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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 5 May 1910, p. 1

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a | wn rr {Bens $1 Pr' ANNUM IN ADVAN TE ving fm preach: Would 'he do "a a) v pastiAN, Sakon, do. pei Residence, Quen 85, Port Py 3 40 10 wm 5 1 wid p or thn lines south, conuected lence of G. [x Robson, V.8. ge A . "BARRISTER, &ec, | r to and occupant of the ' bar vr} the late F. Yarnold. Port Perry, - Ont. MONEY Te LOAN. Trivate Fands at 4 per cent. Feb. 7, 1901. he ee Jno. W. Crozier, adnrsiin, Soticrror, CoRVEYaxorm, Bt B Xe. Office at residence, 6th Con. Reach (one mile west of Port Perty,)--+ Moysy To LoAN. E. FAREWELL, K.C, LL.B, Count! J, Com Attorney, Barrister, County Sol- aivor, &o., Noses. ublic and Conveyancer. Jffice--South wing Court House, W hithy, dnt. 1 SR . W. A SANGSTER, DENTAL SURGEON. ~Offts Horirs--0 to 12 a.m, 2 to 6 p,m. Also open Saturday evenings. or Gold Fillings, ridge and Crown Work a Specialty. Vitalised Air. ¢ Dr. F. D. McGrattan . (DENTIST) the Osaruvir Office | Port Perry Branch . ©-6- LUICHESON, Blackstock ~ Ranches also at Bowmanville, Oshawa, Whi laremont, Stouffville, Sunderland and Bron: » W. J. WHITE, 8 Acting Manager. DAVID J. & DOUGLAS ADAMS, Bankers and Brokers. a MONEY T REAL E Jos. BAIRD ICEN BD AUCTIONEER for the County of Outario. Sale Register at | Manchester, Jan. 19, 1899, L.D.S: of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, "alg VD, 3. of Toronto University ue in: i Bloek over Allison's J. A. Murray, DBNTIST, Jffice over the Post Office. 3 PORT PERRY. © AU branches of Devtistry, intluding Crown and Bridge Work successfully practiced. - Artifical Teeth on Ould, Silver, Aluminum or Raber Plates. Fillings of Goll, Silver or Cement Painless extraction when vequived: "gr Phices to suit the times® North Ontario Ghserve A Weekly Political, Agiivultnral and = "Family Newspaper "18 PUBLISHED AT © your FERRY, ONT, KVKRY THURSDAY MORNING TENN bv "ai ... H. PARSONS TL is 8 to this be at our rieX. tury thanks to his numorous pu:rons fo past (avous. and codtinued patrunage he state that no vert or paius will be epared on his part to make all sules nn in tho past should be a sufficient recom OF CARTWRIGDT, Y another Aaction Sule Semson tore Iu requesting their esteenied | desives to wd th hin Sidccesses. His very extensive practice mondation as to his ability. . All Sale given {oto his charge will he attended t with pgomptness sud dispatch Sale lst | made out add blank notes supplied free, on application. Parties wishing to engage his services may consult hiz Sate the Olacrver Perry, for dates claimed for Sales, and make arrangements, or write to his addrest | sr Phone at Residence, No. 31. ®a CHARGES MODERATE. x GEO. JACKSON, Nov. 1, 1901. Port Perry I'. Miss Harrison, D.ess and Mantle Maker Sans to inform the ladics' /\/ that she has moved to lhe. rooms over Mr. Flirt's Drug Store where she is prepared to execute all or | ders foi Dress and Mantle Making in a manner unsurpassed for Correctiess of Style and Charming Effect. Our charges are consistent with the value given. 'Port Perry, April 1, 1909. * (4 per cent upwards -- INSURANCE Marriage Licenses. §F Agents C- P. R., Ee. lw Perry. is now in a position to issue Patronnge solicited: | tickets to all parts of the world and ito supply all necessary information to parties asto the cheapest and best routes, &c. numerous Ticket Agencies for Rail- oy ee X ¢ : TowNsHi the Grand Trunk Railway. _ lintending to travel will consult ihe ISH ES at this the commencenient of own . - oi McCaw before embarking on a trip. Central Livery I Rkclxren either at Many years or Standard Offices, Port mentin Port Perry, Ihave much pleasure in formerly occupied by her| - Grand Trunk Ry System O LOAN Britich Capital) STATE Tickers TO ALL FARTS OF THE oRLD.--Mr. W II. McCaw, Port In addition to his e appotited Pasties interests by consulting Mr. PORT PERRY. RARTILY thanking the public for the liberal patronage received during the have kept a Livery listablish annouftcing that I havé removed MY LIVERY! to my former place of business oWater Street {which Iam about to largely extend in- | evoase facilities so that the public may be better accommoduted with safe and desir- able {RIGR AT MODERATE CHARGES R. VANSIGKLER Pact Perry, June 21, 1900. TIME TABLE Port PERRY. GOING+BOUTH. GOING NORTH. 7 20 a.m. 9.11 a.m. 1155 a.m, 5.55 p.m. 1.40 p.m, 7.33 p-o. 0. P. R Time Table. al MYRTLE STATION. ce, and substitutes days of dull Ip and moments of acute agony. Most so called "remedies" givel nse only for a time, and then back comes the trouble. and pain and misery! Zam-Buk cures Plics] And cures permanently. off his lies all around you. Women| land men ia all stations of fife bave proved it--possibly some of your riends! Let it curc youl Mrs, Wm. Hughes, of 258, Hochelaga) St., Hochelagn, Motitreal, sa; "1 was| Ia sufferer for years from and protruding piles. Theafony [suffers no one knows. Remedy after remedy, sroved useless. Day folldwed day and there was no relief for me--pnin, loss of] mtrength, dulncss, misery, this was m rience until Zam-Buk wakintroduced. ow now that there is notling o. this earth like it | It curcd. me of piles land once cured, I have had no return of] (he evil. I would like all women w kuffer as I did to kuow that Zam-Buk| will cure them ! Besides being a specific for piles Zaom-Buk cures) eczema, bloodspolioning, erdchked or chapped hands ulcers, euts, burns, bruises, scalp sores, ringuornii bad leg, frost bite, cold sores, and all akin injurice nd diseases. All druggists and stores sell at 50 ¢{ or from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto for pricc. An Easter Caft How a Living In the English Cliarch Was Bestowed. By F A MITCHEL | in Copyright, 1910, by American Press Association O0--0--0< 1708, there appenrsd Jo March, the London Chrouicle the following ad vertiseent: A living of £1 a vear will be given u a curate on condition that he marry the giver He muzat young, well recom mended for morals aru good lemper anc Hrmly attached lo the present Lappy esx tablishmenl Ansners tiny be left al the bar of the Union Coffee House, Strand. London, directed tn Z [. The utmost se crecy and honor 1s to be depended upon Gerard Wentworth, a young man of twenty-two, saw It apd was attructed by it for the following reascus: He had barely completed his studies pre liminary to taking orders when siwul taneously a tawsuit involving the fam ily property was decided adversely and Gerard's father died. This left the young clergyman on the thresh old of lfe with two sisters and a mofher to provide for. He was think- ing of giving up his profession and accepting a clerkship in a mercantile fiouse where he could earn more mon- ey thum in the church when his eye fell on the advertisement "1g there not in this," he mused, "a chance for me to follow the career 1 love and am fitted for? If 1 sheuld marry this woman I might eventually become a bishop." So he left a note at the Union Coffee House stating that be would be happy to meet the bolder of the Hying and in due time received au invitation to cali at Twickenham, a subuchan town a couple of hours' ride from london. Mr. Wentworth alighted from the coach at an Imposing gatewuy and walked. up through attractive grounds house, Dreams of marry- rime yrere kindled fu his bruin, but théy were svon put-io fight 'a,b ) 0 ue ~~, A BCAOCOC ~ EEX Ken J latest world's news. £ griculivral Section (8 Pages) Worth many times the price to any farmer, gardener, it-grower, dairyinan or-poultry raiser. f3aazing Section (8 Pages) the price. pie would for 12 1i0nths. Mow to prove to vou the value of this Greatest of Family Weekly Newspapers, and to secure your next year's subscription, we are making this : 9" VWenderiul Offer =, vIn to THE WEEKLY MAIL AND EMPIRE we will send per, post-paid; for the balance of the year, or to Bo, for $6 cents. Send your name and post-office address with 35 cents to The Weekly Mail and Empire Toronts, Ont. Sample Copy Free on Application Twickenham on the follow- i§:1bd would he he h guest 'Between' Saturday nd Oe reid a nite from 1 x --#ignea Alle Trelawney ig that the person Who bad fhe 'to _dixpose Bt deslted to" hear in the onths For 35c | Don't Misa Ti:is Opportunity The Weeldy jbl Esnippire ¢fwenty-four pages) Is the very best value to farmer of all the $1.00 a year weeklies, Section (8 Pages) re ggod family reading than in any other weekly at Entertaining and instructive. No farmer who has read The Weekly Mail and Em- would be without it for four times the price, $1.00 the Dec. 81, a ving of" er and shsters tign us the cur wether "to the wh started aiid to db; who has at ber for. lence fa your veurself for ye "he S11K be di: ested ngent ed man among ant smile, del ha supolled. cura! or an@raiTe tot vovofisider hls moth-. received by Miss The girl' walk ate. they continued to- "Come aud see me heiier than the one you have applied You oeeda't an uteoduce sou and will use my in- tell her that you are ready to sacrifice yur mother and sisters posed to help you. clergy. a8 yobl kiow, are clijefly inter Jing aud cockfighting. It's nut easy to ud a real true beart- Wentworth, qoite delighted with so fortunnte fn encounter, smiled a pleas- 1d n day for the introduc SSSR AW HG WD oad woudl ror 'Ihe roflowing Saturday Lue after She hesitated. noon couch stopped at the Oaks, the rtmanteau | duced to her aunt, the lng fn the same direc phan. inn from which the When they parted she I bave a friend disposal a living much himself. to be a very marry ber, but | noraot, favor. | think when I Qur | him. what was in his heart. theta." son than the preacher. house, for Miss Trelawnej was an or- He spent thie rest of the day and the evening with her, and, being an open hearted, frupk young' man, Miss Trelawney within a few hours knew more about him than he knew At any rate, she knew him lovable young man, a matter of which be was entirely 1g- | Ijut the next day when Wentworth stood In the pulpit to preach Miss Tre- lawney discovered something else in is heart was in what he sald, and he had the gift of language to say He spoke ex- temporaneously, his sermon being the (rst beard there in many years that had not been written, to say nothing of having been purchased by the in- cumbent from some more gifted per- Indeed, congregation was carried by storm. the N 4 'Good, Better or Best? A VITAL DIFFERENCE IN BREADS Pastry as it is for B "has proved an unq success pu QS€. ke bread at all ly want it to be food as, or better against failure-- And it is just as good for read." Tt is the cone flour whet for every household And its absolute uniformity guarantees you ROYAL HOUSEHOLD ieighbor's. _ FLOUR is made of Mani- road a good toba Red Fyfe Wheat, to be? Does it which is especially rich in full quantum of ht Isit -stren a will want a high quality gluten. 1¢ is scientifically milled in the finest mills in the British Empire and samples sre regularly subjected to the most exacting of aff fests; the oven test, to insure uniformity. "ROYAL HOUSEHOLD" always makes the firiest and most nourishing bread; the lightest, flakiest and most .- healthful picsy cakes, biscuits, muffins, rolls. MOS : Order "ROYAL HOUSEHOLD" at once. Don't 7 3 delay. The sooner youcommence Using this finest of all flours. family. the better for your 2 e well, er the dish A waoen tne curate, after tnd pend tion, stepped down from the chaucei many people advanced to encourage him by appreciative remarks. Miss Trélawney waited for him at the church door, null they walked to her bomb together. "Was the person who has tbe liviog {0 dispose of in church?' he asked. "She was." "And how was she pleased with my effort?' "Very much." "Then 1 presume there need be no further delay to my meeting her' "Nope whatever." They walked on to the house, dined and speut the rest of the day together, Wentworth expecting all the while to receive the promised introdoetion. To this, however, Miss Trelawney made no reference till be was about to de- part on Monday woroing, when she said: "The Introduction I promised you Is not necessary. 'The lady having the living to give heard you preach and had a much better opportunity to judge of your merits than if. she had met you, you knowing who she was. She has fo this way wet several young clergymen and has heard them preach. She has decided to invite them all to hand in a written sermon on Easter Sunday appropriate for that day. He whose sermon pleases her most will Bic to be Yell You must pay attention to the t5, poisonous. substances, must be 'at jeast ence each d ; enre | have won. But she who makes WHOLE No. 7276; simply impossible, if 'thel" consequences. Undigested ay, or there! Xver is responsible for ang 11 Si cigt A 5) a0 a a TR -- oo ven it all for you. Yes; thut 1 know. By your nid: the gift? | would seem an ingrate if 1 @id not thank her." She bad wauntered to a window. Ha followed ber as be spoke. She turned to him and said: "1 own the living. I wished to test the man to whom 1 should give it and advertised for one to Bil It, coupled with the condition that be should war- ry the giver. \Vhen you iuterviewed our housekeeper I was In an adjoining roe, | saw you and revered you for your high seuse of duty, You were detained, aud the housekeeper recalled, by my order her refusal of you. I es- caped aud gave a signal to dismiss you, I leaving this house at the same monient as you. 1 have given you the ving, knowing how well you de- serve ft." Are You Using : An Oily Liniment ? Beware of Any Thick, Greasy Lin« iment That Contains Acids and Strong Ammonia. of prescribing ia liniment-- be invited to preach it and will re- and in conse- celve the living." h the source Wentworth's face fell. "1 am no x r er writer," he sald. "1 ehall lose thie | sold under positive guarantee to cure prize." pain. "Do your best and keep up a good | Nerve 3 4 re pain pes i | cause it is im y stronger than beart I shall do all tn my power fo | jiher lintmen it ls more turn the scule ia your favor." | penetrating, becanse ieves the con- Easter fell two weeks from that day. | gested condition xcites pain, be- Wentworth worked bard over his ser- | Tease Gintion ef he part: two Ww ne Perso mon, for his career depended upon His | j= (hr ion of But be proddeei | winning the prize. "IT they | nonin tout suusnea nlm. Sinking Sensations | in the Stomach These unpleasant feelings bf weak- ness and collapse indicate that the | sympathetic nervous system is out of order. The cause is impairment of nerve | tone, arising from failure of the sto- | mach to perform its work Acute indigestion follows natural result is mental dep a feeling of collapse and extreme Ww ness. The best, because the quickest and surest cure, Is Kerrozone. It at once upon the dig and a tive organs--it fortifi stoma kes the blood nouris 18, gives it a rich, red color, the best ev dence of health. "For ten years I suffered from stomach trouble," writes Maxwell Thompson, of Toledo. * ways had a headache and dull f after meals, My appetite was poor, I didn't relish food. It was all duc a weak, defective stomach. I re about Ferrozone, and ordered six boxe from my druggist. It was no time at ak before I felt much better, and when all the Ferrozone was used, I really a w lease of life. I am stronger, brighter, and feel more like work than before trying Ferrozone. It is a splen- did tonic, the best I ever uscd." Ferrozone is unrivalled in curing stomach ailments, try it and be con- vinced. Sold by all druggists in 50c boxes, six for $2.50, by mall from The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston; Ont, ours wary teu we teil em wal feel without tying me down to this miserable pen," he exclaimed, throw- fog it down testily on the table at which he wrote, "lI could impress them, I'm sure. As itis | am a sure loser and shall go from the church to the counting room." However, a few days before Laster Sunday he dispatched his sermon, writing at the same time a tugubrious note to Miss Trelawney bewalllng his ability to write fastead of speaking what he had to say. MAiss Trelawney had told him that the candidates must all be present, and he was to stay at the Oaks. Ile arrived lute Saturday night and Sunday morning went to the church, where he dreaded to meet the other applicants for the vacant living. As he was ascending the steps the sexton handed him a note. Tear ing it open, he saw that he had been 4 Chosen aH. b acutely Mr. al- 8B 1d 0 1 handed the note to Miss Trelawney. was her only response. soon as they reached her home. be said: . "And now do please introduce me to the person to whom I agi to be in- debtec :.r being able to follow the career of my choice" - "You do wat need an fotreduction "TO z Dr "MY VALET" mons © ak-~ | "| took | "RY Henrey- thrwis to you for this estimable favor." A pressure of the hand and a sinlle Wentworth expected to find bis written sermon on the pulpit Not finding it there, he could only begin e people v good it have tested it is, because in I and one minor ts ict us at odd times Nerviline always ed is an absolute anti- dote to pain, powerful, soothing, and certain in its action Nerviline is estimably the finest re d. Not ache, sciatica, 7 matism--wherever there is «80 - or pain, rub on Nerviline, and you'll A cured. Refuse anything offered you in~; stead of Nerviline. arge 26c bottles, five for $1. All deal 0 ozone Company, Kings + entworth stocd looking at her im, astonishment. The first words he speko we marriage condition? Was with the successful ap- $ renlied, turning away. Wentworth's mother and sisters did | not live with his wife, but she proe vided for them. x Idiosyncratic Problems, | Sociology, if it is to deserve the name of gcience, must soon tarn it | self to a quantitative and qualitative and synth of certain phe- vhich now go about unattach« , unsheav as it were. For in- stance, how many freaks does it take ad, how many fads to | analysis | to make one make a fashion? How many cranks | st bo gathered together in ong Def ¢ have a cult? Whaf r to a move- parative pro- h of the cate- a cult be it is the c tion of 1deas to eac s here mentioned? The permutations and combinationg Jf these tentative queries are infinite. Why Two Ears Are Necessary. Sound travels by waves radiating | from a central point of disturbance, | just as waves radiate when a stone. | 1s dropped into still waler. So far | the hearing of each individual | cerned these waves move in a di- | rect line from the cause of the sound {to his ear, the impact being the great- | est in the ear nearest to the source., | This being the case, a person who has totally lost the sense of hearing in ond ear, although he may imagine that the defect iz of little consequence, can- not locate the direction of a sound to; save his life, even when the centre listurbance is quite near him. Cold in the Head What's the Sense in Sneezing' | and" Sniffling, Dosing: with 'Sniffling, hn Purgatives, or Bothering with Atomizers? o « Catarrhozone A Convenient Inhaler Treatment' is the Proper R y to 1t? pif to talk estemporaneously. His beart T was full of joy aud gratitude, and he Cure, Suiskly and preached delightfully. Then when it easantly. was over be joined his benefactor. As 2 eel Sensible peopi¢ long ago the idem of "working off' a fol. hy. rieans of laxatives and purgatives fou the simple reason that the cure. is' asf bad as the disease itself. Sodiea : To cure a cold in abou time use Catarrhozone. s a tic, delightful to inhale, clean, afi simple to use. C. B. College, 'anything with such qui derived from five lo . I am

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