the County Clerk, stating 278.30 will be required of for the present year. m the Deputy Reg. General, owledging receipt of Returns of Marriages and Deaths from for half-year ending June cKay, Overseer Stewart M 'was pud ta Mr. Wm. Taylor, for 'removing old sidewalk at Green- 'bank. On motion of Mr. Leask, $5 was ' paid to Mr. Richard Real for draw ing tile and drawing in putting in culverts, con. 10, Centre road: On motion of Mr. Lambe, $6.48 "was ordered to be paid to Mr. A. Sheer for 81 loads of gravel and §2 for cleaning gravel pit. On motion ol Mr. Mark, $3.25 was paid to Mr. Walter Mark for drawing tile and building culvert on gownhne opposite lot 24, said amount to be charged to Brock gownline account. ©On motion of Mr. Leask, 86.25 was paid Mr. Thos. Philp for dig- ging 100 rods ditch on side road, €on. 13. On motion Lambe, £9.96, was paid Mr, Jas. Cox for building cul- wert con. 6, opposite lot. 11. On motion of Mr. Graham, $2 was paid Mr. John Conner for erect- ing 8 rods of wire fence on nerth side of con. 14, opposite lot 21a On motion ot Mr. Graham, $19.75 'was ordered to be paid to Mr. E. Kendall for erecting 79 rods wire fence on north side of con. 5, oppo- site lot 8. : On motion of Mr. Leask, §3 was paid Mr. Jas. Medd for erecting 20 'wire fence on south side con. 6, op- » lot 8, | motion of Mr. Lambe, $21 d.. v Vi ambe, $1 42 paid to Mr. Isaac Turner for tecting wire fencé on east side of Simcoe street, con. 5. On motion of Mr. Mark, $6.75 was paid to Mr. J. W. Tawn, for | erecting 45 rods wire fence on con. 4» Jot 6, Brock road. | On motion of Mr. Mark, 82 was pnid Mr. John Thomas for timber for bridge on sideroad, dpposite lots 38 and 19, con 14. 'On motion of Mr. Mark, $16 was 'ordered to be paid to Mr. E. Bryant for repairing bridge on sideroad, opposite lots 18 and 19, con, 14, as On motion ot Mr. Mark, $4.30 was paid Mr. John Hemmingway repairing washout on con. 1, lot 10. 4 . On motion of Mr. Lumbe, 75¢ was paid to Mr. W. Cook, for 6 work ; also $3 to Mr. E for 374 hours work on con. oposite lots 13, 14 and 15. 'On motion of Mr. Lambe, 83 was "to Mr. W. C. Ashepharst for rk on towniine East Whitby, also 8 cts for 3 hours work on Whitby Teo chang: made near the gravel pit : requires widening. The Conncil instructed Mr. Clyde to proceed with the widening pro- cess where required Mr. J. H. Leask came before the Council ; he said a grant was much required to grade and gravel :the road leading to the Seagrave rail- way Depot ; the road was not in a desirable state at present. The Reeve said owing to the fact that the report of the estimated ex- penditure on roads and bridges had already beeu adopted, Mr. Leask's complaint would be classed with Id in due course re. TY i * On motion of Mr. Leask, $10 was ordered to be paid to Mr. Jas, Mc- Farlane, being two-thirds loss sus- tained by him in having a pure bred ram lamb killed by dogs. On motion of Mr. Leask, $466 was paid to Mr. F, McClintock be- ing two-third loss sustaiued by having one lamb killed and one lamb wounded by dogs. On motion of Mr Lambe, Day Bros were paid $10.12 for building a bridge on the 2nd con., opposite lot 2. On motion of Mr. Lambe, $4.50 was paie to Mr. Miles Crosier for erecting 30 rods wire fence--east side townline Uxbridge--same to be charged to the Uxbridge townline account. On motion of Mr, Mark, $12 was paid to Mr, Wm. Pollock for work performed on Mariposa and Reach townline, On motion of Mr, Lambe, $30 was paid Mr. Stewart MeKay for work done on townline Scott and Reach, said amount to be charged to Scott. On motion of Mr. Leask, Mr. Lambe was appointed to act in conjunction with a committee ap- pointed by the Cartwright Council to consider the advisability of devi- ating a certain portion of the town- line of said municipalities. -------- Port Perry Council The July meeting was held on Monday, 8th inst., at the close of Minutes of June meeting'read and adopted. Mr. Hutcheson gave notice of By - laws respecting Wharfage Rates and re Debenture Issue. On motion of Mg. Robinson, the Weigh Scale Master's salary from July 15, 1907, to July 15, 1908, was fixed at $165. On motion of Mr. Hutcheson, 3 grant of $75 was made to entertain the Old 8chool Boys. On motion of Mr. Hutcheson, the following accounts were ordered to be paid : Streets--C., L.. Vickery $15.87. Fire & Light--Rex. Harper $7.50 Streets--W. H. Harris $9, Weigh Scales-- Albert Hall§37.50 Assessor--N. Ingram §63. FZ" A small quantity of Tile and Chimney Brick to arrive on Satur- day. C.L. Vickery. Another Grand, Popular Union Excursion. The Sons of England Benevolent Society, The Ancient Order United Workman, and The 34th Regi- mental Band of Whitby, have ar- ranged to run their anoual Excur- sion to Orillia, via Whitby and Ma- nilla Junction, on Wednesday, July 17th, 1907. Starting from Bow- manville at 757 am. and Speeial train leaves Rosebank at about 7.50 a.m. Special train runs through to Orillia. Remember the date and everybody come. Its the best ever. Particulars later § |after she 4.| occassional other similar applications made to- |. er Complaints. s -- »: first sign of illness during eather Re the. tle ones 'Own Tablets, or in a few the trouble niay be beyond Baby's Own Tablets is the medicine in the world to pre i complaints if given o well children, and re these troubles if they come unexpectedly, But the tudent mother will pot wait until the trouble comes--she will k her children well through an sional dose of this medicine. The Tablets ought, therefore, to be kept in the house at all times. Mrs. Chas. Warren, Nevis, Sask, says: "My little boy was greatly troubled with his stomach and bowels but a fews doses of Baby's Own Tablets wrought a great change in him. would not be without the Tablets in the house. Sold by all medicine dealers or by rail at 25 cent1 a box trom the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. u will promptly cu really the finest we or any one Ww ever seen, they as large as the We had. ever bef we state that Mr. K ties of strawberries every particular of seen in this locality, we have many prepare I|ate the statement. 3 can secure such fruit strawberries worth' ficent one and far ec any former year, and » THE OBSERVER Has A Goop OIRCULATION. and is in favor. It is the BI conservative snd is not a favorite of ractical class of peopl sobemers, boomers an in its local mud and ® printed entirely in thegiace of pub lication--Port Perry. pi tr general advance, $1.50 will be charged. JOB PRINTING THE MOST MODERN STYLES {857 OUR JUBILEE YEAR. 1907 North Ontario Observer. FOUNDED IN 1887. Only Paper Printed and Published In Port Perry. PORT PERRY, JULY 11, 1907. EE -- -- mm Bishop Worrell, of Nova Scotia, has likened the ravages of the graft- ers in public life to those of the brown tail moth in orchards. The the simile is hard on the brown tail moth, It only does material harm. The grafter demoralizes as well as steals. The Cobalt carnival appears to have run its course. One of the most valuable assets possessed by the Province of On- tario is Police Magistrate Denison, of Toronto. about engaging on a larger scale the manufacture of stoves and fur- naces in which electricity will be employed exclusively, The British Parliament will be asked to make a grant of £50,000 to Lord Cromer, who did so much to put Egypt in the way of progress. Nations are not always ungrateful. Thirty-five years ago Jules Verne wrote "Around the World in Eighty Days." A fortnight ago Lieut.-Col. Burnley Campbell arrived in Lon- don, having accomplished the trip in less than forty-one days. ¥2£~ Look out for the announce- ment of the entertainment under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church, which will take place about the fourth week is July. That Recital. Sir,--The account which I sent you of the piano recital by Miss Tipps pupils, and which appeared in your last issue, was, as you will readily remember, written on sev- eral very small sheets of paper. These 1 hastily snatched from my desk on Monday, 1st inst, to leave them at your office on my way to catch the next train for" Toronto. In my hurry one sheet was' inad- vertently left behind. It would be useléss to print it now ; but you will, please, permit me say that it had to ou can't aki or Mountain ; fine. She is round, plump, and handsome; in fact she is young again. 35 cents, Tea on VIS. con- EST edium ip the County is the Champion of the Agriculturists and more o cliques; it is the Oldest and Best Established --founded in 1857--the most original and best news department TeRMs--§1 per annum in advance, if not paid in AND AT LOW PRICES (The Offictal Paper of the People.) | ad Hollister's Rocky 1 a. Her complexion is that Monday last, notwihstai the rain storm in the eirly the day, his pickers amesed 2500 boxes; in fact, itjvas day for pieking and on a large army of industrios P -| broke the record by a lage m so] that July 8th, 1907, iwas letter day at Kellett FruitGarde the largest number of bixes picked on that day, notvit ing during the past thirtylyea acerage of strawberries haj fre ly been far larger. The cr Sunday last was a sightfo behold and well worth traveling a long distance to see. 1 3 Ture EXCURSION OF THB SEASON. --OQur Fire Brigade ig Tuesday, July 30 for theit Adal t Excursion. They go toiN Falls via the wonderful Gorge Route and they are making pre ations to take along the whole town and a large contingent fiom the the adjacent district. : others ever held under fhe same auspices. | Bon Vovacr.--The wotth y.and indefatigable Warden of th Conn urope where they a continental tour to be Ens about six LawnPartvy.--A Lawn der the auspices of 'thi Church, will take plac beautiful lawns of M# Caw, Cochrane street, on ing of Monday, July 1. musical program will be & r Gates ajar at 7 o'clock, 15 cents. All welcome Bounp East.--Mr. Jos. who for a number of ye been a student of Mr. Allison, druggist, Port Per other day for Newark, he has secured a good a leading -drug store date and progressive Mr. Cassidy will succeed where h s lot may be question. He posses site essential qualificati a favorable impression a ful career under the am) le. the star-spangled "bann for his prosperity. ? A Sti. FurTHER .R Ceal Merchants have bees led to increase certai | ten cents per. GIANT TRIPLETS ¢C + Bobs" and # Stag" Chewi 2 "in big plugs. ways the sam : hid | Church, will take place on Mr. ,| Ormiston's beautiful lawn on to. ball Match between two leading "|teams at 4 p.m. Selections by the .| Burns, Mr. F. Wilson and others. at day his *| sures abundance of fun for one and d-|to eat and Nic-Nacs for a treat. _| raised are for the benefit of the New mittee. Thi excur- sion will, if possible, edipse all "| delivered by Revs. B. Greatrix, A. {children 10c. A Refreshment Booth Fe . A Strawberry Festival, under auspices of Choir of St. Andrew's morrow (Friday) evening. Base Band. A good programme by Or- chestra, Miss M. Sullivan, Mr. Chas. Refreshment Booth on the grounds where extras may be procured, All welcome, Tickets 25 cents. ee Seagrave. Laugh | Laven! Laugh! Are you too tired to laugh ?. Has life grown stiff ? Does the laughing machinery of your nature need oiling 2 If so, we ate getting the laugh ready, all you let go and they con ce sake don't come ; xi Jou wan; a real laugh # or goodness safe don't miss the fun, Monster Garden Party and Comic Entertainment on Mr, Jas. Munro's spacious Jawns on Thursday, July rithy The Committee has secured the service of Will J. White, one of Canada's foremost Comedians, who will be the Leading Entertainer for the Evening's Program which in- Strawberries all. Eat! Eat! Eat! Price 10 cents a serving. All funds {Church at Seagrave. Come, sup- port a worthy cause and receive your money's worth. Greenbank Brass Band will be in attendance. Wm. Ross, Esq. and P. Christie, M.P. on Platform. Gates open at 5 o'clock. Swings and Croquet for use on grounds. Evening Enter- taininent, 8 o'clock. Admission to | Grounds and Entertainment 20 cts. W. J. Gibson, Sec'y Building Com- J- Robbins, Pastor. Scugog. CuurcH Re-OPENING. The Centre Church, Scugog, will (D.V.) be re-opened on Sunday and Monday, July 21st and 22nd. On Sunday-- Sermons will be preached at 10.30 a.m. and 7 p.m., by Rev. _ That Mr. Ingram is an ideal Assessor isan established fact. | His Roll of 1906 as well as that of 1907 are highly creditable to him; His superior judgmentof reul estate values have fully demonstrated his abilities to assess the town as it hould be assessed. ' The first case to come before the! Telephone Co.--represented by Mr. W. H. McCaw. The Company complained of being over assessed on land. 'Appeal dismissed. ; My, Fred, Brock deemed himsel ad 1G : Mr. Jonathan Bloi against the assessment of his resi- dence, it being too high. Appeal sustained and reduction of $125 was made, He appealed to have a re- duction made on the and story of the Blong business block. Appeal sustained anl a reduction of $100 made, Reach, Port Ferr; and Scugog Syndicate appealed against one of its stallions bein assessed. Ap- peal sustained. Shour | & Noxon appeale!; they contended their Evaporator is assessed too high. Appeal dis- missed. Mr. Nelson Whitfield appealed ; he deemed he was over assessed on buildings and lands. Appeal dis- missed. Mr. Whitfield being owner of a dog the Court assessed him for the same, On motion the Assessmen Roll for 1907, as revised apd corrected, was finally revised and adopted, and the Clerk was authorized and instrueted to certify to the same as he law directs, 0 o ng appealed' 'NO UNION SAYS BOND. Newfoundland Will Not Throw Her Lot With Canada. In Prof. Bowles, M.A., B.D., Victoria University, Toronto. On Monday Z Tea will be served in the Town! by Wm. Ross, Esq., Port Perry. Music will be rendered by the Quar- tette of the Methodist Church, Port, Perry, and the Centre ChurchChoir. | Miss Florence Wharton, Elocution- ist, Toronto, will render several choice selections. Address will be J. Terrill, B.D., R. A. Delve and J. U. Robbins. THE CORA will run to Pettet's Point, leaving Port Perry wharf about 6.30. Fare 15¢ return trip: Admission to Tea and Concert, adults 25¢, children 15sc. Concért only, adults 15c, will be on grounds. An. interesting Football Game will be played dur- ing the afternoon on Hope Bros' field. Collections of Sabbath and receipts of Tea are' in the interests of the Trust Fund of the Church. Everybody welcome to these scr- vices. A good time is expected. Hucn McHourL, Sec. of Board. W. T. Wickert, Pastor. Prince Albert. The Rev. Isaac Snell and wife, Bir Robert Bond was entertained at dinner by the: West Indian Club, Lon- don, Eng. last week. Mr. h ne rs non-attendance. He that under Robert Bond's wise administration he ed. Britain's oldest colony d on a carcer actorily 4 that settlement might be a Te- lude to that union with the great il minion to the west, which he believed poll mnsie)y be mast conducive permanen . toundland. a Respondinfg to the toast to his health, Bir bert Bond said that while not prepared to challenge the correctness of Mr. Chamberlain's statement that Vie _permariont welfare of Newfoundland depended upon the blendimg of that colony's interests with those of Canada, he felt con- strained to say that such a union at [resent as Rot Sesirmble Sur within region ical politics. Alluding to the all Bir Robert en t emphatically repu- diated it, and denied that he had ever said the report was substantially cor- rect. He intimated, however, tif the colony had been treated with a little more courtes i who _have been appointed by the the Conference to the Prince Albert | Circuit, atrived in the village on Thursday evening last and had a eception from thew many. in Prince Albert, Manch- Bethel which was very fer which a ellowship beid which proved to iritual enjoyment. after discussing on person- ian work, a fellowship G embraced They averred to the oldest Fall Wheat ........ § Spring Wheat... ... Goose Wheat...... Barley .i..eou00ist Rye .iavrvesiveses | King's speeches on n 1 | hi i of course, assisted | retary, Lord Knollys, who makes it | his business to acquaint himsel 32 m the RD A; rofited ey Div, 78, ances, in ways distin Court was the appeal of the Bell w of Bh colors at wk al (Prince of Wi | t Regimen chad el Tittle hard until he recovered the read, and then calmly finished his \ again the then president of the Royal Academy, and told him he was quite provoked with himself: "I knew it quite by heart this morning," he declared. How Royal Speeches Are Devised. It is sometimes, but erroneously, de- clared that royal personages have their speeches written for them. Of courre no one supposes fhat the King's Bpeech in opening Parliament is His Majesty's own composition; it is well understood to be the work of his Ministers for the time being, and in it the King's English is often shamefully maltreated! But the tical oc- casions, such ag charitable dinners, laying of foundation-siones, and re- ceptions of addresses, are unquestion- ab! 0d his own devising. course, he has to be extremely careful in the expression of his personal opinions. ' Nevertheless, he has managed often to make phrases which "stick," of which, undoubtedly, the most notable is his famous saying about the pee: vention of disease; "If preventable, why not prevented'? These five sim- ple words, so full of blunt common- sense, seized the imagination of the nation, and no one can tell how wide- spread an effect they had in advano- ing the cause of public health. In his speeches at what may be called pure- y local functions, the King is very appy, and in com: ng these he is, H with all the local susceptibilities, which are often intensely keen. , it may be said that the King possesses one supreme virtue as a public Bpeaker-- he has never been known to try the patience of his audience, he'is never too long. It is an open secret that he does not himself like long sermons-- twenty minutes maximum--and he coud mot endure vi 3 DS eless, he a a ; really fine oratory, and nd often, when he was heir-apparent, to go to the House of Commons and listen to the great political 8 ers, Glad- stone, Disraeli, and John Bright. the implacable grasp of nature. Ithas only to tighten slightly and be is crushed like a bug. His loudest shriek of agony would be as tmpotent as his final moan to bring help from that fair land that lies like heaven over his not fasten- Jong. She car 8,000 ma- servants under i BRET £ ® Hi E EE . Y copies r.quired by said sections to transmitted or delivered of the List, made pursuant to'said Act, of all ap- Jpesivg by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitl- ed to vote in the said Municipality at Elections for members of the Legislative: Assembly and at Municipal Elections ; and that said List was first ted up st my office at Blackstock, on the 5th day of _u'y, 1907, and remains there for inspec- tion. Electors are called upon to examine: tie said List and if any omissions or other errors are found therein to take immedi- ate proceedings to have the said errors. corrected according to law: Dated this 5th day of July, 1907. W. J" BEACOCK, Clerk of the said Municipality. Fall Term Opens Sept. Srd. i (Cor: Yonge and Alexander Sts?) The school that ranks FIRST in thor oughness, popularity and genuine 'merits Our attendance is greater, more students" were placed in 'positions and at better: salaries than in any previous years Write to-day for handsome Catalogue: gl Ww. J. ELLIOTT, Principal,' Goal !--Coal § oO TO A DROP IN PRICE OF i CoAL by the operators, we are advise {by the Coal dealers of Porb Pex they are prepared to accept fof ne | for future delivery at the fol! 'and terms, An advatce of 1 all hard | | Fag. Irate Pea Steam Smithing © 7 60, unt of twenty-five cents per tom: lowed on all cash scttlcments: the 1st of the month followin, e above prices apply to new coal only. For quantities of five hundred pounds or less, a charge of forty cents per 100 Ibs will be made without discount. An extra charge of 15 cents per tom, for "carrying or wheeling, where assistanso is not rendered by the purchaser, Port Perry, April 6, 1907. iq Teacher Wanted, WANTED--After Vacation for School Section No., 15, Reach, (Santfield) a Teacher. Apply JAS. GRAHAM, v 'Sec-Treas. June 17, 1907. NOTICE to the Creditors of John Matthews, late of the Village of Port Perry, gentleman, deceased. ! URSUANT toRevised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, cap. 129, no- tice is hereby given that all credit "ors andothers having claims against * | the Estate of the above named John Matthews who died on the twenty- fifth day of January, 1907, are re- quired on or before the third day of August, AD. 1907, to send by post prepaid or deliver to Hubert L. Ebbels of the Village of Port Perry, Barrister, Administrator of the es-- 'tate of the deceased, their christian 'and gtneniog, wliseses 2d de- scriptidns, together with full parti- culars or eke claims, a statement their acco: and the