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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 10 Mar 1910, p. 4

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'and. than Fefrazone. and " Pe anaies from under the L yemoves cures all manner of 3 to the eyes, a rosy tint to the * whitens the teeth, and & 5 Ei well-rounded, plump, 2 e form. 0 Werrozone is the ladies' favorite, and shoud find a place in every house- t 1s prepared .in the form of a | _ Maybe You just missed the button by | &n Inch. You may bave left out hen calls {thenics or food variety, greens or weat products. These will bring "em if your cacklers dire not corpulent, are not louse racks, dre housed decently and come from laying ancestry. Look at the plcture and know that our hens are busy laying because they are kept busy scratching for their feed. A lazy ben is just good for greasy oodle soup, but not good to sell to eep tustom. Eiérelse for antifat in the coop i#s fine eggs and prevents roup. : up a scratching place, cover it with deep dry litter, get the blood to capering around your cacklers' egg capacity, make the Biddies sing, and when you get a nest full like the pic - IER ep Fol - THE WAY OUES LAY. tare call fu the neighbors and tell them they must read this paper to get the know how. To bring eggs your ration must have {BRONCHITIS Colds, Catarrh, aod nrg er ol ments. needs a soothing. healing - cine, which goes direct to the breath- " {hg oresaa in the chest and lungs, at- _the_ trouble at its source, dis- dicine is "Catar: ne. The germ-killing mixes with the breath, fehlal tubes, and were used, the A Breath-able 'Direct' Medicine. Don't Jerk the work horse. The bit For cure. for relief in an | will make his moath sore, and be will F irect. | 'become nervous and Annoy you Imore 18. nothing better for the com-= "It removes: yy gives brightness add Brila| sufferer from coughs, colds, bronchitis. and all throat and chest at #4 germs of disease. and cures ie ailment thoroughly. And this me- rhozone." o (acuta throu, the throat. down the bron- e finally reaches the deepest air cells in the lungs. All parts 3 soothed with rich. pure. medicinal ' whereas if a liquid or tablet affected parts not be reached, and harm would 3 besumbiig the stomackt arg i ARRtioZONE g have beer thousand miles from 'a farm contagious poultry disease try raiser, great of moW the symptoms of and their cure. The on is the protection of tomer that they Then comes ths T tl PE Ef § il points a coop with a hen in it on top of his oop and watch him strut. It's the sajné with humans. In cate pigeons in the hand net take them as they are flying from you, otherwise you cripple the pretty pets. By placing burlap under the nesting material you prevent pigeon eggs from being chilled against earthenware bowls, and by regular whitewashing and keeping Persian insect powder in and around the Dest you destroy rd ah Saul - 5: Samen 4. ic ikem SC 4 1 SUCCESS: WITH MORGANS: Many a Horse of This Strain Has Helped to Raise the Mortgage. Many a Morgan borse has helped to pay off the mortgages and educate the boys and girls of our state. The de- mand for hoses was never better than today. Prices are high and are likely to contivue so. Horse power will not soon be displaced through automatic means. 'There are now many auto ve- hicles in use, but "the horse is still on the jcb.™ A uatural taste for the business ts essential for success. A man must be a fair judge of blood lines and how to combine thetn for best results. No man can afford to spend bis time In raising mongrels. Do not mate small mares with large draft stallions. If a cross is Decessary, mate a draft mare to a stalllon of fair size, a descendant of some one of the trotting fainliles. If draft horses are desired, have sire and dam of that blood. The selection of the stallion shomid always be for the good there is in him. He should be masculine in every 5s ENN REA fiber, with the distinguishing beauty and stremgth, fire and courage of the male. 'The selection of the mare is no less important. It is she that is to nourish the colt before dnd aftér birth. The mire should not be coarse at polat." Her beauty should be fém nine. She should carry more muscle and flesh than the stallion. She should be more rounded in out- ne, finer in bead and lamb, than the stallion. Her strength should. be tha$ of fleetness, her fire that of docile piay- TO BE HELD IN THE Magoificent Now Myrtle St )n Friday, March. 20 Short-Horn Cattle, [males and fem: months to 2 years old}. A number of Clydésdale PHlies and ; The contributors to this Sale include many of" importers and breeders of Pure-bred Stock in. stock belongs to some of the best Scotch and 2 Duchess of Gloster, The Misses Ramsden, Wedd Flowers, Stanfords, Symes, Lavinias, Princesses; Flowers, etc. All animals will be inspected before bei This Bale will be conducted on the same li Sales and will be held under cover. No Catalogues Arrangements have beeu made with all railro one-third, on Certificate plan: Ask for Certifioat Purchasers at this Sale will be entitled td cons train at Halfrates. . SALE AT ONE O'CLOCK TERMS--Cash or six months credit on approved Bi at seven per cent. per annum. "ira W. SMITH, Present. F. SILVERSIDES, Auc Myrtle Station, Feb. 23, 1910, ir Imported as well a8 OCanadi#n-Bre with interest SECRETARY magazine, the is to Unnada sol trated News,' €F land, continues $4 generally po _ tions a1 (00D CIRCULATION And Is Constantly §réwing 1A Pilbils Favor. 1t Is the BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM inthis Distrist] Is the ot Champion of the Agricultutists and more conservatlté 6lads of péaple---Is not a favorite of scheme, boomers and clques---It 18 the PORT PERRY FOR SALE TE UNDERSIGNED offer for Bale the Pair Grounds and ese ies will be sold at a in on advantageous terms. er cnlars on application' to" the pro- ! WM, TUMMONDS. Port Perry, Aug.6, 1907. Spring is tbe Time for House (leaning. I am prepared to do all kinds ol Papering, Painting, &. - Paper and Paint furnished ij required < ghee weno Whe FO NOTT, "(Successor to J. A. I 4 doors north of Mr, Widden's store amr © House and Lot for Salé - The undersigned offer for Sale at a Bargain a Four Acre Let in Pott Perry, on Lorne Stredt, off whi [here is a good dwelling house, barn, stable and driving shed; good soil. well fenced, good well and a num. bat, o* apple frees > Apply to the proprietor, oH THOS, PEARCE, Sciigeg, Oct 7, 1908. ¥ SKATING RINK to }. A. Rodman.) : ig Rink| then TRY N. INGRA Cochrane St., Port Port Perry, | HIGH-CLASS Barred Plymouth Rooks" Buff Orpingtons, . AND While Leghorns. I want- your orders this and GUARANTEE to supply from the same Pens as L use own. breeding.

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