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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 24 May 1906, p. 3

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Ay Eg cael od of children if a reliable remedy is + FALL AND WINTER each regular 168 17¢ ted (Hlassware 15c. regular Raby and Gol Glassware 17c. regular}. 250 3 ¢, regular 25c. : 'that real hot weather has come, we wish to, you that we can cater to your Summer need; Lawn Blouses.--We have sold a large num| already, but we have just received a new and have others coming in in the course of a You will find both styles and values right. 'Whitewedr.--We prepared early for this department, ai fow { Plates just 2s Sheapy ; can show you excellent ranges in Corset Covers, Plates to Large Size Nickle Plated Kettles 75c, Cheap at $1. gt. Nickle Plated Kettle (Copper bottom) 60c. Steel Frying Pans 12¢, 26¢ and 40c. 'We have a Big Variety of Milk and Water Pails to sell from 7 up, (SEE THEM) Ladies' Belts regular 40c to 60c, Special 25c. : Rubber Balls, regular 10c for bc. ; A Big Lot of Ladies' Hand Bags, just opened up, from 50c to 3, worth considerably more, Children's 25c. Pearl Buttons 3¢, 4c, bc, 6c doz. Agate Buttons 3 doz. 5 cents, Goud Quality*Elastic 7c yard regular 10c. A Good Assortment Ladies' Side Combs 10¢ Pair up. Oar Assortment of Notions is very complete and deserves 'your attention. Whenever you need Chinaware for Presents be sure and see 5 our stock, {he Largest by far ever shownin Port Perry) Braryritiy peeded in Stationery in Stock Here at Right rices, Don't forget your Fireworks and Flags have them at All Prices). 'We are now prepared to take all the Butter and « Bggs you can bring Us at Highest Market Prices. : ROSE & CO. (Penhall Block ) for the 24th (We --THH TATE --- PORT PERRY. For Over Bixty Years MRS. WINSLOWS' BOOTHING SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers for their children while Sesthing. If disturbed st night snd broken of you rest by. o siek ohild suffering and orying with pain of Cutting Teeth, send at once and get a bottle of "Mr. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. It 0000000000006 A GREAT SCHOOL ELLIOTT TORONTO, ONT. Students from British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Manitoba on the a to N st are ndance: this year. Distance is no hinderance to those who wish to get the best. graduates are always successful. Oys Facilities are unsurpassed, Commence now. No vocations. College open entire year. Maguifi- cent catalogue free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, Cor. Yonge and Alexander Streets. Pee 0006064404 For Sale. QUANTITY OF SasH AND GLASS, Frames and Doors complete, He: AND LOTS, situated i an Cochrane St. Port Perry known as the Wilcox residental prepesey- Sve x ADAMS BROKER, Port PERRY. Those who have taken other laxa. tives without satisfaction -- and those who have taken such quanti- ties of other laxatives that they have lost their eflect --will find a pleasant surprise in Lax-ets. There is usually no pain, griping, nausea or discomfort even in severe cases, This candy bowel laxative-- Lax. * ETS--is oniy 5 cents, Sold by A. . J« Davis. Cheap. J. IRVIN, Port PERRY, Port Perry, Apl. 26, 1906. 44 ill Often-times in the" et - available fatal consequencesmay be voided. - For these emergencies parents are urged to have at hand ady for immediate use Dr, Shoop's eria Cure, Dr. Shoop's Croup ah 'Shoop's Worm Cure and Shoop's Paid Panacea. Chil ailments demand proraptness else, There 2 Song or that can possibly barm in exce on Ponsebeld medi- 5 Vis: i | ew Brunswick on the Our Roller Doors, Hinges, &c., For Sale |seE | THE MaNNISH STYLE "We are Sole Agent for the Cele- {3 All the newest lasts and Drawers, Underskirts, and Gowns. The Values are, busy woman can afford to mak $6.50. Conference. This much discussed Methodist Conference will megs few days now, and we want to supply many of our cas with new Table Linen and Towels. We can gi cellent values and good variety. If some one wg fine: Cloth 'and Napkins to match, we can at $25.00 Specials for This Wee CORSETS--0dd lines of 50c and 75c Corsets for 39¢c MEN'S SHIRTS--Hard bosom Shirts, regular 75c, Soft bosom Shirts, regular 60c, Flannellette working Shirts : regular 5Cc for 39c. CAPS--A new line of Boys' Cloth Caps, bright peaks, for 25¢ A new line Yachting Caps in Grey for 50c. JONES & SON. PORT PERRY. NORTH-WEST LANDS FOR SALE The Land Department of the Union Trust Co. F. W. Hodgson, - - Manager. Sm. Having secured the Agency for. the 'above lands fymg in the best Wheat Eelts of the North-West, will be prepared to give all infor- mation desired andsfurnish, on application, a ca'alogue of all our] lands giving a discription of each quarter, half and whole Section, also regarding payments which are the most reasonable of any offered. Excursons will be run out to the lands on June 5, and 19.--Fare to Battleford $38; to Edmonton $42.50--to all intending purchasers. Call at my office and any information will bg given. E. H. PURDY. P. S.--All purchasers will be allowed their Fare on their first pay- ment. Port Perry, May 9, 1906. NONE BETTER THAN |SpringStyles in Ladies'& Njen's Boots & Shoes| We are Sole Agents for the|s Ga) Empress Shoe for Ladies, THESE ARE THE BEST SHoes MADE IN CANAD, We have bought very heavy before the advance in prices are selling at the old prices. ARE SPECIAL AGENTS $2.60, $3.00, $3.60 THE NEWEST uated "Sovereign" and "Astoria" hoes for Men. ~ Fv styles in nt: Leather and Valour Calf ges vable. I of - Cartwright, rtham. Good strong good buildings ping stream. her, balance Two ER. q ded to dispose of it at a in order to clear out the k. 20 per cent discount Mens' and Boy's Suits, Caps, Brace, Mits, Undearwear. Sale will ill all of the stock is dis Come early get your Sale at Purdy's Old Stand. E. H. PURDY. above appeared in print 1 have purchased the jack of Clothing at a tre- ysacrifice and intend to fhublic the full benefit of te purchase ; the price of Went has been cut to the bi that the price you will [Clothing atumy store for few weeks will be the low- amt bound to pin plete clearance. I- AL NTT OF ONTAR t meeting of th of Lr Brsuant to ad AS WE HAVE HATS AND TRIMMINGS TO SUIT ALL A FINE ASSORTMENT OF FLOWERS, AND A VARIETY OF STYES TO CHOOSE FROM. A GUARANTEED SILK UNDERSKIRT FOR $s0c mir Ff THE LATEST IDEAS IN OOLLARS AND BELTS NEW IDEA FASHION BOOKS FOR 5 CENTS AND 2 ANY PATTERN FOR 10 CENTA LY IY Having had the commwdions Store in the Currie Block fitted up espec- jally, 1 am satisfied I have now one of the best appointed Drug Storesin the Province, and have takes possession of my new and extensive premises, where I have opemsed up, addition to my extensive stock of Drugs, Chemicals, and Fancy Goods, a full line of SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES While returning thanks to my numerous patrons | would extend an invitation to all to call and see me in my mew premises. A |] DAVIS Port Perry, Sept 2 1900. RA Full Stock # + OF EVERYTHING IN THE Harness L.iine \CHEAPNESS STYLE Durability and STRENGTH, Cannot be urpassed in the County. Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks era of Prices Couto W. A. BEATTY. HOUSE - CLEANING TIME Changes are being made, such as Setting aside Old Furniture AND GETTING NEW. The Subscriber can supply you with as good and cheap Furniture as any other in the trade. My stock is new. Give mea call and secure bargains. ¥=%" Note the place, next door to St. Charles Hotel EF Agent for Monuments. "§F BEF Weod Wanted. ©3 Has come. JOHN NOTT i i : { J. W. Meharry REAL ESTATE BROKER. Experience is Invariably Essential to Success. 1 would call special attention of parties requiring Farms to Four fine properties now listed and for Sale Three Farms in Scugog. fine Farm in Reach §@ Parties d& of disposing of landed properties Satisfaction guaranteed. sale. LOANS "meme tose towers st soameatiyio EF] represent the most desirable Fire and Life Insurance i Prompt attention given to applications. 5a | Dearer fx D. PERKIN Begi td anhoties fo Citizens of Port Pe surrounding country that 36 rin the Ebbels' Block, with fine collection of Suitings, Vestings and Pantifgs, Having had a large exper- ience I am prepared to make Suits as good and as cheap' and up-to-date as any in the trade. Suits made to order fromy |$10 up. | Port Perry, May, 1906. > he, + 22 EE Dillen Hinge-Stay Fence Manufactured by the Owen Sound Wire Fence Co. Ltd., and an prepared to sapply this whole community with the very BEST WIRE FENCE produced on this' Continent and at prices that can not fail to satisfy purchasers. The Dirron Fence is without "a peer. lt is the BEST because it is flexible ; it is a square mesh ; itis a perfect hinge-stay fence, therefore it is mnpossible to bend the stays ; in fact it is the best fence made in this of any other country Before purchasing a Wire Fence {don't fail to inspect the DiLrLoN * | FEXCE. J. H. Brown, AGRICULTURAL MENTS AND MACHINERY. {April 6, 190s. IveLE SEAGRAVE To Sell or Rent. The undersigned will séll or rent | his House and Lot in PrinceAlbert, For particulars apply to the pro- prietor on the premises R. BRANTON. Prince Albert, March 20, 1905. { { i F YOU WOULD HAVE GOOD LUCK § IN HATCHING CHICKENS, DUCKS asp TURKEYS, you should without delay purchase "The Chatham", the Kisg of {all Incubators Let of the features that make 'The Chatham Incubator the most effective batching apparatus ever built us lista few It has double walls, which are thoroughly packed with Mineral Wool which is | absolutely fireproof, aud the most perfect' nou-conductor that could be used. { | It has Automatic, Thermostatic Bar Regu | lator, Selfvestilated Nursery. It. is | made for a Canadian People by "a reliable | Canadian Firm that bas a reputation to" malutaie THK CHATHAM will batch more strong, | robust chicks, from strongly fertilized eggs. than avy other machine made. THE CHATHAM will pay yoo 100% better than any vther investment made on th Farm. Mr. George Lee, Greenbank, Out., writes' as follows ;-- I bave 78 smart chicks which I bard to beat at this time of the year apd is. 0 better than hatching with hens I can cheerfully recommend The Chatham' to every person contemplating boying Inculntor, as you canuot make a by so doing. . THE CHATHAM is sold on tiroe, either, = jn one, two or thre payments, wot a cend wired until next October. Ye EGGS FOR HATCHING ° T Len purchasing eggs for hatching anak sur: \ uu are receiving them {rom pore,' heatiy stock, We can supply you With the 1iry best, and agree to replace clear egg returved, free of charge, W bave the Bory Omrixerox, the Queen Winter La; ; the Burr Lucuorys, the Ladies' Idol: and the 'old reliable Baszep PLymovrs Rovxs! Call of Prices. a

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