e, coated tongue, oth, heavy dull ull sluggish feeling-- mptoms of stumach y indicate that the strike, that it is' no hing to the blood the nourishment that the nds, hence every organ _ There are two methods of ent, the old one by which the ch is humored by the use of ested foods and artificial fer 'and the new one--The Dr. jams' Pink Pills method--by ch the stomach 1s toned up to the work nature inttoded for it. recent cure by the tonic treat- ment is that of Mrs. Jas. W. Has- "kell, Port Maitland, N-S 'Shesays; © For years 1 have enjoyed perfect health, but snddenly headaches seized me. 1 bad a bad taste in my mouth, my tongue was coated, I 'grew tired and oppresse@igmy ap petite left me and such tood as I did at only caused distress. I had se pains in my chest. Tlost all h was after with nt & } did not get any better. One day while reading a . paper I came across a case similar to mine which had been cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. 1 imme- diately purchased a supply and it was not long before they began to help me. grew stronger day by day till now I am as healthy as ever I was. I have n good appetite, am stroug and active and can attend to my household duties without fatigue. 1 have no hesitation in recommend- ing Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to all suffers from indigestion." Rheumatism, kidney trouble, neuralgia, St. Vitus' dance, head ache and backache, palpitation, general weakness, and a host of other troubles, find their root in bad blood just as in the case of stomach trouble That is why the Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills treatment is. al- ways a success--they are a power- ful blood builder and nerve tonic. Sold by all druggists or direct from The Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont., at 89 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50. MONEY Several sums from . ] . $300 to $10,000, have placed with me for immediate in- wvestment at lowest rate. HUBERT IL. EBBELS, Barrister, Port Perry. THE OBSERVER........ Has A Goon OIROULATION. and is con: in fevor, Ii is the BEST Advertis odfum in the County; is the champion of the Agriculturists and more conservative and_practical class of people jn its local and general news snd printed entirely in the piace of pub- --Port Perry. wh TxpMs--$] per annum in advance, if not paid in 'advance, $1.50 will be charged. JOB PRINTING North Ontario Observer. (The Ofetal Paper of the People.) py FOUNDED IN 1857. Published fn Only Paper Printed and Port Perry. 1907 PORT PERRY, OCT. 3, SE ---------- eR, Sir Wilfrid Does Not Want i Them. 'We are treated to a revival of the story ibat Sir Richard Cart wright, Mr. Scott and Mr. Paterson re to be retired and younger men «called to thefr places. There is a strong demand for promotion from 'some of the active and ambitious who have led off in de- Government deals and poli- Is in the last few years. prospects are not encour- outside of Parliament se. If his supporters in ere not good enough positions what chances the Piemier will make on their account? oe wom FEE ens h h h Cc a 1 S si ti di ae Esq., Reach, having determined to retire from farming, and having no fur- ther Sh magnificeni showing of the and choicest in Millinery. department is in charge of iss Hazel Jones and is a veritable garden of beauty. The millinery rooms are elegantly fitted up, the brightly lighted, and the charming display oi headwear was complete in every detail and to judge alone by the return of sales, the display must be an euticing one, « Sprciar Services.--The justly celebrated * Irish Evangelist," John H. McComb, will series of Special Services in the Methodtst Church, Port Perry, on Sunday next, October 6. the past three weeks Mr. McComb commence a During as met with great success in Oshawa, where the attendance was immense. there for " men only," The Vindica- '| tor, remarks :--* At the close a row of men lined up in front reachiug clear their to lead a better In referring to a service oss the house, siguiiyiug t hfe. "A cordial and pressing invitation is extended to all to at- tend vices. the coming Special Ser- AvcTtioN SaLe.--John T. Doble, ex-Reeve, lot 6, con. 12, use for his choice stock of orses, cattle, swine and up to date farm machinery and implements, as given Mr. Baird authority to make a complete clearance by Auc- tion of all, without the slightest re- serve. on the premises,fion Tuesday, Oct. 15th ber of choice animals, especially in cattle, to-date, and the furniture is in first- The list includes a num- The implements are up- lass order. Don't fail to see the posters, make a note of the location of sale, and be sharp on time on the ppointed day. Dr. Archer of this place carried off the first prize at the Lindsay Fair in Roadster Horses, under 5% hands. Miss O. Waddell's parlorsfare well ituated, well lighted, and the gen- eral census of opinion of the many who viited them during the Opening on Wednesday and Thursday of last week, was that variety, originality and fashionable effects in beauty and profusion, were here AuctioN SALE.--Mr. Wm [Mount- 4 | joy, lot 16, con. 5, Cartwright, being t | about to leave permancntly for the Great West, has given Mr. Jackson orders to sell all his stock and im- plemeats on the premises on Mon- day, Oct. pth. See postors. 4 The 'Ma's head h in Tea at nigh; : . J. Davis. Miss Walker's Millinery Opening on Wednesday and Thursday of last week was a pronounced success in every particular and her display was effects and richness of materials, and retains throughout with clever discrimination all the elegant pos- distinguished by charming bilities that are compatable ith good taste, while conforming to the latest prescribed models and yet eliminating Our language is inadequate to fit- freakish tendencies. ngly describe the charming effects and handsome designs and modish showings. artistic taste have most clearly been at work in Miss Walker's parlors, Fashion, quality and Don't dels Get oata- Now for Dui. Gufs Business Fons RA FARQUHARSON.B.A. College Tob Yonge Set Roronte. AucTioN SaLe.--It will be seen byijthe posters that Mr. John Masters, Manchester, is about to give up farming the Ewers' Farm, aud. in order to dispose of his farm stock and implements has authorized Mr. Baird to sell the same on the pre- mises on Friday, October 11th. All must be sold. Make a note of time and place of this sale and don't fail to attend it. For Quality and Quantity ask your ealer for the new big plugs of bs --_r. and "Currency" win 0) 0S . ucTIoN SALE of FURNITURE, -- heir Opening Jones & Son| Ireland bas over 300,000 goats and, as the Toronto News hints, the 1rish bulls are past numbering. Permits have | been issued to 3,778 persons to rua moter vehicles in the Province of Ontario during 1907. Toronto householders have been warned not to drink city water un- less it is boiled, as it is polluted with sewage, ' Mr. A. G. McKay, the new Lib- eral leader in the Legislature, is the third occupant of the position within three years COMING.--F. E. Luke, Opt. D, the eminant Eye Specialist of 11 King St. West, Toronto, will be at W. H. McCaw's Jewelry sto'e, Port Perry, on Thursday, October 17th. Have your eyes examined by tkis renowned Oplician free of charge. One day only. Wilk have all the latest styles of glasses. The railways of the United States bave 1.531,000 persons im their em- loy, the average y i A wealthy" American, it is an- vounced, has bought an English- made automobile capable of going at the rate of 112 miles an hour. AucTioN SALE.--Mr, Harry Hea slip, lot 6, con, 12, Manvers, has in structed Mr. Jackson tosell without reserve on the premises on Wednes day, Oct. g, all bis farm stock and implements, besides a quantity of household effects, (See posters.( The Pacific Railway for the year ended earnings of the Canadian June last amounted to seventy-two and aoe quarter million dollars. When the Hon. Mr. Aylesworth accuses Mr, Borden of dealing in " unmerited slander and unmeasur ed abuse ' against Lis opponents he simply makes himseli liculous Mr. Borden sets an example which Mr. Aylesworth and his like might well follow, GIANT TRIPLETS "Currency" " Bobs" and *" Stag" Chewing To baccoes, in big plugs. Quality al ways the same. Gotlerich Signal :--The proposed change of Thanksgiving Day from Thursday to Monday is advocated because a mid week holiday dis One good refusing make the change would be to demonstratethat organises business." reason for to business is not the only thing to be considered. Orillia Packet :--Now that the long evenings are coming on, would it not be worth the Council's while to institute another canvass for light takers ? There are still many house- holders who might, i: Goderich Signal :--Things are not evenly divided in this world. Carnegie has more money, than he knows what to do with, while the rest of us have to advertise for it. In Eastern Canada there are not enough men to do the jobs while out on the coast they are trying to chase workmen out of the country. And down in New Brunswick they have such a tremendous crop of potatoes that they cannot take care of them, while up'this way there are hardly enough for the hired man. 1f taken patiently and persistently will lees the most obstinate cases of i estion, constipation, bad blood, bad liver no matter how long standing. That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. A. J. Davis. The Clinton New Era, a Libera newepaper edited by an ex-Liberal member the Commons and a candi- date for re-election, says: ' All of Mr. Whitney's legislation and ad- ministration has not been such as to commend itself to his opponents, but it must be admitted that, with a few exceplions, his course does not leave room for criticism that will make votes against him." Peterboro,' Oct. 1. -- The Fall Assizes, Mr. Justice Magee presid- ing, closed to-day. The grand jury in its presentment recommended better remuneration for the grand and petit jorois. and that corporal nui Gog Well Do At Toronto Ci | Tournment hel lawns on Monday gent from Port Pi record and are on the handsome they contested tl The lawns were i resulting in some high order. = The winners was of a Mr. Wm. Ross # Singles; Miss Nel 3rd, Mr. S. Jefire Grace Ross 7th in Miss Nell Ross Ross won the Novi S. Juffcey and pa Miss Nell Ross als Novice Singles. So heat a'l the Provin ciuded, in the Novice no time during the Toronto Crequet Cl nament been so $l several contests: % universally i treme meet (rom captucifig all, ships, had they only {hi confidence to enter for tests. The jtrophies away Perry: Mr. Ross, sel be Miss Nell Ross and' Mids Gi . i Lge Ross, pair of beautiful and expen- sive mallets ; Miss N. Re Ladic Singles Championship M ----- @» Hymenal. he home of Grills of Blackwater, of a very pleasant event t R i the occasion of a double when Mr. Henry Cleeves of was united in marriage, hy? Apgar, B A, of Sunderlan May Grills, aud Mr. William: and Miss Leah Jackdon, Seugog, were united in thes of matnimony, Rev. W.'T. Wicket, performing the nuptial cefemony. The coutraciing partie case were supported by Me Farr, Toronto Junctigu, Lillis Grills, Toronto. ; Aficr congratulations were ex- tended by the relatives and Itiends, who were present, the happy com- pany sat duwn to partakciof a very sumptuous repast. 13 : During the evening the bridal took train tor pr Mr. parties On their return Scugog Island. . | and twenty-five invited guests. The 3| March played by her sisters, Misses -| Alice and Irene. .|eilktrimmed with hand embroidery -| and seed pearls, carrying a buquet 'of white Aste.s and Maiden Hair : | Gordon Brodie of Galt cousin of the On Thursday aft 1907, at the home of M Robt. W. Walker, *R Farm," their eldest daught Ethel E. M., was united in age to Mr. Edward Arthur Gilro The teremony. was performed the Rev. R. H. Breit of Epsom, .in. the presence of about one hundred bride entered the room with her father to the strains of the Wedding The bride lovkad charming, attired in white Habutai Ferus® The flower girl was Miss \turiel 'Brampton, Toronto, niece of the groom, aud the page Master bride. Immediately alter the clos: of the ceremony a large hell attach: Q arch em its co signed Miss Laura Croxall, Ux- bridge, sang charmingly "Because." The groom's gift to the bride was a gold locket and chain, to the flower girl, gold bracelet, and the page, pearl stick pin. The presents wert numerous and costly and showed the high esteem in which the young couple are held. The bride's travel ling gown was navy blue broad cloth, Dresden trimming, with pearl grey hat and coat and sable furs The happy couple, amid showers * | of flowers, confetti and good wishes took the six p.m. train at Myrtle for "| Toronto and points west on their wedding trip. J. M. M. cena ExTENSIVE AUCTION SALE. --Mi Robt Wallace, lot 15, con. 5, Reach (just west of Fort Perry, on Grave roan), having sold his fine tarm ha: decided to dispose of his farm stock implements, &c., all of which ar first-class, and wishing to make a complete clearance has authorized Mr. Baird to sell all by auction or the premises, without the slightes reserve, on Tuesday, October 8th This will he a grand opportunity tr secure' good animals and date implements at auction prices (See posters and attend the sale.( up-to sr vain '|Don't Use Greasy Linimente A century ago they were popular Today people want something easy to apply, certain in results, and above all a clean liniment. When We join with man ob Spat stenuously objects to 1d tagious discases to the unless paid for deiug s and his fellows are given ary powers and prote the statute law, and the |are asked to do the Sta iis extremely trifling. Dr | Gray demands a fee of $8 i ing in the blank reporiin of typhoid, for instance, the thought that some 0 his profession have beet over-generous treatments Moncton, N.B , Oct. 1 of the second tragedy shooting season in New: comes from Cape Bald, land County. Fred Mela of eighteen years, was in a boat with a compaa wild duck were passin when his friend hurried) the loaded gun. As the trigger caught in hi the charge tearing its Melanson's breast and |bim so that he died in so. The coroners. { "| ment. " {this city. er vilin plied aches and pain; 1 stantly, ana icave no oily bad smelling memory behind Good to take in, capital to rub on, and five times more powerful in destroying pain than any oily lini- Don't fail to get a large 25¢ bottle. --_---- em Infants Played With Gun. Mallorgtown, Oct. 1 --A boy was accidently shot and killed here to- day. 'Kenneth Ferguson, aged three years, was pla' ing with hi: brother Alfred, aged five years, about noon to-day, thcy having got possession of a Joad.J yun. In some unaccountable manner Kenneth was shot through the head and instantly killed. Sir drm Poor Raiway Service. Montreal, Oct. 1. --An interesting suit is being brought aguost the Grand Truck Railway Company Ly Mr. G A. Mersan, advocate, o He claims 824.60 ac wages tor loss of time, the priceo: tickets he was unable to use, and brought in a verdict of & death. ---- Be a Strong Increase your Vif energy, restore yim - your overworked bo will do this as it Wood of Beanport writes : "I can sa given me a new le I suffered St, Hilaire East, and the failure enjoy his summer home owing to 8 in trains op the Grand Trunk ween Montreal and St. Hil- ile, Okt. 1.--John W. merly driver an Glover's years, was killed as sect is afiernoon at afculvert, avd ha 7% the track f the ost of driving from St. Hilarie i 0 th nk ie Lat and then our work is twice as hard "The Lutine now lies right in the centre of a number of dangerous sand- benks, and some of the operations, whieh have been frequent during the : tury, have been attended with Yo 5 the remainder "0 , the weather handi- us considerably, and during the le of this year we have not one really favorable day. As can be , when the sea is rough the work is very difficalt to carry out, and on one outslon isn = attempt was being made wi i of a diving bell, the waves almost overtarned it. i Danger at a Minimum. *With submarines the danger will ba removed, but, nevertheless, on a rough day the shoals of continuall moving sand interfere with our war. to a great extent, and prevent our get- ting at the wreck. "On one day, for instance, the sand is all removed from abeve the wreck, but by the next it is cov- ered up again, and the work has to b2 begun all over again. "The Lutine now belongs to Tloyd's, and we have already placed the or-- der for the building of the nccessary apparatus, so that we shell begin salving operations very shortly. I think they will be succes ful, and that with the submarine we shall re- cover all the bullion still re:naining ia the hold of the ship." SERVANTS DEMAND "TIME CF." Object to Be at Mistresses' Call Night and Day. The combination of domestic ser- vants and "lady helps" in New Zea- land to take advantage of the local conciliation has grown in 8 y and now the Domestic Workers' Union of Wellington is & power to be reck- oned with. It is busy distributin circulars from house to house in the principal towns calling upon all omestic servants, "generals" and lady helps to support the union. Ap- lications have been made to the Arbi- tion Court for an award, and a conference between several leading employers and representatives of the servants has been held. Little trouble has been experienced at the conference over wages. The t bone of contention has been e fixing of "time off." As matters stand, it W, of course, at the discre- mistress when at what hours tress night and day. Ireland's Population. The number of marriages registered in Ireland durisg the in 1906 was 23,623, the number of births 103,536, and the number of deaths 74,4%7, ac 0.1 under the rate for the ng ear, and 0.9 under the ave The nat- ets Miracle of Holy Well. L number of visitors Holywell Flintshire, has been interested °y Ios FEDLAR Peo norance, is simply overwl y send a shudder through the frame all fellowJews with the least sus- picion of refinement. "This type of Jew is, unfortunate e is quite as much in evidence Throckmorton street as in Ak Wiigehape, You will find him play- ing the. aristocrat in Belgravia -- 1 ties of ties alone should say, sping the the aris the attract po I BRITISH Oldest in Canada, most thorough MERU and practiont courres--uncqualed 1 rk.. Reason- vy time, FALL pi. 3rd. Catalogues of business Education T. M. WATSON, Principal. ~n- CCOK'S +RESTAURANT + Tas been thoroughly renovated, remodeled and re papered and will be reopened on Saturday Next Oct. 5 Yin the Bacrisrons Ovals ® will be con- tiunously in evidence during. the Season. IN the less expensive Brooches Diamond Hall has never shown such excellent value as the one illustrated above at $5.50. HE mount is made of heavy 14k. gold and the pearls are. of the finest quality. THE crescent is 13{ inches long and finished in the bright gilt. : Send for our Catalogue: Ryrie Bros. . 134-138 Yonge St. to ry w as Catarrh edy. Sold by A. J. Davis, - Pain anywhere, pain in the head, wy toothache, all can periods, Neural, ns he, Ml pe rom] to] a Iie Vink Dand, ly. Ta, "known to, drt ots everywhere as Dr, | 's H Tablets. Pain simply meats conges! pressul dus pols wh * (Quotations by A. Row & fon. Ot * 1907. Spring Wheat. . 075@ o go Goose Wheat? . 083@ o 8s Barley ....... . o6o@ o 67 Rye . . 056@ o 56 Oats sve vs Ciamiess 0 40@ 0 42 Beans i uss casein 1 00@ 110 Grass Seed... .. 100@ 1 25 Alsike Clover... 7 00@ 9 25 Red Clover... . 6 co@ 6 25 Peas-- Black eye 075@ 073% Peas--Small.... o68@ o 70 Buckwheat. . . 0 45@ O 45 Turkeys . o15@ o 15 Geese ... . o10@ O 12 Ducks... . OoI0O@ O I0 Chickens. . . oo8@ o 10 Rutter ...... 024} @ 0 25 Bges. issn 0 20@ 0 22 Cattle, periidb... cL. 0 4% @ o oj Hogs, per 100 lbs.. 6 60 @ 6 60 po aie AR For Over Bixty Years MRS. WINSLOWS' SOOTHING SYRUP haa been used by millions of mothers for their children while toething. If disturbed at night and broken of yom rest by a sick child suffering and orying with paio of Cutting Teeth, send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. I will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately.' Depend apon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures Dinrrhoa, Reguiniss the Stomach and Dowels, Cures Win Colie, Spftens the Guns, Rednces Inflammatior, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mis Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Chil'ren Teething 8 ple aut the taste and Is the pre<eription of one of the 0 leat and bost female physicians and purses in the United States. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. Be sure and sal for "MRS. WINSLOW'S BUOTHING BYRUP WANTED ALL THE Scrap Iron in this entire district for which ths bighest price will be By the TORT TERRY FOUNDRY CO0'Y. Sept. 24. 1907. . PEATHERS! ~ THE ONTARIO FEATHER AND MATTRESS RENOV- ATORS OF TORONTO First door west of old Post Off ce Building, PORT PERRY. Feather Beds and Pillows Oleaned , By the newest and most modern | system, destroying germs, microbes and unsanitary odors. All goods called for and deliver: ed. top us a card. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR FEATHERS. J.J. CLAYTON, Manager. undreds of Students of (is Popular and Successful Have secired positions this year, Demand is far greater than the the supply. Educate for' business positions and you will he the education must be dmitted 'Dr. Shoop'd ful Fall Wheat ........ $0 86 @ $90