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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 4 Jul 1907, p. 1

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% * 1607 PORT PERE 58 out the up to his o ty chat, and, as she felt the blood pounds | 1 ous, § ing fnto her cheeks and up to her hair, | y she wished polgnantly that she had stayed away. To the Roosevelt, in- Qeed! "It's too cod," she objected, aimulat- tog a shiver, "W¢'ll freeze getting out i ee 1 Qur long 'doquaintance with this © district enables ws fo make as liberal loans lo our customers Undoubted Security to Depowitors. No Delay in Drawing Your 8loney Tuterest Paid or Compounded Twice a Year. ng ce and house, open night ovor 0 "The h d smooth. Ayer's curcs sick hair, d of a tostimonial -- air stops rows faster, and healthy. sixty yours." Don't Wait till you have a large swm to deposit. 8&1 will Open an Account. Begin with us Now / Smadl Savings form the Base of Large Fortunes, WE CASH SALE NOTES. as sound financing will per- mil, there." | "Bosh! Get on your gloves. It {an't every day that one has a chance to cmb over a vessel that's been within hailing distance of the north pote. rn Telephon go 'over the lines soutlr, connected with the residence of G. L. Robson, V.8. Port Perry, Nov. 15, 1894. \C. A man: J | » I) yor Co., Lowell, Mass. ufaoturers of SARSAPARILLA. PILLS, CHERRY PECTORAL. WM. H. HARRIS, B.A. LL.B. BARRISTER, &c,, just cit my appointments. What's the | trouble?' She had balked flatly at the gentle | BANK MONEY ORDERS. Buccessor to and goenpant of the S offices of the late F. M. Yarnold. Upto §s 5 ol urgency of her brother's hand on her | So as (aed Beramied Off A Cross- ost patos. ee, Sv : | town car atithe ferry slip. | Port Perry, Ont Over 85 up to $10. 6 a Best way to send small amounts gil 201" shia dockiren, "Botheraf yes! What a silly Qyer 10 up to 30..10 id f Cashed free at any Bank. The doctor laughed good humoredly. question!" at, though her words Private Funds at 4 per cent. ver 30 up to 50..15 cts. "What's up? Is some fickle admirer | rere care , she yoided us eyes sna i af | looked ol n e udson. "You Fob. 7, 1901, pio ie For sums over §50 use BANK DRAFTS. who forgot for the first time to send beat: met $3 this day" she an- ia Best and cheapest way to send LARGE AMOUNTS ecial Rates you A Hox af eandy for your birthday | nounced, with perceptibl relfof "Th J WwW Crozier, y 7 SAR To due out there this afternoon? Come | + WILE | k e pls 8 no. 3 ! on. It Isn't every day I can run off, jce 1s ail @aked up here on the New and it's no pleasure to go alone." | Fork sized fe Betsy's head swam with a perspec- | possibly get throug tive of a chain of horrors opening up | by her acquiescence; but, on the other hand, her brother's curiosity was not : to be aroused too much. He had a , | most uncomfortable habit of going to Ha would glove foe the bottom of things. "Well," she sald reluctantly, *T' J ." Rhe laughed a bit hysterically. BANKER AND BROKER. || |Forroome mms MONEY TO LOAN uneasiness that Betsy had not been (British Capital) at 4, 4! and 5 per cent herself of late. She was not so gay Fire, Life and Accident Insurance. and fun loving as usual, and be often | | caught her mooning. That was what | yng you can hire sor REAL ESTATE BOUGRT, SOLD OR EXCHANGED || | she was doing back at the office Just | 54 to midstream. © now, and it decided him to run aWaY | posrer the Jersey s in any of the Provinees, or principal Citivs in the Dominion of Canada. { | 1 | with ber for awhile. | ealied after the Marriage Licenses issue "Betsy, don't you feel well?! ha | hystclan, who had AGEN T-=Allan Line and CP. R Steaitshiip |p panics, ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, B &e. fice at residence, 6th 0. Roach (one mile west of Port Perty,)-- Monky To LOAN. PORT PBRRY AGENCY. H. G. HUTCHESON, Manager. | brother cheetfully. ( tain--the Roosevelt N. F. PATERSON, K. C, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c., OWEN SQUND, E. FAREWELL, K.C,, LL.B, County +). Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol- oitor, &e., Notary Public and Crmveysboer: Office--South wing Court House, Whitby, { polleeman. "Lec is pretty bad out of here, but m ONT. today to Jersey, though. Ont. W. A SANGSTER, DENTAL SURG EON. was hustitng her on GEO. JACKSON, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, &c Office Hours--9 to 12 a.m., 2 to 6 p,m. Also open Saturday evenings, lying low and gray, PILE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHI) OF CARTWRIGHT, or Gold Fillings, Bridge and Crown Wik a Specialty. Vitalised Air. d | C 0 h FoR Ww ISHI0S at this the commencement el anothue Auction Sale: Season tore. turn thuwks to his newmecous pa fous ie: pust favors. Lo requesting ther esteemert d patronage he desires even tq tion LT a. Dr. F. D. McGrattan (DENTIST) wind contin een ment Went up. Not determined stream, as the ferry passed. was moch deep interest amounting and ¢ a launch couldn't " "We'll hire a ferry, then," said her One thing was cer- had something vi tal to do with her state of sulks. Good! her, of getting out to the Peary Bhip?* he inquired of a . No boats going aybe if yon walk up to Porty-fourth street yon can get oun a bigger poat. They been out once (Guess you'd better go across No ice over there, noe ong to take you The Peary boat is hore anyhow," he looking seized his sister's | arm as the ferry gong sounded aud board Betsy looked furtively at the vessel, with her nose up- There in her glance, but indifference, Bev- on. nt ore a cry ofsdisappoint- a launch or row- It Jooked very much as of the famed ship, snapping industri mer became more to the Roosevelt, d her brother joy- n't envy you the ature. Fortunate- exempt." ! Plenty of row- You are the oaker I ever saw." Followisg the directions of a long- iinutes across tho ninable flights of ad to the "wood p before a rotten cakes that led out it old canalboats of commission along the man appeared around the turret on top of nd asked if they r old ladder on to thence across and down a ttomed old fishing Her brother E his overcoat and wrapped it before he seized with the stroke of studying Betsy © It looked to Bm very much piso of the heart, he speculated iF drew near the ship. When she made excuse to remain in the while her brother clambered s certain that the shipboard. \ > state that no effort or pains will be spared L D.S. of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, lon his part to make all sales entrusted tf boat tn sight! also D.D.S. of Toronto University, era i ---- -- -- flim successes, His very extensive practi | though those who were not good swim- Office in the Allison Block over Allison's Pe tho past should be a sufficient recom | mers would bave to content themselves Drug Store. 6 B. BRD . . mendation as ability, All Sale | ith ferry glimpses Office hours--8 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. Fe = BALE A Miss Harrison. | wivou into his rge will be atter ied t-and aid HH 3 % : SE 3 NEE or the ith promptoess and dispatch, Sale list port Perry, April 9, 1902 J County of Ontario. Sale Register at | Dress and Mantle Maker | nd wd blank notes' supplied free, | 9USIFs Ts the Opsrrver Office Patronage solicited in application Again Betsy's mar Manchester, Jun. 19, 1899. ISHES {0 inform. 1] adies| Partics wishing to engnge his services us. J. A. Murray, Ra Ee i \ hat shihs {2 the ladies | nny consult hie Sars Rraisrin either at| "You will get out DENTIST, a = TT that she has moved to her fire [ the Observer or Standard Offizes, Port i b oh Pe Of ' H. MoCAW, | Rooms in the Allison Block where | Perry, for d ites claimed {oF Sales, And vd geuz o oo x 4" 0a over the Post Office. . INSUER OF | she is prepared to execute : ri ke Ar: anitenyents, o edo lis nddre uly. oh CORT BERRY \ ARRIAGE LICENSHS, Port Porry Out. |i Dros ard Mantle M. al ordersmukear: sugaments, or, writgo I] wddrens | goin tn this temper 5 33s Port Perry, Dec. 19, 1883. oS ah antle Making in a| a Phone at Residence, No. 31. "#2 ly Pm a girl and so All branches of Duntivay, raining RAST Sa i manner unsurpassed for CHARGES MOUREATE "Ho, I don't know Crown and Bridge Work successfully 3 ' _ Dh x 1 here somewhere. You'll practiced. Co To Sell or Rent. Correctness of Style Moo Y. 1001 G0. JATRS ro] atie he ours all Hight. Artifical Teeth on Gold, Silver, aminum tl yr or - 1, 1001. Jf Fort red am oll 1 or Rubber Plates. The undersigned will sell or rent and Char ng Lye et. x 3 pigabue Fillings of Gold, Silver or Cement his House and Lot in PrinceAlbert | Our charges are consistent witl shoreman, he guided Betey's lagging Painless extraction when required: For particulars apply to the pro | he value given. footsteps for five u £9 Prices to suit the times® i b i - Si ; prietor on the premises. Port Perry, March 27, 1902. bridge, down inters Stine TTT R. BRANTON. ' stairs, across the rc Cora Belle McCaw Prince Albert, March 20, 1905. aw Livery ple and brought u enmeshed in Ice x FARM LABORERS to & yost of decref Toacher of Drawing, Painting, FHE undersigned takes th lying "out e Design and Okina Decoration 1 opportunity of thankicy the A 3} : inhub if Port Perry ant little y Studio hours--g to 12 am. ; 1.3010} A Once for PORT PERRY and AN D DOM ESTICS. A Dn for aid io a % 4 30 p-m. Surrounding Districts. prs liberal and still increasing pat- J . Studio over W. H. McCaw's HAVE been appointed by the Dk ronage bestowed upon him Vell, I should 4 Store, Port Perry. HIGH CLASS SPECIALTIES i rr to place Thin since commenaing Unrtivg and pted. ¢ n Fruit and Ornamental Stock | grants from the United Kingdom in Livery in Dort Perry and now \ nd rrr d f b * positions as Iam Labourers or Doniestic intimates that ho is better than nd feula { . 0b : grown and [oc sale by Servants in this vicinity. Any person evar prepared wn supply all . 3 : requiring such help should notify me by Fequiremgnts iu tig line, North On ario Server Canada § Greatest Nurseries letter or personally stating fully the kind Having extensively added te lute a flat bo Ae 3 . of help required wen wanted and my stock of horses ; as well us 'the other ead. ; Political, Agricultural and Stats P ferad. i A Weekly Political, Agricultural a A permanent situation for the! wages offered. The numbers arriving conyeyances of the latost type x Pp § = Family Newspaper right party. Liberal inducements. | may not be sufficieut to supply all re- afisoneinson for comfort and fer carefully 18 PUBLISHED AT Pay Weekly. Handsome free out- quests bit pvary effort ill, be made to Di Sai he Bn} 2a 3 provide each applicant with help requir : [yer man. PORT PERRY, ONT. fit. Write for terms and catalogue, | oq. most fastidious as to style and ER ocor | wad EVERY THURSDAY MORNING and Send 25c in stanfps for our GEO A. ROSE, desituble equippage in every floctor 2 : PockiT MAGNIFYING GLASS, Of 30C Canadian Governunent Employment Fespect in avery: way sult. Selb gE 4 BY f H M Hacx SAW. Sacal Port Pe able for private driving, wed- a ir : or our Hanpy METAL Hack SAW. Agent, ors perry dings, funerils, &e. Parties : H. PARSONS STONE .& WELLINGTON rer eT wishing an afternoon drive can TERMS. ~§1 per if paid in advance ; if not §1.50 WET 5 3 have their choice of suitable i wii veal No kbseription token for less FONTHILL NURSERIES: !/ Farm for Sale double or single rigs and care- ship, he wa © th onfha and uo "pape discon! oyER 800 AORES i SAW . ful drivers will also be suppli . lurked on : TORONTO, = mae ONTARIO elie ed when Teguired. refiuon Iu BALED Tenders for the purchase of lot 2, coicession 12, Township of Reach, will be received by the undersign- ed until Feb. 15th, 1907.. This property consists of 100 actes of good arable land, T possess a number of good Spring and Dray Wagons und will, at ull times, attend to Carting with the utmost care and prom ptness. LETTERS containing money, whon addressed to thir DE Ofhon prepaid snd rogstorsd wil sb ou. re. m yo INH pots Directory \\h drained. 'premises are s n one bo gg oh a are sad T wish further to state that Bats tn t Mh oung ard. Three miles from Ux in foture suitable conveyances DY will be at the Railway Depot to convey passengers aud bag: gage to private residences, and will ulso convey passengers and Baggaye to the Depot in time for-departing trains, on being given notice. WM. JAMIESON. Port Perry, July 30, 1903. For Sale. [JOSE AND LOTS; situated on Cochrane St. Port Perry known as the Wilcox residental{' dge town, © Terms, cash. Highest or} any tender not necessarily accepted. GEORGE MURTA, Uxbridge. | Teleph TEL Bk TPA AY 0 CATDK Uke biish a few Tos of th THE SHADOW OF THE CROSS The most beautifal painting of the sa dest event in sacred history ever conceiv by human miud or executed by the hands man has been accurately reproduced by o wondurfal" Olegraphia process ; showing mificent panoramic view of the City Jeruxalym-in all her Gravdenr and glory The picture is 21-2x 31-2 feet in 8.-v ind 'was nd in : Is about to pu "| and a Himited number will be sold in Ca Appl | da for only 85.00 each. Send stamp fo. property. APP Ly EE ion of this and © 3 D. J- ADAMS, Oleographic productions. £H BROKER, Boral atlowatos will be' made'ta & who will show samples to their friends. Pogr Peery in the:8th concession of Reach, wi the prosecuted to the utmost rigor perforce, boarded the Roose- gala dress, with he stiff breeze, a weather beaten man and rather shyly held out e 'doctor looked at his ag flushed, painfully em- stammering like He was seized Dr. Cobb came to g himself mentally. PEERLESS PUB. €O., Toronto, ONT. C ; aii an 0 z c X 4 rply away, but Tote Curios Winee fof ours stl sts, $4 Yoyo Se 5 oT = M : 4 s Sh DS Bor LAU parties fond trespassing, hui! 'her right sbout face, ing, shooting oF trapping on lot lady," be said seri- a of his coat. He could ~ Bbe burmowed it dy ; -d SS | JULY 4, 1907. 1857 JUBILEE YEAR Ee . iis ste cvwiti vsMy 100K AL TG yOUDE nortbman and uneell a romanee. The man's face was drawn with a sort of starved tenderness, and his blue eyes gazed wistfully at the golden, 'shiny tendrils which; éscaped in the wind from the small black turban and ak the pa bespea he somebody else, Besides he wanted © swept the doctor's shoulder. Stern ve pression showed in the tense mouth. His whole exptessive person seetned to in of having lost forever know what this was all about. Betsy disclosed a flushed but tedriess face, "Not crying." She denied the allegp- tion spliritedly. "What is there to cry about? Foul I just wanted a whiff of that nice, smelly lodoform om your coat. Mr. Jensen, my brother. And pow"-- she slipped a companionable hand through the arm of each--"show us the boat." This was more like Betsy. "What la your--name?' he azked in a voice that was too vibkant to be call- ed steady. The doctor wheeled In consternation. "Betsy Cobb, haven't you ever met this man?" be demanded. "Cobb! The northman's big voice boomed up into the masts with sheer joy. "Aren't you married?" he cried, his boyish face breaking into a pathetic eagerness that was too beautiful and too intimate for any one but Betsy to Bee. So the doctor was thrust out into a little world of his own for awhile, after Betsy ecstatically gurgled, "Gracious, no!" Betsy, dear little sister, didn't be- Jong to him any more. And he had in- elsted upon getting rid of her! "We've been engaged," Betsy's voice roused him, "ever since the Roosevelt sailed two years ago, but I promised not to tell till Paul came back. Do you know why I didn't want to come out here today? I thought Paul bad for gotten. He never let me know he still cared." "Foolish girl," said Paul, gripping both her hands In an ecstasy of recov ery. "It's all the fanlt of old New York. I had fergotten in the ice floes that everybody down here moves every six months, and when I rushed up to Bixty-ninth street, all agog with de- light to get back to the dearest little girl In the world, they told me Miss Cobb was married and didn't live there ony more! Think of it! Some other Miss Cobb pearly bowling me off my feet like that! I knew two years was o long time for a fascinating little gir to remain true {0 a noor dob nrobably Aromen-intg Af Ico cake around the Tpoméwhere, so I @HINT blame her much. I was going to ba everlastingly grateful to ber memory. For if it hadn't been for the thought of her I think I should have lost my grit once or twice. But as it was, [ just kept on a-liviag." "1 knew it." sald Betsy, "I knew It when I saw you." How He Broke Into Literature. Frederic Harrison was a close friend of George Hliot, and she often asked his advice In regard to points of law that came up in the course of her sto- ries. Bhe particularly needed legal ad- vice in a vital part of "Felix Holt," for, conscientious worker as sha was and as all really great artists are, she was not content to make a guess. Mr. Harrison listened as gravely to the presentation of her problem as if it concerned real individuals, The next day he sent her a carefully and con- elsely worded opinion, which she used in her book just as he wrote it. In the story It ts ascribed to "the attorney general" and Is referred to as "final authority." It ts the part printed In Italics In chapter thirty-five. Mr. Harrison was both surprised and pleased to see his own words used. He expected that the uvovellst would wish to express his legal oplujon In her own language. "Thanks to George Eliot" bo gaid, with a smile, "I have written something that will lve forever in English literature --FPhiladeiphia Press "Sapsy." At Liverpool street station, London, I msked a booking clerk whether he could tell me where Bapsworth was His answer was that be had never beard of such a place. "But" I urged, "ts not that the way the country peo- ple pronounce Sawbridgeworth?' "No, Indeed," he laughingly replied. *They call {t Bapsy."--B. H. Cook in Londog Bpectator, MARCH ACROSS SAHARA aboard. As Betsy and food on the Qeck elutelr | ROMANTIC STORY OF JOURNEY THROUGH AFRICAN DESERT. Old Arab Caravan Route--Fanatical Hatred of Natives--People Live In Underground Dwellings--S8tretches of Petrified Forest--Danger From Benussi Bect -- Lively Fight With Tuareg Band--Tubbus Cowards. Some interesting details have just come to hand of the remarkable trane- Saharan journey undertaken by Mr. H. Vischer, ome of the Protectorate Residents in Bornu, and through the forbidden hinterland of Tripoli to Lake Chad. The distance covered by Mr. Vischer was nearly 1,700 miles and the setual marching time two and a half months. The whole journe lasted from July 8 to Dec. 12. Both from a raphieal and from a poli~ tical t of view the journey will of the greatest interest. Mr. Vischer, who was former ly a conceived of returning to his post in Northern ia by way of the Bahara and the old Arab caravan route from Tri- poli to Kano. His departure was con- gidersl retarded and his journey across the vilayet of Tripoli and Fez- zian rendered much more difficult ow- ing to the fanatical hatred of the in- habitants. Althanch permission wes ee Tr KAT | " he > ovtainea Irom ing Pen Foreign Office tish Foreign make his hazardous. foray. every obstacle was placed in his way in the and men. "Jatt Tripoli in Mecca pil ria, who we British fvéd by the his four- ishment. wovoern-~ pention of the "for him to alnh of" n Mr. people Nwing In subterrdf ings. Through entrances long and ona yard broad he came uv on A sqaare courtyard, which wea reality a Great Hols Open to the Eky. Upon this ell the rooms end etables converged. The rooms were very dark, and there were no windows, but the most abeolute cleanliness prevailed. Beyond Gharian the expedition TO= ceeded over rising gronnd to the ria, where fig and olive groves lay amon Roman ruins and underground vi lages. Nearhng Murzuh, Mr, Vischer came upon stretches of petrified fore est. Among the most important re gults of his journey is the information Mr. Vischer has been able to acquire fa regarding the nesi. Mr. Vischer declares as a result of his Inquiries that this gres ct Ir constantly losing ground o ; to the late Ben- nssi Mahdi ha lied without soc complishing anyt g. His opinion is that the danger from the Bemusai chiefly in the fact that thers is at present no leader strong enongh to control the various factiona Kufra, the headquarters of the sect, fe not only a reg arsenal of mod- ern arms and ammunition, but a ren- dezvous for all ki if tougitives and movement les Ar i other peepla holding anti-foreign views. The arma there are transport- od from the coast of Tripoli, and a Arabs whom the ex- 1 near Bilma were band of raiding pedition encontiter all armed from Kufra. Mr. Vischer is of opinion that the great number of arms carr the coast to ters forms n ser tion in Norih- s that jnst be ad and the wild came into con- the Senussi hea ious menace t ern Nigerian. H yond the water! Tummo Mountains he tact with A Tusreg and Arab Band, to attack him or the desert ahead ® who had come out endeavour te get inte to wait for his With regard to this Mr. Vischer says: "1 at ones made necessary preparations by putting all my men on guard, and patrolling my solt on horse back round the ca left the camp In the morning I 1 and went to attack charge of my boys fue Tnareg before they at me, I found them, after m eulty, entrenched in a poeition which enabled them to see me, while they AGES EEFSOVO yy TIRE Ly Dre a shrubs. I gent a Tobba to them to come out and fight r y an swered back that the mae out when it suited them iw out and take my loads. I then fired and they answered with a well-kept up fire from about twenty modern rifles. Their shots went head or into the ground al i y that T was able to approach within about 200 yards, I killed ome man and four of their camels then went back to my camp, six miles away. In the afternoon I attacked again, this time wit} 1 my ten ri- fles; while T left the of the women and gor buns. I killed foar of their sixteen eamals, which had ed effect, driving them ba keeping away the Tu W all cowards. The great foll Arabs which had eor t had kept away to see the fight, and then disay was not attacked agair Damping Thelr Spirits. A little Beottish boy wa his history an eccount of Bannockburn. He lows: "And, when the the new army on the their spirits came da teacher asked the boy neant by "damping the The boy, not compre ng meaning, simply answered, "Pittin' water in their whusky Christian Register, The Sensitive Plant. The sensitive plant seems almost to possess intelligence. When touched or even approached its leaves ehrink away as though in fear. THE SPORTING RAJAH. Modern Oriental Rulers Who Are Fond of Polo and Horse Raclog A small percentage of native prin- cos, like Bir Pertab-Singh and the Ma- harajah of Kuch-Behar, have benefited from their intercourse with English- men, They nize the folly of buy- ing horses and carriages for which they have no use, and they draw the line at employing undesirable per- sons a8 managers of their stables, ras- | cals who starve the -animals in their | charge by reselling the "gram" to the villain from whom it has been bought. The down-to-date rajah, says Bailey's Magazine, sees that his harnesa-room is clean and that everything is in pro- per Jace family heirlooms being ept free from dust and moths. The horses are stabled under sanitary conditions, and, if ihe potentate fies in for racing or breeding, a qualifiec veterinary surgeon is teach to the stable staff. On the other hand, the antiquated ruler of dusky millions has no sym- pathy with such new faungled notions as clean stalls and properly arranged loose boxes. Ha does not ask for sweet- smelling stables, and the sight of a well-groomed horse affords him no pleasure. Provided the easy-going Ar- yan ean take the air in an old-fashion- ed and cumbersome barouche, draw: by a team of man long-tailed horses, whose shabby Cilio is re- splendent in armorial devices, he is perfectly happy. In recent years the sporting jah has come to the front. The late Ma- harajah of Patiala wag. a firstrate horseman, and his kee for palo gained him admittaned to circles which do not, as a rule, 3 ve every native with open arms.. polo pon- ies were the envy of the white play- ers with whom came into eontact, and he deveted the greater part of his time to the game. He ran his horses at every important meetine in the ' {Terms :---$1 PRR ANNUM IN ADVANCE, Weak Kidneys & medicine spocitically tontrolling nerves. To bp It is & waste ol "- rads a" or 18 yan ---- - No. 8 WHOLE Weak Fitness, surly, point erves. Tha Kidnays, like mach, find hair wi i, but in tho nerves tha Dr. BI Dronmud 0 3 the Rida? o of tite, end of Comores t to wesk kis the Heart, and thd: , not in the eoirirol and £ 8 Res 2! > 8 oo wr 4 | 3 a 2A [] ; GW A DA SuuILry, CXITYING ON MIs gNAre Of Cups. The Maharajah of Kuch-Behar, too ghinea as a polo player and several of the younger generation can give a € account of themselves across country and after pig. Many natives, hy the way, invest in horses, which are Imported fram England, which do not always take kindly to the cli- mate. Though they thrive during the cold weather, in the hot weather they soon become poor in condition unless 5 py ow V 1S J they are sent to a hill station A few years ago the "old-time" ras jah who had to go from one part of his prof erty to th ¢ call for hig gai apraisoned ¢ ind, sur- rounded by a horde » flunkies, make a trimmphal journey to the hut of the temant whom he proposed to rackrent. Nowadays his sucoessor mounts a horse and galloping therd and back between "chota hazri" and "tiffin. FAMOUS SLEUTH RETIRES. Had Many Exciting Adventures Dur- ing His War Against Criminale. After twenty-six years' exciting ser vice at Beotland Yard Detective-ber geant Thomas Greg known as Gen- tlemnan Tom," has just reiired on a { pension. I gory ar- ested mia not us mipals. He captured gang wn ag the "Cabinet of Crime 1 under whose guidance all big robben wer ar ried out. G ry w o facility for d I r ed in many der to enter he mitt pointed €in : r wis g to th t the ground rilist, knoek= LARA oppor and effecting their orvation often yment artist. might have: o General 1s a vag- s quite y morning 1 street a lan- 1 jeweler's shop height of fagh- ed into the win- ted the de- socn to e grating p assist- shop than 1 proceeded jewelery. t and ar- th out to be British B 30,0 England' th leg here were only / 1e last censu two widows under sovent en in Eng land London's annual meat ration is over 400,000 ton th fish course weighs « There i gland of celebrat- ing the bicentenary of the birth Charles Wesley, which occurred Dea: 18, 1707. The Dreadnought has four screws and two rudders. Owing to the sim- plicity. of her turbine engines she car fewer men than other large bat ships Beotland during the last ten years: has grown wealthy in business more: rapidly than has and, the rates of increase being per cent in Scot: land and only 41 per cent in gl et Very Difficult. $ "It is impossible," said the woman who reads finanecinl articles, "for any one to tell exactly what a man is worth wy kins, wered young Mrs, Tom when the races are ectadly r PE Har Loss. . (ladys--Tdith Is so sorry she took Herbert's ring back to price It. Pene~" Jore--Why 50? Gladys--Why, the jews olor sald seeing Herbert hadn't beem'; 11 to settle for it, es he promised, her guessed he'd keep it. your nusband seems to have an 0X« alted opinfon of you," remarked the bride's aunt. "Ie says you are his' ~ right hand." "yes" rejoined the young wife, with a sigh, "but he's one of those men who : never lat their right hand know what = their left hand does." RE Wrong Man. "You understand," sald the "that we want a secretary who oughly accustomed to managing "In that case" Eo

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