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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 26 May 1910, p. 3

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and prices are] alue of the desir. | 3530838885882 3S2) PRPRALPPRPPPOIPHAR® 000660 =WINRNOCO0D OO 233 ane33988888s 000QO0ONO~~00000 OUR STOCK FOR 1910 Far surpasses that of all former years some, Young toadster Stallion and is destined to create early and rapid sales and 7 capture the most fastidious so that intending purchas. ers will do well to be on the alert to secure the choicest. fail to please. cent stock. Hawley ChimesJs ee Reg. No. 1432 ilk PropeRrv OF Lj Port Perry ke the Sedddn ol 1910, a8 [idws: WHEN You WANT WALL PAPER YOU NATURALLY GO TO MCCAW'S AND IN DOING 50 YOU MAKE KO MISTAKE. | Some of the more imposing, latest and uewest crea- tions are two-toned Brocade papers, Chintzes, etc.. bat why enumerate, our Stock is so comprehensive, that it embraces every style and grade ot \all Papers "know to tne manufacturers, and our prices cannot fail 10 inspect our magnifi- day N etd: Nirht-- Greenbank turddy Noon--Port Perry, where he will remain till the following Monday morning PEDIGREE AND DEescripTioN. HAWLEY CHIMES, Jr., Reg. No. 1432, one of tHe Ha ndsomest youdg stallions 1 Canadas, foaled May 23, 1903 ; beautiful bright bay; bred by R. E; Angle, Raglan, Ont. ; Mande 15k bands and weighs 1100 "HAWLEY CHIMES Jr's, sire, x Hawley: Chimes 2.144, speaks for bimsell. Mr. Hamlin refused $4.000 for Hawley Chimes as a.2-year-old. HAWLEY CHIMES .Jr's dam tvas 'Maud Stapton, 2.27}, she by "Pogus Stanton ; Pogus Stanton by General Stanton, he by Hamble- Toni re 10. 'The gr.dam of HAW: CHIMES J, was by BlueBull we Te. Stanton's dam was by 'infield Scott, be by Edward Evet- ett, he by Hambletonian 10. Upon. looking aver HAWLEY" CHIMES J&'s pedigree you will ob- ve that he breeds back to the \ ondegful- 1lambletonian 19 bath onhis sire and dam's side, You wiki _ also see that he is rich with the Hong el, tectioneer and Mambrino ambrino King was consid. fiemost 'handsome horse in the Vth FEES' nissiotert, |; FAVING. purchased the good will of Mr. I.J. Wheeler 1 would like to inform all his old customers and as many new piled ak possible tht I tuted to keep at all tines a good assortment of all kinds of the Best Meats--Fresh and Salt--obtainable and at reas: onable rates a8 possibils: the Highest Market Prices, May 26, 1909 Tas First-ClassFarm forSale HE undersigned o offers for Sale iat first-class farm being dinposed of part of lot 20, con. 13, en, cofitain- ing 100 Actes or 50 acres jillatle, 17 acres bush; tte re pasture land. Vi e p is well fenced aud then is in ry state of chiitivitiod honse With stone cellar ; frame stotie 2 wells, {| The farm is situated about half a-mile | from ve and five miles from Port HAWLE Y CHIM | Yor further particulars 'apply to the ; "' FRANCIS DALTON, Butchering Business and 'fF 8 BEAYBR ON : Bleik,. Ee UPTERGROVE -- Clork, Leonard, Upt I am also in the market, at ll times, for Choice Cattle, Hogs, Sheep and Lambs Cilves, Hides aud Slieepakins, at g2 Fresh Fish every Tuesday. Ry Coutreous treatment and prompt deliv rely. W. A. BOYCE. Sings o of the Division Courts ' OOUNTY OF ONTARIO. 3 1910. . WitttBY Clark, Miss B. 1. Mac- donell, Whitby--Jan. -10, Feb. 8, Mareh 2, April. 6, May 4, June 7, July2 , Seps. 7, Oct. 6, Noy. b, Dec. 8, Jan. 7, 1911. OSHAWA Clerk, Miss E. I ae donell, Whitby Jani he i March 8, A Wa By 2 BBOUGHAM Clerk. oe aon, re 8, , July 8, Sept. 9, Nov. 9, ao 16, 3. row JERKY --Clork, J. ny Barn. 4 3 af ham, Perry--Jan. 1 No 18. July 28, Sept.j: Jan 1a, 1911, 2 P43, Jam M: eaverton--. an 19, 16, ! Jan. 1, 1911, a = Jan April 1, May 0 20' NOV. is, Ja. 1 a By 2 Ibe. Retra Pati Even - . 3 Ibs. Evaporated Peaches for.. 5 Ibs. Cooking Figs for...e..... Evaporated Apricots perlb..... Catn, Peas or Tomatoes, 3 Tins > brand Li) yoy? y Ta Sed i . per CAWEER pe (Successors To Jamieson & Dennison.) LIVERY Having purchased the Liber business carried on by Jamieson i Deunison, and the premises, con- rected therewith we intend lo THE STABLES : RE HORSE x: surpassed. Special attentioh paid i6 {he requiremeht8 of Commercial Travel- ers. Winter Goods ng : ¥ 08 for Overcoat. OLR $3 nd $3.50 Working Pants befére you buy. We #, DYED, Suitings and Overoatings v | Shen the m@st completerand Largest range ever shown in Fart Perry an Up- bate Ulster-| Our harges are moderate and me ghetto please our patrons. atronage solicited. £7 Phone No. 2. OAWEER BROS! H. TUMMONDS, V. S. PORT PERRY Hag ag optus] an office at the residence of pmmonds for the practice of hig ly where calls Hy plone or otherwise--night or day--will be prompt- ly responded to. All work guaranteed. Charges moderate, Patronage solicited. um Entrance to Office, east side of store. Phone 45. Electric Restorer for Men. Restores every nerye in the its proper tension ; restores vim vitality. Primature decay and all sex: ual weakness averted at once. Phos phonol will make you a ney man. Price $3.00 a box, or two boxes (oc 3 Malled toanv address on recel 2 price. The Scobell Drug Co., St. arines, Unt. to HEADAGHES Shed: bétivercd, No. 1 Hard Coal 'funy size) ~ $8 75 $7 25 Lopez Coal (a softer Coal) "= 800 6 Blacksmith Coal 7 00 Steam Coal ° 00 PURDY &OHER Port Perry, Jan., 190g. 5050505000253 0 a on > are oun oS = BR bD- Qa Or A ii 500 050505 05 0S 0ST SO 0S DS 0 > 0 are nearly always causéd by FTRED BYES ich seffuire Prana . Copen't I. x - nN neal Lot Merchant Tailor Shop D. PERKINS Begs to announce to the-Cilizens of Port Pry. and sursblind- ingcountry that he has 'opeted Merchant TFailoring Business : in the Ebbels Block, witha Fone Coors vainly Essential to Success. VING had considerable h oo an is. July 27, Sept. 2(, Nov. | "> in negotiating i sonte of the Real Estate . properties qi with me for [lll - | bollechlph of Suitings, Vestiugs afd Gag vine, hail ¢ lar, bye ar 74 it os Suits as Good and as heap atid Up-to-Date as any in the trade. Suidis madé 10 drder from Sronp. Port Perry, May, 1go6. ~ WANTED A Representative fot PORT PERRY We pay Atlan and offer st . {employment. Our list of et wendy Tizs embraces a rare and choice list "of ready sellers in both Fruit and and |. ots UNDERSIGNED having 'purchased. the BAKGRY AND CONFECTIONERY BUSINESS formerly carried on by Mr. Chas. Pearn, together with Building and all the appurtenances be- longing thereto, pur, carrying on the 'Bakery Confectionery usiness as it should be, No expense or pains will be spared in order to cater to the public in » manner that cannot fail to meet their approbation. Customers will meet courteous treat- ment, and every eflort will be made to supply their wishes and demands at prices that cannot fail to please. All Bread, Fancy Pastry, and Confectionery produced at my establishment will be abeolutely pre and 1 near Be as_possible--nothing t the best and most appro hi jionts will be utilized in their production] 15. Sat of ¢ expense. Daily deliveries of the Stafl-of-Life will be made, . { + ; tention given to aff orders. Thanking the public, in anticipation, for their liberal and extensive patronage. Yours truly, N. INGRAM. & eth eget be EN me Ss kes no EY ----TSSE : x GR rn ------ T0 MY PATRONS ONE AND ALL Wanting fo Replénish Their Homds with Glocd and Ghtap Furniture I beg to say that my eI s are complete with a Well Selected: Stock of Furnitiite] sic 4s PARLOR SUITES, BEDROOM an DINING ROOM SETS, SPRING BEDS, a New kind, COUCHE Para Finished. In fact I can supply everything to a Well Furnished ouse. My Undertaking Dopuriment Ts fully supplied with d& Good Stock neccssary for a Well Conducted. Funeral. Yotit Patronage Solicited. J €& AGENT FOR MONUMENTS. ____ JOHN NOTT FRESH & TENDER CAWRER BROS. ay Febiin ne thanks to the | sublic for the extensive pat- nage bestowed upon them ould intimate, that asin the past only choice fat animals will be slaughtered, so as to ensure the 'choicest and ten- derests Cuts possible, and we intend at all times to have an ample supply of PRESH AND TENDER CHOICE MEATS which we will cut to please and deliver promptly. EF" BMOKED AND SALT Meares A SPECIALTY. mm Te >, po oo A FULL STOCK OF #YEYTiinG In THE Harness Line | GHEAPRESS STYLE Duability and STRENGTH, 4 Sica be reps _-- od th the Sonsty. foe Dts, os &e., in sbundunce. ¢ i ver fy "ORNAMHNTAL stock. SEED Poratoss, *| &e. Write for terms and catalogue. STONE & WELLINGTON THE FONTHILL NURSERIES (Establistted 1837) Toronto, ONTARIO Dr. 34 Vig Bova Jeuals Pills-- White pi herr all. tion of the fem rt a Dr. de Vau's hn three for $1 The 7 Klondyke, 'British Nema Went Tercitory jtoba. Parties erfal ia tegulating the generative por- ; ale u x. Shey are} Pl a]? 0.00, "Mailed | Drag Co. ve paris, call oe ket agent, for

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