Quen St., AR SE 1. fn office and house, open night % 4 over the lines south, gonuected h residence of G. L. Robson, V.8. Perry, Nov. 15, 1804. ~ BARRISTER, &c., Buccessor to :" offices of the late F. Yi Port Perry, - Ont. MONEY TO LOAN. Private Funds at 4 per cent. BOLICITOR, Mowky To LoaN. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, &e., OWEN SOUND, ONT. lance. i Port Pesry po Fo -§ to 40 em; 1tod pm. | snd ocenpant of the Jno. Ww. Orozier, - "JY ARRISTER, CONVEYANCER, ed ig Office at residence, 6th Oon. h (one mile west of Port Perry,)-- DENTAL SURGEON. Also open Saturday evenings. ork a Hpecialty. Vitalised Air. TW. A SANCSTER, H.HARRIS, BA. LLB. Sl ie 9 E. FAREWELL, K.C., LL.B., County Barrister, County Sol- . Crown Attorney, or, &0.4 Notary Public and Conveyauces. Sisk-Sou! th wing Court House, hitby, Office Hours--9 to 12 a.m., 2 to 6 p.m. "4 Gold Fillings, Bridge and Crown (DENTIST) L.0.8. of also Drug Store. Offs hours--S8 a.m. $08.30 p.m. Port Perry, April 9, 1902. Dr. I D. McGrattan Royal College of Dental Surgeons, D.D.8. of Toronto University. Office in the Allison Block over Allison's Notice to Savings Depasitors Six months interest was credited: to you on Attrast 31st. In future, Interest will be Paid or r mouths--4 times a year, H.-G. HOTCHESON, Manager. 5 panais. DAVID J. & DOUGLAS ADAMS, BANKERS AND BROKERS. MONEY TO LOAN {British Capital) at 4, 4} and 5 per cent. Fire, Life and Accident Insurance. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT, SOLD OR EXCHANGED tn any of the Provinces, or principal Cities in the Dominion of Canala. Marriage Licenses Issued. AGENT --Allan Line and C.P.R Steamship Com- | J. A. Murray, DENTIST, Office ever the Post Office. YORT PER R Y. - b hi of All Ci practiced. I rewn and Bridge Work Wuccessfully BA ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County, of Duturio, Sale Register at RD Port Perry, Dec. 19, 1883, the Oparuver Office atronage solicited. ~Manchi Jan. 19, 1899. H. MoCAW, x ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, Port Perry Ont, Td a Ancti Artifical Teeth on Gold, Silver, Al or Rubber Plates. "Fillings of Gold, Silver or Cement Painless extraction when required: £ar Prices to suit the times® Teacher of Drawing, Painting, Studie --g 10 12 am. ; tore, Port Perry. ~ Cora Belle McCaw Design and Obina Decoration 1.30 to Studio. over W. H. McCaw's 18 PUBLISHED AT FORT PERRY, ONT. ay » EVERY THURSDAY MORNING North Ontario Observer A Weekly Politieal, Agricultural and = Family Newspaper 3 past favors. and continued patronage state that no effort or on hia part to make on application. Parting wishil may oonsult hia Perry, for dates claimed bh 1003; Te GEO. JACKSON, Valuator, &e. FOR THE OOUSTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHII OF CARTWRIGRAT, ISHES at this the commencement of another Auction Nale Season to re. turn thanks to his numerous pa In requesting ek nace ey ns will be spared 1 sales on him aucvesees, His very extensive practice in the past should be u sufficient vecom mendation as to his ability, given into bis "hrs 'willbe attended 4 with promptness dispatch.' made out and 'blank notes supplied free, to engage his services aLX REGISTER either at the Obsercer or Standard Offives, Port muke arrangements, or write to bis er Phone st Residence, No. 31. © CHARGES MOPERSIE G. J. MORRISH ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Port Perry, ONT. May 10, 1907. "Compoiinded every three rovs fo he desires ta ed to All Sale Sale list Miss Harrison. Dress and Mantle Maker \ ISHES to inform manuer unsurpassed for Correctness of Style and Charming Effect. Our charges are consistent with he value given. Port Perry, March 27, 1902. for Sales, nul address JACKSON, Port Perry Pp, 0 |, For Sale. JOUSE AND LOTS. situated AX on Cochrane St. Port Perry known as the Wilcox residental property. Apply to D. J. ADA MS, Broker, Port PERRY g on lot 15, ach, will rigor of] ~ Farm for Sale. the ladies that she has moved to her fire Rooms in the Allison Block where she is prepared to execute all orders in Dress acd Mantle Making in a The best kind of a testimonial i "Bold "for over sixty years." a LA 9 SARSAPARILLA. Ayers ee "We bave no ssersts! We publish the formulas of all our medicines. 4 L "Pills increase the activity o the Edy and thus aid hick Sm AMEMORYOFTHE WIR An 01d Soldier's Story of the Bat- tie of Yellow Tavern. E--- IEB STUART'S LAST FIGHT. | | The Wounded General's Heroic Brav- ory in the Face of Death--Custer's Brilliant Charge as Seen by a Con- federate Cavalryman. "The most brilliant charge I ever witnessed was made by Custer at the battle of Yellow Tavern," said an oid Oonfederate cavalryman. "It was pear the beginning of what historians now call the Wilderness campaign. "I was with Jeb Btnart, General Pits Lee's division. Wickbam's bri gade and Phil Sheridan's troops were banging on us like a pack of hungry wolves, nipping us at every tarn. "We left Hanover Junction about 1 o'clock one night and reached Yellow Tavern before 10 o'clock tbe next morning. We hadn't more than halted | at the Tavern when up comes Sheridan and tries to drive us out It was a pretty tough struggle, a hand to hand fight, and we fell back from the Tav- ern, but held our ng to Richmond. lett wing, and It wa 2 In the afternoon when orders came for the whole dlvision, except the First gintans, to dismount. 2 "It a} seem good, I can tell you, who owned it passed it down the and each man took his turn puff- at it. When it was gone we all Fg Sheridan would be up to next and how Jeb Stuart would head him off. It wasn't long before some fellow wished for a drink of water. "You know how it is. When one man wishes for water the whole company begins to swear they are dying of thirst. Jack Saunders and I took a bunch of canteens and started over the hill to a spring that he had seen that morning. I was on my hands and knees over the spring when I heard Saun- "oProt? Custer's voice rang out he 'Charge!' Jamicson's Livery HE undersigned takes th ortunity of thanking the Pork Perry und aviig extensively added to ay stfok of horses ; us well ug __enuvdlunces of the latest type traction for comfort avd to. Eh position on the tele- MISTAKES." © Bria -------- ie Sik, Tn iA t--t 7, SEP. 19, 1907, (WHOLE No. 1 § Isawa 31 am was g he pass- ed our rally &xd *» "Jeb Stuart It was only fot k his voice rang out, "ch struggling troops. The iJust across the road and 0) into the Nttle band } Jeb Stuart. His 1 with a screlim of agony, : on its the young aifices v helptag me "My God, re wounded! Your clothes are "with blood! You must leave th 8 " 'No,' General; "ahswered; 1 1 not Jeave 48 assured. Get me another i: "When 1 : 'the harse he was seated wi against a tree, apd when to get wp, weakened by he sank back aga. bs " 'Go!' he com us. T am dome for. Fitz Lee ive man. I 3 by ~grder, gen- eral, the young 4 him, and I'll never forget 3 k that came over his face ¥ ed the gen- eral. 'We must to a place of safety, how } * It must nol inst ps,' Btoart replied, and the th seemed to put fresh vigor in hisibody. You must put me on my h > an (keep me there. My men must not | that I am wounded." "We lifted him. mounting our ow, saddle. When turned, supported be a Inst effort to rally, "Go back, men! be Go back and do men! "We felt yonng officer turned of , and we cal to the rear Because of Under the for Ontario" the Roughly, grown three two and three-quarts Thus well over sixty entire tion is in two many two-thirds of dew: 10 in Ontario. Of this total, about aT on, bis horse, and, held him In his the tide of the battle n ns, he made fleeing troops. 'cried. 'Go back, fyour duty!" his saddle. The r horses' heads ed our fainting him sway } , "A Lean Year eekly Bun says: we have nine million acres the various field crops , and per cent. of the ven to field cultiva- acreage these two crops, and these 0 are the poorest in Hay will not give over the tonnage per Acre been harvested in «that hi t years pro pot over half. are. y to be nearly 35 per the and 'equivalent twenty-five million bushels on this average yield, to cutting off one crop alone. On the ¢ other hand, the hay which 'harvested has been excep- saved, and corm, which gubstitnted for hay, making splendid pro- area in this crop le There is only about age in corn that we t the tonnage per as great in one case It we have an open tting of the full ma- 1, the increased yield jy pretty well offset the other coarse fodder. thad been steadily de- up to 1904, have apid increase, and the p in the present sea- \bly be id WA great bi three years ago. At fhromise is for an excel- pe Barley again, of probably have 800,000 seers as if it will £9 e the average in yleld had been a r all tall wheat we v have had eight hun- but Montreal and Toronto, the _ dule 'eannot go. into. hi similar | nents - be made for the J sdian produce. Canadisn suth- orities appreciated the validity of the complaint regarding Canadian cheeses that had been shipped in @ "green" state, and were dof their best to re- tisfaction Beef Monopoly in Manitoba. fiirong evidence has been given be- fore the commission engaged in the investigation of the alleged beef com- bine in Manitoba of large railway re- bates on heavy consi menta in car- loads to the east. In this and in other ways large dealers have established practically a monopoly, squeezing out the small dealers and causing high prices in the province. The i wi commission may therefore be ex to take up the question of railway rebates so: deal with it on the same principle of equaltsing the conditions that they have applied to discriminations in general freight rates over the Canadian roads from western points to the ocean shipping orts in the east. In regard to the fombor combine in the northwest, which has cai such hardships to settlers desiring to establish them- selves and build homes of their own in the new provinces, the Govern- ment of Alberta has taken the matter in hand and has ordered legal pro ceedings to be taken against the mem- bers of the combine Notice of appeal having been given by the Grand Trunk Railway against the order of the railway commission for a 2-cent passenger rate between pew sche- | until th aga in: "the the case to the tribunal of empire, the judicial committee of the vy il in London will be asked for and granted, as the Government also desires the judgment of snd permanent settle ment of the question. The appeal is of porn for the Trunk is passengers between the two points named the Canadian Pacific must in self-defence do the same, and publie opinion will demand the application of a similar rate to other companies and generally throughout Canada, and will make it imperative MARK TWAIN AS A BOWLER. Bewildering Results He Achioved In His First Game. More than forty years ago nm Ban Francisco the office staff adjourned up- on conclusion of its work at 2 o'clock In the morning to a great bowling es- | tablishment where there were twelve alleys. 1 was invited, rather perfunc- torily and as a matter of etiguette--by which I mean that I was invited po litely, but not urgently. But when 1 difidently declined with thanks and explained that I knew nothing about the game those lively young fellows became at once eager and anxious and urgent to have my society. This fiat- tered me, for 1 perceived no trap, and 1 innocently and gratefully accepted thelr invitation. 1 was given an alley all to myself. The boys explained the game to me, and they also explained to me that there would be an hour's play and that the player who scored the fewest ten strikes in the hour would have to provide oysters and beer for the combination. This disturbed we very seriously, since it promised me bankruptcy, and 1 was sorry that this detail had been overlooked In the be- But my pride would not al low me to back out now, so I stayed In and did what I could to look satis- its apparently every way except the right one, but no matter--during half an honr I never started a ball down the alley that didn't score a ten strike other end. The oth- 1857 JUBILEE YEAR-007 il LLY [RES The Conductor Courteous. call it "Senjens"--is far nore pictur esque than beautiful But ite quaint | ness redeems It from rtupldity, and, wander where you will, you meet with that courtesy and kindness that ard the graces of people who live unhurried lives in remote places where strangers are a welcome break to thelr mounoto- it you had conferred the favor upom btm. The street car conductor 4 even have a trolley Ime, though how nt can be run in winter 18 a mystery) will | you see that you are set down where should leave the car and, If you ard ancertaln of your way, will get off his car and point your destination out, holding his other passengers until he is sure you understand. Travel Magas zine, Didn't Get It Just Right The subject of profanity was being discussed the other evening at a dinner. party mn Harlem. When one of the guests facetiously hinted that his host could tear it off a little when no women were present the hostess became indig- pant. "I would have you under stand," she sald, with croshing digoity, "that my husband never says anything before ladies that he wouldn't say anywhere" Bhe ls still wondering why It was that everybody lnughed.-- New York Tribune. Yet It Was Realistio, Yern--Of you've that new story (book reviewer)--Yes reallstie, wasn't It sense! The dialogue ers was positively silly tend Crabbe Very Noni ween the lov Crabbe--Weil? Miss Course of his 1 had to Miss Yern bet love panied by rain. They spied a cave in the gide of the hill, and into it they rushed. When the rain stopped, they came out, and to their surprise found a cheetah sil ting licking the heavy wet oft his waistooat and his paws. It was his cave, but rather than de prive his visitors of their shelter the polite creature had sat oatside in the ving With a friendly mew and ly waggl his tail, the cheetah bade adieu to his guests and walked with dignity into bia house PEN PICTURE OF COBALT. What a Britisher Thinks of Canada's Famous Mining Camp. Mr. H. Hamilton Fyfe is writing a series of letters to The London Daily Mail on the "Land of the Future," 0 wit, Canada. Mr. Fife draws thix pio- for all the big propositions lie close around the lake, which 1s itself to be burrowed u in the hope that beneath its waters lie rich deep veins The Right-of-Way and La- within 8 biscult-toss of the station. The Nipissing just across the lake, the University but a The miners' mere. Coa] | -- (Coal 1 | | | | Feta . Nut, Delivered; $7 50; Stove © Kix {irate Pea steam Smithing The above Prices ar: same jad harged in Toronto on the Cash asis but the Ireipht to Port Perry is soc per ton higher A Discount of twenty-five tents per tod will be allowed on oll cash settlomentd wade by the Jet of the follow ing ale. The above pri ena wily, For ghan pounds or less, x cha 100 be will be mad An extru char ce of 1 carrying or whcelis pot rendered by (he p Poit Perry, Sept 407 Dirst-Class Farm for Sale or to Rént Impounded. fed on Tues 1907, . On avd a Barrow reglicsted to a. ye as the law [s Sowy wo Y Sows Pig. ¢ owner b bh Qe prope ry, und 5 ARC anima' vise they will be sold lirects. 1s RonrprTsoN, Poundkee per, SINCLAIR <hirlev. Aug 27, 17¢ " FAKM FOR SALE. ALLE a Valuable Farm 1 i f 14, con Brock, it is sitn | rom Bi [ nd Post Office r slate mile chool in y stly pag which ag timber A through a buying the Luakd fy particulars 1 1 ome ckwaler-- ¢ r¢ [his rm t cutiva Good cl ut 6o am---ali ure land 0 ever farm and t lance acres in valrable failing runs 1 n parties it POS esSion The may have r state is farm to do oughing, and full For further (NUATY PPL to GEO. TOCHER, On the prenises, Dlackw Abdella Stanton T e ptperty of 1 McKenzie; Seagrave, Ont Wi'l stand at his ewn stable, Sea" rave, until the First of Octobers "or Sale or Exchange \ good Draft Broud Mare. Apply. IHSON & DERNTS aa ] 1 "real Salesman Wanted PORT PERRY and and adjoining conntry to represoitt ot ina ans anada's Greatest Nurseries A permanent situation for the. «wht man, for whom ihe ser¥ito wll be reservid, Pay week 'ree equipment. : Write for particufats: "ne \t a Bargai Cutter, vem.