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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 4 Jul 1907, p. 4

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A Loh the States. SL Miller, wko has just Ho 'duties as psychopatholo- . Cook Joumy nstitution at } hicag. Tl, is a young 3 making quite a name fw United States. The Dr. Miller may be cited as an to illustrate the extent to civil' service reform has been 'on in the Sl opublie during the £ Tow years. n he first offered {hin as a candidate as an assist- + In an institution for the insane in '| Massachusetts--although he had been that merit alone would be ; considered in making the appointment --he naturally had misgivings that, as m without influence, and in nf the general impression regard the 8 She | of political "pull" a offices in the States, that be Roar ated t ol result of his application prov- a pleasant surprise to himself and Ly There were three places filled and, of the numerous can- anly two came up to the stand- | set and received appointment. One waa a Canadian--Dr. Miller him- self--and the other a Scotchman from Glasgow both British subjects. 8ince that time Dr. Miller has be- omna quite widely known by the nd in the United States as gs for the place ighest showing on exami ntment. here has heen In the United States of late a great awakening to the need of more scientific and rational treat- ment of Insanity as a' mental disease possible of prevention, amelioration and enre. We in Canada are far be- hind our neighbors in this regard. Un- fortunately, although a Canadian, Dr Miller would not, under present con- ditions in Ontario at least, stand much chance of being given the op- portunity to turn hig talents to the service of his native country, his fam- ily being strong Liberals. It iz under stood that had he been a Conserva tive he would probably have been se- sured by the Ontario Government to improve methods of treating the in sane in this province. It is said, in- deed, that one member of the Cabinet waa very desirous of securing him for this work. But although the doe tor would have willingly remained here at a smaller salary than he is re- ceiving in Chicago, such an appoint ment was a political impossibility Dr. Miller is a son of Mr, 0. J. Mil ler, ex-Mayor of Orillia, Ont. He gra duated in medicine at the University of Toronto in 1895.--8aturday Night. GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETS, avy eh. k resbytevian Church [n Canada--Rev. Campbell Moderator. ral Assembly of the Presbyterian Church {8 now being held in Montreal, gud the immensity | and far-reaching 8 Eh of the or- | ganization is well illustrated by the varied types who have gathered to take part in the deliberations of the Assembly. There are hardy fishers of men from Cape Breton, husky laborers from the far Yukon, men who have seen life in the bush, grave and dig- nified professors fram the colleges, missionaries from other lands--truly a & motley throng, but all qnimated by same spirit, and forming a body fo represents one of the great forces = ®w religious und social Tife of Opp To oh is the sixth time that Montreal has been the venue, and the record of past meetings shows that Presby- | m is as much at home here 88 anywhere else. Montreal indeed seems to have no thought save that of making the visitors welcome and hele stay in the city as pleasant as | possible. Bome of those present who | remember the consummation of the union thirty-two years ago, and the recollection brought with ft a sense of the marvellous growth and expan- selon which have taken place since 1878. Then the income was under a million dollars; now it is considerably over three millions. With the develop- 'ment of the country the Church has \mora than kept paca. Its adherents number something like a million, and the growing time, in the onindon of many. has only commenced. Increased streneth has brought increased respon- sibilities. and these have been prompt Iv and effectivelv met. In all aspects of ita work the Presbyterian Church looks back on what the Moderator de- geribed as a year which had witnessed greater progress than any that had gone batore "The equipment of the Church." he continued, "is better to- day and we are in a position to do our work more efficiently than ever be- fore, notwithstanding the tramp of the incoming povalation " Rev. Dr. R. Campbell of Montreal was electad Meterain for the ensuing "it is in- teresting to our pRourth © of July trade across the bor- or. 3 TA Aieriesn invasion of Cana- ly respons suppose, Bh it is pleasant to believe that the closer sympathy of Canadians with the United States has something to do with it. But the fact that the 'larger part of the goods we send into the Dominion for the Fourth of July . celebrations goes into the Canadian i Be Rei Be { Ww ave gone re are /$he principal purchasers of things in p nee Day demonstra- against, who wrote on the examina- | nation, and was prompily offered the | - Result: She gained a pound a day in weight. $06 0S0CHOGLO00000 A New Orleans woman was thin. Because she did not extract sufficient nourishment from her food. She took .Scoff's Emulsion. ALL DRUGGISTS: 50c. AND $1.00 AAA AAS A AA A A AAA AAA AAA d d 4 L : ae aie ab ae Jf That Registered n 3 calli [0] on Abdal i Trotting Bred CO UW UO 9 Ue UY UY UE 9 { ARDALLA § 127 is one of the handsomest trotting Stallions in Cau , 10 hands 1300 (hs aed | grand koce ho wetion, his ro hee heats ot ir. 1003, and every at het y i nt St , shoe of Belmont Cuivl 2.14}, Cookeville B § un I t Star by Belmont 64, the =ive of Nutw 187 who is one of the greatest p i wers thie ever lived which is keknowled y posted ra in Cui Belmout 64, he by Abdulla 13, sit } Mai h 1 b LLA STANTON"S dam was sired by Genoral Stanton and he by Hambl we sire of George Wilkes, the founduti f the Wilkes fami aud 1 ecton usin howd of Eiectionser family LLA STANTON'S scoond iar red 1 Mountain Morgan, and he t fthan Allan, who was the fa Prot Stallion r wtoo 3DALLA STANTON'S t s 1 A o hi t market, Muny of them al 1 i 00 I Cotue ana see Js horse be « ¢ ROUTE F( 7 ) Night-- Little Britain ! Fi f and Friday, mor ) Noon --Oak wood OV Nish ( ani FU Night Manifla SATURDAY. XN. Said edd \ JAY --Neon--Creswell, | SATURDAY (A Horm] Mohit EDN AY --Noou--Mauilla { i : ; [ERY insure mare in foal $12, payable, Feby 1st, 1908 I. N EN O 1 Horse Register. TT (LAKEVIEW LADDIE 2477--The Im 01 bed rod { lesda n th PRINCE WALTER [5620] Vol. 14--The| Ported-Bred Sin i Imported-Bred Clydesdale Stallion f H. Henders, Yelvortor perty of the Utica Clydesdale ; » YI whe 2 a ( wny, will make the season of 1907 | ollaws "aronday, Way, wi YS { as follows-- Monday, leave his own | ol re ble, Yelvort 8, aud pre | . ot 11 con 7. Uxbiitias. and ed to Blackstock, night. Tuesday, t Ea : / - | W._Redmad's, S 1, noon; Hope Bros | proceed ta Miles Crosier's Reach, noon; | Redmad's, , Hops Bras { : rong Bros', wight Tuesday, | Sd Weduesduy, to:dicbort Hous l , 'ort Perry, till Thur afternoon P od to 8 Croxull's, noon; Arthar Camplin's, might. Wednesday, pro rtyeday oa glolok 13 nk £4 ceed to James Page's, noon; then by RAS, LAT IWiANLy Big Atay, By Ted at wiy of Nestletou to his own stable and way of Epsom to Utica, night. Friday ronatp 4M tly A procoed to his own stable, night. Sat Bip Jail froma aor urday, proceed to John Renshaw % | LAVENDER Il. [4536] That "Grand oon 6, Uxbridge, noon; then to his | Your Clydesdle Stallion': the pro his own stable. W. Pugh is Manager Ports of W! 7 Biber, Port Perey ABDALLAH STANTON 127-This ocle- | will make the Season of 1007 at the brated Road and Carriage Stallion, | Stables of the St, Charles Hotel, Port the property of H. McKenzie, Seagrave, | Perry | Jv.it nice the present Season us fol | pion MEMBER (12144)-A choiocelv. | lows--Monday night, Liittle Britain. | bred, imported Clydesdale, the | i Tuesday, noon Oukwood ; night Wood | porty of Wes Lamb, will make tho] ville, Wednesday, noon and night, Sonson of 1907, ot the: Sshert Hons Cannington: Thursday, noon, Manilla; | Stables. A horse of great scale andi night, Seagrave. Friday, noon, Green | commanding appearance, large size, in | uk 3 if Selb e, Port . 4 | bauky nigh, Fh Tov "1 fact, a rare typeof the Clydesdale Perry. Saturday afternon and Mon- | trod | reed day forewoon, at his own stable, Sea %, grave CHIMES A.-- That handsome, young [ Roadster Stallion, the property of R VEL } STAMP [3034] C'S: B-C.-- | 4 ' perty of R RINELIAF S71 ra diy E. Angle, Raglan, will servea limited That: Registerod .. Iytiadls ale Stallion number of mares within a raidus of afow e pert M 8 owar the prop y y ih i oon] miles of Raglan this season: For route el at | make the seaso Caesarea, Oat, will mg S s0ason soe large cards aud folders. See Tab of 1907 ae follows--Monday, leave his own stable, Caesarea, and proceed to Sanderson's, Cadm noon ; Temper Satur his own stable ard re Robt: McDonald is us, ance House, Blackstock, night day, proceed tc main till Monday Manager PRINCE OF KINELLAR IF {3236] Vol. XII,C.8.B.C.--The well-known Clydes dale Stallion, the property of James Tunes, Sonya, Ont., will makes the season of 1907 as follows--Monday, April 29, leave his own stable and pro cred to 1 Fingerboard, for night. to leaac Baetle's noon ; Conger Johuston's, Valentia for night. Wednesday, to Jas. Roiley's, oan: 2, Ops, noon ; John Cuddihy's for night. Thursday, to Lorenzo Divison's noon ; Jenkins' Hotel, Little Britain for Friday, to Alex: MeDongall's. Jobin Wiaaers; Piwedute for Moase, Tuesday, | McDonald is manager. ROYAL Jira In Sion [4780] ~That highly esdale Stal- 4 a gry i the, Reach, Bort Port aud Scngog Syudicnts, will niake this scason, 1907, as follows-- Monday, Muy 6, paren his own stalle, Raglan, and pi d to John Thompson's, lot 13, von 8, Reach, noon - then to Lun- diciioan Farm, Manghester, for night. Jak. MeKit ick's, con. 10, to Alex: 0 Thursday, to the Sebert House, Port Purry, for night Friday, to Thos Graham's, r; to Jus, Jucksen's for lot 18, con. 3. moov ; then to his own etude 'till Monday Mr A. W. Wil- Np a Managing Director. C Plage Ke the property of o, will muke the ------, BOOr Thos Syers', night Toesday, proceed Temperance House, Junetville, noon and night Wednesday, proceed tc Fergus Porter's, ession 14, Manvers, noon: Richard Wilson's, Lifford, night Thursday, proceed to Finney Bros' Ballyduff, noor Fred. Ferguson's, | Lotus, night Friday, pioccod to John | Saturday, to own stable till ulated Pedigree this paper iu anol RIGHT FORWARD [6600] young Clydesdale Stallic ty of Frank King, Fir make the present scaso i Monday, May 6, leaves Pleasant Point, proocec ell's, noon ; Jas. Stokes, Valentia for night, Tuesday, to J. Jenkins Tem perance House, Little Britain, till Wednesday noon to 1 Ceurtic Thursday, proceed to h for night. night, remafu till Menday, proceed Friday to manager LANCELOT CHIEF 1079 C.H.R.--That Maguificent, Young Tro the property of W, J Perry, will make the Seasou of 1907 at the Stables of the St, C Port Perry. GORDON ERSKINE (5830] Vol 135, C8. B.C --TIbst grand young Clydesdale Stallion th stable; ceed to Ben ry ha day, 2 54. Yo cou! "wrod, vig! FRENCH MONARCH~--The French Stal- lion "the" property of the Blackstock Wedoesday noon Saturday tq his own gtable aud Vi lot, con 3; Mariposa, aud pro- . noon colm Medrthur's, Grass Hill, Thursday, proceed to Ned Browu's, lot ; oon King Hotel, Gak= Pridtay; proceed £6 kis' Hotel, Little Britain, noon night, TSnturday, proceed 10m ther column of This grand om, the proper igerboard will u as follows is own stable, 1 to W. Mitch o's for night is own stable Seagrave for Wm. Mouse i tting Stallion, Heuders, Port Charles Hotel, 3 80 -- ay ' noon + Mal: night, | think of James," | "I always sald and always should say | | thems and who still thinks I gonld like of The remark: jor, at the Ini touching the lishment of clo tween the D have 'awake cal shipping Mr. ly increased tween the two more espoe San Francisco! one time consi deemed to be "We could lia, while the exchange hors | butter." A | "Butter to C not like sendin "Well; we butter to this ad. just the same," Be "There is anoth greator closer fel Australia and is the $4 head States have 5008 enteri! a to say, pou know miliating questit st the United rt of the Funuy, m jufl?" 1s o siring to go i ig Ta by Pacific, would naturally in Canada, where they wo comed. The ABBOT tween Ingland and A greatly Increased of latte there 1s an increasing de England by the Australi route. Of course, the ocea a little longer, but then Hf and the passengers land | territory, instead of hav across thos United Statesy with the experiences IJ] tioned." Mr Robb said that sir ad opened up the Pacifig that China and Jupags brought to the door, so made possible a closer o tween the British East. It had been that the British Gover it | nothing for Canada, but ter of the Pac Imperial Goverr BY the C.P.R., in 17 ¢ Brey sterling, or at the rate of £4 'per annum, The Canadiso 'gubsidy was £15,000 per annum. Thak was a tidy | sum for carrying the mal' At any | rate, this Pacific trade was bound to ia enormously, and the empire at arge might and would benefit by ih Disqualified. Although Mrs. Harlow loved ber hus- band and admired what she considered | his good points, it was o never ending | source of amazement to her that he bad been chosen to fill the office of | mayor for three successive terms. "Bverybody knows bow much I she sald In a dazed | way to one of her husband's eousins. that he is as good as gold. Batit you'll | tell me whether you think a man who is color blind and who brings bome | toys that won't go when you rind | olives If Pd only try is fit for sach a position why, all I ean #8 44 1 dowe" "relict from Dr Plenze uote it i= Piles get quick and certal Shoop's Magie Ointment. made alove for Piles, apd ##s action is pos- itive aud certain. [tehing, painful, protrad ing or blind piles d pair like vagic by its use. Large wickel plated glass jars 50 cents, Sold by A. J. Davis public for ae e for over 3C intimate that business, and Sebi ex years, I would res] am, 88 usual, now OF DOUBLE AND © SLE HARNESS which I am determine ell very C HEAP i purchasels pr take om now unit k being Jan, 1st next, and nc factory worl super ority of my appa ent. utending purehas the ycan be suited in long experience fn putavle gusran will be rong Evert! in stock, the becom Hat once a find that by g elsewhere | ud price, my f ng an indie Sisia Jue d where he kinds of Boots all kinds of tepa strictly attended to please all wi Syndicate, Blacketock, Ont., will make |" the season of 1907, as follows. Mon- day leave his own stable, Swain's Hotel, | Blackstock, and proceed to Arthur Gibsou"s, Purple Hill, noon ; then by way of Shirley, to Raglan Hutel, night. Tuesday, proceed todul Binigklton, gle Wednesday, pr Yu lot 33, con, 9, «3 ' mn - The Publisher and Proprietor of n pb » The OBSERVER WISH RBS HIS AND = a= = 2 S025 8 Si aper re hia (Successor t z doors north of M Ww. F. NOTT, o J. A. Rodman.) r Widder s store Central Livery PORT PZRRY. I liberal patronage many years | have key ment in Port Perry, EARTILY thanking the public for the voceived during the sta Livery Establish {have much pleasure in announcing that I have removed MY LI VERY ! to my former place of business Water which Tam about to crease better accommodated Street largely extend in acilitics so that the public may be with safe and desir able RIGS AT Port Perry, June 21, 1 MODERATE CHARGES R. VANSICKLER, 900. Our fee returned if we sketch and description of any invention wi he patentability of sain fail. Any one sendin romptly receive our opinion' {ree concerning '* How to Obtain a Patent'" senl upon tequest, Patents through us advertised for notice, without charge, in sale at our expense, Patents taken out c,h nus receive special HE PATENT RECORD, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Invests Scud for sample copy F! Evans Building, REE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. (Patent Attorncys,) WASHINGTON, D. C. Sealed to be sold by auc sale. J. A. Mc Nov. 30, 1899. Temple Building, Tenders EALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for the purchase of all or any of the Parcels-- Farm Properties---belong ing to Mr. John Adams, advertised tion on the 23rc November, and withdrawn at the GILLIVRAY, Toronto 60 YEARS® soos OOUNTY oF ONTARIG, 1907. 1 WIT. tk, D. 0. MacdoneR, Sa Murch 1, Apts, Fi Septem o Gotober gr Nov a pA SE Clerk, I. C. 3 Mason, whi y= Jong oli Ty Ee rm ALR fa wn. ovemlw em! 2. BROUGHAM- Clerk, M. Gleeson, Greenwpod--J an ary 11, March 5, Met 4 July, 5 SEMOIE 10, Nov. etaber 7, Jan 13 3 PORT PERRY_Clurk, JW. Burnhain; Port Bort Pony J * =Juunary 7, Marc bi wy 8, Jos. Gould, 12, November 8, Tl 4. UXBRINOR. Olerk, Jangery 16 Muschis, Map 17 5, July 19, , Novewver 15, Jon, Yulia 5. OANNINGTON--Clerk, Geo. Smith, Cannington-- Janpary 19, March 14," May 16, July 15, September » 19, November 14, Jan. 16, 1 6. BEAVERTON Clerk, Geo. F. Bruce, Beavart January 18, Marc! 13, May oi h. July 14, premier 18 November 13, Jun 15, 1 7. UPTERGROY¥ Clerk, P. = Junuary 17, Mare h 12, May r 17, November 12, Jun, rd win." Motrin, i Yernve By order, J. E. FAREWELL, Clerk of the Peace, Dated at Whithy, Nov. 15th, 1906, r General Blacksmithing The undersigned having opened business in the Shp lolly ogusied by Mir 3. Ball Just west of Drs. Archer & Archer's Office, 1s prepared to do all kinds of of General Blacksmithing at Reas-: onable Charges. HORSE-SHOEING A Specialty and Satisfaction Guaranteed. : Patronage Solicited. S. W. SWITZER Port Perry, Sept, 16, 1902, "ALL L 6000 THINGS dep win" upon thelr merits.¥ The Internatio Dictionary has won af} greater © distinction upg its merits and is inn coilimiiel work of its kind in thé English language." ; A, H, Bayce, 1%.Dut Py of Oxfam it: It is indeed a i works it i difficult to conceive of a dictionary more and fn in it --not only what we might expect to find in such a work, but also what few © us would ever have thought of looking for. A supplement to tho new edition kh brought it fully up to date. 1 bave bean tid through the latter with a feeling ot its and 2, amount of Jebor, hat has been put into i, co LET vs SEND you FREE pipaasat aad instructive endian

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