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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 4 Jul 1907, p. 3

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2 e on 400, an "milea 'aver i» free, to prove merit, samples Shoop's Restorative, and ny k on either Dyspepsia, The Heart, or The Kidneys. Troubles of thejStomach, Heart or Kidneys, are merely symptomsof a deeper ailment Don't make the common error of treating symptoms only. Symp- tom treatment is treating the result of your ailment, and not the cause, Weak Stomach * |nerves--tho inside norves--mean stomach {weakuecss, always, And the Heart, and Kidneys as well, have their controlling or linside nerves. Weaken the nerves, and you incvitably have weak vital organs, Here is where Dr. Shoop's Restorative has made its fame. No other remedy ever olaims to treat the '"'inside neives". Also for bloating, bilousness, bad breath or cor- plexion, use Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Write me to-day for sample and free Book.« Dr. hoop Racine, Wis, The Restorative is Pra A Chinese Idea of Foreigners. Free, for Catarrh, just to a Trial size Box of iCatarrh Remedy. Let It a svow white creamy, hosl- "antiseptic balm Containing such healing ingredients as Oil Eucaliptus, Thy mol, Beuthol, eto., it gives instant and ~ |lasting relief to Caturrh of the nose and {thiront. Make the free test and see for lyourself what this preparntion can and will inocomplieh. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis Large jars 60 cents: Sold by A.J. . Davis. ge Joes merit, r.. Shoop's me send it G. J. MORRISH ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Port PERRY, ONT. tish Columbia ry and Man going to any of the parts call on A. Lk Davis, .P.R. ticket ageat, for in tes, &ci Vann. th SHEET MUSIC BY MAIL 1,000 Pieces for Only $1 00 embers for our Musical Organ- jon havethe full use of over 1 pieces of sheet music, includ- ing songs, solos, duetts, waltzes, _nrarches, etc. arrainged for the ¢ | irritation. z ormation Re eT i ha oT REMARKABLE INVENTION FOR THE CULTURE OF HAIR HE EVANS VACUUM CAP is a practical invention constructed on scientific and hygienic principles by the simple means of which a free and normal circulation is restored throughout the scalp. The minute blood vesselsare greatly stimulated to activity, thus allowing the food supply which can only be derived from the blood, to | be carried to the hair roots, the effects of which are quickly seen in a 4 healthy, vigorous growth of hair. \ There is no rubbing, and as no drugs or chemicals of whatsoever kind are emplayed there is nothing to cause It is only necessary to wear the Cap three or four minutes daily. of & new growth of hair p pletely restore your hair, you are 0 Cap with no expense whatever to yourself. It is request: a8 an evidence of good faith, that the price of the Oap bs deposited with the Chancery Lane Safe Deposit Company of London, the largest financial and business institution of the kind in the world, who will issue a receipt guaranteeing that the money will be returned in full. en demand without questions or comment, at any time during the trial period. The eminent Dr I. N. LOVE, in his address to the Medical Board on the subjeot of Alopecia (loss of hair) etated that if a means could be devised to bring nutri tion to hair foilicles (hair roots) without resorting to any irritating process, the problem of hair growth would be solved. Later on, when the EVANS VACUUM CAP was submitted to hinr for inspection, he remarked that the Cap would fulfil and confirm in practice the observations he had previously made before the Medical Board. Dr. W. MOORE, referring to the invention, says thas the principle upon which the Evans Vacuum Oap is founded is absolutely correct and en An illustrated and descriptive book of the Evans Vacuum Cap will be sent, post free, on application. THE SECRETARY, EVANS VACUUM CAP CO., LTD., REGENT HOUSE, REGENT STREET, LONDON, W. EE Ay pIReRE REEL fi HE 3 i E ii ii ? 181 qoru] 980] BABE 03 pesvuroanyy [100 JTOWYOIw oq} SBM dojamouLIay} ty! 0) 07 senqLy 11 Ls 13q press 243 jo usa aw syueid 0} OTST) 8) oyy Aq pejuesaxd | Yues p i ope} wv Fuum(y fBq 00003 pus spupew pon TPIBMY se0uap ysiIIG pIBoqe UO 'YIOX May 'punog pue NUNS $M [OIA "juour oy Mar pus umndeo ay oq "youd prpuspds Ire $8 So0rey gsyiug jydre punyg oxey guianz usoq AMouy Aw 18t00uDS ou} Um papt 3% fpmau 'ores d0I2Y 113Y) 10] spww Fur 'V8 IOUOOYOS ysug | Welcome, Sweet Spring | With the Opening of Spring T have received A MAGNIFICENT STOCK SPRING GOODS embracing every conceivable variety of Cloth and Trimmings that go to make a Spring Stock of a fashionable and up-to- date Tailoring Establishment perfect. The quality, style and prices cannot fail satisfy customers. All are invited to come and inspect my Spring Stock and prices. The Stock is the largest I have every exhibited. W. H. DOUBT. EZ A few Snapsin Winter weights still remain. PERSO CRIBGEK SIISISKK Port Perry>< Roller Mills IN FULL BLAST 1 take great pleasure in announcing that my Maa Malls axe now completed and in full oper- ation and that I am beller than red 20 meet the requirements of my friemds and the general public in every line pertaining to my already extensive and rapidly increasing busi- : ness. Correct business principles, prompitude G2 "and courteous treatment may be relied om, \ ® JAMES CARNEGIE 0 CKRICHK §2 Se < 5 Se BIGIESEIS NZI % 2 Zin Port Perry, Dec., 1902. CIRICICICICICH Advises the public that he is ones iness, and wishes to thank his ma support in the past and trusts to same in the future. BEST MEATS obtainable and at rates. All persons wishing to be c pleased advise the shop and will I am always in the market for all _k Lambs, Calves, and Hogs at the Hig The trade will their loyal ored with the ipplied with the 40st reasonable orders will pt attention. TO THE FAR good Cattle, arket Prices. Kindly let mo know what you have tu @ WY! Top ORK CHICA G oy ONT0.CAY, Superior to Kalsomine or any other --SOLD BY -- CARNEGJE BROS, PORT PERRY. & p x - wr JUST RECEIVED A New Consignment of the Latest n LUDING THE New ALSO -- LINGERIE HATS FOR LADIES SUMMER MILLINERY INC Sailor --IN SEVERAL DESIGNS AND CHILDREN. MISS WALKER, Millinery Parlors, PORT PERRY. Remo VAL Having had the commodious Store in the Currie Block fitted up espec- Port ially, I am satisfied I have now one of the best appointed Drug Stores in the Province, and have taken possession of my new and extensive premises, where I have opened addition to my extensive up, in stock of Drugs, Chemicals, and Fancy Goods, a full line of SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES While returning thanks to my numerous patrons I would extend an invitation to all to call and see me in my mew premises. Perty, Sept 2 19 REAL ESTATE B ll Experience is Invariably i Essential to Success. FINE FOUTWEAR FOR SPRING a We have now the Largest and Most Complete Stock of Boots and Shoes in Port Perry. FOR LADIES : HAVE COMPLETE LINES OF THE OELEBRATED "EMPRESS" MAKE AND THE "VIOTORIA" FOR MEN WE HAVE OOMPLETE LINES OF THE "SOVEREIGN" AND THE "ASTORIA." TWO OF THE BEST MAKES IN THE TRADE. FOR OHILDREN WE HAVE COMPLETE LINES OF GILLY & SCOTT'S FAMOUS "OLASSIO" SHOES IN ALL STYLES. EZ EAOH AND EVERY PAIR OF ALL THESE LINES €3 EZ IS MADE IN ONTARIO. NO COMMON QUEBEC €3 EZ GOODS IN THE LOT.%3 WE O\N GET NOTHING BETTER, THEY ARE BOUGHT RIGHT AND WILL BE SOLD AT PRICES TO BUIT ANY PERSON, WE No. 1 Quality made as it should ; Flavored to please the most fastidious, with most modern and delicious flavoring ; sold by the dish, or supplied in large quantities on short notice. Special arrangements made with Church Anniversaries and other Secial events, WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY, CHAS. PEARN, Baxkr AND CONFECTIONER. 2000 AGRES WILD AND IMPROVED LANDS FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS, PURDY & WOOD, Real Hstate and Insurance Agents. MONEY TO LLOAIN. FIELDING, SASK. EZ HOMESTEADS LOCATED. 3 In Gompliance with previovious notice the undersigned is prepared to supply all | customers with { Up-to-date Furniture In Parlor Suits, Bedroom Suits, Diningroom Suits, Sideboards, Couches, | Mattresses, Bed Springs, Extension Tables, Parlor Tables, Chairs of all| kinds, Secretaries, Glass Cupboards, a Large Quantity of Pictures. | Picture Framing done to order, in fact everything necessary to furnith al well regulated houae, My prices shall be as reasonable as at any other store. My Undertaking Rooms Fully supplied with Funeral goods-- A First-Class Hearse in attendance. [Agent for Monuments.) JOHN NOTT. Port Perry, Feb. 20, 1907. AR Full Stock # OF EVERYTHING IN THE Harness CHEAPNESS STYLE Begs to announce Citizens .6f Port P surrounding Eotintr .bas opene Merchant Tailoring' Business in the Ebbels' Block, with a fine collection of Suitings: Vestings and Pantings. Having had a large expers ience [ am prepared to make Suits as good and as cheap and up-to-date as any in the trade. ; Suits ma de to order from' That you get the greatest value in Spectacles from us fit and quality considered F.H LUKE, Refracting Optician, 11 King St. West, TORONTO HOUSE TO RENT OR SELL N PRINCE ALBERT, oppo- I site the Pest Office, Frame House containing eight rooms and shed, with cistern. All id good repair. Sale price $300, rent $2.50. Time given for payments. Apply for particulars to DAVID CASH, | Mar 7, 1907 Prince Albert; FOR SALE At a Bargain ! a good second hand Cutter. Apply at Tue Onser ver Office at Dillon Hinge-Stay Fence Manufactured by the Owen Sound Wire Fence Oo. Litd., and am prepared to supply this whole community with the very BEST WIRE FENCE produced on this | Continent and at prices that can got fail to satisfy purchasers. §.3 ' | The Dirron Fence is without a peer. It is the BEST because it is | flexible ; it is a square mesh ; itis a | perfect hinge-stay fence, therefore it is impossible to bend the stays; in fact it is the best fence made in this or any other country Before purchasing a Wire Fence don't fail to inspect the Dirrow FENCE. J. H. Brown, DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL MENTS AND MACHINERY. SEAGRAVE. InMpLE~ April 6, 1905. F YOU WOULD HAVE OOD LUC IN HATCHING CHICKENS, DUCK wp TURKEYS, you should without dela purchase "* The Ohatham", the Kiog all Incubators Let us lista few of the features tha make The Chatham Incubator the most effective hatching apparatus ever built. It bas double walls, whioh are thoroughly packed with Mineral Wool whi absolutely fireproof, and the non. ¢ hat It bas Autematie, T! i Iator, Selfventilatcd Nursery. Ii , made for a Canadian People by a Toliable ~ Canadian Firm that bas a reputation to' maintain. THE CHATHAM will hatch more strong, robust chicks, from strongly fertilized eggs, than any other machine made. THE CHATHAM will pay you 100% better than suy other investment made on the Farm. Mr. George Lee, Greenbank, Out., write Las follows ;-- N. InaraM, Port PERRY, ONT, Drax SiR --I an more than delighted with the Chatham Incabator purchased Inst Summer ax it fs giving entire satisfaction, I have just tuken off my first butch for thin "aon rch 15th, 19050 aud from 90 egua ive 79 smart chicks which I consider 1 to beat at this time of the year and if , better than hatching i i vin cheerfully recommend The Chatham to uvery person toute piating buy! 3 Incubator, as you cannot make: a mij by =o doing. THE CHATHAM is sold on time, «it in one, two or three payments, not required notil next October. EGGS FOR HATO. 'When purchasing eggs for sure you are receiving th beathy stock. 'We can a the very best, and apree clear egg returned, free have the Bure Or¥iNe Winter Layers; the Ladies' Idol; for Prices. ¢ sre | N. INGRAM & Hime had considerable experi : Sales of some of the largest transact in this district, and in every instance faction to all concerned, I have concl - whole attention to disposing ot all Real placed in my hands for sale. : FARMS FOR I would call special attention of part Four fine properties now listed and fos Three Farms in Scugog. fine Farm in Reach. FF Parties desirous of disposin will consult their own interests y gotiating piano, organ, violin, mandolin, or I Estate ar. Each piece printed separ- , standard size, handsome cov- gular price 25¢. to $1.00 per t our members bave the the entire 1,000 pieces for $1.00. Send stamp for catalog- organizers wanted. Address { PEERLESS PUB. CO. ToroNTO, ONTARIO. Durability and STRENGTH, Cannot be urpassed in the County, BICC EICERIBICICIICRS New Granite and Marble Works ~~ "IN PORT PERRY. T. R. STAFFORD & SON Beg to intimate to the inhabitant of Port Perry and surrounding country] ~ that have established Grant and Marbl Works in Ji Block, just west of the Post Office, Port Perry, where Sp be ei ecute all orders entrusted to them M nments, Head Stones, &c. repared to. for tisfaction guaranteed. : ending over very many yearsin this are in a position to give reliable in- e will supply all pertaining to the il to satisfy all. =F us a call. or Ma Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks &c., in abundance. Oomparison of Prices Oourted W. A. BEATTY. : rates. Quick ac EF I represent the most desirab! Companies. Prompt attention giv Port Perry, Sept. 3, 1gor. | TA C Sweet to Eat A Candy Bowel Lazative, Lax-ets 5 Lax-ets 5 A Candly Bowel Laxative, | CocHRANE

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