. 277 ; . - t ' ta | = AW. SWITZER "I will take you at your word." said oO "AR" the ~Georgics™ "Ham- Quebec ; x vid... R208 a Wk nit | Purr Perry Sent 16, 302 ing repaired, and every penny I have pp co p-- | a as cultured a perso he who has . . -" fo locked up in the landlord's safe UF LTTE 8 Pemon as b = The Spirit of Grab. [ 1 pationige extended Bi tiny \t or x YRIDY™ downstairs." quotation : | - I Di ] >. T.CAWKER & SON E He stared at int two. as We resent the impertinence of foot- What is the proportion of the popu- | €ars Wou'q ores) 3 £& 2 A ix 5 al es winuie or two, motes and even of inverted commas, lace who are clear white? How many | '0 8% usual, now ready NF Mirch 5, 1g02 though trying to tell by my face if 1 i Ty I n pri r ot interested in grafts, o; had spoken the truth. It must have when an allusion is made In print, and are not interested in graft r in | have a bi i we understand it; such helps to mem- gambling; how many professional men | | & A v convinced him, for, muttering some- ory or to knowledge are reflections on are charging what their services are Large SS 0) thing which I did not catch, he turned . . o on bis heel and walked oat of th our culture; and yet when we make worth, and no more; how many in busi- without a 4 ered close inquiry of ourselves, we are ness would refrain from charging a = »hocked to find how ignorant we are bigger profit if they thought they : Kalsomining, &c % 1 ---- JF DOUBLE AND S Sealed Tenders TPYHE aodersigned would take thi " which I am determined t i UAV } tauity of asking. is tao ~ (1 OUT WEST. | concerning aliusi Many persons could gel it; how many laborers think | A® inducement fo tage. fon timinc ural winds still inorpitiog seem to think it » conclude or care whether their labor is worth ITLL At : ; J: | patronage during © time he Las carnied on CANADA ESCAPES. that any quotation is taken either from the wage or not? The prevailing spirit -4 ikon | o EALED, TENDERS Awill be Shee Fasiiseas of received by the undersigned for ~ the purchase of all or any of the PAINTING in the Bible or Shakespeare Again, iz reach for all you can get--Bobcay- I : ad I Sal Dominien Not Overrun With Foreign- others, when they hear a very melo- geou Independent. vill be allowadoon all Said . - Jaw. 1st All : : , ers Who Set Bad Examples. dlous line, set it down at once as "Tea- Ag ; 2 Parcels-- Farm Properties --belong in Port Perry, and would state. that he Ogaaditaus. are Brtited the nulacy." TI"0H How sy = us know who HOW TO MAKE DIAMONDS. gr MAD! ing to Mr. John Adams, advertised prepared than ever to ear cute a . - = made Engl the au saying tnt a - d i can farmers and yeomanry are taking "God tempers the wind to the shorn Descripiion of Process--Sir William | 0 10 fac hit 10 be sold 'hy Auct ou the 231¢ Paints ion possession of the Canadian Northwest lamb": and mow mans can mame the super arity of Wh is also the robber that November, and withdrawn at the | Painting. Kalsomining aud Paper In this way says Vi - a. * x 3 - i Crookes Gives Laboratory Method. appa ent ' H i ¥, Bays Valancey E. Fulier, source of "barbaric pearl and god f : i teals from many a busi- sale. anging In The Canadiun Magazine, Canada is and "thick as-autumnal leaves that ir William Crookes, in the course of | lateuding purchasers: sy J- A. McGILLIVRAY Parti ing thei = escaping the fate of the United States. strow the brooks in Vallombrosa™? # lecture om "Diamonds" before the | {ving nc & ell hefo ness man the opportunity Temple Builkling Toso jection entrusting, trie work tose may Which Is being largely occupied, E0V- Not long ago, an English writer wish. British Association at Kimberley, ex- | "he yean he suited ing lo bec Jthy . »! Vg, Oronto | rely oi haviug it neatly and promptly ese- . 3 long experience in the th come weallhy . . ..... Nov. 30, 1899 rated, My charges are moderate. - erned, and generally overrun with ed to verify the line, "When wild in Plained to the assembled company how foreigners, who corrupt the municipal woods the noble savage ran"~ Several the precious gems might be manufac administrations, set a bad example volumes of reference failed him and tured generally in the way of rural citizen- nq friend could help him, until he saw "The first necessity," he sald, 'is to ship, and alm only at their own pro- (he words om an American advertise- Select pure iron free from sulphur, sili- fit and advancement. The American ment of the Yosemite Valley, with the COR phosphorus, etc. and to pack it in . immigrants to Canada, on the contrary reference givem to "The Conguest of 3 Carbon crucible with pure charcoal JOHN PH. are of the same language, brought UP Granada." Part I. Act 1 scepe i: and [70m sugar" The crucible must then | ,,., Perry, Dec. 1, 1692 ? under the same laws, and entertain them further search made him aware De put into the body of the electric ? ns : the same ideas and opiniens as these that "The Conquest of Granada" was furnace "After a few minutes heating subjects of Edward VIL who live north one of Johm Dryden's dramas. 10 a temperature above 4,000 degrees C., H G RA of the St. Lawrence. To quote his In the year 1581 a volume called 2 lemperature at which the iron melts : words: "Petites Ignorances de la Conversa- lke wax and volatilises in clouds, the | {as just taken pos "They are possessed of the requis- tion," by Charles Hezan was publish. current is stopped and the dazziing, dtas of success as ploneers in a new ed jn Paris by P Ducrocg: and in 05ery crucible is plunged beneath the FOY SHOE Sountry. They will respect and obey 1387, "Quizsism, and lis Key." by Al- Surface of cold water, where it 1s held JORF laws and customs, for they will bert P. Southwick, appeared in its 6th Ul it sinks below a red heat. ,| ne door South of the 8 learn that the former are made edition at Boston. while In the same ~The sudden cooling solidifies the | ! tel, where he tend obeyed. and mot to be evaded year the second edition of 'Queer Outer lave: of iron and holds the in- nds of Boots and . Last, and not by any means Questions, Ready Replies" by 8 Der molten mass in a tight grip. The x oF Pl they will assimilate with your Jaen nd shone out el expansion of the inner liquid on solidl- Wi of repairig While they will never lose the same city. The two American Yiag produces an sHorsons pressure, id y Wo to. ove for their native land, they Books very similar, and the French under the stress pressure » please a who co will i the less learn to love the ome 1s mot very unlike them. Much ibe dissolved carbon separates St In} assible, land of thelr adoption" rma readers be gath- t forms -- minutely micro- : Ho goes on to contrast the condition pb Bey ne 4 scopic, it ei Sane Port Perry, June 1 utaule guarantee Bhat vill be given by any articlap Everthing in my lines onstantly on hand au womptly attcuded to. | am also prepared to sap Paiute, &¢ when coutracting. py = A coutinuance of public patiousge sol ited. WM. TREMEER. Port Perry. Mar. 23, 1593, JOHN UNDERTAK Puneral Re ER, 3 IT ISNT A BIT tion that tte diamond fs a gift from héaven conveyed to the earth in me- teoric showers. According to this hy- a lan for something vertistng : Fi wt AE) A WF Ton 'Cosupound take 50 BES <r r---- : eubstitate. ome" " VRE undersigoéd keeps pn hand and for | The Cock Medicine Con, Wintios, ie x G sales the following Agricultural Mach | Jr o re are many circum- | fin A ; 1 show that the notion of B the heavens raining diamonds is not § impossible" In proof of this he showed of diamonds' the photogn f EE ET in ings passages. Here is one: ¥ . "it is mot uncommon for a diamond 2 ' be faviase soon alige it regis the | DICTIONAS ish and Falf a d z-n other lang- The sams thing applies to oth- of

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