OLE "BODY | BE. ERAGE DOES THAT MUCH) y a but real ik from es use with their meals. Because ar kind @ other kinds © brewed in Ontario) eh bits of the normal aduit,--enriches e blood, vitallses the stomach, makes kidneys and builds flesh and betters nerves. ood beer, drank with méals and at bedtime, is not mercly a Bs aby ® "tonic--far a tonic simply gets one part of the system to work gn of De -- is it nok da. Better for a while, by stimulating its activity, while beer, rightly the boat to rise to the sari i lysed, does the whole System permanent good. + They have for many years beth Beer Builds Up Thin Folks "for ihe same purposes in That is why goed beer is such a notable flesh-builder, and why Lit is so effective in thane the too-white blood of aenemic ATTENPT ON A PEER. Sensational Report as as to the Explo- sion at Lord Adhtown's. ¥ rt on the explosion lodge, was a pot from the late Nis house; that the ex- plosion might have been caused from the house; and that the stick which ATER ism 1 a reo T on i sem which covers lage ore stent; and, in the practise of ario wes Iba A i | * be vers Impie Doveraes mds unde? ont Dy Eienic souditans. fem practi (the best in 1e workd) m ups, and pure Watcr, the estate bailiff. i It also refers to the fact that ty § . notice was given to the police, as was Beer Is Not A Mere Tonic = "| [think to conven- | {© curtous 1 enemy. the American navy such 28 | rders come from the president and ©X: | gre deltvered to8 commntider of 4 ship' w or squadron by a confidential messen- | 8 examb: ger who knows nothing of their con- . tents. Hometimes they are in cipher, | bat they are always sealed with the oficlal scal of the navy department a t : Ling ON nani Pood, WHlon wil pick wp he marie * SOME CURIOUS SPOONS. ocenu basse formed | ands package cxinot be opened wn: that as three of the five village police t Qu wn show the exact Es The thé time marked on it, which is were sent to Belfast no patrol of the loss of time $ Uses to Which They Were Put by Peo- ih | usually several hours after the hour A Rl i estate was made on the night of the ime Lost. ple a Few Centuries Ago. of leaving port. By this precaution AA Y. thankdng (he pibiiv tor ih e landing of the east-bound mails - i a taling the pul % AWA Clk. I CAL xplosion. We are familiar nowadays with caying an _liheral pat ived during 6 » at Plymouth instead of Queenstown @ long ftmé; but it: to HH Eis Fe gh. > oo a Jarndt ks rd Ashtown's solicitor says that r I futendall Tor an pos or Liverpool suits London, but it] spoons of many shapes lnten 0 : Ne Sra of =x sy bo Sa means a considerable loss of time in every variety of purpose, but some old i PY! delivery in other parts of the king- | fashioned styles are now 'merely curl whieh may be of the greatest impor- , "mentin Port Perry, 1 hive much plensure i i 'and the spies of the enemy are 250 Soruiinaie thelr suf] announcivy that Lihave removed fois Te beforehand, and that the pot sup- ! thetr . er 7, J 19 posed to have been used in the ex- dom. Jreland go, Now Scotland osities. There is the old fashioned | rw friends, were very Wo % Ad, eplegs ohare of or of the men : M ¥.. LIV ER Y. fu i Plesion is till at the bailiff's house ™ru0 only lines which at present run | Darrow spoon, for Instance, which was "fond Cot - bragging. sald to B, movements 1a concerned. Sailing 'un Best merle only ols ow pr Lid : POR ntact. I District C j ocean postoffices are the White Star, | used for extracting marrow from "There i§ fa. my vil glant whose out alive, most hizh 33 % x Tibi pn Ba or the North German Lloyd and the | hones. It was made double, one end head to he at wit Cid fi on inquiry into the affair. Humble Aerion. to have the ex- being used for small bones and the feet reach the earth x instractions are found in the pheric air and by thelr breathing a su- wvsnihor 15, dui, 17, am | Mr Siva opes veseols as | Other for those of larger bore. | B sad: there Is & pr sealed orders, which 1s opened Lo opundant quantity of nitrogen emit which Lani alunt to lugely extend iu | « CANNISGRON-Cak, Oo. Suith, Chi How the King is Addressed. periment ox 8a many Another example Is the mulberry gift much UP when well out at sea. {tod from thelr lungs." orewse facilition so that the public mayb | TN eta ae ioy h io doi The Queen is addressed ad "ma'any Tol spoon. This has a perforated bowl and ~plerces the heavens RE his lower lip . Bo | { better accounted with sub uod desi p . A sum of $125,000 has been devoted » AL ask. i i BEAVERTON "Crk, Geo. F, Prue ert J by all the members of the upper pu (he United States Government to | 8 spiked and pointed handle, says the ify od oth A, faken Duce, ® g able Toons 1s, Map 3 Alay 18, Faly. is, mbt glasses, the term "Your Majesty" be- (10 ocean postoffice scheme for ex- | London Globe. The implements were ere, n, body RIGE AT MODIRATE CHARGE! oan, : ing rarely used except on formal oc 10% EY PICC C" 4 the time al. | made for use tn a day when mulber abswered, "He had nothing bot "= TTT TT Sn SET TTT TTT RB. VANSICKLEN. - | 7 CREROROs Ec de saat, 1 casions. The King, the Prince of 1.4. caved has assured the success of | ries were much more commonly eaten mouth." --From the 2 : iby er Ta Ny Wales, and all the other English 4, jnnovation. than they are at the present time. Port Peary, dune 21, 1900. ly J. E. PARFWELE, Datod at White! Nov, Tou; a eh of hu Fenes; Fae Be Sh With the perforated bowl a little sugar ing the title of "Serene Highness™ NO LARKS FOR EDDIE. was sprinkied on tbe berry, which was must not be addressed as "sir" or --cey then conveyed to the mouth on the "ma'am," but as "prince" or "prin- Princess of Wales Ends Future King's | spiked end of the handle. A A » Truant Playing The Introduction of tea led to the Presumably harny be Sot rai Bein ok 299 Thvention aH} . | " >, vention wil An amusing little story about Prince | making of a variety of new kinds of chum. "And yef yon ning fre of '2 t promptly receive our opinion tree coucerning A letter to the sovereign must be- ~8end for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. (Patecat Attorneys,) i Evans Building, ViASHINGTON, D. C | WASHWGION. B. 6 | yi, hs prepared io dotall Hinde Your Majesty's most humble and de- the day, an intention he kept a pro- Seen, for example, a curious cetlection | | yoted servant," eto. A letter to the found secret. When outside the gates of the little scoops so well known Prince of Wales should begin thus: of Frogmore he hailed a cab, and ar- to our great-grandmothers as caddy "To His Royal Highness the Prince rived at the station in good time to spoons. Tea caddies of the old fash- of Wales," on a lower line "Sir," and catch the train for London. joned kind have long been superseded, ° then the letter would be proceeded ' So far all went well, but when he 04 when the caddy with its two lid- reached Paddington Station a footman dod asd foetal lined ed.coms ta further gone than en th each Ta Siro oouman of General Sn 'Rea When the King and Queen play In the royal scarict livery advan and the sugar bow! in the cavity be- brides or or any ro game, bareheaded and informed his Royal twesh 'weak bubiof use the Ai ad Sal d Tenders ma bie id fresh from the mint must be Highness that a royal carriage was | 3 aiting for him and that lunch was OF 8Coop disappeared also. | y provided. und "when wy meimbe ame of mead for him at Malborough House, Asotber obeolia. curlsity fs the fie Ce Tomuining sf in toe QUALED TENDERS will I eards new money is usually surolied. | Where a telegram had been addressed sneff spoon, which in the days when eg oe Poxbe Sh wd by ndersidned for : Puarccls-- Farm Properties in the car for to him. nearly took snuff and toek { the purchase of : tng.to Mr. John Adams, advertised QUEENSTOWN AS MAIL PORT. it fell upon the young ft at ubed for conveying ¥ 4 Sd to be sold "by auction on the 24r¢ x ne November, and withdrawn at the Z sale, A McGILLIVRAY, gin thus: "His Majesty the King,' 3 spoons, including the necessary tea- friend of mine who for mon- & thz patentability of same. * How to Obtain : prrerie come 1 % " > and below the single word "Sir." Tho FE ward of Wales as In Tegal BDoon itself, some of which still re ev," was the rejoinder How's that?" Chena ts Averiincd Tor sate af our capone 31 Fhe undersigned bating oper b conclusion of ihe fatter would n a 5 few weok# ago to come to Lote main in use, while others have disap- A "He didn't get i" the chum sar- 4 Sas taken ont thy through us receive special ome in the 40 More isomew)ia ue Sollows: olf don from Frogmore by himeelf for | peared. At South Kensington may be 0 DEW AE) an i haan fdely A BE it mys . ) consulted by Mau! es Soa Investors. : - 'been 4 A --,_as Prince, who was too astonished at be- the scented powder from the box to Efforts to Accelerate Delivery May ing found out to do anything but the hand or in some cases direct to the Spell Her Doom. | meekly follow the tall footman who nage Candie spoons dnd pap spoous | H A A {led the way. The telegram which In the race with the mails cross oi. ted him was from his mother, com. as sotice date. A Tima the Se Blantie, in the present age of manding him to remain at Mar- rush, every Soiond saved is precious, } oueh House untid the arrival of 2 Shropshire paper that he had in his ig 3 J J postoffices afe fhe very would tak possession a silver pap which ' : " o y Ea time-saving device. Jue Suter, who take hig: back had been originally g by the Mar i The Publisher and Proprietor, of ov. oh ie Buide Toronto | to Frogmore y give: offices have now been es- | "y didn't learn what happened on his gquis of Exeter 10 a member of the tab) ished on many slegmers. where return, but it is assumed the young Hoggins famfly of Bolas. The os, A marine, Prince isn't likely to repeat his esca- sar of this spoon remarked tbat it had 50 YEARS® : sea, have it ready immediately Loge been given to him by his father with EXPERIENCE on the arrival of the boat. This saves the wish that it should be banded 2 g from twenty-four to forty-eight hours' Hersism In India. for the clerks ashore. Te hls ques of cetera | of ZT FEO Sen fod the mail service on the liners is now yoo. "gy ©) 0 German physi Jeing aretully considered by the in- Dr. Albert von Lecog--is to {Sam pre- ferns suthoriiies i | ated by the Prince of Wales and te oF Satan, as just [he ChaplerGeneral of the Order -* returned to New York after a round tha Bossi A = : is The OBSERYER Lie vo to me for over 3( Fr intimate that WISHES HIS omy for business, and have a ssot ted Stock . NGLE HARN to nell very CH Iau. PATRONS ln patron: years, I am, as usualy $iy ' : 85.50 | N the less expensive Brooches mall Diamond Hall has never F YOU WOULD HAVE (00D LUCK | "i Ra nif L : shown such excellent value as IN HATCHING CHICKENS, DUCK, * AnpTURKEYS, you shoukl without delay the one illustrated above at || purchixe * The Chatham", the King of a $5.50. all Incubators. hep in stack, the will ut ene becom f th hi > je us lista few of ¢ features tha will find that by 5 ES HE mount is made of ivi ooking eleew here TOE pen + me |g Chatham cubator sees pearls' are of the finest quality. pon effective hatching apparatos, ever | PHS ; 5 Stastistaction ; i 13 in "It has double walls, which are thorough! HE crescent is 1% inches picked with Miveral . Wool "witich i "Jong finished in' the absolutely fireproof, anil the most perfect and * i thé pon-conductor that could be weed. ti 2 bo