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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 15 Aug 1907, p. 4

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5 re nt on forming rapidly Simply the visible sign that baby's tiny bones enough. 'Lack of nourishment is the cause. Scott's Emulsion nourishes baby's Jentire system. Stimulates and makes bone. + Exactly what baby needs, ALL DRUGGISTS: B0e. AND $500 B000000000040060000000 That Registered Trotting-Bred | abroad the King will meet (Sur Batporor of / of Austria. In September , ror will visit King while e court is in resi- This will mean) entertaining, reviewing 8 and Jormaliuies. ig the, ~ have + any ip in oy oy = , . There. was much of Gan np Persistence of Men. Holbein, Burgess and Wolffe haye | decided to try the swim from Dov- s this season. Holbein, it | ahi failed last year | aie after a swim of 221-2 | Burgess ion the attempt when three miles | « from shore, owing to cramp; while Wolffe was crippled by muscular de |" about four miles from shore. { Other competitors will be Ted Hea- | ton, the superintendent of Liverpool | jon baths; Horace Men, the Inle of Wight long distance swimmer, | and Cattaneo, the Italian champion. A new feature this season will be @ team race from England to France, | ents for which have been | made by "L'Auto." In August a sim- | ilar race be carried out under | the Or suepice of the Channel Swim- | ain is at present training at] {Wateringbusy, Burgess and Cattaneo | lon the Beine; Wolffe at Brighton, | Men at Bandown, end Heaton on the ire coast. Just add a pint of bailing water to a package of H Greig's White Swan Jelly Powder 1§ true fruit and wine flavors, and you have a delicious dessert in a few minutes. Price, 10 cents. Ask your grocer for any flavor you like. vug ROBERT GREIG CO., Lilsres TORONTO { A Kind Examiner. «|, 8ir John Stainer was dearly loved by the students when he was professor of music at Oxford. "As an examiner he was most considerate," sald one who stodied under him, "and would always do his best to get you 'through.' I re- member bis asking me a poser in a viva voce examination. He waited pa- tiently for the answer; but, partly through my nervousness no doubt, 1 could not think of it At length he med testily, 'Dear me, how stuffy room to be syre, and he went ng at the ventilator cord. It was quite two minutes be- fore he got the thing open, and Ly the he had sat down again and rear- ranged his gown I had the answer ready. Comparing notes later in the day with a man who was examined quite soon after me, I told him how the ventilator had served me. 'How remarkable' he replied. 'Why, when stuck he sald, "How extraor- drafty this place is," and spent minutes in shutting the ven- '--Manchester Guardian, fi i i i Razor In Disrepute. told her all his heart, and hes, there hath not come @& mine bead, for I have been rite unto God from my mother's ir wi TH 28g | : § great distance from the of the barber. To shave is an act il Ly r iF Stallion = il Stanton eg. No. 651. th 1903, an bette 1890, a ant Ciel 2. 143, Cooksville is 2.153 and others. Belmont Star by Belmont 64, the sire of Nutwood 2.18% who is one of the aroatest «peed producers that ever lived Canada | toniau 10. which is scknowledged by every posted horseman in Belmout 64, he by Abdalla 13, site of Goldsmith's Maid 2.14, he by Hamble ARDALLA STANTON'S dam was sired by General Stanton and he by Hamble , the founysio head of Electioveer family was compelled to | tonian 10, the sire of George Wilkes, the foundation of the Wilkes fui y, aud I.ecton ABDALLA STANTON'S sccond dam was sired by Green Mowntain Morgan, and be iy the great Kthan Allan, who was the fastest big Troiting Stallion" that ever stood in Canada market, price in the 500 each ROUTE MONDAY ---Night--Little Britain, FUBSDAY --Naon--0Oak wood. TUESDAY -- Night Manilla WEDNESDAY --~Noon--Creswell. WEDNESDAY --Noon-- Manilla. | TERMS | | | sure mare in foal §12, payable, ABDALLA STANTON'S co ts are ull high class, and command tie Righest Many of them hava been raised iu Toronto and sod from $300 Come and see this horse before breeding your mare. F OR 1907 THUSDAY -- Afternoon and Friday morn ing, Port Perry FRIDAY --Niglit--Green' ank. SATURDAY --Noon~ Saintfieid. SATURDAY (Afternoon and Monday forenoon--at his own stable, Seagrave. Feby 1#t, 1908 H. McKENZIE, Owner. into town apparently © EQeua un ru | neral and instead of patronizing a res- tanrant they calmly munched thelr | midday meal in the midst of those lo gubrious surroundings." a ee 3 Irascible Carlyle. A lady who lived near Thomas Car- lye kept Cochin China fowls, and their crowing was soch a nuisance that the philosopher sent a complaint to her. The owner was indigmant npon hear ing the appeal. "Why," sald she, "they crow omly four times a day, and how can Mr. Carlyle be seriously annoyed at that? Upon hearing of her attitnde upon the subject Cartyle replied, "The lady forgets the pain I suffer in waiting for those four crows." mrones mre MoOTe UNIIOTTNLY gooa quan- ty in appearance and cooking, in good size and development than those grow- | en deeper or shallower igi tubes which grow sloping in nd will show a difference in quality between the end near- og ne A and the stem end, the Iatter part being more mealy when | cooked. Though it cannot be stated definite- ly, it is believed that good quality is developed under a uniform soil tem- perature of 65 to 75 degrees, while reat fluctuation in temperature is mental to the best development. Tubers growing one and two to five inches below the surface occupy there- fore a better position in this respect than those growing above the one one-half inch level. The accompanying cut from a re- cent bulletin shows a basket of good ns Soe Once Too Often. : "What's all this excitement about?" "Nothing worth mentioning. Man got knocked down." "Accident 7" "Not exactly. One of these men who always eateh hold of you and push you out of their way when you happen to meet them at a crowded corner grab- bed the wrong man just now. That's all" $ 4 Saving Time. Father (to his son, early in the morn- Ing)--What is the meaning of this? re 1 You are lying in bed with your clothes on. Bon (a student) Yes, father. 1 do that eo that if I oversleep myself 1 shall not be late at college, RTT CN ---- A shrewd old doctor once sald: "Tt 1 to torture an enemy, 1 would he had an incurable disease. would be miserable, and he would be almost certain to die before hig time." i ¥ Missed Vecation. Client--Didn't you make a mistake in going Into law Instead of the army? "600D POTATOES. Conditions of Growth That Bring the Best Tubers. is quality of mealiness in a when boiled and, to a abi en | the flavor are and lowing consid- perature during the growing Dae w! nt dies + e r- sical conic and type of the i The results of investigations obtained up to the present point admit of the wing suggestions being made; 'Tubers grow out upon a shord stem or stalk from the plant stem ai regu- Millet as Food for Cows. In many localities some prejudice exists against the feeding of millet to dairy cows. Instanees have been cit- od when sickness and even death have followed from the feeding of millet. But in such instances the trouble arose probably too De and woody in wih and carrying a large amount of seed. These conditions probably led to im- paction in the stomach. The trouble may also have arisen from feeding millet with more or less of mold in it. Fed in such a condition it would without doubt be unwholesome. In prairie districts the growing of millet is easy. It has high adapta- n for ie 80 In large areas tler y can obtained than of timothy. Gg , 88 it can be grown and cut in t 75 days from the time of sowing, when Th oat for hay. When cut as the heads begin to tint, which seems to be about the right time, and cured in the cock like clover, it furnishes good hay. To show that when thus grown and cured it may be fed to cows without harming them, it may be mentioned that Mr, J. O. Perkins of Devil's Lake has cows 15 years old that have never eaten any other of hay as the fodder portion of their food. Of course, they were give; meal and latterly corn silage in addition, when in milk. This experience oer- tainly tends to show that when gillet is properly handled there should be no fear as to the resulte from Dry Feed With Silsgs. hago with it to get tho best re. sults. This is not to be wondered st, becanse the same is troe of grass. Cows will do better with a 1lille aif hay each day, which they will # e siables 'when on gras. This. griev: Beotland, as here, ducer is advised consideration u doubt, sound it are apt to fory is human and" tempting offer ship immediately, eept it, whe! to ship or not . against him in profit of the moi tinued a co-operate a fo temptation to sell the salesman's wa soon cease. x! Tether For 5 An iron spike with a is driven in the ground line represents a cord desired length. Fasten to the halter at a, wi strap, also c, d, to a, b, way at c; tie one of the i at d, and the other in § in end of the iron ike. at ¢ six inches from prevents taking up the- cord ® ling the animal. Th will slide over it as the A Tm eers Wim Bt. Petersburg, July 29.--G : der, who was in commar view in Krasnoye-Selo lastii¥ day, when the Beminoyaky | refused to participate in the vres and broke up the ord ade, has been relieved of mand by Grand Duke Nie cholaievitch, commander perial Guard, who was p review and witnessed Gen. Schilder has been given appointment in the p has been su formerly attached to tog Stole Kier Hardie's Vi Winni , July 29.--Wh Hardie, MP., was addressis cialist meeting on the Central Congrega Iris vest was stolen ROOM. Mr. Hardie was nod health when he left ing for Calgary. ¢ Piles ge! qnivk and Shan 's Magie Ointpe mal: e for Pi'vs, an tive Wisk) sertain. teh ng or bind piles d Liatyge nick 1 3 Suid By AJ Dic Bnote iti tion ix poe protrud magic b [TRINH 88 sonts, jars B N returning 'tharks | patronage cxtended cars. | wopid respect} 'F DOUBLE AND hich I am deternd ine As an induce "d d Dissound vill bo allowed on all Juan. 1st next. nd nc factory wor aper arity of my goods ¥ ent. 5 Pee nding purchal dving ue a eal he yean be mg exprrien tale guaran! vill he given w i Bverthing in onstantly hand inds pr: ke be and di kids of Fegan i eC to. -- £1857. sss [90 OUR JUBILEE Y The Publisher and Proprietor of- The OBSERVER WISHES HIS THREE HUNDRED IXTY- FIVE DAYS 3 = - 0000050303050 50 50050550550 0505 aS 0S SBS HIE . $1 "/ (Suceessor to J. A. Radman.) 1 zddors north of Mr. Widden's store Central Livery: PORT PERRY, EARTILY tanking the pubic for the liberal Jriotnge received eri tha many years I have kept a Livery Esta b bl ment in Port Perry, Lhave much pleasure ao. bray dy HE Lr Si RE i 2 BROUGHAN. 0 st: brary Saber 7, Jun 3 FORE. FER ve i i Nor a ir [4 UXBRIDGE Clerk, ys amusey eae bh Forgery yond: z 3 edi ER "TREE { Br'onder, RE Syivinitl, U) Mes 14 Jy Seprem J.B FAREWHLL. Dotod of Whiths, Nov. 16th, 1908. ot ek g that I have remoy MY LIVERY! to my former place of business Water Street which Tam about to largely extend fu- crease facilities so that the public way be better accommodated with safe and desir- able RIGS AT MODERATE OHABGES 4 R. VANSICKLER. Part Perry, June 21,1000, PATENTS § Os fec'setirned If we a Es eke ve speotal| an Hibstrated and wide EE Le for sample copy TREE Address, VICTOR J, EVANS & 00% (Pateat Attorneys,) 3 Sealed Tenders MEALED TENDERS will bt received by the undersigned for the purchase of all or-any of the Parcels-- Farm Properties:--~belong ing to Mr. John .Adams, advertisec, to be sold by auction on the 23rc: Noyember, and withdrawn at the sale, : A. McGILLIVRAY, Temple Building, Toronto Nov. 30, 1899: - = B80 YEARS® General Blucksniin The undersigned having opened business in the Chop late oeuped by Me BL Rall Just west of Drs. Archer & Archer's Office, is prepared to do all kinds of of General Blacksmithing at Reas- onable Ch rges. HORSE-SHOEING & Specialty and Satisfaction _ Guaranteed. " Patronage Solicited. S. W. SWITZER Port Perry, Set. 16. 1902

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