EVERY Spemsel and a calf 8 more attention by its mother. only thinks; therefore the milk 1 always be Just 'the same tem- A single feed of cold milk serious thing with a young calf. 'matter how light the attack may The right temperature is 90 done. ; {1 the milk In warm weather Is sepa. rated Imuediately after it comes from the cow it ls just about the right teni- FIVE OF A KIND. perature without additional heating. { Wheat! the weather is cool the milk | should be warmed artificially, and a thermometer should be applied to see | that something near 90 degrees is reached. The thermometer you use for the churn serves. After a calf Is two or three months old it is not so scositive as a younger one and may safely be fed milk that is cooler. A separator is a valuable asset in raising calves by hand. The skimmllk can be got to the calves sooner after it bas been taken from the cows, thus reducing the chance that it may be- Corue stale. Don't feed the calves sour milk one day and sweet milk the next, even If the milk In each instance is of the same temperature. The pail that the calf is fed out of shonld he "Life a Periect Burden" Untold Sufferings from Diiloustess, Beadaches, | Eo ~ e-- ha OPENS A i BAY, Et 9th ie OF THE BUARDIAN TF TRUS) ND W D AY OF MAY, Res 000 of the 7 p.o. Camulativ ty with 8 boas of 25 po. 0 firs Lea Wil y Ti (Incorporated under the Laws of the Province of Ontario). HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO, CANA CAPITAL STOCK, Issued and Fully Paid Up. HY, PREFERRED 1% Cumulative) - he $2,500,600 COMBAON - 2,500,000 $5,0060,00 - THE COMPANY HAS NO BONDS ISSUED OR AUTHORIZED, "UARDIAN TRUST COMPANY, Limit to receive subscriptions for $2,000,000 of the 'above even of $100 for each share, with a , bittls of comraon 4 of the Draterted Steg liotiod detive is the pr par FORE: © 25 per cent. 25 per cent, on PRR ibe 100 per cent. The right Is reserved to allot only such subscriptions and for such amounts close the subscription book without notice. SZERY be approved Application will be mado for the listing of the securities of the Company on The Toronto Steck EARKERS CF COZAPAXY-- Imparlal B1aXk of Banda and Baal of #aalral BOARD OF DIZXCTORS ; D. C. CAMERON, Winnipeg, President. JOHN I. A. HUNT, London, - President Rat Portage Lumber Company, Limited. President Goderich Elevator & Transit Co. CAWTHRA MULOCK, Toronto, Vice-President. Jace President Hunt Bros, Limited, Millers Director Imperial Bank of Canada, Director Con- CHARLES WURTELE, Toronto. = i federation Life Association. ice- President National Iron Works, Limited] JOHN CARRICK, Toronto. CHARLES W. BAND, Toronto. Secretary The Maple Leaf Flour Mills Co. Limi Vice-President James Carruthers Company, Lim- HE Ki i LEY SHAW, Toronto. ited, Grain Exporters. anaging Director Maple Leaf Miling Co, gmt fi os fi ek et Tuly 100 per cent. or 8st August, Exch NEW COMPANY A GOING CONCERN. Maple Leaf Milling Company, Limited, 1s a id Company which has taken over the whole undertaking as a going concern of the Maple Leaf the necessity of ad Flour Mills Company Limited, including therein ther, the ri pal miting TH ay bi that of the Hedley Shaw Milling Company Lim- put from the Western Wheat Belt malios ited. The company has mills at Kenora, Thorold, abgolutely necessary to have more mills fn Capad St. Catharines, Welland, and Port Colborne (the to handle it. Last yeéar this output amount last named In course of construction) in the to about 125,000,000 bushels, and experienced " Province of Ontario and at Brandon In the estimate that by the end of the year 1920 Sacaia Province of Manitoba. When the construction will be producing fully 500,000,000 bushels at present under way at Port Colborne is com- nually. A great proportien of this will of pleted the company will have a total milling sity find its way Into Canadian mills. capacity of 12,800 barrels per day. The com- demands are bound to ¢ome as the ES a pany has at present thirty-five elevators situated the country increases, and the enquiry for throughout the Western Wheat Belt, and fifteen Canadian product, both from Great Brita} - additional ones are being added at the present from the forelgn markets of the wong will time. A million bushel elevator is belng con- Increase. The chain of milla now controlled structed next to the new mill at Port Colborne. by the new company will enable ft to sesure- The company has also warehouses and offices at its full sharé of the trade of every section MARKEY FOR- OUTPUT, 8 Tho rapid growth of the business of the lt companies taken over has long made apparer Toronto, Winnipeg, Kingston, Ottawa, and Mont- of Canada, as well as of Great Britain real. foreign countries, { al ang SECURITY AND EARNING POWER: The assets of the cld Companiss take GOOD. And is Constantly g-owing I# Public Favor. It Is the RGULATI SKATING RINK PORT PERRY FOR SALE TPHE UNDERSIGNED offer for Sale the Skating Rink, which wil be sold at a bargain and on advantcg o.s terms. Further particulars en cpplica- tion to the proprictor, WM. TUMMONDS. Port Perry, Aug 6, 1907. ing comuntiyn wn ie rn neatly promptly attended to, JOHN ROLPH. Cort Perry, Dee. 1, Wille for our int nj books wo or's ips ani © Ce ou mm L Seng Hop a rough ske oF model urn vention eh free oar Spiuln 88, to it er i fi is be @heniable scfliy fen Jieve! len, { 3 aly 8 bu Hatred 5; hich "hi patch pn a a irs tne 4 gis \d as theists OE a furnished Patents Powel rion recive special Kngioeers, | oy MARION & PARE Patont Experts and Sslieit Sothces: 1 Neb act] BEST ADVERTISING ov ab, t. cons el Ligeti. of all liabilities and without any allewance for good-will, trade marks, etc, at 770,520.11, rend In sxe Cured by Dr. B: r. Ramilton's Pills To produce such oh Sng evidence, | #uch satisfying proof as Mrs. E. D. D yont gives in her letter, makes it self- €vident that in Dr. Hamilton's Pills évery suffering man and woman is of- fered a real cure for all stomach ail- adents; From her home at Oak Point, Mrs. Dupont writes a vivid and touch- dng account of hed four years of tor- ture with bilicusness and indigestion. "My troublé was first manifested with blinding headaches and feeling of dizziness and fullness in the head. Such dreafu]l turns of giddiness came over me, that at times I reeled and stagger- ed. 'These attacks were accompanied with violent pains in thé swmach and distension of the liver. Spots flitted before my eyes, and to think of eating made. me miserable. I was unable to digest my food, lost weight, and got sleepless, When so low-spirited and despandent that I despaired of getting -well, T read of how Mrs. Holton had been so wonderfully cured by Dr. "Hamilton's Pills, and got five boxes at once, To my delight the first box of Dr. Hamilton's Pills gave me relief. I Wegan to eat, sleep, and enjoy my | Jneals, The stomach and liver pains 3 away. I improved steadily, and 'when five boxes of Dr. Hamilton's Pills were used 1 was a new woman, cured, happy, well, and strong." Dr. Hamilton's Pills; 25¢ per box, or five boxes for $1. Beware of substi tutes and imitations. By mail from | the Catarrhozone Company, Kingston, Oat. 1 nop ciern. oy using a foul pail it is possible to give a culf Indigestion. The most common mistake fariners wake in feedicg skimmilk is that of overfeeding. One gallon of skimmilk twice a day is ¢aougb for any calf, no matter how hrge It 1s. A lle more can be given to a calf more than three months old without getting over the danger Hoe, but Le careful. A calf thrives best wben it is hungry. If ft bawls once in awhile it is good exer- cise. A calf can gorge itself on milk frof} the pdder without dire injury, but when it gorges itself on skimmilk it will pay the penalty in snffering aud | may turn up Its Loofs. No more is required because the wilk has been skimmed thaw if fg were whole. See that the calf gets just about the -same amount each day. ; emf " Convenient Milking Steols. Jfhere are many kinds of milking Jf stoois being used by dairymen, but one as handy, cheap and easy to a the one suggested by a well knowu' daleyuuay. "I's construct ore "take either piece of gencies. found in the prospectus. Company, Teronto. TION TO: OR ANY BRANCH OF THE IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ascortained on the basis of an appraisal by the Canadian-American Appraisal 17th, 1910, of the capital assets taken over, and the certificate of Messrs. Price, CW of February 28th, 1910, as to current assets and current liabilities, There has also been placed in the Treasu APPLICATIONS FOR SHARES SHOULD BE MADE UPON THE FORM ACCOMPAN PROSPECTUS AND SHOULD BE SENT TOGETHER WITH THE REMITTANCE DUE Anite Tne GUARBIAN TRUST COMPARY, Limir d, Toronto OR TO Be CAWTHRA MULOCK & CO., Members Toronto Stock Exchange ROYAL with a liberal allowance for all c - $1,000,000 of additional cash, which, besides Permitting of the completion of a 6,000 barrel mill and a million bushel elevator and storage warehouse at Port Co Borris, and of fifteen additional elevators in the West, will provide the new Company with furthe As per certificate of Messrs. Price, Waterhouse & Com pan Company on the present plant amounted from September in, 1908, to August 20th And from August 21st, 109, to February 28th, 1910, to. being for the latter period at a rate equal to over 13 per cent. o LOCATION OF MILLS AND MANAGEMENT. Mr. Hedley 8haw and Mr. D. C. Cameron, under w hose direction the have been developed, will retain large interests in and be activ. Hedley Shaw as Managing Director. . of London, quotsd balow, the earnings = the old n the preferred stock of the Company. . properties of the old companies . ely Identified with the new ic Mr. The location of the new 6,000 barrel mill at Port Colborne is without exception the be t A complete report on the advantages of the Port Colborne site, prepared by Mr. nl er be Prospectuses and forms of application may be obtained at any branch of the Imperial Bank The Royal Bank of Canada, from Guardian Trust Company, Limited, Toronto, and from Cawthr any, Limited, as of M aterhouse & Company, as r working capital. 909, to .... 18,843.38 $166,793.29 BANK BLDG,, TORONTO, ONT. toe sallpewer wal ve cieuly Glsiriui- ed through the salt. [D'lace it where the stock can have free access to it. Use System In Watering Horses. Painstaking and experienced borse- men have proved beyond a doubt that horses seem to be betier nourished when systematically watered before feeding and again two or three hours after. Get Well First Don't risk even a penny--until health first returns. And I 1 nme Ya exactly that. wits out of Jhyown poskie Jay for your medi it falls to bring you hel cine' it a Joors Dr "Shons medic icines have Fecommen every city an vely stand- Bn why pay the cash, and at your risk, for other tmwarreoted and fh ertain medicines' upon Hiqusknce, have in in pact Le soon Tt ton Has tor Kid ch herrea, or the or these oncs know Low gic health again: of all, tiey positive. | ly takeno moneyrish whatever. They know eo when health falls to | return, da Fatty and di ath br. Tim Ehepuagte fmed A sir the 80 da. ave 8D) pick Si physician who says to the sick "1 Ly will Ri thom back $9 | Teimraetatite as pussioie OI [18 Oppon- ent, therefore he tried with a good- humored word or a considerate turn- ing of his address, to distract the at- tention of his interrupter from himself and to secure a free course for his ora- tory. At length, realizing that some- thing more would be needed, yet de- sirous of sparing the man, the pillory- ing of a denunciation which would all go into "Hansard," he turned directly upon his tormentor, and, with eyes Fri thriugn nis wide-rimroed Spoctacies and finger levelled in de- nunciatian, he closed a period by saying: "And, if the honorable mem- ber who interrupts me would give a little 'sobe (and here a long enough pause tg fet the idea sink in, leaving the faclish member's friends startled and fearful of what was to follow)-- "consideration to this question, he would, I am sure, agree with my view of the matter." There was no further interruption. war rirst Test Gar Line. The first street railroad in America was completed between the city hall, New York, and Fourteenth street, in 1832. The car--the first for service in the streets of any city in the world-- consisted of three compartments, each | holdine ten persops. and, meats wera | ried with the distance, pro veata un cop UL WDE GAT JOT Lamy or more persons. The big 0 va- Blxpence from the city hall rteenth street. Boston was the adopt the new system, 8he Was Miss Mary Morris, < late William po man, said at & n 11 "I like the i 1 Better be frankness, wrong. The prett; by mex means on Tike rs £4 Large quantities as combings are fm via Trieste or cases Wrap from 123 to 130.p Chinese hair is all chi) ed in a solution of I and assorted re then dyed colors by Re ns The le lel six to and more conservative elass of peop 7 : schemer, MEDIUM in this District; i the boomers and clques---it-is the --Is nota favorites of . 1 1 Spring is tie Time for House Cleaning. I am prepared to do all kinds ol Papering, Painting, &c. Paper and Paint furnished ij required W. F. NOTT, (Successor to]. A. Radman, ) 2 doors north of Mr. W Ei s store TRY If. INGRAM Cochrane St., Port Port Perry, for HIGH-CLASS Barred Plymouth Rocks, Buff Orpingtons, - White Leghorns. I want yobr orders this ALL 600D poy | must win upon their merits. The International Dictionary has won a greater distinction upon its merits and is in more general use than any other work. of its kind in the English language.{ he eo, LL.D., D.D., of Oxford sity, England, bo has ne ly said of its 1tis 8 marvelous York itis aif cult to conceive of a dictio; If it ot 8 onl ha night, n ft--i eX] fing in gy in such a work, but Riso what fow 0 Soman Stucughtof ooking for. Jo the n new edition nL, Sabres swith a soos Hels amount of fh that has been put into it, THE CRAND PRIZE a METHODIST CHURCH" LIE RE RH. Tivo, puter Serviom J 4nd? Week Event dg ag ya DU Sd AE BT. JOHN' CHUROH, aso and GUARANTEE lo¥ supply Eggs from the same Pens bs | use far id svn breeding, It 1s my desire (0. please ail cus: comers and hold their patronage: Eggs $1'00 per 135, < VRE vadsesigned keop Vora on hind -salts the following Agr pisuliaral i {3 aes aud hirplemonts, WAN