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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 19 Apr 1906, p. 1

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wards received in this department' J ithout. notice or delay. Interest at high- + Business--Syucal attention: given to Farorers, Cattle and Hog Dealers, and, 'to out-of-towir accounts. * Far titken for collection at lowest AE sii PERRY BRANCH, nk ery tes ciscounted Sale Netes Cashed or 1a forms [ree oft applicaiish. AG. VERCHERE, Manasin. EE es Royal of Surgeons, I Hiarg Livents ig the. Royal U)liege of yafaans i Mose AH Pavalty of Ph sd fr Jeon, Glasgow "Hosident Ho) of on R slunds ital, Dubin, e Wane. Ofice and dende, aor wast of Davis' tar Km weed Ntroot, Uddice hours--0 to Py i nd 2 bo 5 pom. and evenings. 1 hate taken us partner, my brothet, Dr . Archer, M. D., C. M., Member of Col- we of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. Port Perry, June 9, 1807. DE. 8B. J. MELLOW, PHVSIOIAN, SURGEON, &o, e and Residence, Queer St., Port Perry five hours--8 10 10 a.m ; 1tod pm. d BEveniugs. elephone in office day over the lines sout! ith tho residenve of G. L. Robson, Port Perry, Nov. 15, 1804, F/M: H. HARRIS, B.A, LLB. BARRISTER, &e¢., B to and occypant of the okicen of the late F. 1 Yarnold. Port Perry, Ont. MONEY TO Loan. Private Funds #4 4 per cent. : i io RG - JNO. W. CROZIER ARRISTENR. Rorptorror, CONVEVANCER. B &e. Bice at residence, 6th Con, Roach (one wile west of Port Pery,)-- Mosey To Loans F. PATERSON, K.C., Barrister, Soliciter, Notary Tablin, " 4311, Temple Building, Cor. Bay nopd Ntreets, Toronto, Earopter Murch 81, 1898, rds, Oat; Liceutiute of ite : iim and house, open night h, Snusciad 1 ART Will, KC, LL.B, County A itorasy, Barvister, County Sol Nntacy Pub lic and Lone ancey south wing Court Hoasu, Whitby, W. A SANGSTER, DENTAL SURGEON. Office Honrs--0 to 12 a.m., 2 to 6 p.m "Also open Saturday evenings, te Gold. Filings, Bridge and Crown 0 ka pein. Vitalised Air, Dr FD. MoGrattan ; (DENTIST) : 1.8. of Royal Coltege of DentatSurgeons, wleo D.D.K of Toronto Universi fice in the Allison Block over Aljieon's §. Dray Store. Offien hours--8 a.m. ta 8.30 p.ra. pars Lr April 9, 1902. A. MURRAY, DENT 187, Leland House, Cisarea, FoR Ye Gov TY of Rfaflio AKD TownsHIl oF CARTWRIGHT, | T8HES at this the commencement ef another Avstion Sale 10 re torn 'thanks to his numerous pu:rops fo d past favors. In requesting their esteemed ,' and contiuned patronage he desires te state that no effort or Dine will be pared ou bis part to make Sim successes. "Hin very extensive Priotice in sho past should be 8 sufficient recom mendatiin as to his ability. All 'Sale given into his chdrge will be af t with promptoues und dispatch. Sale list made out usd blank ootes supplied free, ott application. Parties wirhing to engage his services Sry consult hie SaLz REcufrrw either at the: Obacrver or Standard Uffizes, Port Porry, for dates claimed for Sales, and make arrangements, or write to bis address && Phone at Residence, No. 31. ®a CHARGES PODERATE. JACKSON, Nov. I, 1801. i Perry I'. O. AUOTIONEER. pie tindetéigned tikes this opportuaity of returning thanks for the very liberal Pits cubge he has received us Auctioneer in the past. The increased experience and Sondive practice which I have had will he ned to advantage of patrous, and payties he ng me 'with their sales may rely « their juteresta being fully protected. Neo ih willbe spaced to make it profitable parties placing their sales in thy hinnds, " - Pate Reginter will be found at the THOS. SWAIN. Cwmdarea, Aug. 26, 1808, JOS. BAIRD ICEN 'ED AUCTIONEER for the } the Ossruver Office Put eiage solicited. "Manchester, Jun. 19, H. MoCAW, ! 5 ISRO RK] 'ARRIAGE L ICHNSES. Sport Perry Ont, 'ort Perry, Dee. 19, 1883. WM. SPENCE, Township Clerk, Commissiorer, &c. prepared to Loan any quantity of Money vu dmproved Farni Security at 6 and 7 per cut (Trust fands) All kinds o Conveyancing exectited with aeatnese and dispatch. Ottice--Oue door west of Town Hall, Wlanchester, Manchester April 11, 1888, North Ontario Observer 4 Weekly Political, Agricultural wl Family Newpaper | | 18 PUBLISBED AT . PORT PERRY, ONT. EVERY TAURIDAY MORNING dh H PARSONS ; Ba ELE Bas LA to 1 uot i nek ar lll be » 4 County of Oatarie. Sule Register ut £100,000 STERLING (British Oapital) To lend at 4, 4% and 5 per cent on good Mortgage Security. Apply to DAVID J. ADAMS Banker and Broker, Port Perry, Ont, Jamieson' § Liver Terr iin of ik tha inhu CN of Port Perry und surronuding country for the libial and still increasing pat- touage bestow id pen. him since commencing Cutting and Livery in Port Perry und now intimates that he is better than ever prepared to supply ull requirements in his line. Having extensively added to my stock of horses ; as well ua conveyances of the lutost type of construction for comfort and © pleasure, Tan in a pusition to meet the reguirements of the moat fastidious a8 to atyle and desirable cquippage fu every reapect--in every way ait. able for private dfiving, wed- dings, fune- ls, &e. Burties wishing an afternoon dritacan have their choice of suitable double or single pigs and cara- ful deivers will also lie sappli ed when required. I possess a number of good Spring and Dray Wagons und will, at all times, attend to Carting with the utmost cure abd promptness, I wish further to state that in future suitable convevances will Le ut the Railway Depot to convey passengers aud bag. gage to private residences, and will also convey passengers and baggage to the Depot in time for departing trains, on being ven notice. WM. JAMIESON. Port Perry, July 30, 1903. TICKETS TO ALL FARTS OF THE WorLn.--Mr. WH. McCaw, Pert erry. is now in a position to issue tickets to all parts of the world and «to supply all nétessary informaticn parties as to the cheajest and best routes, &. In addition te his umerous Ticket Agencies for Rail- road and Steamship lines, he has been re-appointed Ticket Agent for hi "Ttunk Railway. Parties 0 travel will consult their by consulting Mr. NEL Nursery Jiock. nament als. ar, EC1A LTIES, : Pagid Territory Jams and. endorseforthin boos 'weak nerves, general debit ) po Best ST ad td efing inactive an ond mie, you id fake RET Avorn. Ai no secrets! We publish | the formulas of all our medioings. ONTARIO'S INSANE. Duty of the Province Toward These Unfortunates--Hon. J. W. Hanna Addresses the Canadian Club. | ing things to say in an indebtedness. b says, "In brief, were id "and still should be, our' recruiting, aud re- | the great ope.: spaces at is losing {ts stam- | ® It in honest toll in the der the blue do:ne of heav- exists for the British greatest Ganget to the come in thé tuture, as it it," from mingling alien | d ideals, weaker morals te; nd rightly hold, to stock." x Reng Your Confidence. LOANS SAVINGS Our long acquaintance with thix | Undoubted Security to Depositors. district enablex us to make as | No Delay in Drawing Your Momey liberal loans to our customers | Interest Paid or Compounded Twice a Year as sound financing will per- Dow't Wait till you have a large sum to depowit. mit. 81 will Open an Account. Begin with ux Now ! Small Savings form the Base of Large Fortunes. WE CASH SALE NOTES. BANK MONEY ORDERS: yijlson's" view It should be | to bring about co-operation be~ 3 English and the Canadian ts on this question of thd | poorer, weaker, but | nobler British race from to Canada before it is too late. the twelve millions on the r are there not one mil- En "Out'. The speaker at the Canadian Club of Toronto on a recent afternoon was Hon. | W. J. Hanna, the Provincial Secretary, who talked entertainingly and instruc- tively upon the question of the care of of asystem which, while continuing the efficiency of the present method to- wards the afflicted themselves, will not be 4d diféct incentive to the shirking of obvigus duties on the part of the in- | dividual and the local community. His utterances were listened to with deep interest, the impression prevailing that they were in a sense semi-official. There are, he said, in the institutiens for the Insane In Ontario, 6,000 people, who are maintained at an annual cost of quite $1,000,000 if anything at ali i$ allowed for capital accotint, eta. Fol the maintenance of but 1,200 of these 6F about 20 per cent, {s anything loon- | tributed by patients themselves, or by those morally or legally responsible fos, thelr care and comfort, and for the year ending 30th Septe r last the amount so contributed ®is less than $115,000, the highest point yet reached. Much of this was contributed by th working class, who are as a clkha the 'least disposed to avold payment. means that 88 per cent. of the cost of maintenance Is defrayed by the pro- vince. He acknowledged the duty of the Government to take care of {fils class of citizens, but on far higher | grounds of a measure of bu practical Christianity Hé unhesitatingly advocated the most efficient system, re- | gardless of expense. The central plan | of caring for the insane adopted by the | Government is superior to the localized one at many points, but it destzoyed case which is the distinctive feature of local interést and control. The super- fority of the localized system consists in the fact that the municipal officers = Have personal knowledge of every cdse and of tle ability of the relatives to | pay and whether they should be made to pay. In this respect the Ontario sys! tem fs deplorably defective. Mr. Han: na drew attention to the Increase im the numbér of insane from one in each 1,168 '6f population in 1871 to one in each 340 in 1905, while in Quebec thers is only one in each 459, in New Bru wick one in 460, and in Nova Beotfa one in 860. The question was, "Is Gi ernment ald to-day given in sdéh & way as to kill individual effort, and cam it be given in such a way as to stimu- late it?" Had the plan originally adopt= ed and since pursued In some way re- tained the assistance of @he muhlei- palities In determining who are proper~ ly admissible 2nd wlio 'should pay to what extent it woyld have: enlis the help of thousands of prisonersih fng Intimate knowledge of the cases, who would have ail been interested in some degree in seeing that the system wad not abused: One of the most con= spicuous consequences of the plan | adopted is that it has developed a sys«' tem which, however humane and effi» clent it may be, has a pauperizing ef- fect. No Such, complaint exists in the cases of housed of refuge and of non= paying hospital patients. Does the local knowledge and interest in these case ub to solve the ut one condition--that the not result in increased § nicipalitt © Oné=Treating Inshriates." | In the annual report of Prisons and Dr. R. W, Bruce Smith prison and a reformatory in the province north: ormal \ Ttecontmehs a Bt some point popu Son in that part of the province, and the fact that the jails and lockups there dé not permit of the accommodation of Prisoners sentenced to long terms, while | there 1s no asyiom in the district; is the bas! ndation. « J is suggested that Fs distiiot and # ate buildings for the pu na tract of our mentally afflicted, and the devising , der yi TTR Pail Ra ity and | the careful oversight of each individual . tion} o conld be induced to render us énv~one million whose Haters: whose, @haracter, whose _triu are the sante as his oe | veins, in spite of poverty and there courses, Soren the same blood iv in a few years iil an oe d something in the nature of & social upheaval; g re-arrangement in the thi and practice of dealing with the ployed, and mark you this-- the meth of the unemployed them- selves Ii dealing with their own dea- tintegd® © | Rm stism Makes Life Mis- J erable. A f) ippy hcnie is the most valu able possession that 1s within the teach of mankind, but you cannot enjoy fts comforts if you are suffer- ag Im rheumatism. You throw aside business cares when you en- home and you can be rc SC rheuntatic Ain: Bs CAN I Oue dpplication will lief and its continued t time will bring about are. For sale by al Tuva by Bain fou 1 fr a sh pancut sis: AV ul With the Canadian Weapon. hort time ago a prominent rall- an of Canada went to China by one million fellow- courte | Upto $5 3 Cts: Over $5 up to $10... 6 cts. Over 10 upto 30.10 cts Over 30 upto 50..I5 cts. Best way to send small amounts Cashed [ree at any Bank. | | For sums over $50 use BANK DRAFTS. Best and cheapest way to send LARGE AMOUNTS. PORT PERRY AGENCY. H. 6. HUTCHESON, Manager. NEW STORE IN PORT PERRY mmm Special Rates. I'he undersigned having purchased that brick building on the corner of Queen and John Streets, in the Western portion of the business centre of the town, has opened out a fine Stock of TINWARE, GRANITEWARE, NOTIONS, &C. which he will sell Cheap for Cash. TUESDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY BARGAINS. MM. EHBEPIRO. t= Butter, Eggs, and all kinds of Farm Produce taken as Cash. Al Wanted Scrap Iron, Rubbers, Sheep Skins, Wool, Horse and Cow Hides, Horse Hair, &c. ls The Deceitfulness of Fur. He In Deliberate. It detracts somewhat from one's fesl- Jk over the ground with a view to | 1 railroads. He was supplied tters of introduction which gave dghtrance into the best clubs of the he visited Br dinner one night he was watch- e diplomats playing poker. Un= pnally an American gave offence ussian attache. American apologized, bit the official was not to be appeased e man from the United States d to the onlookers. The Cana- kX up his part and subsequent: hand. game, however, was not to pro~ the Russian declared that the $lan also had insulted him. Latef ond waited on the Canadian, and jag as he was the challenged party tauld have the choice of weapons. $ irafiroad builder took the matter y as an Ruropean duellist and that the man whose hand at had taken up, would act as his The Russian envoy again sald e Canadian, being the challenged would have the choles of wea- yr 89 ard f right," he said, "let it be the n weapon->the axe' Faffair ended that night, and fhe n paid the bill, which was wine and cigars. rte eh ol 4 rio's Lieutenant-Governor. ~Governor W, Mortimer Clark ntentionally started a contro- n, at the opening of the On- use recently, he used the word ent" Instead of "Legislature," & was called to the Om- many years prac He onto University, and n chairman of the ant of Knox College. tenant-Governor of the office with dig- cutting ice on the tive visitor to thé 'were hard at work | you ever know him td @o anything in Mrs. S8parks--Your husband is a very deliberate man, isn't he? Mrs. Blow- to know that after the furrier, chem- man--Indeed he {s. Mrs. Sparks--Did ist and dyer have got through with the rabbit skin it may be a "sealskin," a "sable," an "otter," a "Siberian squir- rel," a "mink," a "marten," a "beaver" or any other fashionable fur. The transformation takes place {n the shops which sell felt te hatmakers; carpet weavers ead fot ¢ mapufactirets. and a hurry? Mrs. Slowman--Never! He plans every movement with the utmost deliberation and lingers studiously cvef | every detail. I have often thought that tf he ever dies suddenly it will be an Wel shock to him. There cannot be different degrees of purity any more than there can can be. There's no superla One flour cannot be purer than another. It can only be more nearly pure. In these times when all flour man. ufacturers are claiming purity you should remember these two things : Actual purity in flour can only be secured by the use of electricity. Royal Household Flour is the only flour, made and sold in Canada, thats purified by electricity. - You can get Ogilvie' Royal Household Flour : fiom your § wOgilvie's for ) : Book aoe aniirn hb Your our grove ariel you or ows General & Fancy Dry Goods ing of pride in a handsome fur garment | auding dowble dose of Chamberlain' § oi, ach and Liver Val lets, aud. by fig: {liberal use suon completely knock- {ed out the grip." Sold by all' drugs | gists. Paris "and 'Lohdon are the principal centers for this Industry. Ip those cities millions of rabbit skins are dress- ed and treated, and bogus furs are sen ght to robe men and women of all parts of the world. The skins are pur- ° chased soon after they have been strjp- ped from bunny's back and are 7} and hard when they are unpacked in the sorting room. Experts examine each skin, and (hose which come up td, the established standard are sent to | the furriers, but the torn, undersized | and punctured pelts are turned over to e men and women who strip the bide of its bailr for the felt maker.--Ex- | change. * Lady Jane Grey. Lady Jape Grey was tbe most learn- ed child of which history has any rec- ord. Before she was nine years old she wrote a beautiful hand and was able to play on many different instru- ments. She could speak several lan- guages, both ancient and modern, bes | sides being well grounded in philoso hy. When other children were play- ing she would amuse herself by read- ng writings of the philosopher Plato in the original Greek, Perhaps it was be- canse she had led a very lonely life when she was a child, as her mother and father were often away at court, feaying her to the care of her govern- ess and her schoolmasters at the gloomy family place called Bradgate. The big sguare house was built on the edge of a great forest surrounded by acres of uninhabited land. There were | very few books and not any newspa- | pers at the castle, and Lady Jane Grey bad po playmates, as her governess would not allow her to play with the servants' children, .and there were nm. others suitable for her companions Within miles. | [ 1 The Origin of Windfall. The origin of the expression *"'wind- fall," which is used when one Wishes to refer to a streak of good luck, dates back to the time of William the Cor- queror. At that time it was a criminal offense to cut timber in the British for- ests without royal consent. All thot could be gathered for fuel or other purposes was such limbs as the wind should happen to break and cast to the ground. On this account the peasants hailed a great windstorm as a blesi™ ing, because it was apt to east enough of "windfalls" for winter firewoorl. From thia old time forestry custom comes the modern application of the expression. At one time it was decreed that enly such Imbs and whole trees as ghould fall during the three summer months could be used as (irewood, but the unjustness of the act was so plain- ly apparent that no attempt was ever made to enforce It. Muzsled Women of Muscat. ¥ Women of the better class in Musent all wear muzzles, which barely ailow them to open the mouth or see with the éye or sneeze. If there happens to be a Cleopatra in Muscat she will nev- er fascinate any Antony by the beauty of her well shaped nose, for it is kept in a specially made, ugly case, in which it is impossible to tell its shape. But with all its faults this is a far better gystem than that of eutting off the nose, as men in the Kangra district in India are wont to do when any of their spouses have proved too fascinating.- Ventriloquism In the Bible. Ventriloquism, which Is described as "speaking from the belly," has its first historic mention, as far as we are aware, in Isaiah xxix, 4, "And thou shalt be brought down and shall speak out of the ground, and thy speech shall be low out of the dust, and thy voice shall that ¥ bs Resourceful. ! "Here!" roared the old lawyer to his son, studying law with him. "You told me you had read this work on evidence; and yet the leaves are not cut." : "Used X rays," yawned the versatile son, and the father chuckled with de-, light as he thought what a lawyer the . boy would make.--London Punch. The One Exception, "Of course," said Henpeck, "f don't akvoys do what my wife tells me"-- = + "What!" exclaimed Meeker In sus prise. "No; you see if she's in a sarcastic' mood when she orders me to do anys thing I know she Wisi we 5 ie} the opposite." : en meat Ris Experience, First ArtistBut you love art for

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