E mA A ri rT PTT TEL Pink Pills and suffering will not . Jordan Station, Unt, value of these 1807 - those who have not the bond of race 'and language to. blind 'woman can depend et blood is out of order' od is rich and Jute she | rong, healthy an appy. is the Se at neatly all "and pains [row which suffer. Keep the blood rich d ir the use of Dr Williams' James R. Kratz, of has tested the Pills and strongly ad- vises other women to use them. She says: "For more than a year 1 was a great sufferer from weakness. 1 was completely worn out. Ilost flesh and could not rest at night, and in the morning I arose more tired than on goiug to bed I had taken doctors' treatnient with no benefit, - 1 grew worse day by day and was beginning to look" upon iy eless ihe] was. dy - Mrs evel 2g le had left me aug 'once more enjoying: p Bealth and strength. I look u Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as a ver zhle life saver gd gever miss a chance to recommend them to my friends." The success of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is due to their power to make new, rich red blood. This new blood strengthens the nerves and gives nourishment to all the organs of the body, thus curing anaemia, indigestion, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous debility, headache and backache, and all the secret ail- ments of girlhood and womanhood. The Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or may behad direct at so cts a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Com pany Brockville, Ont. Mr. Scott, Secretary of State, is the lone representative of the Lau- rier Government at the capital these days. MONEY. Scroral 5 sums from $300 to $10,000, have | been placed with me for immediate in vestment at lowest rate HUBERT IL. EBBELS, Barrister, Port Perry THE OBSERVER. 3 [public aflairs: jas senile. HRS very kind 10 me om my return to | It will be seen by announcements 'of the Douinion, "and, | general, morejhonest conduct of The following: letter from Sir Wilfrid Laurier to Mr. F. L. Fowke appeared in the Gnawa Reformer lof last week. Tle object of the honorable, gentledfan in penning such'an epistle is got easy to sur mise and we are t modest to make inquiry. Had Mr. Fowke made an appeal to a Quebee constituency to elect him its mein- ber the letter would doubtless be of some avail, but its supposed influ: ence is a questionable commodity under't gireumstances, and should and doubtless will contribute ma- terially; to tha ignominious defeat of proud and too anada, but of all the greetings with which I have been favored, nothing old] hive heen so'agree able to as thé announcement that the Li talk of 'South 'Optario have offer you, the nomination of their riding, and.'that you have ac- Your@ame is in itsell Permit me to s-as well as my cepted it. au omen of succ offer you py th ost earnest wa Believe me as ever, Yours. very sincerely, WILFRID LAURIER, Fred L. Fowke, Esq., Oshawa, Oat, een It is the unanimous decision of that summer Visitors this place presents a beautiful appearance and they exclaim ' Port Perry for us." | Str x InprovaiinTs. Our town fathers are certainly, in: the expenditure for street improvements, especially granolithic walks, making some ivjudicious selections as to locations Why not tear down the wooden barricade 1n front of our Market building and construct a wide, suit- able granolithic walk that would be used by thousands of feet weekly and prove beneficial to patrons of the town, and confine granolithic of the for their construction. operations to other parts business centre, in place of distrib- uting in patches this on outlying streets there to be over- material grown with grass and weeds, never to be worn out by traffic and left to time alone to obliterate, EF It will be seen by the adver- 'during 'Augus 1 season just closed has been an ex- ceptionally lively and satisfactory one{ and the. young lady richly de- serves a short respite from her ar- duous duties and business anxieties All wish her an enjoyable holiday. On Wednesday we had a pleasant visit from C., McNeil, Esq., Warden of the United Counties of North- Mr. Mc- Neil ably represented Cavan and is umberland and Durham. one of the solid men of that town- ship. He is thoroughly versed in municipal affairs. Durning his stay he took in the town and pronounc- ed if guest of G. par excellence. He is the L. McLaughlin, Esq., Reeve of Carrwright. Mr. W. H, Gerke, General ager of the Martin-Senour Co. Man- Ltd, elsewhere in this issue that our Band Excursion to Idyl | Wyld via Peterboro, will take | Has a Goon Oimcviation. and is con: Tt is the BEST is the | champion of the Agroulturists and' more | conservative and practical class of peopl is not a favorite of sobemers, boomers ad Cliques. it a tho Oldest snd Best Kata --founded in 1857--the most. original and yi tn fu looal and general nows department td a printed entirely in 'the pisce of pul Taman 81 81 por annum In advance, If not paid in | , $1.50 bik be be charge. | wan PRINTING | Montreal, pioneer manufacturers of | pure Prepared Paints, accompanied Fo auspices of the R. on the and Mr. Orie mornin, EFesaminer: | Twas en of July; : | just south of ] rR "We went for sn ontilg. of last weak was an unqua fie The wind blowing high. cess in every particular, t he 3 the children were "happy - lage was Very large, the D As birdies that coo, : "The ladies were chatting grand and financial r tionally good --over taken at the gates. T! They. chatted quite gaily "And talked quite tenderly was a rare and highly Of unfortunate people - one and the large congou Who are fashioned so slenderly. were not slow in manifestir The boat reached the landing And safely was moored, | When somebody whispered .» Peanuts on board." One took a handful The game was quite catching, The handfuls were going, And no one was watching. substitutes of the other annepnced entertainers: proved that they poss ed grand vocal powers, The Port Perry Cjizgos' Ban xusi 'But just at that moment "*A man hove in sight, He saw what was doing felt ready to fight. This worthy young otal, Of far famed renown, "4 Told of the decrease AN over the town Scugog Island and to th been very fotrunate to sel Feeling badly of course At the spread of the news, > have sent them all back, >t by handfuls, but twos, use of the Christian Chu rangements Church for the first time on Sunday service to com- At this season of the year "nc- next, August 4th- mence at 330 in the afternoon. The Rev. Mr. Scott hopes that these services may be well attended body works but father." z Move over, please, and make! room for an Odd Fellow or two. The hay crop in Ontario is turn- esprcially by those who belong 10 ing ont considerably better than at his own Church, and that they way | first anticipated be productive of much good. Please - rd remember first service will be held Business College Education. next Sunday in the afiernodn at3.30{ All young men and women who | o'clock intend entering a Business College | this 'fall are invited to write to the Elliott Business College, for their handsome catalogue. among the g&¥ It will be seen by the adver : Toronto This best The tisement in another column that Mrs. Caleb Crandell splendid milch cows for sale. is offering two | school is classed business colleges in Canada. | Mr. Mort Scott, their traveling oti WW 1 on Tuesday, 13th August and | 1 % PortP ord SA advertisement of the college ap- salesman, ort Perry on Monday, e not on Wednesday, 14th. | y gay Palmistry. pears in this Pipers visitingMr. W.L. Parrish,our esteem po ae &F Who WANTS A FinsT-CLass |» HO WANTS A FIRST-CLASS |.) townsmian, Mr. Parrish is the| Consult MADAM V A L 01s,| Longboat's Wondortul Race. | Farum. --It will be seen by the ad- | Scientific Palnist, on all affairs of | sole' agent for this renowned high-| 7° Busine ud Mirriage vertisement in another column that | 5 ve, joousiness, am Rrrag | grade line -of goods for Port Perry | Most skeptical are: cu nviced and [today's pregramme of sports in Mr. Geo. Tother, Brock, (near| |and vicinity. | astonished She tells just what you | connection w th the summer carnive al lack water offering for sale his | ® lwaut to know. In town--ONE Black wate s 8 J |= EZ Mr. Frank Tripp, one of the WEEK ONLY. At Vgs. J. A. 2s Tom Ls nots tig Indiag yu is is a grand oppor- , Gt the fiv le race: an- | Hine farm. Ais grand opp! Gucen city's most: esteemed, active | Lang's, Mary Street, Fectso.cts! I ner, in thefive-mile race: ~ He en- | (tunity to secure a desirable farm at| 1 reliabl Ki th i {gaged to Beat three men in relays] and reliable guardians of the peace, a reasonble figure. This property | € A Fprrazr Apvanck --OQur cout}20d at the same time to beat the | | is holidaying at Prince Albert and is Caysdian record. He was success- would. prove ta 'good investment either as a speculation or to farm. "OUR Fr TEAR. 1907 North Ontario Observer. (The Offictal Paper of the People.) FOUNDED IN 1857. @nly Paper Frinied and Published in ort Perry. PORT PERRY, AUG. 1, 1907. a -- Sir Wilfrid's Return. One can understand the rousing reception given Sir Wilfrid Laurier in Quebec. In so far as the inter- ests of that section can be separated from the rest of the Dominion, Sir | Wilfrid deserves well of French Canada. But is there any reason why he should be exalted outside of Quebec ? An apostle of Oppor- tunism--the most blighting creed a public man can espouse--reckless in expenditure almost to the ex- treme of the notorious Mercier ; conveniently blind to the conduct god character of his colleagues and associates ; barren of initiative, and sadly lacking in business instinct, what is there to set against his de- fects and awaken the enthusiasm of them ? 'Graceful diction, a courtly manner, e. of human vatuge, andd Si an Ex "AUCTION "Satr<Mr.T; instruction from Mr. Wm. Bateman to sell by Auction at his residence, | Cochrane street, Port Perry, on Thursday, I igust 8th, all his House- hold Effects, &c. The residence | will also be offered at the same] time. £7 EZ Our Band intend running | an Excursion on Tuesday | August 13, to Idyl W yld--by | rall from Port Perry to Peter-| boro, then per Otonobee Navi- gation Co's boat up the (sup- erbly picturesque) Otonobee River to Rice Lake to Idyl Wyld. -------------------- Particulars later, GIANT TRIPLETS * Currency" « Bobs" and ¢ Stag" Chewing To baccoes, in big plugs. ways the same. Quality al Auction Sace.--It will be seen by the posters that Mr. Jackson has instructions from Mrs. Jerwood to sell by Auction at her residence Cochrane street, Port Perry, on Thursday, - August 1st, all her Household Effects, consisting of furniture, stoves, beds, bedding, &ec., &&. Her tidy and comfortable cottage will also be offered at the same-imey --_------ &&F = Our. Bagg ic intend ranning August 13, fo Lag] Wyd2by | si boat (superbly picturesque) Otono- ; Hee i to Rice Lake to 'new big plugs of "and " Currency" Doctors Change Soe Methods the guest of his mother, Mrs. James | Butt. Mr. Tripp is one of the finest minion--standing six feet inches in height, built as he should be; straight as a reed, not only in| | conformation but in all that goes| to 'make a man great in all other | He has had a wonderful | | successful career of over eighteen | respects. years, and is held in high esteem by | the entire force and officers. Messrs. Arthur and Harry Mec-/ Farlane of Mr. George Walling of this place | are making their grand parents a | They are having a de-| of Montreal, grand sons | short visit. much pleased with the appearance of the town. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tripp of Man- istee, Michigan, accompanied by their bright aud intelligent children are guests of Mrs. James Butt, Prince Albert, mother of Mr. Tripp. Judging by the appearance of the Tripp family their lot has been cast in pleasant places. perous and happy. The Garden Party held at Man- chester on Wednesday of last week proved a grand success. The at- tendance was large and the program was rendered to the satisfaction and delight of the multitude present, and the applause at the close of each | number. was rapturots and richly deserved by tne Toromo| Fe They are pros- ites wheréver they entérfair Greenbank Band acquitted itself, int a highly pleasing mapper. The grounds were in splendid condition and much praise was given to Me. and Mis. Vernon for 'the handsome | manaer in which they did their part, The 'committee did its. pat io per- fection. The "financial 'result was excellest. CEA Ag ee oy théy t Catarrh dosiugr 12 to +Catarrhozone." This treatment } is | rem tre ee | miles. lightful time and express themselves | {_ fTuryer, Secy, L$ ey saw tl this| Longs oe air cure. 23 known as}: dealers have made a sull further] win both. The race was an ideal | one. He made the distance in 25 55. "| which is one minute and one second. Ci advance i in the rics of pe a a E , Toro nto, Longboat's first opponent, but the dusky boy ran. away like a streak chester, had a' Seal 2 ining and killed. Although only a few weeks old it was a valuable] 50 lanimal and was eligible for regis- At the end of two and a half tration. The owner prized it very | miles he wasys yards behind. Tom much and it wenid have taken a | Coley of the I.C.A.C., the champion | five-miler, then chased Longboat | considerable amouut to have secur- adit In a great spurt he caught the In- dian aod stayed with him for two Lou Marsh of Toronto, also an [.C.A C. man, took his pl ce for | the last half mile. Marsh took 25 {yards lead at the start. In the final | quarter Rongboat began to catch| BRITISH AMERS CAN BUSINESS COILLKGE "p L Toroouto. TERM f Catasoguios and Journal of Husiness F. lucation free. T. M. WATSON, Principal Oldont, In Crnada, most tho actical ouiiraes uicy facilithoa for good war 'Marsh is a wonder at 220 yards, but the hall mile was too much and Longboat won by an inch. He {ran the last mile the fastest of the mimi epi tane Prince Albert. GARDEN PARTY fiv . - Tue Best Yer!!! Do You Feel the Pinch? Not of poverty but of corns, ach- ing corns, that can be cured by Putnan's Corn Extractor? Don't Don't flurry so, just wait, keep cool. To get the work all done ; Before the world comes to an end. Just take some time for fun, And come to Prince Albert to hear Bert Harvey, the celebrated Hum- orist, «who will entef at the Garden Party to be held 'under the auspices of the Methodist Church and Choir onthe Parsonage Grounds on Tuesday, Aug. 6, . Other attractions which 'the Committee where in 25¢ bottles. Mrs. Snyder, The Leask or "Tip, Vi Real, Esq., will occup The committee are e. selves to the utmost former entertainihents | Prince, Albert. Admish children 15 cts. All Comittec--Mrs, R. |. Hi 'Why Chest Colds 8 They lead np ple who says: 1 used to bi {attacks and although | | ts actually carried Ottawa, July 29.--Thke feature of | to Winnipeg, and then back on the (Judie: ious mother, a consistent and | next train as | 1 {up and finished at Marsh's shoulder. La suffer, use "Putnam's" --sold rv: yy in co-operation with the councils for a few years. Censures the C. N. R. "The Canadian Northern have utter- ly tailed to give this locality anything like reasonable service. "There 1s much valuable timber here, which ts wanted in the western market, but the to make contr as they know that hk cannot depend on getting cars to deliver, and the or, settler, who could make a good living by taking out timber, is Ea suffering. In fa the neglect and utter dis ogard O.N.R. in this section is erim- a negligertce in some cases as in- Hreuuy, as your crossings in Toronto The postal facilities are bad. There is no mail-car on this line and a let- ter going from here to the next station | t that station Promising Country. "The people do net take Toronto | papers to any extent and are out of touch with the east, so that they can- | mot be blamed much for kicking. "The 2p of the Ministers will do |; much because the Conservatives = party lack a publicity bureau and She poco are coming to isit them Joatning what the Government re ally been doing. All day long mat | Messts, John, Samuel and James! July, 1907, and remains thére for i ! tors are being discussed in a manner that will be hauneial to both the per th o1 oy iT thin is one of the most promising of the newer of our province, and 100,000 Prosperons and contented people cou located between Lake of the Woods and Rainy Lake." ee tpt Game and Forest Reserves. Although I am no pessimist | ing the permanence of animal life, 1] am compelled to believe that unless several gre#t provincial game and forest reserves are at ance set aside | in British Columbia, the mountain shoo of that province are doomed to y extinction. To the Btoney In- to the hungry trapper, and to every Sores, tl fine animal is of the extinction of the grand- est mountain sheep in America. reasons I am to the trapping of Laties for for skins, poisoning and to more xm in 1832 settled on athe farm ang, has been' possessed by. the Davey family |' Sioa | cxperlendéd many of the hardships any and privations of pioneer life; he | frequently' in making payments for 21, the farm walked to Toronta: and lemplary and consistent member of about' seventy years. Mr. Scovill [else [pack | in order to do so. Mrs, Davey ur the balm of consolation into the wounded 'spirit, and wherever the soothing voice or gentle hand of womanly affection could sooth the sorrowful, or ease the sufferer her's was not withheld. Her's was an exemplary life, conspicious for its womanly graces She was an ex-- the Methodist Church. She is survived by three sons to mourn the loss of a:mother so worthy of their love. Mr. William here are afraid | esteem and Davey, Port Perry ; Messrs. James and Joseph Davey on the home- stead, McKun--In Cartwright, near Cadmus, on Stay, July 28th, 1907. Mary Green, widow of the late James Mc- Kee, ag.d 65 years and ro months. Deceased was one of those ami- able and worthy ones of whom the world has too few and can badly spare. She was a Joving and much jielovey wife, an affectionate and exemplary member of the Chureh of England, and much esteemed by all who bad the pleasure of her ac- | quaintance. She leaves three de- "votrd sons ard one daughter to [mourn the loss | worthy of their love nnd esteem. | McKee, alt of Cartwright, and Miss Cemetery, Blackstock, on Tuesday, {And was largely attended. Rev. Mr. Kidd conducted the services. PORT PERRY MARKETS. (Quotations by A. Ross & Son i Aug. 1, 1907. Palt Wheat... ...i... fo 68@F 70 Spring Wheat. . o65@ o 65 i Goose \WWheat...... 062@ o 62 1 Barley... 0 ee 042 @ O47 Rye .. yn 0-50.@ 0S Qats... 025@ 0 30 Beans... weet ODHE 1 TO Grass Seed ly 00 @ 1 25 ~Alsike Clover...... 4 00@ 6 50 Red Clover........ 6 00o@ 6 25 Peas--Blackeye ... 075@ o 75 Peas--Small....... 068@ o 70 Buckwheat... ...... 0 45@ © 45 Turkeys .......... oI5@ O15 | Geese Ce Ne Ane o10@® 0 12 Ducks... dy 0, 0o10@ © IO Chickens. .... 008@ 0 10 Batter ... ... 018} @ 0 20 Egg ai ne 0 17 > 0 4% @ o o§ pt pl 6 to @ 6 60 FARM FOR SALE. £ FOR SALE: a Za Valuable Farm vated on Soutb-half of lot 14, con. r Brock il is situated one mile - Blackw, ust hrsh: school I Post O This farm is in r state of At Good clay nn 60 acres, mostly pas fo | ture land, and the balance, which is o acres in valuable timber. {never failing spring runs through the, farm. fhe buildings are in a ai gate ate. The parties buying the N may have it to do fall owing. and full pris in For fut 1s Teacher Wanted 1W ped Teacher for Section No. 2, ur go Duties to commence "at clove of E heiays, : A PRY UM. ALLDRED, Ch. of School Board. t situation for tl for whom. the 1 i whom the terri ved, Pay weekl 2 of a mother sO | nb r on he shall n Municipality of of toms of of Seugog, County of Ontario, OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Secs 8 and g.of - the Ontario Voters' List (Act, the copies required b 8aid Sections to be 50 trans- niitted or delivered of the lists, ade par suant to said Act, of all persons ap by the last Revised Roll of the said Mumiosity to be entitled te. vote in the said Municipality at Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and » at Municipal Elections ; and that the said List was first posted up at my ome Scugog, on the gth day of July, 1907, p remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon te examine the said List and if any ounssions er any other errors are found therein to take immedi- ate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to ii Dated this whl July, 1 HOMAS $ERAHAM, Clerk of Scugog. Voters' List 1907. Municipality of the Towaskip of Cartwright, Durham Co. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Sections 8 and 9 of the Ontario Voters' List Act, the copies required by said sections to be so transmitted or delivered of the List, made pursuant to said Act, of all persons ap- pearing by the last sed Assessment Roll of the said Mun ity to be entitl- ed to vote in the said Municipality at Elections for wembers of the Legislative Assembly aud at Municipal Elections ; and that said List was first posted up at | my office at Blackstock, on the sth | day of tion. lectors are called upon » examine the said List and if any omissions or or other therein to take itm have the the said" Co ding Dated this 5th ar of Ha, 177 Clerk of hi} Ln acnity. Coal 1==~Coal | On ING TO A DROP IN PRICE OF Coal by the opeiutors, we are advised by the Coal dealers of Port Perry that they are prepared to accept for new Coal for future delivery at the follewing prices and terms. An advance of 10 cents per on per menth on all hard Coal, Nut, Delivered, $7 40, Btthe Bin $7 00 Stove " $7 w 7 00 Egg " Ww 760 Grate " n 87 Pea " " 5 80 Steam " $6 75, nou 825 Smithing $7 50, w ww 793 A Discount of twenty-five cents per ton will be allowed on all cash settlements made by the Ist of the month followin, sale. The above prices apply to new re only. For quantities TP five hand unde or less, a charge of forty eents $00 lbs will be ily withoat ae An extra charge of 15 cents per tou, for carrying or wheeling, where assistano is not rendared by the purchaser, Port Perry, April 6, 1907, mtn meee ree NOTICE lo the Creditors of Jokn Matthews, late of the Village of Port Perry, gentleman, deceased. P URSUANT toRevised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, cap. 129, 10- tice is hereby given that all credit ors and others having claims against the Estate of the above named John Matthews who died on the twenty- filth day of Zour, 1907, are re- quired on or belore the th d day of August, A D. 1907, to send repaid or deliver to Hubert L. bhels of the Village of Port Perry, Barrister, Administrator of the es-- tate of the deceased, their christian and s, addresses and ether scripti among the persons entitled" thereto, ie regard only to the claims of which notice shall, at' the lime of distribution have been given; a the Administrator will not be imbie. oe the assets or any part thereof to or persons of whose have had notice. Dated at Port Perry, June 15,1907, ' © HUBERT L. EBBELS, Administr: in