Coden mn 3 ; ELEN &e., > le Be Sh ne e. residence - % ach (one mile ir of Bort Jom Moxy To Loan. 3 E. FAREWELL, K.C, LLB, nn fo +] a sree to 12am; 200 poo. Bg. as evenigs. # 3 #2 Gold, Fillings, . Bri d Work Specialty. Vitalised Air, and. Crown MeGrattan (DENTIST) fy Binkers and Brokers. MONEY = Agents CP R, er. TO LOAN (4 per cent upwards --Briush Capital) ESTATE JOS. BAIRD ICEN;ED AUCTIONEER for the County of Ontario. Sale Register at the Opskuver Office Patronage solicited. TICKETS To ALL sAR®s oF THE WorLp--=Mr. \V H. McCaw, Port Perry, is now in a position to issue tickets to all parts of the world and To we oy. Se 4 ibe nr ¥{ APRIL 21, 10 zoe '= es sn_of the premises r to pay the Village . $25.00° as an annual said grounds on each 'of April, commencing of April, 1911. ood and agreed that ay charge and colleet 'for their expositions, parties other than ion wishing to rent E athletic or other events the profits of grass Hi ittee may at their that a park commit- posed of three members of ely sball regulate the use of by the public and the hletic clubs. And the the grounds, buildings, who showed his confidence im the went to Scotland, though some were kept in the district by Mr. Brydon and Others, and a few crossed to Baron's Pride, &s00 (Mr. Brydon). Silverstamp, by Silver Cup, &goo; Gamecock, by Airie's Prince, 81,150, Brood mares--Baroness, by Baron Briton, $1,550 (R Brydon); Silver Lady, by Silver Cup, $1.375 J. Pickin); Silver Fern, by Silver Cup O'Buchyvie, $1,100 (J. Robertson) ; Two year old --Britannia; by Silver Cup, $805. A number Hackneys were also sold, but prices were mod- erate, The six twb year old colts aver- aged some $340, four three year old "over $1000. Mr. Brydon, quality of the stud'in several cases, was (he pirchaser on his"own ac- count. Kalutally tifost of the horses { Eeridon, Ape ¢ eo i itself to t i | judgment so British: ini : hn aba ic if 'WHOLE No: or LR Lg i ve Aa letter rom a U : Balfour . says. = 4W i commend favor in the colonies." e: iF o$in Ball 3 snow : i d 8s likely to effec oe time:~ the - builders of the great dirigible balloon Clement-Baya: 11. which is soon to start from Paris to London, have allowed tha exact details of its dimensions and capacity to become know fi tis intended to carry twenty passengers, two pilots, two mechan ics, seven hundred pounds cf pet- of the car and motors." The car is 150 feet long and the motors are 125 horse- power each, There wiil be two propellers, each of lent §18/ feet in diameter, placed well for- ward of the car which is hung 21 jee! below the gas bags. | The brothers Voisin, who have of Henry Farman. |To Cure the Pain it Ten Seconds and Get Instant Relief, Nothing Equals NERVILINE| 'is from foreign ex $s, Wh Jwobuld ral ¢ the price (v pay the duty. Colonial British farmers would do likewise to make extra' profits, so that the statement will not prevgot the cry of the "Little loaf. The morning Post, the organ of HM o wR i foresia ; : 1 > : ; dvanced tariff reform, determined: =~ ARRI ae : : also agree to keep! Ireland. The followin, the best | rol and 440 pounds of "ballast. In| 29var ; ' ory eal hd ign 2 yg . g are the best 443 pou ly disagrees with the Udionist v r to and: cof the| © APS ree . b 'and build i i 9 __|case of necessity the number of| Y € ) Udion POR Bo tan FH Varta" Re ng CB s b to erect wish Prices Te ro a .| passengers can be increased to fates The -- elie, fi) Ret y, =. Ont. DAVID 1p éh buildings as they re- | Mat i is '|thiety-five. candidates will stick to their guns' aia 3 o g y fayfield Prince; by Hiawatha,| Tp. oil lif 7. of the, : guns, SU LS MANEY Te LOAN. : 2 : i b jon purposes. #860. Stallions-- Silver Cu by | b sa i in the natter, | pledging themselves Wilvar Bais S54 por 7 ea ) soto. > P» bY | balloon is 7,700 pounds, exclusive |g fioht when the time comes for fair play to home agriculture. Mr. Churchill has received a large sum for the purpose of free trdde campaign." He is arranging 2,500 special lectures ditigg the, next twelve months by distingtiish+ ed men, including Lord Avebury and Lord Brassey. ; o : : s " Iways maintained that av aeroplane Coun : Pi Sek 2 grown on the said [$1,550 (W. Atkinhead); Silver | alway ' ey fr Ta \ = 3 habe y fly without any device for +34 Crown Attorney, Gointy Sol | Side Ett to the rights herein | Cloud, by Silver Cup, $875; Mar. [wut i> any oitory &o., Ni "Pablic and Conyeys 5 Sarg pe g ; » Oy P 3875; ar warping the wings, have been Rh ti : : tor & Me wh Gourd House, Whitby, : | NS U R A NC E Jeri # Jaane) by Eg i $1,050 (J. 2iged to Senden Shey theory. Suing SI RG pas 1p 5 8 oe i and agr that | Furneis) ; Dunure Lady, by Baron | The latest biplane built by them Sit El R EAL a bears a close resemblance to that Eats Up Strength Racks the Joints soy pres hie charge a rental for|Syringa, by Silver Cup, $2,025 (R.| _~ ee Prevents Slee i Sa a raining horses or using | Brydon). Three year olds-- Mimosa, --_-- NTA] Marriage Licenses. speeding. by Silver Cup, $1,000 (R. Brydon) | Earache, Toothache! wcueckes--n riily Sirikes me Heart and Kills Its Victim, It originates In the blood and de- velops most quickly in the system of persons who are run down and lack- ing in vitality. 4 The only specific for ALL forms of Rheumatism is Ferrozone, which is and pi b, i 5 a perfect solvent for uric acid and a aes st Jan. 10, 1809. : : p in repair. colts &710, si I i " L.D.S. of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ian 19 to supply all necessary information i 5 Pp $710, six stallions $1,430, Fifty years ago NervHine was used hana d stimulant for the kidneys and wig ate D2. of Toronto U i to parties asto the cheapest and | f§ ®t s=atche A oe y _- re pm-- fourty-four brood mares 530, and | from coast to coast and In thousands | "NU remeac is go successful as Fors s AA as fib gs AT best routes, &. In additi mem, Kthad Sethe, aly 3 tai of houses this trusty MNniment served Officeiin' Blodk rover Allindu's 3 xe. a ion to his a Jeg. vadiose and oll 3 seven three year old fillies] $490. | the entire family. cured ail their minor | F0ZODe. It has never failed to cure,: do iri a numerous Ticket Agencies for Rail- at Samat Nes . 3 . Yor 's bill I]. | because it attacks the causeof the dis-- . road and Steamship lies, he hb eto el grt ! * The grand average wys} of staled a ire. wy elds first manic | €8se In the blood. It nbulralizes tha i ; ' meh te anm0int: » UE DAS | § tren tial box. RS Pocxmonia, Consumption, above, and including the Hackney | in Canada among pain-relieving reme- ig gn es gh oe = oF CRPISHES oF thik she sous INE EE] se sts by ora Mer | -- Port. Pery.-Coundil. ra * Polaeftate wits «fodgtoo.shageed LL Srna ome YOu 08 TOR | om of all lrritating matter. a NM psd W ISHS a ution Knle Season to re- ows shy - or Mol dha HL "Have you ever had Cas [the end of a stud with such associa- . © staff | Tosone, which does' its werk, ThHoTougt= VcCaw bef k : NO: 4 newspapg lasting, \ IST, YE, . w before embarking on a trip. 3 : ; s . Cufror $9 11. dts cures are lasting. DENT ST: turn thanks a Saskeun porous for 5 The adjourned meeting of tarrh? Have you been [tions the breed still retains an en-- 1398 nites: 2%; Wn) Unlike other treatments, Ferrozone Dex aver tie Pork Ofies, ; ocd iid pu he. desires to} Ld Council was held at the town ha i i - thusiastic admirer in the late man- I------ used Detyiing 12 Joes 2 A Frnt PERRY. effurt or will be Zetnesd * i i our home, and no e ith, establishes LAN h at Doatistry, intludiog pig bgionig: wake all "wiles pid hey | er on Wednesday, Apul 6th. A all run down? Do you | aging director chile company, Who for the world would we be without it. | Bropcles Jour hme establishes fl Dns Bradge Work: wiicesanfully | hime His very extemeive practice members present. . ved take a cold easily? evidently intends to keep the Cly=| As a remedy for ait pein JGarneho, | BON from weakening pains and ri ar ~ practiced. in the past should he a sufficient recom - The Bylaw to authorize the Catarrhozone is the | j. dale banner flying in the north toothache. cramph Headache, & 1d Jteor- | "Tne perfection of all rheumatle Ant 'on Gold, Silver, Alaminum | méndation as to lis ability. All Sale 2 oh : greatest protection dered stomach, lek to relieve as remedies is found In Ferrozone. Guar- Avtifial Teeth Hubber Plates, given into his Sharge will be attehded 3 RT PERRY. purchase of the Ontario Central against these complaints |} England. fon 2 per and" antecd to cure, and costs only §0 cents: 7 : Filling of old Sitver or Cement 4 nd opera Sue hie 8 a Fair Grounds was read a third tin ever known. You just Tet every mother give Nerviline a ala i Gh yal od ings : relguired made oat and blank notes supplied free, EARTILY thanking the public for the : h eas and breathe it, that's all, -and trial; It's good Aor children, good for - Kingston, Ont. 1 Painless when requ on app liberal pati a, ing the and carried. The ye te old folks--you éan rub it on as a lini- = pany, 8% Parties wishing to engage his services nes ating 1 it cures. The Inhaler is suitable to carry in the vest pocket or purse, and & Prices to suit the ules Notth Ontario Observer were 1 -- Yeas, Messrs. Forma Ca michael and the Reeve. Nays J It tells about EVERY WOMAN cleaning and dy: SHOULD HAVE Sf"hue gnements waist) ment Bf take 8 internally. [a aie Wherever. there is pain. Nerviline | -- will cure it. Refu! Indians are Starving. may consult his Sauk Brats either at en) YO Sid Nout Livery Eukaitish- the Oberrver or Standard Offises, Port stinounting that 1 ay Plusthive the el anything but Ner- | by | " Perry, for dates claimed for Salen, and Messrs Qetow and Stoheholise., can be used while at OUR BOOK. ie ONS aes | viline. 25¢ per bottle, five for $1.00, alk | Si ; M Y ] V rk vet he k, in the church, the- Pr bl ! Cutarrhozone Cou | nds o pas o iw | 1 ERY ! The agreetiient [oberuifig 1 aire, any plac ., any ps §ireils of the O18 ning of ae fps fecios | fngston, ont. 3 Winnipeg, April 15.--A despatch . ne al 3 . ot . i s ia Carry a In- and curtains of the home beau : : Fort C ii fie ; TE. 7 flows ; 30 a _+ from Fort Chippewyan tells a' ter: A 1Fethly Political, Agrieattnral dnd 'CHARGES MODERATE. to my former place of bitaipine - grounds is as follows haler, use it now and ft makes will save you = ppewy The RE he, Tmis Acmreesst made in d any a dlineta the sourss of a 7 Pays, | rible story of starvation and priva- BY | Miss Barrison, s and. Manlla Maker better accommodated with safc and desir. able 2 RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGES KE. VAKSICKLER. Perry, hereinafter called the Vi Scugog Agricultural Society, and the Port Perry. Reach" coughs and colds. Breathe it five minutes d it four times a day an cures Bronchitis and Ca- tarrh. FOUNTAIN THE CLEANER 30 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, | Liberal party. The report can be fpetieved, A really well-constituted young man could hardly be expect- hurrah for Mr. Pugsley, the Na- Family Newspa, . GEO. JACKSON, | 3 't have Montreal Gazette :--Le ; Hp = Berl Nov. 1, 1901. * Port Perry 12. O W ate Yr Street cate fourth day of Aprilin the es an}, ad 30 won Vv We y exproas charges onewayon |} ew Old Liberal paper In | tic n. Inthe immediate vicinity of : PORT PERKY, ONT. i which [am about to largely extend is-|;g10 between : -- The Mumci reais A anRaEne " " v | Montreal, says the young xen | Fort Chippewyan the natives are' EVERY THURSDAY MORNING crease facilitics so that the public may be Corporatien of the Village of sionally, and It cures My VALET {of this Province are leaving the ||iying on muskrats, but farther' porth 'the Indiansare said-to 'have suffered severely throughotit the winter, and sixty or more have died TISE o faform i z i 't let your cold run on any far- tional Trafiscontinental Railway | from starvation and dysentery. At, $SHEs bo the ladies eiey Y; June 31, 1800 inglier30e ti Sy, SE J Inhaler, Toe Litera) py Se Commissioners and their rocoplihe Fond du Lac there have beer Yor De aied hv he > ks: tent liquid for three months' | at Winnipeg have been y tment of Militia as it is, an ; i F 3 J some, Jones cupid SL ert rand Trunk R'y System |ce-tioos 534 and 576 of the Me Tocts but one dollar: small size 50 lack of intesest in what the part Ppa of expediency | tWelve deaths since last February: he is prepafed to exe 'all or a wa cipal Act have acquired the At 4 The hCatgrrhe is doing or proposes to do. Laurl-| wo "0 rincinaf that flourishes at|in a comparatively small band, and" Sore pen and Maptle Making] : 1 ot E TABLE oe Grounds for the pw es Co. Kingston, Out erism Ro to be finishing its work Gttawa just ow. in other settlements also much pri- in a manner unsurpassed for : P "Pp idi Public Park for | 3 in the West. : {ivr { vation has been experienced: At; ! ta Lo ont Peasy. providing a Pu oa : r ; Toronto News :--A man in Mich ; wii 5 : : tte still labours |. tole. Correctness af Style: ts of GOING SOUTH. GOING NORTH. citizens of Port Perry, and . Great Clydesdale Sale. Mu Bae that the |igan has been asleep for fon S678 i oe of vou oe Sp "oso ond Charming Effect.) 70am, | ..9.x1am. entertainment of visitors {00 From the Canadian Farm) Trent Valley canal is building to and cannot be awakened. iti ¥} which bears no dale, pro ! on cotibistent: with - Fam 5.55 p-m. Perry. and for the purpose From drain the farm land along its route. | Canadian Senator away Visiting. | were at a low ebb at Fort Chippew- i wd el const no 1.40pm. 7-33pm- viding an athletic ground fog most important Clydesdale . yan. The Hudson Bay Compaty, 2 'Port Perry, April 1, tgog: > r of the citizens of Post Pet € for many a day was held at 1 PX A [there had a shott time 'pteviously: ; : Fort Pu rape I tone. A 0. 2R Time Table. a ad whereas the Society' af gham Harbour in the north of - ) run out of flour, but fourteen bags x = ; : 3 MYRTLE STATION. sirons of having a suitable : oh nd, this week. The Seaham i BE were secured from Fort Smith, Wasr lin which to hold their Faifs ur stud was founded forty 8 Months For 3I5¢c ninety -eight miles farther north, me positions mo ago by the Marquis of Lon- RHR where there was a supply of Ver And wheteas by section 4s Jerry, and in 1900 it was acquir® milion brand which sold at $15 peg the Seaham Harbour Stud 100 pounds, furs only being accepts Brydon, who ed in payment, and as this supply would not last long, the settlement , | was anxiously waiting for navigd=s = «| tion to. open; when the company's. scows are expected to bring relief Wolves were also reported ravens ous, and were prowling around the: 1: 3 They: settlement in search of food: Agent |g ricalivral and "Atts' th ; ey best value to "he $100 a year weskliss S) Jare unusually savage -and. single; T i ol . wolves have in many cases attacked: Forth ¢ price armel, gardener Hg men, but no fatal results are report=" = 2 Forth many thes he ouitry Tatser. Ty rea ©) |ed. The dogs are also suffering ang; Md ina miserable condition t scarcity of fish, dne, not:to a lack o fish in the: lake, but :the Jasiness the. fishermen, who would -1io% far enough [rom home to reach ds without it for four times the price, $1.