rich, red blood--lots of i 'that brings health and strength made several trips to the Soo to ; consult doctors and spent much | versity. The talented young lady on medicine but nothing | mentioned is daughter of Dr, W. E. helped him--in fact he grew worse. He could not eat much and the little he did eat would not remain on his His stomach was exam- « stomach. : ined by X Rays and found to be ina - terribly inflammed condition. After remaining at the Soo for some time the doctor discours "had taken nine boxes he was per- ctly well and able to go to work pain." Mrs. Castonguay continues: "] have also used the Fite for fe- male troubles and them a perfect medicine. My little one also owes good health and a rosy color ta them." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure all the troubles due" to poor blood or shattered nerves, such as anacmia, rheumatism, dyspepsia, neuralgia, St. Viius dance, partial paralysis, etc.. simply because he made rich, red, health-giving blood. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at oc. a box or six boxes for $2 50 om The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Several sums from MONEY. $300 to $10,000, have been placed with me for immediate in- wvestment at lowest rate. HUBERT L. EBBELS, Barrister, Port Perry. THRE OBSERVER........ Has 4 Goop CIRCULATION stant); in favor. It cham) conservative and is not = favorite wert, booms ; it is the Oldest and Best Established in 185§--the most original and best Practical class of aches local d gener: de ta » a or erireiy in the piace of pair | where his son, Dr. Bateman, re- -- Pe 3 » For Pern. sides, and the Dr. reports. that the RAE RT ei paid in | oy fferer is doing as well as could be JOB PRINTING THE MOST MODERN STYLES ... +...AND AT LOW PRICES 1807 OUR JUBILEE YEAR. 1907 North Ontario Observer. (The Official Paper of the People.) ©nily Paper Printed and Published in Pert Perry. PORT PERRY, JUNE 20, 1907. Immense damage was also done along the Grand Trunk Pacific right-of-way, and the loss of Foley Bros., who have the contract, will be large. Three powder-houses caught fire last week and blew up. The camps at Finmark and Bay of English were also destroyed, to gether with a large quantity of con- struction material. The loss to the Jumbermen will also be large, as many miles of standing timber has been swept out by the fire. At the session recently ended, the Kansas Legislature passed no fewer than nineteen bills to regulate the conduct of the railways of the state. Another * gateway" has made its appearance in the Northwest. This time it is Prince Albert, which ad- wvertises itself as the gateway to the Hudson Bay." 'Drop "Rev." in Business. [ivomhs CRoronto) Globe of June 16.1 We respectfully request any who may engage in busi- drop the prefix " Reverend" blood builder ksown to science. They never fail Jo the sufferer. They dre a lanuly y ood for if grandmother or dfather; the mother or father : eto children. Thous- ands have found new health aud strecgth through the use of thuse pills, As proof of their being a fam- sly medicine Mrs Caas. Castonguay, ichipicoten River, Ont., says:-- +My husband was ill for five months and was unable to do any work. He 's care without find- and is con- is the BEST in the County: is the Agrioulturists and more | people ers nnd Mtr. Herbert Baird, Manchester, having succeeded in winning the Degrecs for which has been studi: ously and energetially contending for at our great Seats of Learning at Toronto, has just accepted a respon- sible position on ** The World" staff inl the Queen city. Mr. Baird pos- sesses all the requisites and desir- able qualifications to succeed at any occupation he may deem it desirable to embark in; and we pre dict for the young man a bright and successful career. The name of Miss Velma Hamill stands prominently in the recent list of graduates who obtained the degree of B.A. from Toronto Uni- Hamill who practised so success. fully in this vicinity during a por- tion of the eighties in the past cen- tury. The Manitoba (Winnipeg) Free 'Gertrude, aged oue year and ten days, the youngest daughter of Dr Corbett, Armstrong's Point, from heart failure. The baby, although not quite in its usual health, was not considered in a serious condi- tion, and her sudden demise came as a great shock to all the friends, and was particularly sad, as Dr. and Mrs. Corbett were on the ocean, returning from a trip abroad." Doctor and Mrs. Corbett, nee Cosie Sangster, have the sympathy nf this commanity in their great grief. Our esteemed citizen, Wm. Bate man, Esq., who for some time past has not enjoyed the best of health, but possessed of indomitable courage and energy is never idle, and of late has been engaged on the bridge of which he is commissioner, and it is surmised that he over-exerted himself. On Thursday evening he had a paralytic stroke which event- | ually has effected his right arm and The following morning for Pickering, | right leg. he took the train expected under the circmstances. Much regret is expressed by Mr Bateman's host of friends at his serious illness. WeLL Dong Scucog !--Our vet- eran and successful dealer in horses, Mr. John McMillan, secured lately an exceptionally choice animal from the stables of Messrs. Hope Bros., Scugog. It was a registered Cly- desdale filly, four years old, and the price paid for it was three hundred and twenty-five dollars. Scugog is famous for its stock, and this is an~ other instance that proves conclu- sively that it pays to raise the best. Another Grand, Popular Union Excursion. The Sons of England Benevolent Society, The Ancient Order United Workman, and The 34th Regi- mental Band of Whitby, have ar- ranged to run their annual Excur- sion to Orillia, via Whitby and Ma- nilla Junction, on Wednesday, July i7th, 1907. Starting from Bow- manville at 7.57 a.m. and Speeial train leaves Rosebank at about 7.50 a.m. Special train runs through to Orillia. Remember the date and everybody come. Its the best ever. Particulars later. | No greater mistake can be made than to consider lightly the evidence of disease in your system, Don't take desperate chances on ordinary medicines. Use Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea, 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. ; --A. J. Davis. Auction SaLe.--Mr. John War- per, Utica, having concluded to move to Blind River, has determin- ed to dispose of all his personal property, consisting of live stock, Decoration Services.--The an- nual Decoration Services of graves of Deceased Brethren of the various Fraternal Societies, will (D.V.) be held on Sunday, June 3oth, 1907. Brethren will assemble at the town hall at 4 p.m. sharp. Special ser- vices will be conducted at the cemetery. T. J. Wippen, Secy of Committee EZ A Garden Party under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid--- Church of England will be held,on Church Lawn, on Wednesday, 26th June. Brooks g3, N. Colville 85, V. Black 85, G. Perkins 84, H. Purdy 83, B. Savage 78, W. Evansys, U. Spence 74, L Colville 72, G. Alen 72, | Woodley 71, V. Raines 71, F. Jones 71, M. Ingram 69, E. Abbott 6g, L Woodley 68, L. Walling 66, C. 60, B. McGregor 60, A. Cortin 54, V. Nott 51, G. Hern 49, L. Melis 6, Absent--C. Cook, H. Campbeil. Washington, June 18.--The Jap. Embasay in. thi : Yep rec: . All efforts to obtain any important statement on the subject from the Embacsy has failed. The Ambass- ador refuses to be scen in regard to the matter, sm ie To Advwrtise the Dominion. Ottawa, June 18,--The immigra- tion branch is about to renew the experiment carried out so succss- fully three or four years ago, and bring out about a dozen represen tative newspaper men from the British Isles to tour Canada from coast to coast. They will land in the Dominion the first week in in harvest time. cellent Wheat is Coming up Finely. Winnipeg, Man., June 17.--Sat- urday's crop report states that on the main line sections of the Csna- dian Northern wheat is coming up finely, and everywhere it is report- ed that grain is all sown, and the weather is good. The acreage will be five to ten per cens. greater than last year. Rain is needed at Roblin. A heavy harvest is anti- cipated at Munster and grain is up eight inches at 'Humbolt. Around North Battleford the acreage isre ported douhle that of other years. A large quantity of barley and oats is being sown everywhere. Farmers at Marionville think the crop better than could reasonably be expected. Fort William, Ont., June 17.-- Thousands of dollars' worth of dam- ages have been done in this district by destructive forest fires which are raging in almost every part of the district. At O'Connor, a farming settlement up the Canadian North- ern, thousands of cords of firewood and a large quantity of tiles have been destroyed. The homes of two settlers were also burned. The women are moving into the town, and the men are remaining behind to fight the flames. You can't tell a woman's age after she takes Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Her complexion is fine. She is round, plump, and handsome; in fact she is young again, 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. A. J. Davis. Died 103 Years Old. Picton, Ont., June 18.--Perhaps the oldest man in the county, if not in the province, Mr. John Pymer, died to-day at his home in Bloom- field aged 103 years. His death was due wholly to old age, as he had hitherto enjoyed excellent health. The late Mr. Pymer was born in London, England, April 12, 3804. He emigrated ta Canada in the early 30's, settling in Prince Edward County on the Bun Settle- ment. he took active part in the battle'of Windmill near Prescott. en Why Burn Your Toes? Stop using Acid Corn Salves. use Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor ; it costs a little more, but it's far the vehicles, implements, furniture,| best. Use only "Putnam's"--asc| 'blacksmiths' utensils, &c., and in at all dealers, E ry y 'On Wed den Henry, being present, was i vited to a seat beside the Warden, and briefly addressed the Council. nesday morning ex-War- PEE & Dr. Waugh, P.S. Act. He also ex Examination in Composition. Div. IV. Max. 100 --G. Henry g8, N. Orchard g5, L Jack 95, G.| August, and, after visiting the Mar-| itime provinces, will then proceed | west, reaching the prairie districts | During the rebellion of 1837 "7% The grant of The Co | Campell, lic works, oint meeting lof this an ils of the minor ' municipaliti jraday,Junezo, | at 1.30 p.m. AY. ing absent; Mr: fof Brock, was Warden. F.] Lave morning was . In the aftet- iSuperintendent ppendent Chil: Council on the pent. and com Bared reports. work of his' | mittees metg ifithe Committee es was present ecommended. The first fon Roads a led. The {amongst othe | Assuming Victoria Ca at, Scott's action with ridge' knoy Se of $250, the former Beaverton bridge cost of $r25. Re Cartwright Rq building of the Gov Lin.!say has caused Scugog {to raise, expenditure of large ing this roadway, a is now in need of Dominion Governme asked to make a gra and the application ferred to the Comniti ways and Canals, there nt dam at waters of n build- | the same g becn re- "on Rail- t recom- | mended asking the nty Mem- bers at Ottawa to press;ithe matter before the Minister of Railways and Canals. HE The report was ado; ed. The Commitlee on County Prop- erty presented theig first report, which recommended--=* That repairs to de@in on street leading from goal be/made. That steps to north entrance to Court House be replaced byicement steps at a cost of $30. . y That paper be supplied for two rooms in residence of caretaker of Court House, at a prébable ccst of $5 . That the north andigéuth entrance halls of Court House ed at a probable cost of $25. A pumber of accounts were re- commended for payment, The cominittee disapproved of employees ordering work done and material purchased without author- ity. Ri 1 eport adopted: On motion the ed to communicate i Commission, the erous condi tion of the crossing of the Reach Road at Raglan by the C.P.R., and the necessity of measures being taken to ensure r safety at this point. ~ . was instruct- the Railway SATURBAY, The report of the Committee on Agriculture was taken up, and was the subject of much discussion, which was not concluded, but will be taken up at the adjourned meet- ing. 3 ; The Council adj on Monday, June 17, If you are caugh sore throat, neural] pain, don't wait for Begin prompt treal son's Nerviline! every trace of col ism, Zi from a lay-up in b chase can bring n a bottle of Poise the cleanest, made. eve 25¢ bottles. rheumat- alfl, saves you D) Oo 25¢C pur- comiort than regarding Govern- 3 Foto -- uzst referred t6 committee on | bone Y| He stood deservedly high in the hel 1 -sEH i. § £ Hs ag Fo pleaded earnestly wi 'nearly two hours, mething is done, op of New andl rae his papers, Ni ; up his foundland i left the room with- t uttering another word. A fi utes later the other Promiers emerged, excitedly discussing the in- cident. The general feel was that Bond bas been badly treated. The Standard corroborates The Mail, saying the Home Government will do nothing in connection with the New- toundland fisheries. An editorial ar ticle strongly supports Bond's sction. --e lm thinking, The remedy on which all doctors agree, Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea, --A. J' DAVIS, Copenhagen, Sune 17.--A land owner of the name of Christopher- sen, who was a religions fanatic, became obessed the reformer Huss and to perish as Huss perished, shut himself up in his residence at Falster, drenched hisjclothing with petoleum and set it on fire, cremat- ing himself, GIANT TRIPLETS "Currency" determined baccoes, in big plugs. ways the same, tre BIRTH. Dowson--In Port Perry, on Sun day, June 16, 1907, the wife of Mr. A, G. Dowson, of a son. MARRIED. Fravrick--GErow-- Al the residence of the bride's father, Scugog, on ~ Wednesday, June 12, 1907, by the Rev. W. T. Wickett, Mr. Clarence Fralick to Miss Millie L.Gerow, third daughter of John Gerow, Esq. DIED. McLavcurin--In Cartwright, (lot 17, con. 6), on Friday, June 14, 1907, William McLaughlin, aged 80 years, 10 months and 14 days. Deceased occupied a prominent place in the foremost ranks of our country's present stay and future hope, not of the noisy and bluster- ing throng but of earth's true nobil- ity, the sons of industry, indepen: dence and honor who will never be nor have a slave. He took" a for- ward and leading part in every movement likely to benefit the com munity and rise them to a higher level. Agricultural pursuits were his choice and he identified himself with every scheme tending to benefit the agriculturist, and of course what that class is good for all estimation of all who knew him, and was justly regarded asa valuable member of society and held one of the most important positions in the municipality. Having a superior education and was possessed of ex- cellent judgment as to values, his services were for forty years secured by the several Councils and Juring the whole of that forty years there was not one appeal made against judgment--he was known as an ideal Assessor and the correctness industry : veg, day, M 907, aged 72 years, The medicine that sets the whole world The prescription all yor friends are taking by admiration of He «" Bobs" and '- Stag" Chewing. To- Quality al- were never | generous portion of this| dy 29 pox, | (formerly, of Priiice Albert, Ont.) | stable, , con. 7, Uxbridge, an Mooced to Miles Crosier's Reach, noon: Armstrong Bros', 'night Tuesday; Proceed to 8 Croxall's, noon; Arthur ceed to James Page's, noon; then by urday, roceed to John Renshaw's, "con 6,. Teor 8 dge, noon ; 'then' to ig brated Road and Carriage Stallion, the property of H, McKenzie, Seagiave, will make the present Season as fol- lows--Monday night, Liittle Britain, Tugsday, noon Oakwood ; night Waod- ville. 'Wednesday, noon and night, . Ogonington. ' Thursday, noon, Manilla; night, Seagrave. Friday, noon, Green- bank ; nigh,, Scbert House, Port Perry. Saturday afterpon and Mon- enoon, at his own ptable, of 1907 as follows--Monday, leave his own stablo, Caesarea, and préoeed to . noon: Thos Syers'. night. Tuesday, preceed to Temperance House, Janetville, noon and night. Wednesday, proceed to Fergus Porter's, concession 14, - Manvers, noon: Richard Wilson's, Lifford, night. Thursday, proceed to Finney Bros' Ballyduff, noon'; Fred. Ferguson's, Lotus, night. Friday, pioceed to John Sanderson's, Cadmus, noon; Temper- ance House, Blackstock, night: Satnr- day, proceed to his own stablo and re- main till Monday: Robt: McDonald is Manager: PRINCE OF KINELLAR II [3236] Vol. XII,C.8.R.C.--The well-known Clydes dale Stallion, the property of James Innes, Sonya, Ont., will makes tho season of 1907 as follows--Monday, April 29, leave his own stable and pro ceed to T. Moase, Fingerhoard, for night to linc Beetles noon ; Conger Johnston's. V«lentia for Wednesday, to J-< Roiley's, con: 2, Ops, noon ; John Ci llihy's for Tuesday, night. Monday. D. McDonald is manager. FISCAL MEMBER (12144)--A chofcely bred, imported Clydesdale, the pro- porty of Woes Season of 1907, at the Sehert House Stables. A horse of great scale aud commanding appearance, large size, in fact, a rare type of the Clydesdale breed. ROYAL FLUSH (11908) [4790] --That lion. the property of the Reach, Por Port and Scugog Syndicate, will make this season, 1907, a8 follows--Mauday, May 6, leaves his own stable, Raglan, and proceed to John Thompson's, lot 13, con: 3, Reach, noon + then to Dun- drennan Farm, Manchester, for night. Tuesday, to Jas. McKitrick's, con, 10, for night. Wednesday, to Alex. Leask's, con. 11, for night. Thursday, to the Sebert House, Port Perry, for night. Friday, to Thos Graham's, Scogog, noon; to Jas. Jackson's for night: Saturday, to Wm Midgley's, lot 18, con. 8, noon; then to his own stable till Monday. Mr. A. W. Wil- liams is Managing Direotcr. C. Blan- chard is groom, ROYAL FREELAND (imp) [6098] (Vol, 29 8.)--This Choice-bred, Imported Clydesdale Stallion the property of The Shirley Syndicate, will make the scason of 1907, as follows--Monday, May 6, leave his own stable, Shirley, and proceed te John Hobbe!, Cart- wright, noon; Blackstock night. Tucsday, to Ambleside Fatm, Scugog, night: Wednesday, te Hope Bros', night Thursday, to Sebert House, Port Perry, night. " Friday, to Wel, Somerville's,. noon Nyrtle Station, night. Saturday, to Raglan, noon; day Mr. Geo. Mackie Is manager ~. LAKEVIEW LADDIE 2477--The Im- "ported-Bred Clydesdale Stallion the property of H. Henders, Yelverton. Ont., will make the Season of 1907, as follows--Monday, May 6, will leave his own stable, Yelverton, and pro- W.Redman's, Sengog, neon; Hope Bros', night. Wednesday, to Sebert House, Port Perry, till Thursday afternoon. Thursday (four o'clook) to A. Cryder- man's, Cartwiht, night, Friday, by way of Nestleton to his own stable and Hh y noon, Cimplins, night. Wedaeadsy, Bror| ABDALLAH STANTON 127--This ocle: | Lamb, will make the | way of Epsom to Utica, night. Friday | - proved to hin own stable, night. Sat-| his own stable: W. Pugh is Manager, | 'wool, night Friday, ""kie' Hotel, Little Britain, noon night, Saturday, Mer we FRENCH MONARCH Tho French Stal- lion the property of the *Blackstock ++. Syndicate, Blackstock, Ont-, will make the season of 1907, as follows--Mon- diy leave his own stable, Swain'sHotel, Blackstock, and proceed to Arthur Gibson's, Purple Hill, noon ; then by way of Shirley, to. Raglan; Hotel, night, 'Tuesday, proveed toJohnston Nedrey's, Enfield, nooo ; then to: John Virtue's, * | Enniskillen, night. Wednesday, pro- oced to Dan Frasier's lot 83, con. 9, Clarke, noon ; then, by way of New Park, to Coulter's c Pontypool, Tra Jolincuts, Ford Porry, will make the Season of 1907, at the Sebert Houso Stables. --- Just Where the Danger Lies. In many catarrh snuffs, cocaine is the largely used ingredient; in consequence the drug habit mony be forme'. To bereally cured of catarrh, to do so quickly, safely and pleasantly, doctors say Catarrho- zone is superior to any other re- medy. It heals sore places, stops discharge, prevents hawking, spit- ting and-bad breath--does this by first destroying the causé of the disease. Catarrhozone is no experi- ment, it isa tried and proven cure that is guaranteed for bronchial, throat, nose and lung catarrh, Two sizes, 25¢ and $1 at all dealers. ot eh A lady in a certain Canadian city had a cook upon whom she set great value. Her only objection, indeed, to the girl was her large visiting list, and she hesitated to make too night. Thursday, to Lorenz Divisnn's noon ; Jenkins' Hotel, Little D-itain for night. Friday, to Alox. MeDongall's, noon ; John Waddell's, Pin dale for! night, Saturday, to own stable till highly-bred Imported Clydesdale Stal. | | | to bis own stable and remain till Mon. |* oced to Blackatook, night. Tuesday, to| © | like to know, Flora," said the lady, strong an objection thereto through sar of loring the girl's val uable services. Referring to the advent of a new admirer, "I should "why your latest caller keeps such a deathly siience when with you in the kitchen ?" The girl grinned broadly. "Oh, mam," said she, "as yit the poor fellow is that bashful he does nawthin' but ate |" ei aI BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE V.M.C.A. Bld'g, Toronto The School that gives the best busi- ness and shorthand training. Special rate forthe SUMMER TERM. Priv- ileges of ¥. M. C. A. free to our Drop card for catalogue, FE. M. WATSON, Principal, students, ~~ ExcursioN AND Pic-Nic,--The Sunday School in counection with the Methodist Church, Port Perry, intend holding their annual Excur sion and Pic-Nic for 1907, on July 1. ---------------------------------- £3 REMEMBER the Garden Party on the Church of the Ascen- sion Rectory Grounds, on Wednes- day uext, 26th June. A good Tea will be provided and served from s to 8 o'cloek, including Ice Cream. The Band will render a number of choice selections during the evening, and, in addition. a choice program will be rendered from the Verandah, All welcome. PORT PERRY MARKETS. (Quotations by A. Ros & Spon, 2 June 20, 1907. Fall Wheat .....i.. $0 68@$ 70 Spring Wheat...... © 65@ o 65 Goose Wh E and surn: eat...... 062@ o 62 042@ © 47 + ,056@ 0 56 . 025@ 0 30 100@ I 10 100@ 1 25 ... 400@ 6 50 ae 6o00@ 625 eye... 075@ 075 Peas--Small.. . 068@ o 70 : SP 0 NOTICE to the Creditors of Matthews, late of the Villag Port Perry, gentleman,' deceased; URSUANT toRevised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, tap: 129, DO- tice is hereby given that -all credit- ors andothers having claim: the Estate of the above nam Matiheds who died'on the FOP, ames, x a scriptions, together with full part culars or their claims, a statément of their accounts, and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. And notice is further given that after such last mentioned date, the Administrator of the Estate of the said deceased will proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the Estate among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only tg the claims of which notice shall, at the time of distribution have been given; and the Administrator will not be Hable for the assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim he shall not have had nofice. Dated at Port Perry, June 15, 1907. HUBERT L. EBBELS, Administrator. Notice to Oreditors of Jane Real, deceased. prasiane to Sec. 38 of Chapter 129 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, notice is here- by given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Jane LL of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, widow, who died on or about the 16th day of April, A.D. 107, are, on before the Eighth day June, A.D. 1907, to send by post, pre-paid; to James Munro, Seagrave, or Albert Orchard, Port Perry, Administrators of the said deceased their christian names and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, and that after the day last afore- said the said Administrators will proceed to distribute the assets of the said de-/ ceased among the pdrties entitled tifereto having regard only to such claims of which notice shall have been given as above required, and the said A minista-~ tors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any person or per. ey bahar or A notice 'shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution, Dated at Port Perry, this 20th day of May, A.D. 1907. WM. H. HARRIS, Port Perry, Solicilor for Administrators, Summer Susi ving ly ead August. By entering the TORONTO, ONT, Now, you will be through your coutse in the early fall which isan excellent time to get employment, Prapare for positions paying $40, 850, $60 and $70 a month. Our college has unexcelled facilities ; the attendance grows greater; more students are getting positions. De- sire "success." Educate for it by attending our sehool. Others have, Will you? Write for calalogue. 'W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts. CoAL by the operators, we aré advised they are propared for future delivery at the following Lricss per Coal 1-- Coal ! oO T0 A DROP IN PRICE OF x to a new Coal at on per on all 3 Nat, Dellvered, 87 90, 'atthe Bin $680 Stove we 2 i £5 2 » : % He ii RR Tn "w Pea