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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 28 Apr 1910, p. 4

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a. How 1 saved Herbert and brought him out with a strong brain and In ev- ery way physicalls sound Is so strange A citse tnt It shonid be placed In writ- {og before | furget any of the details. 1 do not mean that 1 did the thinking and the pinning that saved him, but hat had it aot been for me no think- or planniog would ever have been ne and Herbert would bave died under the straln or lUved a lifetime in a madhouse. Herbert aud 1 were first playmates, then schoolmates; then the status be- tween us wns that of a strong friend- Bhip belween a very young man and a very young woman. [lis mother, a tich widow. from the tirst disapproved of our intimacy. fur her son would In- rit ber vuxt estate, while | hdd hipz. But neither Herbert tor 1 ot to Titin when = became of age. His brother, Edgar Holt, wasap-. pointed executur of the estate and Herbert's guardl!an., There were oth features of tke will which had we mown earlier wou'd hare saved Her Hert a deal of suffering. Not knowing hem, we were working in the dark. M#. cath of his sister went to live with bis ward. taking personal care of him. I could not see auy vecessity for this, for Ilerbert wus at an age when he should have been at college. Yet this uncle kept bin at home, dolug noth- tng. } asked llcrbert why he assented to this, and he suid it was better for him pot to antagonize his uncle till after he bad attained his majority. Some time after Mrs. Torry's death Herbert sont me a note asking we to tome thd sce him. He gave no reisoh for the request; buts thiuking he might be ill, I went at once. | was taken by the bousekeeper to a suit of rooms he occupied and found him Iying ob a Jounge, the picture of despondency. "Why, Herbert," 1 exclaimed, "what is the matter?" "1 don't know," he sald mournfully. CLEANING and DYEING Tacos ontrion aise, Sik, Seiiay ey laces, os and gloves, emen's clothes, Ihe. x to look like now, Frehich Process. elicate costume ca safely to our skill and ex: is done wil © garment. or ping any part of ti ur book tells about ur work and Write for free co pe charges paid ooc-way on out-ol-towa orders "My VALET" FOUNTAIN THE CLEANER 30 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Lever fad 1 scen stich a cbange In any one in so short a space of time I had been with him a week before, and be was then perfectly well. Now he seemed to have gone far on the way to become a nervous wreck. *"YWhat a singularly decorated room!" I sald to him after be had told me about himself. The wall paper was purple, and the shades and curtains to the windows were red. There was something in tbe colors or combination of colors that made me feel a strange nervousness. "Uncle Edgar had my rooms redec- orated while | was away recently, How do you like the paper?" "I don't iike it at all," I replied. 1 encouraged Herbert as well as I could and when I left promised to re- turn soon. | weut straight to our own "awily physician, Dr. Millard, and told him all about Herbert's case. Inci- dentally 1 mentioned the decoration of his rooms, "Get him out of that at once," the doctor. "Why so?" "Because if be lives surrciinded with those colors and nome otber for a mouth he'll be a maniac." 1 sent a vote to Herbert the same evening teiling hin that the doctor bad recommended other rooms for him. and the next afternoon | went to see him. | found him where 1 bad left him the day before. | asked hin why be had not moved, and he said his wncle had declared Dr. Millard's Sti to he $ 1 begged Herbert to do us | asked | him, but he did not scew lo Lave the power (0 re- sist his uncle. 1 was very much distressed when } left him, not knowing 'What to do. On the stairs 1 met Mr. Hoult. He stopped € and snd: y vephew is under my guardian. op till be comes of age. You will oblige me by nut coming here again to, Duke him dissatisfied with arrange ments 1 have made for' bim. Kis wother warned me against your de- said ac init. an old bachelor, 6h the | Aa COMBION - Bitrorare: to receive subseriptions price of $100 for each share, w from April 5th, 1910. 10 per oent. The right fs resorv close the subscription book without Application will be made for the Director Impertal Bank of Canad federation Life Assoclation, CHARLES W. BAND, Toronto. ited, Grain Exporters. NEw COMPANY A GOING Maple Leaf Milling Company, new Company which has taken c undertaking as a going concern of pany nas at present thirty-five additional ones are being added time. A million bushel elevator structed next to the new mill at real. THE nora IN FAIR, OPENS AT THE SrFice 0 OF "THE aL GUARDIA Tye] bo ' oN RAY Y, ESE BAY OF MA MAY, - 1910, or 3; sed CAWTHRA MULOCK & AT PAR, 8100 PER SHAT $2,000,000 of the 7 p.c. Cumulative Preferred Stosk, with a banss el 25 p.6. 0 i Leaf Milling Cor (Incorporated under the Laws of the Province of Ontario). HEAD OFFICE, CAPITAL STOCK, Issued and F Fully Paid Up. PREFERRED (7%, gumintivey » CE ' GUARDIAN TRUST COMPANY, Li Value of the preferred stock allotted, to be delivered on payment ef Subscription in full. § The dividends on the preferred stock, accrue | In Instalments as follows, in which case ff 8 Subscriptions will be payable as follows: ? on Application, and 90 per cent. on Allotment. orved to allot ohly such subleriptions and for such amounte may b BARKERS OF COMPAHY --Imparial Bank of Canada and Bank of Maatraal BOARD OF DIRECTORS D. C. CAMERON, Winnlpée; President. President Rat' Portage Lumber Company, Limited. CAWTHRA MULOCK, Toronto, Vice-President. Vice-President James Carruthers Company, Lim- Flour Mills Company Limited, including therein ther, the tremendous Increase in the that of the Hedley Shaw Milling Company Lim- put from the Western Whoat Belt 2 ited. The company has mills at Kenora, Thorold, absolutely necessary to have more mills' St. Catharines, Welland, and Fort Colborne (the to handle it. Last r this output last named In course of construction) in the to about 125,000,000 bushels, and exp: Province of Ontarlo and at Brandon in the estimate that by the end of the yea 198i Province of Manitoba. When the construction will be producing fully $60,000,000 bushels an at present under way at Port Colborne ls com- nually. A great proportiofl of this will pleted the company will have a total milling sity find its way into Canadian mill capacity of 12,800 barrels per day. Tbe com- demands are bound to come as the pay ele throughout the Western Wheat Belt, The company has also warehouses and offices at Toronto, Winnipeg, Kingston, Ottawa, and Mont- OWN AND OFFER FOR SALE pai TORONTO, CAN $2,500,0( 2,500;0( - - $5,000,0C is rl e to oe be e tays , | OF DOUBLE AUTHORIZED. for $2,000,000 of the above seven per cent. co diatrve p ith a bonus of common stock equal In par value to 25 p rate of 6 per cent will be charged. 10 per cent. on Application, 15 per ceut. on Allotment. 26 per cent. on 1st June, 110 25 per cent. J notice. listing of the securities of the Company on THE bboy 8 JOHR I. A. HUNT, Londo; President Goderich Elevator & Transit Vice-President Hunt Bros., Limited, CHARLES WURTELE, Toronto. Vice-President National Iron Work: Lins SOHN CARRICK, Toronto. or mite ccretary The Maple Leat Flour Mills C: ted HEDLEY 8HAW, Toronto. 8 anaging Director Maple Leaf Milling Coy1 a, Director Con- CONCERN. Idimited, is a over the whole the Maple Leaf MARKET FOR OUTPUT. _ The rapld growth of the business companies taken over has long made ap) the necessity of additional milling ca vators situated the country increases, and .the enquiry and fifteen Canadian product, both from Great Bri at the present from the forelgn markets of the word, {8 being con- increase. The chain of mills caitioll Port Colborne. by the new company will énabie oT its full share of of Canada, foreign countries. of all liabilities and without any all ascertained 6n the basis of dn appr 17th, of Februar gonoies. of the completion of a 6,000 barrel Company on the present plant amou being for the latter period at a rate Mr. Hedley Shaw and Mr. D, C. Hedley Shaw as Managing Director. found In the prospectus. Company, Toronto. PROSPECTUS AND SHOULD BE TION TO: ANY BRANCH OF OR SECURITY AND EARNING POWER: 1910, of the capital assets taken over, 28th, 1910, as to current assets and current Sn There has aleo been placed in the Treasury and of fifteen additional efevators in the West, will provide the new Company with furth: As per certificate of Messrs. Price, Watorhouse & Com pany, And from August 21st, 1909, to February 28th, 1910, to. LOCATION OF MILLS AND MANAGEMENT. have Leon developed, will retain large interests In and be actively identified with the new Comp The location of the new 6,000 barrel mill at Port Colborne is without exception the best in Can A complete report on the advantages of the Port Colborne site, prepared by Mr, Hedley Shaw, W) Prospectuses and forms of application may be obtained at any branch of the Imperial Bank of Cai The Royal Bank of Canada, from Guardian Trust Company, Limited, Toronto, and from Cawthra APPLICATIONS FOR SHARES 8HOULD BE MADE UPON THE FORM ACCOMPAN THE IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA ROYAL BARK OF CANADA The assets of the old Companies taken vor. as above 0} owance for good-will, trade marks, etc., at $3,776,624.11, this aisal by the Canadian-American Appraisal Company, I and the certificate of Messrs, Price, Waterhouse & lit with a liberal allowance for gl $1,000, of additional cash, which, besides pi mill and a million Jone elevator and storage warehou: ¢ of London, quoted below, the th, 1908, to August 20th, 1809, to .. nted from Septembsr equal to over 13 per cent. on the preferred stock of the Comping Cameron, under w hose direction the properties of the old SENT TOGETHER WITH THE REMITTANCE DUE Of GUARDIAN TRUST COMPANY, Limit' OR TO CAWTHRA MULGCK & Members Toronto Stock Exché ROYAL BANK BLDG., TOROMN iT G FART 1 Toul oul Of pe nouse | vowing never (o enter It agdln. But I had not been gone ten minutes before a suspicion caine luto my head that the man was trying to kill Her- bert by keeping him under tbe infiu- ence of these colors. Going to Dr. MIl- lard, 1 told him of what had happened. "Go to the inheritance court." he raid, "and ask them to show you Mrs, Torry's will, Then we will know what to do next." 1 did as be advised, was shown the wiil and discovered that in the event ot Herbert's death bis estute would all go to Edgnr Holt I'he diseovery tilled me with horror, But now since | knew that the execu- tor had a motire for getting his neph- ew out of his way | hoped that might defeat bix purpose. | saw his plan. 'Fhepe was no necessity for him to murder [Perbert with the risk of discovery. His object wus [0 make a hopeless lunatic of him, which would give the executor continued control of the estate till hls ward's death, when he wouid tuberit it. | returned to Dr. Millagd, who, after | had told bim of my discovery, sat thinking for a time before he spoke, "It's a sery plain case to us," he said at ast, "but a very difficult one _to handle. 1 have never heard or "of so wily & plan to rob an heir of ab estate. While the damnge is being done there is po way fo get the boy out of his uncle's bands. After it is done there is no way of convincing a jury of the perpetrator's guilt." in ? Ago at hearing the doctor oct row baton made 2 S*I'll try," he sabi, "But can't as yet |- sre any metbod likely to succeed. |Heirs have been kept in lunatic asy- lus Detose thls who baie been in perfect men! mint canal condition. © That's an old story. Here is a cose where & an is to. "mad. without any ofte being able 10 get him our of 's clutches." The law fis a month ne. a4 yulet bh now aster wag GGA cUGCEnt MID. Af dependea Ud wud Ut lv bELE upon his belug permitted to come with , Pace in which to bid ine. ad it not been for certain hap- | that 1 an myself and Fo penlngs he would not have béen mo | 8 Will be different." = : permitted, these being first that his | Nevertheless he seed ad get- uncle had gone to his office, and the | !!'8 back under the 11 that housekeeper who had charge of Her | Dad entbrailed hin mind bert iu bis absence had left it for ten ' 8%ay from it I told hin did not minutes to buy a spool of thread. Jt [AF pursnit, for his fs singular that Herbert's sanity should k00W ou what ros have depended on a spool of cotton, "That's not the si LUNE but it did. 1 drove up to the house replied. "He can t 0 aiffer- cut places along the us, aud order us held} with papers for our 5 'This appalled me. "As my guardian,™ hnrriedly, "he has care--that Is, if he © of unsound mind. scribing two minutes after the housekeeper er iB get on had left it and was driven away with Herbert just as she approached the house on her return. | can see her | look of cousternation now. Bat be fore she could do anything we were spinning away from her. 1 said nothing to Herbert as te my intention till we had been out two (he position of my le hours. | supposed Mrs. Bugle would "Certainly. But bo telephone Sir. Holt as to what had oc- "We must be war as We ceored, but he had wo reason to sup- can find any one to . pose that 1 was doing more with his "Ob, [lerbert!" "It's the only way "But | have nevel in that way." 3 "No, matter. Eft to my uncle to be or made away with means or my legal be transferred. 'The: With a fluttering | at a small house, evi age. We went ingid from the time Hi 1 was his wife. "Now," he esclal rellef, "the law is nepliew than giving bim a ride, and be would probably wait a reasonable time for wy return. Nevertheless | followed a torturous course to throw hin off (he track If he followed me. The change in Herbert after his re moval from the noxious colors and partaking of plenty of fresh air was marvelous. [le was not by any means Himmelf, but he was near enough bim- self for me fe tell him what bie wacle | was trying to do and that I wis kid- | naping biw In order to save him a, hopeless lnnacy. 'I'bere was some response--more than I couid bare expected In so short a time--and after awhile he grew eager to escape what bé was now uning to resize aging ve o'clock. At 1 we stopped " a rod, house for Incheon aud by 27 were | again uuder way. diy this thve Her- bert was so far restored that 1 left 'aur future course 16 him, © "Have yon arranged for 'any pace | to take me?" be asked. "Not "Very well; we will. go te I3, I know a place there kept by. one I can de yon, -- 1 outwit(ed b : "Spoken like a's Teache w ih os GOOD GIROULATION And is Constantly g-owing In Public Favor. It is the BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM Champiou of tho Agriculturiste and more conservative elass of peopla---ie mot & favorite of schemer, boomiérs and clques---it is thé {infact it is the this of any, other country. don't fail to inspect the DiLion Fence, DeacER IN AGRICULTURAL IMPLE: sold at a terms, tion to the proprictor, Port Perry, Aug 6, 1607. best fence made: in 3 Before purchasing a Wire: Fis JH. Brown, . | 'MENTS AND MacHingRy. | Seacrave "cont pros Su RINK = PORT PERRY FOR SALE YHE UNDERSIGNED offef for Safé the Skating Rink, which wil bE Dasgain and on advantig os Turibier particulars on zpplica- WM. TUMMONELS. Port verry, Deo. 1 3 - tee that p t 8 wets 'by any artitle pure] in my line of "business tantly. on hand and repairs' g mptly attehded to. Fo JOEN. ROLPH: - Write for our. interesting bool or's Halp" an 5 * How you ace swii 8 Sent, us a rough sketch or modet of Your in vention orimprovement and we will free oar opinion ns to whether it is pol tentable. ejected epplieat ent ions jive ho + cuccessfully prosecuted by we Yeconduct fully on Hlees offices fit Mi and Washington ; aifien us to ly dispatch work and ® cnre Pat asbroid isthe phils i hest referent furnd-Le Putcnts procured through Ma: rion recely © special notice' withot Xs i yes 100 Jiynspapers distributed th the D minim, ac 1 --Patent business of - Manufac turers an Rugioeers . MARION & MARION Tine for Hense leaniag, I am prepared to do all kinds of Papering, Painting, &c. Paper and Paint furnished ¥) required 1 Spring is tie W. $F. .NOTT, (Successor to J. A. Rodman.) 2 doors north of Mr. Widden's store Dictionary has won a greater distinction upon its merits and is in more general use thanany other work of its kind in the English language. { A. H. Sayee, D.D., of Oxtord oh Teh ee a Seen. 1 Ta diffieytt fo comets of a di 5 1 only what re might Sxpect nd in os a but also what ft us would ever have thought of Til Toy of bisEIE folly up 0 Ante. 1 have bes t u) 0, ve been looking the oJatlor'wivn a mploteness. the sm Tabor t has been put into it. "ae THE GRAND PRIZE [i a! 'was given it the Tn- at the World's Fair, 8t. Louis. METHODIST CHURCH REV. R.H. LEIICH, Pastor. Sabba'h Bervises, 11 dnd 7. Week Even'ny 3, fotncen: { Aim TRY N, INGRAM Cochrane St., Barred Plymouth Rocks; Buff Orpington, Whit te Legharns. tomers and hold their patronage: Agricultural | Machmes IMPLEM NENT rPRE' undlessigned | ers on hand and fox nes aud Lwplements manufactured by Patent Ezperts and Solicitors. : Adnntic Bide, W Port Port Perry, for HIGH-CLASS AND I want your orders this sea 01 agé all cust Tus my desire to pleagé Eggs $1-00 per 15. SUNDERLAND sales the following Agricultural Mach 7 WN BME WPI OL OF PETERLORO: Bindors, Reapers, Crown Mower, Secder, Tiger Hay Rake, Two Ton, Flaw, "Three Furrow Gang, Combina: "Chai

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