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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 5 Apr 1906, p. 2

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order." dealer or b Williams' for $2.50. | date improvempntifhip prescot YAEL uc noe your, and that it inn in all the ve Pink Pills. to make new, rich, a. = nerve and every organ of the dent, aili ie: LE SE .| that is newest, or eat and apst-desic: | when the blood is out of Thousands of people not actually sick need a tonic in the spring, and to all these a box or two of Dr Williams Pink Pills will bring new energy and new strength. To those who may be more seriously ailing, who are suffering from an ailments due to bad bl treatment with these pills will bring mew health and vitality. get these pills from any medicine mail from the Dr. edicine Co,, Brockville, Ont, at 50 ceats a box or six boxes Ee ---- THER OBSERVER as 4 Goop CimouLaTioN. and is con- lignes ; it i» the Oldest and --~founded in 1857 --she most in ita local and general pews department and is printed entirely iff the piace of pub- licstion-- Port Parry. Teruel 2 al if aot paid in [ity of duties, Parliame: JOB PRINTING THE MOST MoDERY 81 "AND pay LOW PRICES North Ontario Observer. (The Offctal Paper of the Poople.) FOUNDED In 1887. | SRY Paper Printed_and Published - "PORT PERRY, APR. 5, 1996. The Horse Show. EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS IN PRIZES AT THIS NOTABLE EVENT IN The Canadian Horse Show is an event which has done much to benefit one of Canada's most important agricultural in+ dustries, the breeding of horses. This year witnesses the Twelfth annual renewal of the Show, which will be held in the EE yy 25th, 26th i oy to and ig -five classes for which entries close 'ednesday, Apel: 11th. They should Pe wiiresacd to the Secretary, Wade, Parliament Bulidings, Toronto. The Show will be opened on Wednesday, whether licenses should be issued for a nas to marry his "brother's wife," for so the statute defining marriages which are prohibited on the grounds of consanguin- ity feads, The department's answer in : FAY Sake 1s the whence, and it is to the under the statutes of Ontario 2 the regular train leaving the Union Sta- and $40,000,000 in the development ing expenses; that it should only cost $5 for transmission to Toronto; in. | that under such conditions the sav- ing to consumers of Toronto as against steam would be from $500, it is expected it will nearly pay the A Nort ---- pt al] | would mean a saving of $10,000, expenses connected therewith, so|2°0 8 year: to the Province jas that parties whe. predicted. failure | 88inst steam, were the striking for the venture will be doomed to statements made by Hon. Adam disappointment, This year the Beck in an address delivered be- same authority predicts a saving of fore a general meeting of the Tor- over $500 in expenses alone, pro [Onto Board of Trade yesterday aft. vided: the Sfreet Bight, Service is [F700 On ° "Electric Power." not pat upon A0pina te system, oY Howland, President of of Trade, in introduci : Muiineny Osgnwns, -- Post Mr. Beck remarked that as Presi- dent of the Niagara Parks Com- mission: and of the Municipal | Powgt Commission. the speaker had 1 | Made an extensive study of the pro. api aid was thet py ) give excellent information on n the] supply ubject before him. constant oa .I would like to impress on you 'the fact," said Mr. Beck in opening his address, "that I am not now ap- pearing as a representative of the Government in regard to any policy it may bring forth in respect to waterpowers of the Province. I come hereas one of you to deal not with a political issue, but with a question that is of direct interest to every person in the Province, ir- respective of his political stripe." Leading into the question of power, the speaker pointed out how the waterpowers of Canada were essential to the development of natural resources sych as mineral Perry for able in the Millinery ling 48 too well koown and too highly appreciated to require any comment at our hands. Who Owns UNioN AVENUE ?-- From its present aspect it is father- less and without an owner or guar- dian. A gentleman while on a business mission at THz OsBserver Office yesterday, pronounced it the worst piece of road extant--its equal is not to be found." He in- tended avoiding it in -the future. Why not close it until such time as it is made passable? < COUNTY OF ONTARIO ON Tor. --Atthe| = 1h and forests: i Sn esting Jie Catadian Horse Iu inducing foreign capital te Friday of last week, this County was|Come here for investment Canadi- highly honored by having & number of | ans were always met with the ar- its farmers and stock importers | gument that there were no cheap and elected to impoftant posi- | (5) suppligs, Capital must be tions in this Association whose limit is Ertantianed | 0817 bounded by this broad Dominion. brought in, and the largest prize Peter Christie, Esq, M.P., (in his ab.| Canada could hold ont was cheap setice) was elected to the alice of Presi- waterpower which would in turn dent, an honor which had, however, to | mean cheap 'transportation. decline owing to his already multiciplic- Power From Niacara FaLrs. Aho F other-| _u«] will confirlg myself to the walt- wise, Mr. raham, " € t, a » toi | was elected Vice-President ; Messrs. Wm. erpower of Niagara Pails, { conti Smith, Columbus ; John Mystic] €4 Mr. Beck, "That is of especial '| interest to us because it will supply with cheap power a large part of Mrs. Scott, Cochrane Street, in. |the population of this Province. I tends giving a Parlor Cancert at | estimate, in fact, that 1,500,000 her home during the latter part of | people may easily be supplied with April in aid of the Public Library. | electric power from the Fall#ii the A good program is being arranged available there i fof which particulars will be _an d later. iw Ye 2] v : EF All are warned 'against driv-|©Ver the likelihood of destroying | ing over the School Lawn, so much | the scenic beauty of Falls by a di- injury has alegady been done that version of Water, the authorities will prosecute all | the United States need not future trespassers. concerned as they profess (0 be AvcTtioN Sare.--Post Canady, Jus : ers are up|. i announcing an Auction Sale of|'" letting feancirises, although, farm stock implements, %c. the too great concessions may have property of Mrs Rebecca Baird, lot 17, con. 14 Reach(just east of Saint- field) to take place on Friday (to- morrow) [April 6. The horses are re | first-class an in fact 'the stock is good. Mr. Baird will be Auctioneer. Station, and E. C. H. Tisdale, Béaverton, were elected to the Directorate, will mean KS" THe ENTERTAINMENT LEAGUE | Falls. © President their fifth evening tea at the resi-| he will not consent dence of Mr. Jas. Rodman, Mc- fn scenic beauty of the Falls to be de- Donald street, on Friday, April 6. stroyed. He may r=pose, I believe, will be a rehersal of "The Burning | been "granting power by the Association. = Mesdames| the amount to be limited. Rodman and Mills will do "the WouLp Nor Prouisir Exporr. amiable and cater for the assembl-| uThe export of power sheuld not age. The public 2 ate cordially in-| pe prohibited, I think. vited. Toronto, Merch 27.--Twp specials and have invested between $30,000,000 jof power at the Falls, It would be unfair to prohibit | 'realization of tion at 1.45 mesa RR af- far Mat} price. of 0 owe vy th consumer, 1 bai he : hands of our | I Legis the {faturs. The power companies are ar- our. tenants, and as such we should not been prodigal] men. that at present po at Niagata for $12 1t isto be brought to the Electric Deve! sold here in large consumers. of transmission is power lure and can only be by the belief that the thi Light ment that t fied in cha them that it costs only $s for tra mission instead of $23. But thi price you are asked to pay is what this power costs, but w | those companies can get from yo It was then explained by Hd Mr. Beck that 85 for transmissi would right of way, superstructures, et and an intrest of four per ce four and a half per cent.. money invested. ; ed that if power were sold fo, Toronto Street Railway at #13 stead of $35, as under the contr, ¢ made some time ago, it would mean} a saving of $250,000 to the: to pany, and would allew the & man to get two or three more il f for 25 Figuring on the basis of $10 horse-powar for pumping station! and railways, and on slightly hig! rate for small consumers, he: mated that, after allowing for' penses and for moneys invested, Toronto could be saved from 000, to $750,000 per year. further quoted figures to show capitalists had raised almost dol in some cases, the price of J heat and power in Montreal, falo and Ottawa. § In conclusion he stated the port of the Munitipal Comr few 'been made to companies, but 1 am | Proved surprisingly easy. sure the Government of Ontario | he i¢ suftering from 6 and from what I read in the_ press perhaps heis still bewildered the Minister of Public Works at |stangeness to Parliansentaty Ottawa is of a similar view--will|8ll events he must improve never tonsent to any steps which of lence or he will pr the depletion of the | disappointment. Roosewglt: has | mercilessly cornered. - in connection' with thé Loyal True | peen very lair and pronounced on nington case he was farely Blue Lodges in this place will hold all these matters and I feel certain |W helmed. 3 to allow the |geveral principle that it was sirable that the bgtter masters should Engage An interesting musical and literary | confidenc in our Government both | business. program will be rendered. = The |of Ontario and of the Dominion. It|Gpon bombarded him. feature of the evening however, 'is true the state of New York has|aitcr case of men with franchises | ies who are doing this very' of the Mortgage againstthe Orph- | without demanding a limit lo the |and in each case asked hit .anage," an object so much desired | water that shall be used. We want | would discharge thete men charges were substantiate Aylesworth could not such thing and, beginni It would be | ing the attacks lightly, an injastice if it were to those who |of these cases Mr. Ay ter. might well be loft in the] Wh opment, the. Tore "A vote of thanks for { th ¢ was moved by Mr. J.F. Our friends in [ed by Mr. W. J. Gage, be so The 1t cannot Jb b How is it ? Itis an companies, the and the T ad'been made, and if it it would be investigated. jut what principle governéd master-General ?" Mr. Bor- ted." : Aylesworth fell back upon ormer statement that it was rable that postmasters paid lequate salary should compete her persons. Further than he would not go, becoming 'as Mr. Borden sought to tie Major Fowler and Col. brought up Mr. retention of his practice Ips 1 may sa allow for all expenses He then esti) rouble. Mr. Bennett brought cents. ld not express ae opinion with- , what would he do!" 4 'Aylesworth baulked. interest on the consumers of the er. . fr. Aylesworth replied that he investigate and take such in ag he thought right. es, but what principle would erp him in such a case?" came tormenting question. And in no answer was returned, He ew vagucr and vaguer in his res horse-dealing post- | would suggest for the worrying habit. "#1 would prescribe common sense," he sald. "And 'if a man or woman hasn't got a stock on hand and can't cultivate one no- doctor can give it to him or (her. This worrying nonsense grows. The best means to cure it lies in the | of the woman herself. If she side of things, she will live lgnger and retain her beauty longer. Every wom- wants to keep beautiful to the last. 'Why does she take the course which is to make her yellow skinned, dull yed and thoroughly unlovely ?" } Why, indeed? . oy To-nij rei] Bo virions oy that vanilla was (peg Aztecs of Mexico as t in the manufacture of He had laid 1 : it Fak i i bers' | the Corporati Ayles. the Supreme Court as a case hen the other cases followed, ylesworth realised that he was Aylesworth declared that he Worrying BY aap Worries Hats, shall The Auditors, Messrs T. IW den and Jas. Lucas presented their eport ; the documont is a formiid- able iy is highly creditable to the skilled and efficient Auditors, it is neatly and accurately got up and proves eonclusively. that they are experts at preparing financial doc- uments. On motion of Mr. Hutcheson, the Auditors' Report, as presented, was accepted, -On motion of Mr. Hutcheson, the Corporation agreed to lease from Mr. Penhall the present Market Building for one day a week and the small office attacl.ed therefo seven days a week for a period of one year ata rental of $84 per annum, to take effect from Jan. 1906. Mr. Allison introduced and carri- ried through a By law to repeal By- ut if the facts proved to be as |12W 406. Mr, Waddell introduced and car- ried through a By law to Regulate ext Mr. Borden brought up the and License the Sale of Clgamettes and Cigarctte Tobacco. The following is a copy of the By law, a somewhat tyrannical and drastic measure to be enacted by a fleeting body of legislators. BY-LAW No. 572. i A By-LAW TO REGULATE AND Liéensg THE SALE OF CIGARETTES AND CIG- ARETTE TOBACCO. The Municipal Counéil of the Village of Port icp! as follows : license the Village Council of Port By-law shall take effect on june ist, 1906. 2--For such license the applicant shall pay the sum of $100 per year to the Vill- ge Treasurer. "pun license Zara any time be re- by By-law of Council without his reason given therefor; but in such case a proportionate part of the license fee as will represent the umexpired por tion of the license term shall be Refunded to the licensee. fine not exceeding $50.00 and costs. In default of imm gate yment said fine and icosts shall be collected by d anc sile of ithe goods and chattels of the offenders and if there be no distress found out of which such fine and costs can be levied the ye fora be cpmnnition to the County Jail for a term of twen | days unless the fine and nd ! costs of distress -- commital and con- veyance to jail, be sooner paid. [LS] On motion - the Council adjourn- @ PB. rrince _ Albert. A Dialogue on Cigarette Smoking. 4--Any party contravening any provh sions of this B -law shall be liable to a of and Ministers of the Gospel smoke, allowed to do the same? whatsoever ye do, do all to 'the glory of ing of tobacco, withighe time wasted, preach from I. Cor. 10: 31, of the church for the sake of their exam- Bray said §; hat if through his head so that the smoke com- go upwards and not be such a nusiance to others, ' : Jamies --Well John, I am pleased to Steet You 8 1 kiioy You wre 4 good con. v .rsationalist, and ktiow pretty well what j . is taking place in political, commercial, s cial and religious gatherings. 1s there 'anything new under the sun? |* John--Solomon says Eccles, 1-9, "there is no new thing under the sun", there]. stir | if thiey do and are expected to be an ep- ample for us to follow should not boys be | 1 300 No, g, S.0.E.--H. Rosxats, James--1 admit that some members of , the Christian Church smoke, and some | C- [+ VICKERY, ministers of the Gospel, but they are ex- Ceptions and not the rule, and I dou"t think that any of them would advise their children to follow their example. Man was created for wise ends and ff noble purposes. Paul said, I. Cor. 10: 31, "4Whether therefore ye eat ordrinkor| =. ona) remedy is Dr Hamilton's . | five cents buys a large of 3 : is for the future well-be ng g dnd Tan piness of yourself and family ac- | company youto your city home, e shall hear of your prospetity nd advancement, with the greatest pleasure, and if on any occasion you pay us a fraternal visit "a right [hearty welcome, will greet you at times. Signed on behalf of {01d England H. DousTt, N. Jerrexy, Commitee. T. J. Wippen, President Sceretary An American Disease. Some doctors go so fai as to say that indigestion 1s the natioral dis- case of America, There is but one Pulls which accelerate the action of God." Who will dare to say that the| h. gastic glands and give tone to puffing and blowing, spitting and 'chew- the digestive organs. They streng- then the kidneys *and liver, cleanse money spent, health imparied and the|and punfy the blood and thus add bad example set before the young is for | general lone to every organ of the the glory of God ? What tobacco smoker | body would like to go down upon his knees [fast restored and the patient can and ask God's blessing upon his dirty |eat and digest any food he pleases. expensive und health destroying habit? I should Like to hear ministers of the !25¢. per box or five boxes for $1 co gospel 'who indulge in such practices |at all dealers. \ if "you know at any time that such a portion is to be explained let me know and I'll be a I a Be erected by the Bell Telephone Com- themselves. According to my view all | Pany, from Port Perry, residents in ministers of the gospel, and all members {and near the villages of Cadmus, Flesh and and strength are Test Dr Hamilton's Pills yourself,-- New Telephone Connection By a line which has lately been Blackstock and Nestleton can now le, infi; hs pnd usefulness 'te a ple, nf mance. an be reached by telephone, - of i a Perry Sasoker is for one who hal Sten it eect and who is apposed to © A "Wheezy" Chest. penetrates throgh the pores of the ing so freely from a mign's mouth might skin, gelicves inflammation and thus p-vents serious csequences. For throat, weak chest aud tendency to colds, no prescription is better than Polson's Nevililiine. For uearly fifty years it has been Canada's great household 1emady. Twenty- ttle. --el '8&7 Mr. O. Grabam, V S. has made arrangements for free commu- nication, day or might, over the tel. phone systems og Dr. Mellow a. d Dr. Procter. a il DIED. Corrin--In Post Perry on Thilfs. day, March 29, 1906, Isabella * Leinie, beloved Wife of William and g days. Deceased had lived in this town for many years, was always noted for her untiring industry, kindness, generosity and integrity; a loving {and devoted wife, an affectionate mother, a kind friend and eteemed neighbor, Her sudden and waex- pected death cast a gloom of sorrow over. this entire community ; it has Medns your 'rouble is deep sea'- pr id ed. To delay is dangerous All ivflammacion will be drawn out in smoke he would ave made a chimney up| one day by applying Nervilive, It Corrin, aged 46 years, 5 months hat pleasant lamily 8 vac- ch can never more be fill. Pes * - » » w - » - - we S

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