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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 25 Jul 1907, p. 1

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'Parstony, Susonow, &o. and Breniugs. and day over the with the residence of . L. Port Perry, Nov. 15, 1804. CAREFUL Atotion gion Ofios and Residence, Queen St., Port Pe:ry five hours--8t0 10 am; 1to3 pm. In office and house, open pight lines south, conmeoted Robeon, V.8, iin Ls a "LOANS Our long acquaintance with this district enables wa (0 make as liberal loans to our customers as sound financing will per- mit. Te Undoubted Security to Depositors. SAVINGS in Drawing Your Money No fay Interest Paid or Compounded Twice a Year. Don't Wait till you have a large ywm to deposit, 81 will Open an Account. Small Savings form the Base of Large Fortunes. Begin with us Now! BARRISTER, &c, © Buctessor $0 J offices of the late F. Ont. Port Perry, - Jno. W. Orozier, &o. Office at residence, 6th ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CoXVET ANE, Bs (one mile west of Port Perry,)-- Monxy 10 Loan. N. F. PATERSON, K.C, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, &e., OWEN SOUND, ONT. E. FAREWELL, K.C., LL.B., County J. Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol- vitor, &c., Notary Publie and Conveyancer. Dffice--South wing Court House, Whitby, Ont. DENTAL SURGEON. Also open Saturday evenings. : tr Gold Fillings, Work a Specialty. Vitalised Air. oT (DENTIST) Drug Store. Office hours--8 a.m. t08.30 p.m, Port Perry, April 9, 1902. J. A. Murray, DENTIST, 0Offos over the Post Office. PORT PERRY. All branches of Dentistry, practiced. Artifical Teeth on Gold, Silver, Aluminum or Rubber Plates. Fillings of Gold, Silver or Cement Painless extraction when required: &&F Prices to suit the times® Teacher of Drawing, Painting, Design and Ohina Decoration Studio hours --g to 12 a.m. ; 1.30 to eo 430pm. Dradia | tore, Port A Weekly Family Newspaper 18 PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT. BY i discount allowed 'by the your or half year. ] WMH. HARRIS, BAL LLB. ant of the aad FM Yarnold. W. A. SANGSTER, Office Hours--9 to 12 a.m., 2 to 6 p,m. Bridge and Crown Dr, P. D. McGrattan L.D.S. of Rogal College of Devtal Surgeons, also D.D.S, of Toronto University, Office in the Allison Block over Allison's including Crown and Bridge Work successfully Cora Belle McCaw . yer W. H. McCaw's rs North Ontario Observer Political, Agrtoultural and ily N EVERY THURSDAY MORNING ved to Merchants and other all cases ba strictly adhered lo _ Hand Bills, Posters Wedding Invitations, WE (ASI SALLE NOTES. BANK MONEY ORDERS. Upto $5 Over 10 upto 30..10 dy Over 30 upto 50..15 cts. PORT PERRY AGENCY. us} Over 85 upto §10.. Hcts. { Best way to send small amounts, Cashed free at any Bank. For sums over $50 use Bank DRAFTS. Best and cheapest way to send LARGE AMOUNTS. Special Rates. H. 6. HUTCHESON, Manager. ACENT =n Line panies. DAVID J. & DOUGLAS ADAMS, BANKERS AND BROKERS. MONEY TO LOAN | (British Capital) at 4, 4! and 5 per cent | Fire, Life and Accident Insurance. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT, SOLD OR EXCHANGED in any of the Provinces, or principal Cities in the Dominion of Canada. Marriage Licenses Issued. d C.P. RK. SIeaninip Con ~ JOENSED AUCTIONEER for the 4 County of Ontario. Sale Register at the Ossrrver Office. Patronage solicited. Manchester, Jan, 19, 1899, H. MoCAW, . ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, Port Perry Ont, Port Perry, Dec. 19, 1883, GEO. JACKSON, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, &c. FOR THE OOUNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHIY OF CARTWRIGHT, ISHES at this the commencement ef another Auction Sale Season to re- taro thanks to his numerous pairouvs for past favors. In requesting their estcemed and continued patronage he desires te state that vo effort or pains will be spared on his part to make ull sales entrusted to him successes. His very extensive practice in the past should be a sufficient recom mendation as to his ability. All Sale given! into his charge will he attended & with promptness and dispatch. Sale list wade ont and blak notes supplied froe, on application. Parties wighing to engage his services hy oben bie SaLx RkcisTek either at v Tver ~. Standard Offices, Port Porry, for dites of for Sales, and maka ar angements, or Write sq his address . Phone at Residence, No. 31. = CHARGES MODERATE. Y GEO. JACKSON, Nov. 1,-1901. Port Perry I'. 0 All parties found trespassing, hunt- ing, shooting or trapping on lot 1 in the 8th concession of Reach, will be prosecuted to the utmost rigor of INH : Ww Telephone [irectory TES BE TELRORS CDA 0 ALD Lik fs bout to: publish a new igsue of 5 the for the District of * : ¢ District of ONG, Offical Telephone Directory | JOS. HAIRD | Miss Harrison. Dress and Mantle Maker ISHES to inform the ladies that she has moved to her fine Rooms in the Allison Block where she is prepared to execute all orders in Dress and Mantle Making in a manner unsurpassed for Correctness af Style and Charming I fect. Our charges are consistent with he value given. Port Perry, March 27, 1902 : For Sale. OUSE AND LOTS, situated on Cochrane St. Port Perry known as the Wilcox residental property. Apply to D. J. ADAMS, BROKER, Port PERRY SE for Sale. {a1an Tendeté for the purchase of lot 2, concession 12, Township of Rew. will be received by the undersign- ed until Fen. sth, 1907. consists of 100 Sr oa 3 well drained, - On. the premises are said to be a 'bank barn, d ing house and Joung orchard. Three miles from Ux- dge town. Terms, cash. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted, GEORGE MURTA, ":Uxbridge. property arable et ing ¥ Pi || dest event in sacred history ever conceiv by human wind of executed by the hand man lias been gecurately reproduced by wonderful Olegraphic process ; showing magnificent panoramic view of she City Jerasalem in all her Grandeur and glory The picture is 2 1-2 x 31-2 foot in & aud a Jimited number will'be sold in Ca da for only 85.00 sach. 'Send stamp fo lustrated discription of 0 Ol phic uotions. heral allowance will be made t6.¢ who will show samples to their friends; PEERLESS PUB. CO., ToroNTO, ONT. 1ndian Ourios Wanted for ourr etail store, 54 Yonge St. WIT IS BAS of the eyes, the old lifting | of the corners of the mouth, "They, tell me that Tad In tho bed Len" he sald as he took Marton's hand, "As you will perceive from my card, 1 em a physician to children Marion's face darkened. This, then, as the meaning of the card, He was worrted about her brother. For a mo- | ment she was minded to renew the old | quarrel, but she necded help and sym- pathy, and so she lald her head on his | shoulder and sobbed out her troubles. | Her father had been obliged to go to | Europe on business and had taken his | wife with him. Marion had been left | In charge of ber nine-year-old brother, | and almost before the ship had passed Bandy Hook Tad had come down with typhoid | His robust constitution had thrown | off tho disease, but the battle had left him weak and listless, and even the | gray beartled physician was worrted. | "There is no actual danger," he ex- | plained to Marton, "but he must be | roused from this lethargy or he will go | into a decline." He had confidel the same fear to Henry Duncan when he met the latter on the street and the younger man had asked after his little chum. Then, de spite the misunderstanding between Marton and himself, he could hold out no longer, and his call was the result "If he should die before mother comes back, what should I do?' walled Marion. "Send a cable," advised Denean peomptly, "but there is not going to be any more worry now that the physi- ofan to children has stepped In. My 1 sce my patlent?" Y Marion led him to the bay's roomy E] | TAD FED THE ELEPHANTS. and his. fingers twined Fosplingy about the mmn's firm hand. uncan was shocked at the thinness of the fingers, but he gave no sign. "What's the matter, old chap? he demanded, with a voice now wonder- fully gentle. "They teil me you don't find the world any good any more." "I'm tired," said Tad plaintively. "I'll bet you'd not be too tired to go to a circus," sald Duncan. Tad shook his head. "There ain't any," he satd "1 was asking Dr. Stanton.' He says it's too earty for them." Jamieson's Livery 2 E undersigned takes th . i ory rronuding country for liberal and sill increasing pat- : . bestowed npon him since commencing Carting and Livery in Port Perry and now _intimates that he iy better than ever prepared to supply all requirements in his line. . Having extensively added to 'my stock Of horses ; as well as conveyances of the litest type of construction for comfort and pleasnre, Iam in a position to meet the requirements. of the nost fastidious as te style and Jesirable equippage in every ° spect--In every way suit. iter private tive: 'wed. dings, funerls, &o. artis wishing up afternoon drive can hav ic choice of suitable double or single rigs and care- . fal drivers So 4180 be suppli od when required. = .° 1 possess a number of geod Sprivg and Dray Wagons and will, at all times, attend to Carting with the atmos care and promp I wish further "to state that in future suitable conveyances will be at the Railway Depot te convey ngers and gage to 7 Jeter dud uy, 'will also convoy passengers and baggage to the Deon tia for departing traivs, on being given notice, = = 5. WM, JAMIESON: "Port Perry, July 30; 1903, TER TO MISTAKE OUR Tad's face lighted ns he saw Duncan, \egge REG RSDAY, JULY 25, 1907. 1867--JUBILEE ¥ $1 Pry Axvuy on ABTARCE. ~ Ya (WHOLE 3°. ndruff disap- ars, had to disappear. A | § healthy scalpmeans a great dea! to you--feslthy hair, no dan. | § druff, po pimples, no eruptions. Thebost kind of a testimonial -- "Bad fob over sixty years TR e I SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. CHERKY "Ulrensss are No gooG IY (hey are picked before they are ripe," admitted Henry, *butf you don't want too big a olrcusii think I ean get one for you." "I dent want a play circus," ex- plained the bey. *Pve got some play circuses: One's In a book, and the oth- er's in the cupboard." "We got itm a toy circus and a cir cus book," whispered Marion. "He has somehow set his mind on a cireus. It will be a long time before ono comes." "There tre no more circuses," reit- erated Tad sadly. "They've all gone away." "Rats!" laughed Duncan. "That shows all you know about circuses. Will a little circus do--a real circus, only with one rlag?™' "Real horses, real everything?" de- manded the boy. "Everything except the tent and the red lemonade, You see, In winter they keep circuses in houses, so the elephant won't get his eam frostbitten, I bet if you had ears as big as an elephant's you wouldn't Hke to get your ears frostbitten." The boy laughed In delight at the faney and beat the counterpane with his fragile hand. "Then there's the giraffe," went on Dunean. "Why, when he starts to cough it's a full minute before It wrig ! gles up his throat. So they keep cir s in hethouses, just like plants." dud there really 1s circuses?" f PECTORAL. i 1p i wa're going 4 Henry. ! "H d traly " " dertaved flenry as he "New, you get bet Btanton won't say n't cone. I'll be here at pat on the ft the room. i down tho hall. be awfully disappointed to- fhe said donbtfully h ve it," laughed Duncan, go It to me, and that boy will lon scrapper of the block in path. I have Stanton's per B assume the case. He ad ability to meet the situation. y large, though," be warp frothing less than a wife by ©! Marion." off} think you will be kept walt- eurly head, he Marten fol- "1 | ing for feb" she replied, blosbing, "I'm sofPy | was 80 mean.' "So ag nN he agreed wusently. "That 18," qui Ely #I mean I wm sorry I was mean. Pl be around In the morning." Bhe wifehed him stride up the street with hip ngy step and turned back inte e. house greatly comforted # Heary Duncan always fort whero he came. Bhe so foolish to allow 8 petty anding to como between sitting up, ready dressed, 3 ry drove up to the door the next pe ng. Already the queer med- | commenced to nct, for he por like Nis old self, and a Is h of exvitemnent tinged the iit had threatened to fade inte | fh pallor of death, | H wrapped the boy up warmly, i a dourish of the whip, they li Away out past the town jit Into the country, not yet n the thrakdom of Jack Frost, | < was a promise of spring | ft air. | a de aa LT ber to Saved Fremy Disgrace. In ne of the old families of Charles ton, 8. I, writes Mrs. Ravenel, thers was an tmpertant personage, Jack, the | butler, Jack dispsted with another old man, Harry, the butler of Mra. Henry Izard, the reputation of betng the best and most thoroughly trained servant in town. From the jodging of the wines to the arrangement of a saltspoon there was nothing which these withered brown potentates did not decide and maintain. Nothing would have aston ished etther more than that master or mistress should dissent from his ver- dict, Jack was intolerant of anything which he considered a breach of the etiquette of the table. Nothing could have induced him to serve a gentle man before a lady, or a younger before an elder brother. To place fruit and wine on a tablecloth Instead of on the mahogany wes to him a falling from grace. On one occasion he was much annoyed when a senator from the up country twice asked for rice with his fish. To the first request he slmply remained deaf; at the second he bent down and whispered Into the genatorial ear. The genial gentleman nodded and suppressed a laugh; but when the servants had left the room he burst into a roar and cried: "Judge, you have a treasure! Jack has saved me from disgrace, from exposing my {gmorance. He whispered, "That wouldnt (do, Bir; we never eats rice with fish A Seriptural Bull, Itven the Bible is not free from bulls In chapter thirty-seven of the book of Isaiah appears the following confusion of ideas: "Then the angel of the Lord went forth, and smote in the cxmp of the Assyrians A hundred and four geore and five thousand; and when they arose early in the moming, be- hoid, they were all dead cerpees." It is not only deliciously delightful to eat, but Greigd"s White Swan Jelly Powder with troe fruit and wine flavors is really good for you. Ask your grocer for a pack- age. Any of 15 differ- ent flavors. Price, 10c. The ROBERT OREIG (0. Limited Toros ' WOMEN WHO 60 TRAPPING. Most of Them Indians and None Ever Frozen to Death. With the mercury forty-five = below zero, the native wonien of. Mis- sinabte, a small settlement on the north shore of Lake Superior, live in tents in the woods, making their liv- ing by hunting and trapping. Most of them are Indians, and one of the most remarkable features of thalr life is that, although they have been fol- lowing this practice every winter for years, not a person has ever been froz- en to death The women make as good trappers as the men, remaining all whiter in the woods, arel coming out in the spring to sell their pelts. Tha vil- laga, which has about 250 inhabitants, was founded in 1886 by tbe Hudson Bay Co., but hag since passed inte other hands. During the winter months there 1g little life the: the inhabitants in the fall push way into the woods te the porth from | = to two hundred and fifty miles, do not return until spring, when the boating and trapping season is over, The summers have for been | the play season for the natives. For it was the custom of the In- ears a to drink John Ball bitters, & er than the far-fam- Among the local celebrities are Geo. E Job Chapish, and Joseph | Iserbroft o accompanied Mrs. Hub bard during ber exp! jon of Labro~ dor. Elson was the Indian who was with Hubbard and Wallace, and shared in their hardships in the wilds north, when Hubbard The voluntary system of edmfssion to. an asylum where patients will not lose thedr righta of citizenship fa re commended. The need for better fa cilittes for taking care of the chronto insane gf county dnetrinl homes is regarded as fmportant, tamilies being thus enabled to visit the helpless ones which, through the expense incurred, they ar at present deprived of. Tho revenue from paying patients during the year increased hy 8113. 221.17 The advisability of removing To- ronto Asylum from its present loca | tion, and the establishment of a ward for the special treatmeut and stody of mental diseases are again discuse- ed in the report. | Lunatic Immigrants, In the report for 1906 on the lunatic and idiot asylums for the province, just issued, some interesting figures are provided, showing the part that immigrants play in loading Ontario with expense. Mar sas Were ported to England, Beotland, Sweden, Russia and the United States. In several instances cases were de- ported who had four times in English asylums, and in one éase the patient ¢ame to Ontario for his sev enth asylum residences. Of 64 mala pa- tients admitted to the Toromto Asy- lum, 37 were of fore birth and 17 Canadians. Jt is recommended that the Dominfon Government require more stringent reguhtion governing such matters The total population of aystnm in- beer mates at the end of 1904 numbered 5,972, against 5,843 on Sept. 30, 1905 Housekeepers and wives provided the largest number of cases admitted gince the establishment of the asy lum, numbering 6,406, and domestic servants 3,831 z nun bered 4,508 and laborors ¢ During the year, of a total of 1,085 admissions, 322 were housekeep ers, 144 laborers, 130 farmers and 106 domestic servants. These are evidently occupations to be avoided, and may account for the preference "for city and ators life r LITERARY L0G ROLLING. | How Same Famous Authors Sought to Advertise Themselves, The examples cited by Francs Crib ble in his article on "The Comedy of Literary Log Relllng™ in the 8 Magazine arouse some suspicion as fo their absolute authenticity, but are amusing enough, whether true or pot Sainte-Beuve Increased the circulation of his books hy insisting upon fighting a doel In the rain with ean umbrella over his head. Gerard de Nerval used to be seen in the streets of Paris lead- ing a lobster by a string. Mme, Kru dener, the author of "Valerie" and the friend of Alexander L of Russia, made the fortune of ber movel by callmg at all the Puris shops and asking for va' rons articles of dress ™a la Valerio" Of Victor Hogo and of Alexandre Dn- | mas the elder the following stories are | told Nor was the great poet astmed to roll bis log even ata funeral. He seized | the opportunity at We obsequies of | ome of his own sons. It happened that on the way to the esmetery the pro cession passed a traveling menagerie, and the Tons, for whatever reason, stopped roaring just ms Victor logo was in front of thelr cage. Ills com panion, a minor poet named Pefleport, drew his attention to the fact "Mas ter,™ he whispered, "the Hons recognize you and hush thetr volees. The king of beasts 1s sflent in the presence of the king of men." Vieter Hugo bowed and turned the maftet over in his mind | Then, efter meditation, he said: "Pelle- port, that was a happy thought of yours. Cottlan's you write something shout it?" And Pelleport wrote a son- ners " out bod & negre footman in bis things almost not entitled. He even went so far as himself to design the uniform fn which he founght--or, rather, did net fight, for he arrived after the fighting was ell over--in Garf aldfs army, and he achieved & tremendous advertisesvent by conducting a weil known actress to tovited He got another oftwertize- | attatned when the announcement ap- Weak Women To weak snd ailin; 'way to heip. 5 Bi wo! there is 4F) oe Pb that way, two TENTS, tigrial, but both are i br. Bite he : : 8 OU I Sofi Resbo: re hrevguout the! - 5 goaebes threvs ¢ onthe role pre ue ir kag ew. doe 188 ta . 0) f w vo or Lig 4 eniral $0 the at Date. Day 8 él Dr. Shoop's Night Cure DAVIS EVICTION IN IRELAND FAMILIES OQOUSTED FROM COT- YAGES OF FOREFATHERS. Large Dispixy of Armed Police--Ten~ ants Offer Hurl Storres Stubborn Resistance-- Their Tussle on the Rocks-- and Sticks at Enemies Camera Fiend Has Lively Time-- Women Lead the Fray Eviction n tate Kilmacows tletown Bereha ploce, when ¢ were vis at As istanooe notwithstanding the groteeqg armed police foree, to the nu close on 400 men iis @xcessis lary, $rought arable STD res ing e¢ arid ing srel mented upon x isto «a instrumental ir pen had the eff { vary reat ration Women Loss Their Heads At sight of sd rs th women of the 1 2 los b campletely With je and En hed their i what tl ht ing 1 fr the fight At last the men mad sh an i pel h rifle the palice X sight of men w poor helps | to valor. The rush was a hali-hearted - y, dem lashing throu the TR re hn hing fhegoeh § tute when wikhir tance of the police At th { a short di Te r td r Kog log b were I d ere upor y the pol y ¥ grds, w i u hit a 1 ' policemen took it very weil he woinen LAE € ¥ nd possible, and release n Phetographer Then occu 8 picture when the test had t en fro m AI ments of plata the muddy roa Explorer Enters Parliament. The young Earl af Ronaldshay hay been Iotarned unopposed to the House of Commons 10 the barough of Horn- sey. He stoed in the Unionist inter est, and the Liberals did not put Ine ward a 'candidate. Besides being =a mean ability, be is al and traveler of renown. plored the Himalayas ghly and is quite at home in that majestia region of the eternal snows. On the fingers of one band eould be counted those Englishmen who know more about Persia than he. does. .H in "a practical working cian of no a sporiaman He has ex- thoroughly, faot, edge" of all the northwest, north and nortdieast borders of India, extending a to Thibet, his travels in theso yo found in two books, ""S¢ < Upder an Fastern Sky' : tha Gmtskirte On of Empire in Asis Lord R dshay te on Lordy Cursen's sand someh or other from Per ] The resulls o alluring lands < was for some gtaff in India, ons cannot help seeing injhim o fo ture viceroy. Workmen's Compedsation. i Tho new Werkmen's @ompensation! came into force on Adondey, July, Raughly speaking, ~¥ery person emm: ¢ a] lalgor, all domestic seats and persony employed others Ase than in manual labor whose res uneration does wot exceed $1,350! come within ihe mek, For = = dents to these fmployers are habie. The compansaion for partial of tetas} cannot exesed Sa fam

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