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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 2 Jun 1910, p. 3

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4 E8E 385 SIESIOII STOTT Ok C0 OC OO = an. QQ Cn FRR a923882% 006000 aNGnm be am © ® ; Chickens...0.....0 That Handsome, Young Roadster Stallion Bawloy ChimesJr THE PROPERTY OF H. McKenzie, Port Perry Will make the Season of 1910, as follows: Monday Noon --Seagrave. Monday Night-- Little Britain. esday Noon --Oak woorl "Tuesday Night--Weodville. 3 ednesday Noon aud Night--Ganningtott irdttay Noon --~Manilla, ursday Night Sunderiand, ¥riday Nooii--Saintfield. Night --Greenbank 5 ; TT n--Port Perry, where he wil reir "the following Monday i Mo rent irin ©. 1432, one of the Reg. young stallions in Canada; May 23, 1903 ; beautiful bright bay bred by R. E; Angle, Raglan, Ont. : jpandy 15} hands and weighs 1100 HAWLEY CHIMES Jr's. sire, Hawley Chimes 2.143, speaks for himself. Mr. Hamlin refdsed 84.000 for Hawley Chines as a 3.vear-old. "HAWLEY CHIMES j&'s dam Was Maud Stanlon, 4.374, she by Pogus Stanton ; Pogus Stanton by General Stanton, he 'by Hamble: tonian 10. The gr. dam-of HA W- LEY CHIMES Jr. was by Blue Bull in . Pogus Stantou's dam was by infield Scott, bie by Edward Ever. i he by Hambletonian 10: eal looking over: BAWLEY|™ MES Jr's pedigree you will ob- cal that he breeds back to the Wonderful Hadibletovian 10 both * onhissite and dam's side, You wili ' - also see that he is rich with the 3 ood of Electioneer and Mambrino King. Mambrino King was consid- 'red thejmost handsome horse in the world by the ch ommisioners, - HAWLEY CHIMES Jr. is of [xcalont gust , he has plenty of : ance, sSus great ee nd wearing feet fdr which his : tors: are tinguished, You NATURALLY CO TO NOCAW'S AND IN DOING SO YOU vas hi MISTAKE. OUR STOCK FOR 1910 Far surpasses that of all former years and Ts destined to create early and rapid sales and capture the most fastidious so that intending purchss. ers will do well £6 beon the alert to secure the choicest. | Sonte of the nore imposing, latest and newest crea- tions are two- toned Brocade papers, Chinuzes, 'etc. but why %numerate, our Stock is so comprehensive, that it embraces every style and grade of Wall Papers know 16 the mabufacturers, and our prices cannot fail to please. ZF Don't fail to inspect our magnifi- 'cent stock. 0000000009000 003000095990 Nothing Like Bel! FAVING purchased "the Butchering Business and | ; good will of Mv. I, J. Wheeler L would like to inform all his old custoniers ahd as many mew ohes as possible' that goo ceep at all times a the Best Meweofall kinds of Salt=obtainable anc nd onable rates as possible. I an also in the market, at all times, Toa, 1 Hogs, Sheep and Lambs Calves, Hides and Stipe Uatile, * the Highest Market Prices, Sih) EZ Fresh Fish every Tupsday, . Coutreous treatingnt and: prompt deliver : May 26, 1909: W. A. BOYCE. =a Firs ClassFarm forsale Tez undersigned c offers for Sale that : first-class farm being composed of part of lot 20, cod. 13, R chi' contaig- | ing 100 Acres mor or le red tillable, 17 acres bush, thé nce pasture land. - The property is well fenced aud the land is in a g state of cultivation A frame honseé with stone cellar ; barn with stone stables, 2 a The farm is situated about half a-mile from Seagrave and five miles from Port Por fillies patticu'ars appl to the rr rs apply : PPE rraNcIS DALTON, Sits of le Division forts COUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1510. 1. WHITBY Clerk, Miss - douell, Whithy Jan. Ly Maren', April 6; May 4, Jump 7, ure. g ryeRt 7 Oct. 6, Nov: b, Dec: an. aA Miss E. 1. ¥ac- --Jan. 11, Feb, 4 Mav June > , Wa 12; tote Greanwob: ky 12, March 4, pril i y he Er 5, Sept. 9, Nov. §, d, Jan. 16, _ 4 bs, Good Prunes f0fiss as 3 1bs. Evaporated Peacl 5 Ibs. Cooking Figs for,..i.. Evaporated! Apricots fer Ib... Corn, Péks or Tomatoes, 3 Tin Horse Shoe brand Salmon, pe xtra i Table Syrup; per 1 att ose Brand Tacs, 18¢ or Beautiful S ring "=: CAWEER BROS' (Successors To Jamizson & . Dennison.) LIVERY Having purchased the Livery business carried on by Jamieson & Dentiison, and the ptemises con- nected therewith we intend to REHORSE: THE STABLES requiredient' of Comthetcidl vel: ers. Our charges are mdderate and we guarantee to please our patrons. Patronage solicited. £2 Phone No. 2. OAWKER BROS. Ad SUImEr w, 4. TUMMONDS, V. S. nt judges ne PORT PERRY » MOST complete § PERL ever shown H and Larges fh Port SY US for Splendid a i Paniings and Vegtings. JE LF OUR $3 and $3.80 Working Pants before you buy. VY 3 tt * bE erry | Op. to-Date pened an office at the residence of Wm Tummonds for thé practice of his profession, where calls by phone or otherwise--night or day-- will be prompt- t ly responded to. All work guariifiteed. Chatges moderate, Patronage dolicited. wa. Entrance to Office, east side of store. Phone 45. PHOSPHONOL: * THE Electric Restorer for Men. Restores every nerve in the body to its proper tension ; restores vim and vitality. Primature decay and all sex- ual weakness averted at once. Phos- Wipro} will make you a new man. -- rice $3.00 4 bot; or two boxes for 85; Mailed to any adftess on t go prics. The Scobell Drug Co: foes i, arines, Ont. HEADACHES 502560500 500 500 508 505500! No. 1 Hard Coal (any size) Lopez Coal (a softer Coal) Blacksmith Coal op Coal ... Port Ti - 9 5 3 3 3 § ¢ : § 3 4 are nearly always caused by FIRED BYES Lich refuite spectacles Consult me F E LUKE REFRACTING v J OPTICIAN, 169 Yonge St, Torofits. Opposite Simpsons'. NIHLW Merchant Tailor Shop D. PERKINS Begs to announce lo the Citizens of Port Perry and surround: Merchant Tailoring Business in the Ebbels' Block, with "a fine collection of Sittings, Vestiugs and Panlings. Having had a large étper- tence I am prepared to makk Suits as Good and as Cheap and Up-to-Date as any it the trade. Suits made to ordey [from Sroup. Port Perry, May, 1906. ~ WANTED X We t pay liberally and offer steady employment. Our list of SpeciAL- Tiss embraces a rare and choice list of ready sellers in both Fruit and Oxesfatay stock. Seep PoraToRs, Write [or terms and catalogue. STONE & WELLINGTON THE FONTHILL NURSERIES (Established 1837) 'ToronTo, - - ONTARIO Dr. do Van's French Female Pills-- Se Wiles Biend © A reliable regulator While these Pills are c cata erful in- Toa 0 general lemale ie Sr Rowe. B North-West Territor: itoba; Par ry aud above of G.P.R. ates," ingcountry that he has dpehett |. HE UNDERSIGNED havin, rcha the 7 T BAKERY AND CON ving purchased the ' BUSINESS formerly carried on by Mr. Chas. Pearn, together with building and ail the appurtenances be: longing thereto, purposes carrying on the Bakery and Confectionery Business as it should be. No expense or pains will be spared in order to cater to- the public in a Sauna: that cannot fail to meet their #pprobation: ustomers will meet courteous treat-- miedt, ety effort 'will be made to supply their ps and demands at prites thas cannot fail to se. An 'Bread, Fancy Pastry, and Confestionery produced at my establishment will be absolutely boi any 2s. near perfection as possible--nothing - ut 1 the te 'most approved ingredien "prod uction, ri TO MY PATRONS ONE AND ALL WANTING TO Replenish Their Homes with Gloced and Cheap Furniture I beg to say that my Warerooms are complete with a Well Selected Stock of Furniture, such as PARLOR SUITES, BEDROOM ant DINING ROOM SETS, SPRING BEDS, a New kind, CQUCHES; Extra Finished. 1d fact I can supply everything to 8 Well Furnished House. My Undertaking Department fs a with a Good Stock neccssary for a Well Conducted Funerd Your Patronage Solicited. && AGENT FOR MONUMENTS. JOHN NOTY FRESH & TENDER CAWRER BROS. In returning thanks to the public for the extensive pat- rondge bestowed upon them | | would intimate, that asin tho past only choice fat animals will be slaughtered, so as to ensure the choicest and ten- derests Cuts possible, and we | intend at all times to have an | | ample supply of FRESH AND TENDER CHOICE MEATS J whiclt we will cut to please and deliver promptly. EZ SMOKED AND SALT MEATS A SPECIALTY. A FULL STOCK OF EVERYTHING IN THE Harness Line GHEAPNESS STYLE Duability and STRENGTH, Caiitigt be urpaased in the County, Ww. * BmATTY | 'Blacksmithing r IN ATT ITs BRANCHES Orders promptly attended to' Er CY. 2h 2

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