one year his total fown_ of Lindsay ng the Public Lib- 'Which is a credit and to the town as well as in [very respect 'to the | eis architect and ctor for the new building now | _ 'constructed in Lindsay for a in which our es-|8 Madison | d gan, Mr. mss $0 och interested finan: wise, in fact, he is} portant position off f of the new Com. 18 an extensy The foundation isin ov struction, and ithe building §s to be completed ip 'Sep- re Radda; lit les throw been made'an important considera: nd brings rol > yth-- ivi i CE . Williams' Pink Pills{ 23¢ dispatching _outpuls-the; dlessnéss just as sutely as ciosest connection pgsible isassur ures hunger, and "the hew |ed'which is of great importance to blood which the. pills make braces | so extensive an industry. the nerves and tones and strenght- ens every organ and every part of| Mr. George Minty who for a he bods at is why these pills | number of years (past has carried ; strike sies he at the riot of Sich mail between Uxbridge and Utica iseases as headaches, ; " sideaches, and backaches, kidney and not having tendered for a con- 'trouble, indigestion, neuralgia, tinuation of the contract, he has rheumatism, St. Vitus!daiice, par- [decided to change his occupation alysis, and the troubles from which | and all will be pleased to learn that women and growing girls suffer in | he hag received an appointment the Since. Ils Des Juprored » duties of which will be less arduous, Pink Pills cure after doctors and all | he has been appointed time keeper other medicines have failed. But |at the freight shed at Depot Harbor, you must get the genuine' pills with | Ong. the present terntinus of the the full name, * Dr. Williams Pink | &ynada Atlantic railway" During Pills for Pale People," on the wrap- Fan : : around each box. Ail medicine | MT Miuty's career ag a mail carer, ies ap sell these pills or you canbe was ever courteous and accomo- get them by mail .at go cents a box | dating, notwithstanding his trials a A Sizes for 32.50 by dressing and tribulations at certain season's The Williams' icine Co., Brock- of the year owing to-the narrow- : Ont. ville, guage roads he had to travel, but MONEY Several sums from | never surrendered to any difficulties placed with n : System. to throw $300 to $10,000, have | 1ha¢ were surmountable and invar- me for immediate in- |' : vestment at lowest rate. » iably landed his important charge HUBERT I. EBBELS, (on time. All wish Mr. Minty in- er, Port Perry. | creased comfort and prosperity in his new field of labor. Nort FamiLy Recoap.--A beau~ if is : YEE GBSER VE ti lly priited book relative to the Has a Good CincULaiow. sad fs con. | NOt Family has just been publish- stantly growing in favor. It is the BEST (ed by Rev. Benj. Nott,' M. A. Ph, eg vd in Cour) "wom |D , who for many years has been comsecvative and practical clams of people | massing the necessary information fs not'a favorite of 'schémers, boomers and % cliques ; it is the Oldest and Best Ratablished | 10 '0THer to perfect the work which ~founded ia 1657--the uiost original and best iy di i ? toned Jo 1952 din, 1s highly creditable in every respect. and ia | ontivly in. the piace of pub | He has succeeded in tracing 150 . be "lw J connections. dak Tom 17 > : 1 not. in| the 'pres 4 TR ule shane "14 tn | thie: present f h : wr occupy. ifn nt.and responsible JOB PRINTIN G positions. John Nott, E<q. of this THE MOST MODERN BTYLES ... as ----AND AT LOW PRICES | town being one of eldest and most 4 ---------------- | prominent chagacters living of the North Ontario Observer. genealogical tree. The work is . handsomel 'Boand and doubtless (The Octal Paper of the People.) highly prized By thé surviving mem- -- ===--=======--= | hers of that lage and influential FOUNDED IN 1857 Flip ee eee 4 § @niy Paper Printed Published tn Port Perry. Messrs. Selwyn and Beverly Sang- ster' of { Ottawa, and Mr. Ward Allison of Montreal, are visiting PORT PERRY, JULY, 5, 1906. =-------t--------------pe---e--_ |relatives and friends in town. They EF The public may hol'be aware | lately] experienéed a lively, -of the fact that there was every [restful and sleepless time, in the prospect of a Dominion general (north,in attempting to camp, they "election lately owing to a split | were hterally' for four days and among the supporters of the Gov. ; four nights covered with mosquitos. | un- ernment on the late journalistic The Watchman-Warder, Lind. fracas. Sir Wilfrid pulled the boys| hs into line by threatening dissolution. | >2Y; 1S now possessed by a strong Jato dine, by g and influential company, financial £3 The North Ontarip, Liberal | and otherwise, and, if possible, is to Conservative Convention' held at | pe improved. Its record. so far, is Uxbridge last week, made a judici | 4 grand one, and does credit to the 'ous selection in selecting Capt. Newspaperdom of the Dominion. Sharpe a candidate for next Do- oll Cae general election. That the| New Telephone Connection will represent North Outario wext" Dominion Parliament is foregone conclusion. By a line which has lately beeu erected by the Bell Telephone Com- x ¥ % AND DesTRUCTIVE Gare | P2OY? from Port Perry, residents in - Friday last dytingia severe and near the (villages of Cadmus, Blackitock and Nestléton can now ind storm the skeleton of Mr. J. M. als new barn near Greenbank, be reached bygtelephoge. down and much damage timbers which will Decicrous I public of this entire district and ly entitled to five up to their notincements. T Mid-Sum er Bargaing will be so pumerous at all may participate in the prizes. Port Perry Creamery has dy, this season, largely in- ased its output over former sea- pnsy the patrons are delighted at sults, The Creamery: has an viable reputation both for the'ex- lency of its output and the hand. ome priced obtained for it. i EZ A Garden Barty under thel} pices of the Methodist Church, hester; will take place' he . A The staff of the Port Perry Public Schools wish to report the following successful students. We have re: commended some students on their term work which has been satisfac- tory. The names of the students in the several divisions appear in order of merit : DIVISION V TO VI, Aleck Souch Florence Cook Elsie Bradley Aileen McCa Frank Gry Ethel H Harry negle Minnie Aitkins Muriel Cook Beatrice Vickery Louie Clark Harold Emmerson 4 Neil Campbell (recommesided) DIV. IV TO DIV Vi Willie Alexander Vera Cook Vera Goode Edna Oldfield Earl Woodley Ethel Town Harold Allen Hugh Wright Nora McLean Cora Brimble May Coultis Mild re orto] Recomm 11, Wilson k: on Sisson. DIV, III TO IV. Many of them] Lodge. -At his 'death 'honerary siemb 1da Woodley Hugh Campbell es ie } equa) Violet Raincs r Keith Brice Oliver Roberts Melville Ingram Una 5 Ebr abrott } (equal) Clarence Cook J 1¥ Bert' McGregor Cora Clark Louie Mellis (recommended) TO DIV. III ce DIV. II Clarence McKinnon Willie Ashton Lela Black Clinton Short Lena Hall Lily Steinberg Gladdys Boe Recomm Velna Raines