or 5 | pb b : MONEY TO LOAN, - 4 Private Funds at & por cent, Fab, 9, 1900. . : Jno. W. Crozier, .B. PABRWELL, K.G LL.B, County ty kei Shins Seuth wing Court rend Whithy, Ont: - a W. A. SANGSTER, DENTAL SURGEON. Offic Hours--0:to 12 a.m, 2 ta 0 pm. Algo open Saturday evapinge. Woh Sa Seal A Dr. F. D. MoGrattan (PENTIZT) L.D.S. of Roys) CollegapfPeutal Surgeons, also D.D.S. of Toronto University. > Office in a TR Drag Store. at tan Ten oR a Aa