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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 2 Jun 1910, p. 4

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0 0 of renders 4 nproge hols a io the country oof il aa r ed choice stallions will, as follows : VER: SIMON [10652] (18762) This Clydesdale Stalli x 3dcuinie Satin, the NO will gof J M. ke the t season as follo night, Wm. Downer's, 3 riposa, Tuesday noon, Jolin near Little Britain Tuesday "Wednesday noun, Ed: "Rich's, Mariposa Station. Wednesday night, Temper- wnce House, Oakwood. sn fal Se noon J Fis eh an Gil ght George Mark's, Little Britatn, | [0508 (14650) ale 1, oso enders, Port # Present sea- stables, Port; 3 5 BRIGHT CHIEF 10749) (14040) --This Tm- rted Clyesdale Stallion the rty. re-and-J- Darcy, Port Perry, will make the present season as fol-] "~Monday leave his own stable + {old: 'Railroad Hotel stables), Port | 3 , proceed to E- © Kendal Utica. Cat noon, then return to his own stable, "1 Wednesday, proceed to Jas Bedford's, 3% Tage Hill, for noon, then to Swain's 1 Blackstock for night. Thurs- day, return to his own stable and re- ""main till Monday. B- F. Crandell, © Manager. ROYAY, FREELAND (6098) (13698)--T1 his uae Som | is od oung Imported Clydesdale St. The 5 Ee The Shirley Syndicate will Tr: tha present season as follows { Monday leave his own stable, Sucgog, proceed to Hope Bros., noon, then to George Jackson night. Tuesday, pro- ceed to Sebert House, Port Perry, for night, Wednesday, proceed to Irwin Johnston's, Quaker street, Reach, for 'moon, then to , Shirley for night, 'Thursday, tq James Strong's, Carte Foster's, 5, con, Mari res, rance az Ne Jo miss Sourray® y ei Mon-| irda; mld McDonald's Sth i Saturday 'night, his own ved remain till Monday noon. -- Ronald Macdonald, Manager: CLAN FAVOURITE [10854] (14629)--This Imported Clydesdale Stallion, the property of J-M- Macfarlane, Sonya, Ont. will make the present season as follows, Monday night, Ocean House, Seagrave Tuesday, noon Isaac Beattel's 11th con. Reach. Tuesday night, Jag McKit rick's, Greenbank: Wednesday noon, ZAlex- Leask's 11th con: Reach. Wed: mesday night, Saintfield. Thursday poon, Robert Acton's Victoria Corners, Thursday night--Robert Acton's Vie- toria Corners. Friday noon, James Hadden's, Wick: Friday night, John Waddell's, Pinedale. Saturday noon his own stable and remain till Monday afternoon: Alex: Martin, Manager. ROYAL RODERICK [10855] (13576)--The Imported Clydesdale Stallion, the Pr rty of J. M. Macfarlane, Sonya, stand at his own stable, Sonya, for en of 1910: BOCHLOMOND (Imp) --537-- (11274)-- The Hackney Stallion, the property of J. M- Macfarlana, Sonya, will make the present season as follows, (Monday wight, Ocean House, Seagrave, remain- der of week at his owan: stable near Sonya: RICE OF KINELLAR HI, (3236) Vol, " B- C---This Grand Clydes- ie the property of James aves, Sonya, Ont, will make the season of 1910, as fellows--Monday Teave his own stable, Sonya, and pro- veed to Thos. Moase's Fingerboard, for noon ; Norman Osborae's, night. Tues- day, C. Hick's, Valentia, acon ; James Railey's, Opps, night Wednesday, John Cuddy's, Opps, acon; H. Grim- son's, Mariposa, night- Thursday, Temperance Hotel, Oakwood, noon ; Geo Mark's, Little Britain, night. Fri- dey, Joa Spark's, Mariposa, noon, Samuel Tremeer's, night. Saturday, 'm. Gordow's, noon, then to his own + stable.--G. Medd, Manager, CORNER STONE [3505] ( 11016)---Import- ,~od Promivm. Clydesdale Stallion--the 1 of J. Eruest Holtby, Mau- { chester, will make the present season jou follows: Monday, leave his own stablo, Raglan, proceed to Ernest Holt- ! by's, Manchester, and remain till Tues- ! day noom « Tuesday afternoon proceed ¢ to Grermbank and remain till Wednes- ¢ day noon Wednesday afternoon to ¢ Ernest Holtby's, ARO for night. i Thursday proceed to Jas. Cook's, : Myrtle, for noon, then to Moses Doo- Tittle's, Bust Whitby, for night- Feliny 1 3» George Hepburn's, con 5. for ni # Saturday, to his own pale, Bag ht. £ pd semisin till Monday- C. Blanchard on SIR HUBERT [7566] 0780 (10923)-- Famous Imported Clydesdale Stallion the property of J. Ernest Holthy, Manchester, and his route the present season will be as follows: --Monday afternoon leave his own stable. John Park's, Manchester, and proceed to «= Dafoe's, Utica for night uesd1y to Alex Lee's, Burnett farm, lot 10, con . ®% Reach noon, then to R. Craig's, dreenbank, for night: Wednesday, to she Christie's House, Saintficld noon, "4 then to Sgmprave for night. Thursday "" to C- Honey's, Rose's Corners, noon, then to his own stable, Johu Park's, Manchester, and remalu till Monday af- ternoon: John Park, Manager KINELLAR STAMP [3044] CS.C-B---Reg- |- istered Clydesdale Stailion--the prop- "erty of James A. Rowan, Cesarea, will travel the following route during this soason; Monday, leave his stable, Cesarea, and proceed to Thos Syers, noon, then to the Temperance House, Janetville for night: Tuesday, to W, Fania 's, Lotus for night \Vednesday duff noon, then to Conifer 32 ial Pootypool for night urs- day, to Wallone Miller' 's, Long Sanlt, 'moon, Byron MoLaaghlin's, Enniskillen night. ~ Friday, Temperance House, keton, noon, then to Temperance Blackstock for. night- Saturday to his stable Manager, Grand 'and remain till Monday a Friday, to Jas Pat- en 10 An side Fa H st hl a to Swain's oT for for i hes ursday return to his own stable and remain till Monday, B- F- Crandell, Manager- ROYAL BENEDICT 11422 A.CS:B, Vol. XIL This Clydesdale Stallion the property of D. EK. Ianson, Greenbank, will make the season of 1910, at his own stable lot 10, con 11, Reach, GORDON KRSKINE [5830] Vol. 15, 8S. B. C.--That Grand, Young Cly- OR Stallion, the property ot Wes, Frise, Seagrave, Ont., will make the foun season. as follows--T uesday, eave his own: stable, lot 8, con. 11, Reach, proceed to Robt. Thomas', Lay- ton, for night. . Wednesday, Saintfield for night. Thursday, Wm: Leask's for night. Friday, his own stable and fe- till Tuesday nooun- EARLMONT 1369--Reautiful YoungRoad- ster Stallion--the property of J. Darcy, Port Perry. Full particalars later: VIGOROUS MACQUEEN Imported Bred Clydesdale Stallion the property of T. F. Bruce, Cadmus, will make the season of 1910 as follows : -- Monday afternoon leave his own stable proceed to Wm- Finnie's, Lotns for night. Tucsday, proceed to Coulter's Hotel, Pontypool, for noon, then to W. W. Cornish's, Leskard for night. Wednesday, to Wm. Hockey's, Tyrone for noon, then to H. Ferguson's, Man- vers for night: Thursday, to his own stable for night. Friday, to S- Grey's, for noon, then to Jus. Malcolm's, Nos- tleton for night. Saturday, return to his own stable by way of Jas Nesbitt's and ren:ain till Monday afternoon. -- \V_Fiunie, Manager. ------r CURING THE BITER. Breeder's Valuable Suggestion For Breaking Horses of Vicious Habit. Many are at a loss as to a means of curing a borse of the biting habit. An expert breeder suggests the following treatment: Keep him, if possible, in such position that be can be approach- ed from in front without entering bis stall. When with him be very quiet and gentle and feed him with small apples, lumps of sugar or something of the sort and continue as long as ho behaves. Meanwhile be prepared for treachery. Have a short whip at hand, but concealed from his view, and the moment he tries to bite strike him sharply around the nose. Strike hard s0 as to punish severely, but do not keep on striking. One or two blows are enough. Stand quietly by until his mind has taken in the situation a lit- tle, then resume feeding. Repeat this treatment as often as possible, remem- bering that success will depend largely upon the shortness of the lessons and their frequent repetition. It may be some days before he will show much improvement, but if the treatment is perseveringly followed up he will see what the lesson means. The value of this treatment lies in the fact that the horse by behaving properly not only receives immunity from punishment, but a reward be- sides, while misconduct {invariably brings a prompt and sharp reproof. The absolute cure of so deep seated a vice cannot be expected for some time, but a marked improvement should soon be shown. Remember that time is always necessary for the cure of such things and that all the patience the trainer can command is usually required. Do not feed the horse too stimulat- ing a diet, and it is important that he be used every day. Idleness causes nervous irritability and always aggra- yates a vice, FATTENING THE PIGS. Youngstérs' Will Put on Flesh More ically Than Old Ones. OW, this is not a talk about money. Itisn't a contrast between the rich and the poor, forin [4294] --Tuis ; ¥ rich and there are E an Bs n « Xi : TR the children who ride in carri i All the money in the world cannot buy better flour than "ROYAL HOUSEHOLD", for there isn't any better. And the woman who does her own baking can have just as good bread as is served to the Royal House- hold of England, and that «The Little Brother of The things. we are all. "ROYAL: HOLD" . prog more loaves of ordinary flou is better SW just a go as the Princ [ cesses of England. Although "RE g HOUSEHOLD" 2 little more" per "barr! j ordinary flour it cont much more nouri 5 and makes so muc s bread of superior qui is in reality the m nomical of all flours.' milk are at hand they can be used to very good ndvantage with the ration, starting with a proportion of about two pounds of milk to one of grain at incoming time and reducing the quantity of milk until the pig is fin- ished on grain alone. Best gesults will be realized from dairy byproducts while pigs are young. The fattening pigs should gain from one pound to ope and a half pounds daily and weigh in the neighborhood of 250 or 300 pounds when they are nine or ten months old. A well bred pig finished at a weight of 250 pounds will about fill the market requirements and bring its owner a very satisfac tory price. How to Feed the Pony. A small pony, especially if gxShet- 'and, does not usually require much grain. A quart of corn in the morn- ing and a quart of oats at noon and at vight should be sufficient. Give it what hay it wants and, if the weather is suitable and there is good pasture, turn it out to grass whenever there is a chance. Excellent Remedy For Mange. For itch or mange, rubbing of tail or mane, wash thoroughly with warm soft water and soup, then rub in with brush a proper strength of coal tar dip used on sheep and dogs. Scrub every three or four days until cured. Disfifect stalls and harness also or you never will get rid of the pest. Keep Colts Growing. All good farmers watch the condi- tion of thelr colts when put into win- ter quarters. A colt allowed to lose its colt flesh and become thin will nev- er make the horse he would if kept growing from the start. THE FEEDER To make the mash properly the bran should be stirred in tbe boiling water, just as our mothers made cornmeal mush. Feed Rack Easily Constructad. can be made by any one handy with tools. It will soon save it3 cost in the economy with which one can feed. Do Not Overfeed Sows. an extravagant allowance of carn will not breed so surely as if thelr systems are in a cooler 21d Li feverish con- dition. A good rack handy for feeding sheep | Sows cverfed or made extra fat with ; is made from ROYAL -oguvie's pook for 8 . HOUSEHOLD Cook" comprises 125 = pageaof splendid Recipes 9) FLOUR sent to England which have been tested and tried. Every woman 2) from Canada. who 1s interested in good hings to eat should And then, a barrel 'of Elna toeats 26 BN succulent feeds, iil feeds Tuc dairy Separate Cattle From : byproducts nnd, accordjng to some Sheep graze closer than lle and breeding authorities, pasture. therefore should not be ¢f ed into When whey, buttermilk and skim- | the sume lot with them. ey chew off the grass so short thal cannot get a good nibble, Necessity For Feeding "probable Generally speaking, it that anywhere in the corn Welt fatien- ing steers are nine-tenths of the time as well off In an ordinary J | as they would be anywhere else, bi pe-tenth of the time a shed is absolute L essen- tial. ' Salt For the Stok Salt Is necessary to the thrift of the domestic anitn they should bave it in winter ns fn summer. They need rrobably during the periods dunt succulent feed. butit system requires more or he time, A good plan is! in sheltered boxes where {i zet at It at will, This v. ung up the cows are d carefully. Brvative. for milk is in the barn use It The Only Milk The best preservatiy cold, and it is the of C to use. The two best friends of iryman are ice and cleanliness. 2 Good Point Wi a Cow. Don't be fooled : ying a cow with the assertion th is an easy keeper." You at that is a hearty eater and a bi ker. Clean Dairyil table. Clean dairying t was pever otherwise, There' ays been a big difference in: Neen butter made in a clean § the other kind. A iy Don't Sel Never let a and pick the going out of ter sell the price. Value To make da must he of | ya . WIRE Continent. and at prices that can. fi fail to satisfy. pur it is re mesh ; it isa CE hie uy fence, otsfore ible fo bend the stays, the best fence made in this or any other country. Before Purchasing a Wire Fence don't fail to inspect the DiLLow Fence, © 2 And is Constantly growing In Public ravor. It Is the BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM In this Distriet; is the srvative class. 0 --Is 'not a favorite of ani us Pisin degmers hid clques--~it Is the PORT PERRY = FOR SALE pi UNDERSIONED offer for Bale | L the Skating Rink, which will be sold at a bargain and on advantageous terms. Further particulars on applica. tion to the proprietor, WM. TUMMONDS. Port Perry, Aug 6, 1907. Spring is the Time for House Cleaning. I am prepared to do all kinds of Papering, Painting, &c. Paper atid Paint furnished ij required W. F. NOTT, (Successor to J. A. Rodman.) 2 doors north of Mr. Widden's store Jturers and' a. oe for ou; resting CURED; dor's Help' aul in enn you are swindled." : Send us a rough sketch or model of your in-{ vention ketch and weil ong free oir opinion as to whether it is p'o he i tentable. Re] Ao applications hile ul P us, We, conduct fully 8 jn. Montreal) and Washington; t jes 118 to. frompie ly dispateh work an: secure Patents) 4s broad 1s est refercucesf fu a prborined through 3a Marion & Ma: vero nei iseibued throughout the D_ minkm, "Patent business of W Wii ent and Selle rasa, Whi 1a'g, Bien 'White Leghorns. ; "ALL GOOD THINGS merits. The Internationa) Dictionary hag upon greplonis and is in more general use thanany other work of its kind in the HY 3 a but Dba Ey ot rhdnoaear ok i Se now TE GRAND ay EAE SEN | METHODIST ORUROE : i 'REV. RH. TTRITOH, Reston Sabbath Borviges, 1 and 7. Yok Evening. and GUARANTEE from the same Pens-as | use for my awn breeding. must win upon theirf" er TY N : Co Cochrane St., Port Port Perry, for: HIGH-CLASS Barred Plymauth Rocks; Buff Orpingtons, AND I want ysur orders this season - to supply FW a It 1s my. desire to pe tomers avd sora The Pe i: HE andere} Ps Agricul now nad a vk Agtion

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