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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 2 Jun 1910, p. 1

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Frm BARRISTER, &c., Yarnold. oat. Buccessor to and offices of the late F. _ Port Perry; = MONEY TO LOAN. Private Fonds at 4 per cent. Fob. T, 108 Bhd does EE Re EE Jno. 'W. Crozier, ARRISTER, Sonrorror, LONVEYANCER, &~ Office at residence, 6th Con. {ome mile west of Fort Perry,)-- Monn To Loan. B FARFWELL, K.C,LLB., County Crowh Af , Conuty &e. J. TW. A SAROSTER, DENTAL SURGEON. Ofiee Hours--9 to 12am, 2 to 6 p,m. Also open Saturday evening, Fillings, Brid d Crown ocr Vitalie) ar ER IY en rasa Dr. F. D. McCGrattan 2 (DENTIST) LD.S- of Rayad College of Dental Surgeons, also D.D.3. of Toronto University. of the ~ Blackstock Branches also at Bowmanville, Claremont, Stouffville, Sunderland and Broo Savings Bank Department at every Br 'Port Perey Branch. ££. G. HUTCHESON, W. . WHITE, 8 x Acting Manager. Oshawa, Whitby, Klin. DAVID J. & DOUGLAS ADAMS, Bankers and Brokers. (4 per cent upwar REAL Marriage §F Agents CP. R., &e. MONEY TO LOAN ds -- British Capital.) INSURANCE ESTATE Licenses. JOS. BAIRD ICEN -ED AUCTIONEER for County of Outario, the Osariver Office Mauchester, Jau, 19, 1899. BOO TALC wo VOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHIY OF CARTWRIGHT, the Sale Register at Patronage solicited. tickets to all parts of the world and | TICKETS TO ALL FARTS OF THE WorLp.--Mr. W. H. McCaw, Port erry, is now in a position to issue to supply all necessary information | to parties as to the cheapest and ot routes, &e. In additign to his {Deen re appoint.d Ticket Agent for the Grand Trunk Railway. Parties intending to travel will consult their on, hy Bawmanvill Trewin; (Oshawa: ngram, Pots Perry. D. Dx o PS The Schedule was arrived at as fol- ~ lows: -- June 4--Oxhawa at Whithy June 8--Whitby at Port Perry June 11-==Oshawa at Bowwanvilla June 18--Port Perry at Bowmanville June 18-- Whitby at Oshawa Juue 22--Oshawa at Port Perry June 25--Bowmanville at Whitby July 9--Port Pérry at Oshawa July 9--Whithy at Bowmanville July 16--Port Perry at Whithy July 16--Bowmanville at Osnawa July 20--Bowmauvilla at Port Perry July 28--0Oshawa at Whithy July 27-- Whitby at Port Perry July 80--Oshawn at Bowmanville Aug. 6--Port Perry at Bowmanville Aug. 6<Whithy at Oshawa Aug. 10--Oshawa at Port Perry Aug. 13--=Bowmauville at Whitby FOOTBALL. Schedule of Port Perry, Scugog, Shirley and Greenbank League. 8--Port Perry at Shiilay T--Shirley at Scuzog June June June June 14--Shirley at Greenhank June 17--Scugoyg at Port Perrv cost Lim and the & rived ani were of experim Now Si has takeh ihv. pte by those extremel y y wagon, 10--Port Perry at Greenbank | street ang a BED: |e an aeioplans s superior to experiments id in his being able to 1p,000 pounds by a led aeroplane. They ge amount of money usions at which he ar- h are freely divulged uable help to other ram, at the ate of 79, fickl again. He has have seen it to be acelul, and gives prom- pf equally elicctive. Not sign o! the machine, but and practically every e techanism are the oiitcome of Sir Hirain Maxim's own ideas. ss 'May 27.--A runaway ed to a blazing popcorn jeading down Nicholas plunging into the Rideau Canal, afiile away, with flames of | June 24--Greanbauk at Purt Perry | burning gasolive iron an exploded June 25--Scugog at Shirlay io Frenass SEND THEM iy cleaning, br . aw mene louning.. ata "MY VALET onlay p- Jaces, Jeathets, AR) Af fresh and bright as oy new. to clean Tor ola | gasoline ¥auk spouted high into the | took place, laic behind providéd an.exciting spectacle residents of Ottawa East [he gasoiine tank exploded as "ihe for days on the prairies where each diver front of Street, animal, for tonight. the terrified was peddling popcorn 1n his wagon on Nicholas With the wagon ablaze and iplepe which is said Te Gencacies oi buna io mea, 1 ; Domver ail, se. Hie © the bai bee and: the sickle and the es wi] e was done by means of flails and hor grain was cleaned in the open air by uh {ne it about in winnowing riddles, or arge land-sieves. The wheat was ground into flour by means of hand | mills. That flour made dark-colored bread, but it was sweet and exceed- ingly wholesome. The first windmill was put up at Point Douglas, now within the Fimits of Winnipeg, by the | Hudson Bay Co. An expert was sent | from the east to do the work and as | an assistant he secured a settler nam- | ed Hugh Polson, who took careful ob- | servation of all he saw, and a little | Tater built & mill fof Himself and af- terwards & number of other mills for his neighbors. "These mills did fair | work, but when a long calm prevailed there was always danger of a flour famine, unless by borfowing from one | another the supply could bé eked out | until the wind arose." The settlers raised large numbers of good horses, many of which were sold to buffalo hunters for use on thd plains. "In the ordinary farm opera | tions oxen were largely used and were | often driven single in the Red River, | two-wheeled cart, or hitched to a sled Sheep were ra vised, too, and in the farm houses the wool was spun into yarn and woven into cloth for family use. | In summer the farm stock ran wild on the prairies, the horses especially | being out of sight for months. Late | in the autumn a general round-up all thé anil cing | brought in for shelter through the | winter. Hay cutting in summer was | a jolly affair, each farmer sending out his full force of hands, who camped party cut and stacked as much hay as their stock would require during the housjng season The prairies were practically great pasture and meadow spo's of burning gasoline covering | commons upon which all had equal tle 'o 8, the frenzied animal fed down Echo drive and at the end of a mile run planged into the Rideau Canal | to escape the flames, tor Lemoine, with ance, of a_crowd © pay Way on onto town WRITE POR ull NEW WOKLET, iT TELLS ALL "My VALET" FOUNTAIN THE CLEANER | 30 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Distress. New York, May 20.--Officers of the American | spect bolt- the street, turned into Humane [n- the assist. of, SResiaiets: gun, Raahore: The animal, severely burned, came h the perils af flood and fire hts. Hi he settlement had its social cus- | toms some of which were quaint and primitive, and its social pleasures which were simple and unaffected, and in which all shared with hearti- ness and good will As the farm housés were close together visiting taste ur'cdior' nner were drawn, not only was the white friend made wel- come, but the belated Indian, still far from his wigwam, was sure of a good supper and the warm corner by the | the The article end angements of Riel and the oki ha plicity in the rebellion several years he occupied the position of Clerk of the Crown in Chancery at Ottawa and in 1900 he was ap to his present position. noticed thet his career has been a ire markably varied one; and it certainly seems a bit curious that the Canadian state digiiitdry who acte as the mouth- of the representative of the DE in his most important fune- | tion should be not only a native of the United Btates but a retired, pen-- sioned officer of the regular army of that country. And no one act the part with more decorum and ie nity. Mrs. Chaplean is a daughter of Colonel George W. Patten, of the United States army. Ths Father of "Bugolegy." Canzdians at large know very little about the science of Entomology, but it is a very important one in & young agricultural country and has been an | organized study in Canada for nearly, half a #entry, and the man who is perhaps morc tesponsible than noma eles for this organization is v, Charles J. 8. Bethune who, since 1906, has been professor of sioeriogy ab Ontario Agricultural Guelph. As early as 1863 Mr. Howe unc, then a resident of Ohouts wrote an article for the Canadian Naf ist published at Montreal, naming thirty-six Canadian devotees of what the vulgar call "Bugology' which he pointed It will be, d with the 0 that these nature students in modern " - "gel together." On April 16th, 1263, thoy did foregather at the Canadian Institute in Toronto and For five years from' he edited the Canedian : Entomologist end fesumed the task: in 1896 oomnducting the publication up to the end of last year, when Dr. E. M. Walker, of Toronto, took over bis reins of editorship. Mr. Bethune Sa. his seventy-second year a Jost disposition to enroll] him. on se) of Canada's grand old | Bad Feeling In House. ! The outburst of temper eoasionel by the all-night sitting at Ottawa is a kel to delay prorogation. ol rs think they have ali sa their $2,500 which a tolerant public pays them for their ability form the gentle operation of da ing nothing. The naval bill is strand ed high and dry, being docked for re-| pairs. The insurance bill which i. is, so bulky a document that whenever af member wants one, it takes the unit ed efforts of two page boys to bring it into the House, has made its ap- pearance on the order paper after taking up all the time of the Senate so far this season. Unless the dove of peace begins to hover about the| recincts of Parliament soon it will} well om to midsummer before pro- rogation guns boom from Nepean Point, A proposal for Home Rule for Bcot« land was defeated in the House of Commons in 1890. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM Ilo! for Toronto & ITomilton J. A. Murray, DENTIST, Jewish comuiittee Whois this the commencement of own interests by consulting Mr, Rl ea he a i chimney as a couch for his innocent t fatal injuries. -- sleep. Except in the evening time GLENCAIRN CAMP 139, another Auction Sule Season to re- Ofer ever the Post Office. PORT PERRY. All branches of Deutistry, including Crown and Bridge Work successfully practiced. £ Artifical Teeth on Gold, Silver, Aluminum 3 or Rubber Plates. " Filings of Gold, Silver or Cement Painless extraction when required: "6a Prices to suit the times®) North Ontario Observer A Weekly Political, Agricultural and 3 Family ewtvaper " ona Trenton MORNING EE nemrny H PARSONS sasam. advent nas 1.30 TS EEE EERE containing when addressed to A re amet will to ot ok. measured Somparieh and charged according to the space turn thavks to his nnuerous pa:rons for | past favors. Iu requesting their estcemed and 'continaed patronage ho desires to state that no cffort or pains will be spared on his part to make all sales entrusted to him successes. His very exteueive practice in the past should be a sufficient recom mendation as to his ability. All Sale given into his eharge will be "attended ¢ with promptness and dispatch ~~ Sale list made out and blank notes supplied free, ou application, Partie make arrangements, or write to his address #7 Phone at Residence, No. 81. ® CHARGES MODERATE. GEO. JACKSON, Nov. 1, 1901. Miss Harrison, Dress and Mantle Maker \ ISHES to inform the ladies that "she has moved to the rooms formerly occupied by her over. My. Flirt's Diug Store where she is prepared to execute all or ders for Dress and Mantle Making in a manner "unsurpassed for Correctness of Style and Charniing Effect. . Qur: charges are consistent with the value given. Port Perry, April 1, 1909. MORRISH wirhing to engage his services may consult his SALE RkcisTer either at Many years the Ohacrver or Stafidard Offizes, Port mentin Port Perry, Ihave much pleasure in Perry, far dates claimed for Sales, and Pert Perry I', O McCaw before swltatiing ona rip: Central Livery PORT PERRY. EARTILY thanking the public for the liberal patrounge received daring the have kept a Livery Establish I annouucing that I have removed MY LIVERY! to my forwer place of business Water Street which Tam about to largely extend fn- croaso fucilivies so that the public may he better accommodated with safe and desir- able 'RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGES R. VANSICKLER. Port Perry, June 21, 1900, Grand Frunk Ry System TIME TABLE. Port PEgry. « " GOING SOUTH. GOING NORTH. 7.20 a.m. 9.11 a.m. -1L.55 a.m. 5.55 p.m. 1.40 p.m. 7-33 p-m. 0. 2. R. Time Table. MYRTLE STATION. Going East Gomg West 10.08 a.m. | 6.2 a.m, 6.80. p m. repeated reports of the Russian Government that the expulsion af Jews from Kiev had been postpon- ed, the committee is in receipt of the following cablegram : -- * Forcible expulsions from Kier are now taking piace in the niost brutal manner, and many vew ex pulsions of those 'hitherto exempted are occuring. Expulsions from Moscow are also on the increase, involving additional hardships" Concerning the effect of this action, the committee says = As the victims of these expulsions will be driven into the already over- crowded cities of the pale or forced to emigrate, the United States may expect a largely increased immigra- tion of Russiau Jews within the next few months, as the measures of repression concern not only Kiev and Moscow, but practically all other cities outside the pale in which Jews have been living, many of them for generations. It is est1- mated that not less than 25,000 and probably twice that number of persons are involved, and great dis tress will result, as the unfortunates have no otlier homes except those from which they are being driven." --_-- An Faesiient Remedy for all Babies. Baby's Qwn Tablets are an ex- cellent remedy for babies of al ages. They cure all stomach and bowel troubles, make: teething easy; dispel worms ; and make baby Bo and healthy, They ] sold under: th of re appointing sales agents now v uniepresentod county for tha {19 0. Over 65% of the year's 1x (ona during the Summer We pay good money weekly vy rendered. Give exclusive aud supply selling outfit free. J Acres Under Cultivation cage is montioned as it is im- hat vou should represent a ficm standing and wiz. We supply ret grade stock and guaiantes in ood condition. We want ud inostreliable agent in every ablished over 85 years. ther particulars write Nursery i] Toronto, Ont. ATHCONA'S TRIBUTE TO SELKIRK SETTLERS. Bion the Ten Chain Lots Along jver Did Most of Their Tra- A y Water and Lived a Great h Fish -- Their Implements # the Crudest Description Were Used For Threshing. § boount of the early growing fhe banks of the Red River pt. do better than turn to "The Selkirk Settler p," by Rev. R. G. Mac- whose father was one of hose life the writer de- a writer in The Family ina at the door was dispensed | with by near neighbors." As a rule the marriages were cele- brated in the church, all the guests driving there in a long procession | while shot-gun salutes were fired from the farm houses along the road. The drive back from the church was the occasion for displaying fast horses and the speediest animals in the set- tlement were brought out for such events. There was only one limit placed on this speeding, and that wis that no one was to pass the hridal party on pain of social ostracism. AN II4PORTART OFFICIAL Clerk of Senate Chapleau Was Born In the United States. A lady visitor from the United States who happened to be in one of the Senate gallerles at Ottawa a ocou- ple of weeks ago, when the deputy of the Governor-General gave the assent to the bills pased so 5 during the present session of Parliament, was very much impressed with the rigidly formal way in which the business was transacted. As she had never been familiar with ceremonial of the kind she was disposed to consider it all very ridiculous, particularly the solemn way in which the clerk of the | Senate, Mr. Chapleau, with a stiff bow to the deputy governor and one | not quite so stiff towards the bar of the Senate, whither the Commoners had been summoned, declared that | "His Honor, the Deputy Governor, in | His Majesty's name doth assent to | these bills." To the former United Btates y now living in Ottawa who had tal her to. the function, she ited . "Just fancy an American man going | "through that performance wil laughing. I'll bet he couldn't do i he tried for a lifetime." Imagine her surprise when she was told by her triend that very man hi soen pe: 'war. fact not. a Syeuy © in Otta pices Sons of Scotland SONY X Excursion to Toronto and Hamilton ! FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1910. By Special Train leaving Lindsay 7.15 am.--Arriving in Toronto at 10 am. TIME TABLE AND RATES. TORONTO LINDSAY ons. ievnnas OPS... SZ MARIPOSA MANILLA Jer. SONYA... .... SEAGRAVE . PORT PERRY.. PRINCE ALBERT MANCHESTER HIGH POINT . MYRTLE .... BROOKLIN . Ren ues nis WHITBY TOWN, 8.53 WHITBY CT g.00 Children over five and under twelve years of age half-fare. 7.15 A.M. 7.22 .30 74° 7.50 7-54 810 8.15 8.20 8.24 8.30 8.39 Tickets will be good going on Special Train only, valid to return the following day. Tickets issued from Lindsay to Seagrave valid for {two days ; from Port Perry to Whitby inclusive will be good for. th | onl Ys ReTurNING--The Special Jest will Jeave of the Tarbin Ha vin and entertain them ina tight in manner, Luncheon Sports, all of which will take place prior to the departure train. MANAGING COMMITTEE. JAS. WATSON, Chairman. ERNEST FERGUSON, Chief.' Si by ia 'at 25 Je Dr. Willianis' Don't Stop in Toronto! Come with the Crowd to Hamilton | On arrival of the Special Train at Toronto, passengers will 'embark fof. Hamilton on the fine Turbine Steamer Turbinia--the "greyhounds Lake Ontario, the fastest steamer on fresh water. The City of Hamilton is noted for its magnificent Parks, S Industrial Buildings - ished and in course of constr | being now. erected, pronounced the largest in the world. .| International Harvester Company: 's Works alone is worth far the fare to the Ambitiou Earg-- Adults 40¢. Chit Half-tare. Tickets for Steamer can be. from Co 'will also be gcol to leave for Hamil returning on Saturda "Sonya tickets wi ain two days. ES hoice Music wil 2g ry £1; £ § e i HT i

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