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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 1 Aug 1907, p. 4

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i ome 1x 'of crinfinals as iy fh gpl' hi BicEs i Ls | relatives, and wife, the of the murderer, voted for says the writer. "On the day for ¢ appeared in the streets a band armed fi i i A } : : ; JTRS he FEfwg iF rere Phe Eeiti er, in fear and trembling as to what would happen next, although the ani- mal's demeanor was not 80 AELTEsSIvE as might have been expected | He was not allowed to wander at will for any length of time, however, | or three stout-h young men ! with guns and a pike | | | | 5 in it, and an exciting chase Badly wounded, the apimal tually beat a retreat to the rail- y station, where a railway guard, armed with a revolver, put an end to its unfortunate career . Peat Alcohol As Power, A revolution in the motor world is [tion is to come by ihe use of alcohol as a fuel instead of petrol The potentialities of alechol as a fuel for internal combustion engines are enormous. The cost, 1s 6d per gallon, hoever, has been prohibitive as far as its general adoption for mo- torcar work is concerned; petrol at its highest price has always compar ed favorably with it New, however, all this is changed, | and in 8 future article Mr. Wallace will tell of a remarkable scientific dis- | eovery, the result of a long chemical | investigation extending over years, by means of which aleohol distilled from peat may be manufactured and sold |with a wide margin of profit at | per gallon. The new fuel, it is stated, is more | efficient in every way. It iz safer to | handle, and 'will not overheat the en- .gine. as petro} has a tendency to do. ew te months Got Their Names. The months of the year obtained (thelr names from widely varying | | sources. January was named from the Boman god Janus, the deity with two | faces, one looking to the east and the | other towzrd the west. February comes | 883d "Perhaps he'll think I id It to make | from the Latin word februo, to purify. | It was the ancient Roman custom tq | hold festivals of purification during | that menth. March owes its name to mn old god of war. Among the Sax- ons this month was known as lenst, | meaning spring, which was the origin of our word Lent. It is claimed by some that April was pamed from the Latin word aperire, open, in significa- tien of the opeming buds In Saxon ' days it was called eastre, in honor of Eastra, the goddess of spring, from which comes our word Easter. May was named efter Mala, the Roman goddess of growth or increase, and June was from the Latin juvenis (young). Julius Cmesar himself named | September is from the Latin word sep- tem, meaning seven, it being the sev- ' enth month of the year according to fhe oid Roman calendar, and October, November and December likewise re the old Reman shall be not only broad seated, but long in the tree, that his weight may be riba d over us large a surface ou the Emulsion. Consumption is less deadly than it used to be. Certain relief and usually complete recovery will result from the following treatment: - Hope, rest, fresh air, and--Scotf's ALL DRUGGISTS; 650c. AND $1.00. That Registered Trotting-Bred Stallion ABDALLA STANTON Abdalla. Stanton 9065L Canada, 16 hands high, weighs 1300 ibs, and has grand knce and hock action, has trottod three heats at Toronto Pair, 1903, and every hest better 2.22 Sire by Belmont Star 1890, sirc of Belmont Chief 2.14}, Cooksville Boy 2.154 and others. ng Stallions in Belmont Star by Belmont 64, the sire of Nutwood 2.187 who is one of the greatest speed producers that ever lived which is acknowledged by every | Canada. Belmoot 84, he by Abdalla 15, sire of Goldsmith's Maid 2.14, he by Hamble tonian 10. sted horseman in ABDALLA STANTON'S dam was sired by General Stanton and he by Hamble | tovian 10, the sire of George Wilkes, the foundation of the Wilkes family, aud Electon ver, the founjaia hegd of Electioneer family ABDALLA SPANTON'S second dam was sired by Green Mountain Morgan, and he vy the great Ethag Allan, who was the fastest big Trotting Stallion that ever stood in ROUTE AON DAY ---Night--Little Rritain, TUESDAY --Noon--Uak wood | TUESDAY Night Manilla a ABDALLA STANTON'S co'ts are all high class, and command the highest 5 the marke® Many of them hava been raised in Toronto and sold from $300 t ach. Come and wee this horse before breeding your mare. FOR 1g07 THUSDAY -- Afternoon and Friday morn ing, Port Perry | FRIDAY --Night--Green' ank SATURDAY -- Noon Saintfield WEDNESDAY fo repel. SATURDAY -- (Afternoon and Monday h » Thon ana, forenoon--at his own stable, Seagrave ERMS-To ivsare mare in foal $12, payable, Feby lst, 1908 H. McKENZIE, Owner SAREE =H fy HEE fi TE "THINKING ALOUD. A Russ Which Rossed Lerd Dudivy and Formed a Friendehip. One of the earls of Dudley, who was addicted to the praetice of thinking aloud, found himself In a very awk- ward predicament on a certain occa sion. He was to spend the evening at the house of a friend and ordered his carriage early, as be bad a long drive back to his own home. When the hour arrived the carriage sent In his carriage. The gentleman was almost a stranger to Lord Dud- ley, but the offer was accepted. The drive did not prove a very socia- ble one. Lord Dudley took his seat end immediately relapsed into silence, his DIAMONDS IN CANADA. Richest Fietd In the World May Be fald, the richest in the world, itlway communies- tion has been established, be op- ed in the north land. At dif- ferent jmportant finds have been made prospecting ae Le ! natural carbon white, yellow and black, have been nd scattered over a wide area, is held to indicate that Shey Lays bos drifts north. That some sobject. F tty began to speak in a low but audible tome of voice, and his compan- jon, to his astonishment, heard him say: "I'm very sorry I accepted big offer, I don't kBow the man It was civil certainly, but the worst is I sappose I must ask him to dinner." Silence followed this bit of andible thinking. 'His lordship was unaware (hat he had betrayed his thoughts and was probably still meditating upon the same Empleasant subject when the voice of his companion broke the still ness. Apparently this stranger was afffict- ad with the same malady from which bis lordship suffered, for be exactly imitated Lerd Dudley's tone as be his sequaintance. Why, I would have done the same to any farmer on his estate. I hope he won't ask me to din- per, for I shan't accept his invitation." Lord Dudley's abstraction was all . He listened to the other's words, diately comprehending the joke i able cost. until they are in a g q 3 Dr Ami regards tion they have obtained at consider- £ posi to take advantage of it themselves. CANADA TO BE CAUTIOUS. Ministers WIIl Restrict Trade Nego- tiations With France. It is understood at Ottawa that Hon. Mr. Fielding and Canadian Ministers now in Europe will restrict iati trade rela many for his tu y fu vot rudenesa, treaty with The proved was i #nd from fhaf night the two became eleven years SEND CATS TO INDIA. | Ee lame a English "Mousers" to Kill the -Rsh That Spread Plague. One hundred cats of the bousebold i have 2 F LH i i i i A; 4 i Fe 3 aR steel pens, oa | S97 the reign of the late eral fipves of | out rough care! ess rection. | the Chuksan distdct. One ly when necessary, but prefers to ence if possi py At tmportant news leaked In, this di A Oorean Romants. A romantic little story fram the resi dents ha died of illness, his enly wife decl her intention of herself. Arguing that it was right for a woman to remain alive rick and. certhlin r fram Dr Magic Ointment, Plea ile d its action is pos ive aud certain. nieg, painful protrud } blind piles disappear like magie by is ge mick Lplated glass jars 50 ots, Sold hy A Jd. Davis N returning thanks to the public for a | patrousge extended tome for over AC 'cars, I wouid respectfully intimate that un, as usual, now ready for business, and " bave a Large & Assorted Stock )F DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which I am detery inedto eell vo iy CHEAP As an inducement to Cag purcliasers 3 Douat of 10 por ok- «ill he allowed on all Sales fiom now unit Jan, 1st mext. Alb work being && MADE BY HANDE3} and nc factory work t in stock, th super ority of my gooda will at once become appa: ent. . i PE ntending purchasers: will find that by giving ue a call hefore looking elsewher the yean he ty and_prigs, my long experience o being am | Jong eur iets 0 thud | ro lpoen n by any article purchased, * : in mY of naingtlh kop; Has just taken »ne door South of (i Hotel, where he intel sinds of Boots and all kinds of repairing strictly attended to to please all who ca possible. % Port Perry, June 1q pake all and do HEAD 0 DS 0S PSB DS DDS VDE 2 ya) 0505 OCIS DID DDD DD 0 DMD 00 Dr D0 0G 0S 'Charles 1» Division Court, lock, Port Perry, 1807. ssa [G07 UR JUBILEE YEAR The Publisher and Proprietor of The CBIERYER Lh open BA AYE 5 OR in WISHES HIS PATRONS FRIEND THREE HUNDRED ------ AND: Seda' «ad «nS DS 0S 0S 0S 0S DS DS DS DSBS 050505 00S 0 Iam p Pa Rg mi Paper and 'P required [4] &e. ir aint furnished i W. P, NOTT,.. (Successor to J. A. Rodman:) z doors north of Mr. Widden's store Central PORT: PERRY. | FARTILY thanking the public for the liberal patronage received during the many years 1 have kept a Livery Establish ment in Port Perry, have much pleasure in announcing that I have removed MY LIVERY! to wy former place of business Water Street which Tam about to largely extend in- crease facilities so that the public may be better accommodated with safe and desir: able RIGS AT MODERATE OEBARGES R. VANSICKLER, Port Perry, June 21, 1900. the atefit" sent upon request. te through us advertised for sale at our expense, Patengs taken out through ns receive special notice, without charge, in THE PATENT RECORD, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE, Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. (Patent Attorneys,) Evans Building, WASHINGTON, D. C. Sealed Tenders EALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned for the purchase of all or any of the Parcels-- Farm Properties. --belong ing to Mr. John Adams, advertised to be sold 'by auction on the 23rc November, and withdrawn at the J. A. McGILLIVRAY, Temple Building, Toronto. Nov. 30, 1899. % B80 YEARS® EXPERIENCE So EY RET pecan Doz = ow To gricultural Machines hp frei 13 pm. Siings of {he Division Courts OOUNTY OF ONTARIO. 4 1907. J. WHITBY Clerk, D, 0 Macdonoll, Whithy--Ja. gh orn] OSHAWA Clerk, D; 0. Moodonall, Whithy--Janu~ y 10, Feb March 4. gi ee 2s ot 2. BROUGHAM--- Clerk, M. Gleason, Greenwood --~Jant- L July, 5 September 10, LS ary 11, March 5, May 7, ember 7, Jan 13, 1908. 3 PORT PERRY_Clerk, J. W. Burhhom, Port Perry Ror Tap Jay Suir Sy September yb Rd 19, November 14, Jun. 16, 1008." ; El io Tan Pre 18, November 13, Jan. 15, 1008. TOE, el, Gt ber 17, November 12, Jan. 14, 1908. » By order, J. B. FAREWELL, Clerk of once. Dated at Whitby, Nov, 15th, 1906. 4 the p Ceneral Blacksmithing The undersigned having opened business in the Shep [alloy comupad by Mn, B. Rall Just west of Drs. Archer & Archer's Office, is prepared to do all kinds of of General Blacksmithing at Reas- onahle Charges. ¢ HORSE - SHOEI i ialty and Satisfacti fe Spaciniy. und. Salil Patronage Solicited. S. W. SWITZER Port Perry, Sept. 16, 1902. "ALL 600D THINGS ° must win"upog their merits.} The International Dictionary has won,a greater ¥ distinction - upon its merits and is in more general use than any other ' . . work of its kind in the . - English language.' oo ES A. H. Sayoce, LL.D., D.D., of Oxford i University, England, has recently said of it: It 18.indeed a marvelous work; it dificult to conceive of a dictionary more! exhaustive and complete. Everything ia in {t--not only what we might @xpect told find in such a work, but also whet few of ij. us would over have thought of 1doking for. A supplement to the new edition bas brought it fully up to date. I have been Jooking through the latter with a feeling of at its and the amount of labor that has been put' tO ib |, jemi ; LET US SEND YOU FREE i lr AE Illustratad pamphlet also free, 6, 6 C, MERRIAM CO., Pebe,, ® Springfield, Mass. $

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