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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 9 Jun 1910, p. 1

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WH ARRI, BALLS. i STER, &c. Hiicee offices of CULL MPYRYLTE LOAN. y I Friydte Supls at 8 per cent, Keb. 1, 1001. J Jno. W. Crozier: Jp corre, CuRbey antisf, I ke, Office db Feailonce;" 64 Con. sick (oie ifiilo west of Port Perry, )-- 1-00 fh Money gu Loan. EF 3 $ Ka tt Houss,; . BOO i ie : ~W. A GANGSTER, . -DBNTAL SURGEON. 2 BETTIS » Office Hours --9 to 1d nin, 2tod Pe _ Also open Saturday eveninge, 4 Gold Sen Bei aud Crown Work # 3 A Df. F. D. McGrattan = (DENTIBT) Collegga of Dental of Porbtt i LD , Fer Allison's Xe, Aff beavolws of Dentistry, ineludu Af desis » Work Tucoeasfiilly % 4 practiced. 3 Artifical Teeth on Gold, Silver; Attn "= or Rubber Plated Fillings: of Gohl, Silver or Cétheiit Painjess extidction whed feguireds 3 gr Priges to tut the times Ey North Ontario Observer A Weekly 'Political; Agrasullivrdl and Family Newspaper Fi 15 CUBLISHKD AT PORT PERKY, ONT. KVERY THURSDAY MORNING SATIRE hoo .H. PARSONS ed I Bera on avy cre recent tor ution Chl; wad other nt sllewed to Morchauts 1a tho yearor alt Bud Butt Bens ¥ a 3 hy or PEA EEmE [a ED AUCTIONEER for the the Ups¥rver Office stirs that wo effort or oi His part to hitti successes. bir tht past abiould be a sufficient recom mendution' #8 to bis ability. given into lis charge with profifitness and rads out wad blank on pplication. may the Perry, for dates olaimed for make grexsgeneutd; or White to Carrectitess of Style . ©+G. HUTCHESON, We J. WHI ; Acting Manager, 3 SreAvhey alze ak HowManville, Oshawa : Stouffeills, Sunderiind and BacoRiin: 1 Bankers and Brokers. : Jonna oy MONEY TO LOAN (4 percent. upwards--British Capital ) INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Marriage Licenses, & Agenis C- PR, &. Jos. BATRD Ni WorLH.--Mt. WV. H. McCaw, Pert Perry, is now in a pdsition to issue tickets to all parts of the world and to supply all necessary information : to parties asto the vtheapest and best Fontes; &c. In addition to hi GEO. JACKSON, : numerous Ticket Agencies for Rail. od' Auctioneer, Valuator, &o. County of Ontario. Sale" Register at Pateoy lcited. Manchester, Jun. 19, ar lide Aoi arr road and Steamship lines, he has been re appointed Ticket y for Central Livery PORT PERRY. Hien thanking the public for the liberal patronnge reevived during the many years | have kept » Livery Kstablish ment in Port Perry, Ihave much pleasure in afinomueing that I bave removed MY LIVERY! to my former place of business Water Street which I am shout to largely extend in- crease facilities 80 that the public may he better accommodated With safe and desir: tail uble to will be spared wake sales entrusted to Fis very extensive practice All Sale will be attended t dispatch Sale list notes supplied free. Parties wishing to engage his consult hiz BALE REGISTEG either 8t Observer . or Standard Offies, fort Kulen, aiid his addross ti Phone at Residence, No. 31.783 - CHARGES MODERATF. . GEO, JACKSON, 1, 1901, ; Port Perry I's O . " ° Miss Barrison, Doss ang iantle Waker "|FI08AT MODERATE CHARGES To : g R. VANSICKLER. 1BHES to iufotl the ladies Part Perry, June 21, 1800. ithat she has moved .toihel" =" bs 3 "and Charming Effect | formerly' tctupied by her| J Ermey Mr. Chu ts Dug Store where Grand Trunk R'y System is prepared to execute alt or |v To for Dress and Mantle Making TIME TABLE, in a mannet unstipassed for : Pen Dany GOING SOUTH. GOING NORTH. 720444; fg. a.m. t charges are cohsistent with 11.53 a.m. 5-35 p.m. NT trp Lain ' Ferty Apeits, 1999, 0. 2. R. Time Table. : ". MYHLLE STATION. Gong WisT 6.82 am: §.10,a.m. . 6.00 p.m. DAVIS, Town Agent Mails Close. J jah Tickets to aLf'tArTS oF THE i "posed to play dead. only my. "tramp I. bad town ble. A a man fJolced very the few or te BY DLA n, Or Not only Ae) of | skin trol be has One sold at all a und bof ny thousands scription and it pe pers. I noticed denly et Complicated | Case | Having Murdered Himself. answer might Indeed, the per | result ! ployer Joa i me wit Ie 5 cuTHsERT BAKER, matter, | Copyright, 1910, by Amefican Press d Association. the 'words reno) Landi AR nitortunaie hifi. 1 never dpmmitted- a eriime In my life, never even did a dishonest act, and yet I am in jail accused of murder. This may Hot be astonishing, for many an inno- } cent iii has not only beeti doehsed of hanged for but then pocket out a my store. isn't, it is either the case is a very coth feat fir + am not in a at conditfon of mind 16' make It clear. 'Fhe dtily way to unravel the matter so that it can be undersfpod is to teil the story from the nif, Twelve years ago | cid to Mertford, a young man of twenty-five, to 1ook fot a job. 1 had no furids, and, pot. get ting a position at once: 1 tan irdebt to my landlady. A month passed, aud I, dud found Hothing to do. My landlady fold foe that if I didn't pay up by the Hiext Saturday night she would 'have Ine arrested fot a common fiigrant dnd swindler. 2 : 1 That same day while walking about | ooking for a job I met a mati qu tus, street who looked so much like me that I stared at Mm as we He tured and sald: "You must be a kin of mine. You Jook enough -like me to be my own brother." "What's your name? I asked. "William Higgins." «] am Nicholas Van Winkle." : We couldn't trace any relationship,' but he asked me into a beer saloon, where we pursued that and other subjects. He was an insinnating fel- low and won my confidence 50 far that 1 told him of my financial trou ble. What did be do but whip out & roll of new, crisp bills and invite me to help myself. I demurred at incur ring obligations to a stranger, but He insisted and finally literally forced upon me four ten-dollar bills, saying' that he was sure from the likeness between us we bad sprung from a8 common stock and he didn't propose that any kinsman of his should suffes: so long #is he had plenty of money. I asked him for his address that 1 might; return the loan after getting a p tion. He put his hand.on my der and sald, "1 won't tell 'you, you rob yourself to pay me before bre ready" With that be went: somewhat suddenly and left me much surprised at all that had © haven of 1nd read me before scription wvancing ntl rote to I the. me the spurious so of course [ de- personal appearahcé, for that, for i pro- from the place and thks this the think of to gat myself int a wtop moving until 1.200 miles ffom the had so much trou- t 'of my tramp | found » me a job, and 1 re- tobk up a newspaper of my own mur- fidd been made to . de3d or alive, apd 'I'he police had sent out giving the de- that 1 had written, copied in many news- th ' dny on looking up sud- employer that he was 1 had reached a '@ or DYE | : it had occurred to | that my giving a de- murderer that would for me as for hid serious complications, the description of in the newspa- very anxious. The when 1 saw my em- at me as if comparing 1 turned pale. , apd that ended the for the time. later a mah came into 1 worked, had some ewpleyer and then, ad- me, eyed me sharply; a printed slip from his referred to it, evidently me with it. At last he took handcuffs, put them on led me out of the occur to me to pro- any questions. I knew to x any trouble In identifying "1 resolved to say that I had fn getting away from the bad intended to murder me left that part of the countfy It didn't occut to me that story in tlre faeed of a charge Would appear pretty thim realization of my anger that me wus in talking with the who was taking me back to 1 told him the story just {hus far told it here. And his comment? It was this: man, If you can't make up yarn than that you'd better for the worst." me. 1 had deemed it ure, t# be taken back to on 8 case of mistaken iden- to be put to the trouble of an fat that I would be liable jon for murdering my Ow appeared 80 monstrous that tt even entered my head. can't prove an alibi," | "you're gopel: iti alibi 71 nsked. somewhere else at the time was committéd" 1 shall prove that 1 gm the am accused of inurdéefng." and fegafded Toe with a smile. Au wry * he said, "T've béen mixed cases like yours for 'twenty, Juries are ready to belted a not to endeavof to, : y such rubbish 8 tity frightened me, I lenges ba 'cushion of the seat as would permit and ga over to the most we reached Mertford and, examined, not haviug 4 'with which to counsel, Assigned one. to lieard Wy he | rst ; {he capture'of the gang counterfeiters to which my double longed. | begged | counsel so hard find him that to Humor me he did The result was the bringing into the real murderer of the man 0 was not murdered. Whichyof us have had to swing for the mur If the other one had been absent 1 dob't know, 1! og out a free man, and § propose to disfigure mysélr so that 1 will pever again look Mi Anybody: Ww CHEAPER 10 GLEAN Your smart dresses and tailored sults--your soiled curtains and draperiéd will all look as fresh and THAN BUY ight as now after wo clean or dye them. The oost is small and we pay the express chargos one way on out-of-town orders. WRITE FOS OUR NEW BOOKLET, IT TELLS ALC "My VALET" FOUNTAIN THE CLEANER 30 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Wo are appointing gales agents now in overy unrepresented county for thr <eason of 1910, Over 637 of the year's business is done during Lhe Summer months. We pay good money weekly for services rendered. Give exclusive territory and Bupply selling outfit free. Syer 600 Acres Under Cultivation Our acreags is mentioned as it is im- portant that you should represent a firm of good standing and size. We supply strictly first grado sto k and guarantee delivery in good condition. We want the best and most relinble agent in every district. Established over 8D years. For further particulars write Pelham Nupsefy Co., A Whales Terrific Battle With a School of Thrashers. AN AWE INSPIRING CONTEST. een. Thé Unequal Fight Was Ended by the Death of the Courageous Mammal; Who Was Torn to Shreds by Her Ferocious Assailants. Early one morning while engaged fo bullding pew quarters for the light- bouse keeper at Breaksea island, near Rottnest, Western Australia, the con- tractor and his wen poticed a bull whale, with a cow aod calf, passing the island some distance oft. They watched them with interest for awhile, totthg the immense size of the two parents and the metbodical regularity with which columns of water rose from their blowholes and then resum- ed their labors. An hour or so later--about 8 o'clock, to be exact--the men were startled by an eftrordinary poise, apparently coming from the eastern end of the is- land, a noise unlike anything they had ever heard before. Dropping thelr tools and staring toward the east, they beheld such a sight as ft falls to the Mt of few people to witness. Therd; Hot 600 yards from tbe shore, was peing waged a battle to the death --d fight between the great cow whale + | previously seen and a school of The calf was swimming about distractedly, but the old pull bad disappeared, baviog basely desert- ed bis family at, the Grst approach of er sharks. i.| JAS. WATEON, Chaifthan. . | and entertain them ina right royal manner. | being now erected, Pro i | will also be gcod to Teave fot | returning on Saturday by any boat. for ébughs and colds one---Ayer's Chery it is not a doctor, does not: ' It is a doctor's aid. Made a8) throat and : he his_opinion of T 4 . its er tet yoy if What He Sold. One of the witnesses in a case in & Dublin court was asked, "Did you sell Major Studdert a horse? "No, SOF" "Did yoer father sell Major Studd: b d rn "No, sor." " po grandfather sell him a horse?' "No, thelr grip. the gthers dt xr sor" "Well, then, did any member of B eberdy and charged tearing | your family sell Major Studdert auy- sy:of | thing?" "Yes, sor." "Who did, then?" of ala, sor." "And what 014 you sell, Major Studdert? "1 sold bin 4 marey soe." The counsel sat down, and the court roared. g ere Politeness is like an alr cushjon-- there's nothing In it, but it eases the joints wonderfully. Not Necessary. A country bridegroom, when the bride hesitated to pronounce the word "obey," remarked to the officiating cles gyman: "Uo on, mister. It don't mab ter. I can make her." eres 8till Grieving. "So she has lost her husband? Has she recovered from her grief yet? "Not yet. You know how slow those insurance companies aré in settling" hold, the great body turned over sank beneath the red tinted watee, The unequal battle was over, lasted from © o'clock unt Hob, as awe fiispiring d contest as man was ever privileged to witness, The men went back to thelr work greatly im- pressed by tbe unique spectacle, expressions of sympathy for the whale were heard oo every ride. Forty-eight bours afterward (the whale's body, which bad in the mean- time become distended with gas, rose to the surface and exploded with a for Ike n miniature powder magi: gine, causing the startled babpie to rush to the shore to discover what had happened. On examination of the re-' mains it was discovered that every ree Calamity is the opportanity of vir toe and a spur to a great mind. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM Jl for Toronto & Hamilton " \ (RN CAMP 139 SoS Ur otUuianu ; SONYA Rxctrsion to Toronto and Hamilton ! FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1910, Bj Bpecial Train leaving Lindsay 7.15 a.m.--Arriving in Toronto at 10 a.m. : TIME TABLE AND RATES. TORONTO $185 1.80 165 1.65 LINDSAY .cuovveesenine OPS. lagen anes arens MARIPOS MANILLA JCT 7.15 AM. 7.22 7.30 ws g40 ; us iL 7.50 dis ss 54 PORT PERRY... LH 10 PRINCE ALBERT 8.15 MANCHESTER 8.20 HIGH POINT 8.24 MYRTLE 8.30 BROOKLIN ....cicoee .--.- 8:39 \VHITBY TOW 8.53 Yoo WHITBY JCT : Children over five and under twelve years of age half-fare. --_-- oe -- Tickets will be good going on Special Train only, valid to return the following day. Tickets issued from Lindsay to Seagrave valid for two days; from Perry to Whitby inclusive will be good for the day only, rd Fx RErorNING=--The Special Train will leave immediately on the arrival of the Tutbinia from Hamilton at 8 p m. Tickets will be on sale at Sonya Depot on morning of Excursion. J The Sonya Old Boys Association, of Toronto, on Saturday, at, one, o'clock purpose giving the excursionists, a grand reception in High Parl > : Luncheon, and . Music and the departure of the 5.10 Sports, all of which will take place prior to train. ; : MANAGING COMMITTEE. Sh ERNEST FERGUSON, Chief: Dont Stop in Toronto! Come with the Crow | to Hamilton | figs On arrival of the Special. Train at Toronto, passengers will embarl foi Hamilton on the fine Tuthine.Steamer Tprbigia--the *greyhouud" o Lake Ontario, the {asest stearas on (78h Waters - rab haath ph AE We dar 3 F 'i The City of Pd imiltonds noted for its magnificent Parks, Stupendous: Indésirial Buildings 'both finished and in course of construction, one | nced the largest in the world. To view the International Harvester 'Company's Works alone is worth far more than 3 the fare to the Ambitious Citys: 44: E ; ; } ON pen SRL Lg Fare-- Adults goc. 'Children: Half" fare. : 2 : "Tickets for Steamer can be procured from Commitee 'on train, which auiiton ap the 2. o'clock Steamer, ol 2 AEE a wishing to. ve by the Sanya Orchestr ; Hamilton at 6 p.m, Sonya tickets will be supplied by man two days. SE Lk > Choice Mudie vill be supplied. RETURNING camer leaves Toronto at pam. "1 ; > ManAGING Comntrrem--J AS. WATSON, "ALEX; © BEECROFT, = WM. CLARKSON, JAS. McTAGGART. © erage Ten (SIE Committea, to Bi

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