we have indigestion and y ge es on aah Te bmach . stronger, you track for a real] never cure your "ating pre digest purgative medicine. ed foods, | whe was three weeks ago is reported A Jewell B. A., of Enniskillen, on Sabbath last in the, Metho- burch here and gave practical and discourses in the absence of the who took Anniversary work for well: ihe Rev. John McCamas of Pickering, stricken wi to be improving: stomach is not doing its own| Rew Harris took the work on 'under these treatments, . and . Circuit last Sabbath and will there can be no real cure until the Stomach is strong enough to digest s to maintain |piago tuver for R F. Wilks & Co, all the food necessary next Sabbath: £7 MR. JOHN WORDEN, _ thebody in vormal health, The Toronto, will be in Port Perry and _greahdiny of the tonic treatment for| ¢istrict this week. strengthen the stomach to a' poin all foods eaten will and: nourish the: 7 a and tone to the stomach. Rrople have not hesitated to say so. ere is an instance: --Miss Eva ocher, Balmoral, Man., says:-- ©] am writing this letter on behalf of my mother who wishes you to know how much Dr. Williams' Pink Fills have done for her. For several years she had been greatly troubled with indigestion and not- withstanding the medicine she was taking the trouble was growing worse. Every meal was dreaded and left behind it a feeling of fausea and severe pains. As this éontinued she began to lose strength igest A ctually make new ch blood, and thus bring strength This has been proved over and over dgain, and thousands of grateful Please send ion all forms is to|orders at once to THE OBSERVER t| Office. "Prisoners io the gaols of Norths » Ontario are to be used in th land is scarce. Nine thousand men, 1t is an. nounced, will next year be employ- ed in the work of taking the census of Canada. + All The Port Arthur News wants to know what a girl means when she sets her face against the moustache habit. Detroit boasts of the consump- tion of more than eleven tons of frogs legs in the months. R. continues to feed Toronto on crow. The Toronto Telegram has added "obsessed" to its copious vocabul- past twelve And J. Flemming But worse will come when it "The min! read and approved. On motion of Mr. Dobson, the whole Council . were appointed to investigate the complaint of Mr. Thomas Welch, vert opposite his premises south of Manchester, On motion of Mr. Mclnt , §27 was paid to Mr. John Sac er for Whitby townline; said amount to be charged to the tewnline account. On motion of Mr. Leask, $5 was ordered to be paid Mr. Jas. Allin: for erecting 20 rods of wire fence opposite lot 8, con. 12. On motion of Mr. Dobson, $7 was aid to Mr. Wm. nyson, being nus for erecting 28 rods wire fence, opposite lot gy, con. 5, north account. hi On motion of Mr. Mark, $6 was paid to Messrs. Cawker Bros for cost of conveyance for members of Ccuncil to inspect bridges. On motion of Mr, Leask, $7.50 was ordered to be paid to Mr. R. Horne for erecting 30 rods of wire fence opposite lot 8, con. 12, north side. On motion Mr. McIntyre, Mr. Henry Fielding was paid 84.40 for 44 loads of gravel ; 38 loads to be charged to East Whitby townline account. On motion of Mr. Mclntyre, Mr, Wm. Prescott was paid $14.50 for cleaning ditches on East Whitby townline, opposite lot 20, said erecting 108 rods of wire fence ony), the north side opposite lot g, on the | sources re cul-| 0. rectly to it, yet thi neglected thing source of poliuti ofton indescribal o Mon pe Ci mate is mad Quebec bridge rence will cost § roads and |, held :-- '1 Baseball Match between Ji Blackstock for a prized Quarter-Mile Race--1st § i 200 Yard Race, (Boys unt cts, 2nd 25 cts. 100 Yard Race, (Boys u cts, 2nd 25 cts 3 Ladies' Race=1st I'll 2ud § 1b- box Bon Girls' Race (under 12 Chocolate, 2nd § | Wheelbarrow Raco--18t 4 Boot Race--1st 50 cts, 2nd 3 Tug-of-War--Married Men Men--8 men to a fide H vice of the sch s for the day. Seagrave Sabbath _ School intend : | holding Aunual Tea aull Entertainment on Sunday and Monday, June 19 and 20,1910. On Sunday services will be conducted hy the Rev. H. M. Manning, Chairman Whitby District, at il am., and 7 p.m. Morning service will be "of unusual interest for young people. Special music is being prepared by children of the school. liections in aid of the Sabbath School. On Mouday altarnoon Baseball, Football, Races, ete., will be the o:der of the day : Basa- + hall, 2,00 o'clock Sonya Jrs. vs. Port Perry Jrs, 8.30 o'clock Sonya vs Zion. 5 o'clock, Football, Married Men vs. Single Men. 7 o'clock. Marathon Road Ter he. afterabon. «Thy grounds | di ime bats Wily pat at the. ser. -- by On Thursday, June 238. 5 landers Band SPORTS, GAMES, SPEECHES, |of combi, 0% and JAMES 8 MeKEE, for the 'Sebert House, © NOTICE IS HEREBY thatthe °° Eo for South Ontatio will meet in the « considuting + the application Board of License Commissioners. Sebert House in the Village of at ten o'clock a.m. for the purpose . and energy, and was hardly able to begins to print the ill-looking word | ;nyount to be charged to East| Admission 10 cts: SH ad With cahor Sports Pie Nie on the Grass at Fair Grounds. Port Perry." Alf persons interested do any housework. Acting on the in capital letters, advice of a friend she began to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and soon began to feel better. She continued taking the pills until she had used ten boxes. when her health was fully restored and she could take any kind of food without the least discomfort.. Since that time sh has not had the slightest return of the trouble." Thousands of cured men and women speak from expenence of from Dr. in cases of indigestion, anaemia, rheumatism, the benefits derived Williams Pink Pills neral weakness, pains in th ack and side, neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, and the troubles that afflict These pills are sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box. or six women and growing girls. boxes for $2 50 from The Dr. Wil liams' Medicine Co, Ont. Port this for the benefit of the prospec tive June grooms. has been married tour or five years he really gets so he doesn't mind it at all, Artbur News: --We say After a man Brockville, €| The customs revenue for April and May, the first two months of the fiscal year, was $10,734,000, which is 82,575,000 more than for same period of 1g9og. The pros. pects are that for the year the in- come from this source will be well up to $65,000,000, or about $45 a family. Laurier is finishing his work, e Huntingdon Gleaner :-- Mr. La- vergne objects to the Quebec treas- urer issuing 'cheques in English, Seeing at least seventy-five cents out of each dollar that goes into the Quebec treasury comes out of the pockets of the English-speaking ONEY Several sams from | People, will Mr. Lavergne's next . X . $300to $10,000, have objection be .to receiving three- placed with me for immediate in-| fourths of hi& sessional idemnity .in .vestment at lowest rate. Barrister, Port Perry. THE OBSERVER English money, +. ~~ Recently' the collection box in * | the Methodist church at Milltown, Nova Scotiayhad been repeatedly robbed, It was determined to catch the robber, and there was Flas » Coop GrcuLATION, and js] 28%] UDO the box an sutomatic constant the B its local and ment and is printed entirely in th place of publication--Port Perry. THRMS--$1 per annum in advance, if not ' $1 pe: mill Be INSTANTLY KILLED IN A MILL. paid in charged JOB PRINTING-- --. THE Most MODERN STVLES advance, AND AT Low PRICES, SE --em ee North Ontario ODSErVE. [eens wes: years of sg waa 'ony {The Octal Paper of the People.) FOUNDED IN 1857. assist bis partuer in the mill to put on & ee Only Paper Printed and Pablished in Port Perry. PORT PERRY, JUNE 16, 1910. Farm Help and Farm Mar : chinery. © What would this twentieth century | °75E the whols townebl ag! do withont farm machinery ? its Vary duauiful growing in favor. It is le Bus Advertising Msahan in house, 5 ty; is the champion of the | o'clock, the cl : -Agricalturists and of the more con- Sigman Wes gwekes tgervative and practical class of peo- le, is not a favorite of schemers, |. mers and cligues ; it is the Oldest | 108 the box. and Best Established--founded in |captured the culprit, a man aged 1857--the most original and best in| seventy-five. general news depart | eycyge offered. alarm, connected with the pastors The other morning, at 3 ed by an alarm, and hurrying to the church be found a man empty- Securing help, he Sleep-walking is the ---- *A very sad and distressing accident occurred in the Crown Plaster Miil at J3ipmore, Oneida Township, on I'bursday afternoon last, when Andrew C. Dunuet, eldest son of Mr. and Mrr, Jas. Duunet, was killed without a started to work in the mill on Monday morning, but bad worked for the com- pany considorably last year, During the afternoon he got on a beam belt, when his overalls got caught in the pulley, and he was jerked off his feet and carried around with the belt big head striking a beam killing him iotsantly, Dr. McDonald, coroner was rotified, but afier viewing the scene of acei decided an § it was uot necessary, The young man was well known and very highly respected in Cneida, and his very sudden death cast a gloom The funeral was held on Saturday afternoon to the Dufferin Cemetery, service taking place in the Church after . The floral offerings were J deceased lived with his parents, and leaves a loving father and mother, three brothers and one eister, who have Whitby townline account, Court oF REVISION Mr. Mark moves that the Council resolve itself into a Court of Revi- sion for the purpose of hearing and determining the appeals filed against the Assessment Roll of the township for the current year.-- Carried. The several appeals were taken up and disposed of with dispateh; a few slight reductions were made. The Roll was finally revised. Court adjourned the Council resum- ed. Mr. W. W. Crosier came before the Council requesting a grant in swamp, opposite lot 2, con. 5, the road required to be widened in order that conveyances may pass ; brush cut on both sides--$35 would accomplish the object; the dirt may be obtained from the raise of ground at the end of the old Mast road. The Pathmaster, Mr. Arthur Crosier, substantiated the remarks of the other member of the deputa- tion. The Reeve said when dealing with other grants the re Ferguson was paid $3 for filling in' washout opposite lot 7, con. 2. On motion of Mr. McIntyre, $12 50 was paid Mr. John Masters, being for cleaning out gravel pit, graveling and drawing lumber, &c. Mr. Alex. Boe came before the Council'asking a grant to complete the northern portion of a road in his division, On motion of Mr, Dobson, $5 paid Mr. I. Vernon for clearing out gravel pit and running grader. Mr. John Thompson said the sideroad in his division had been partially turopiked and graveled and he wculd like the remainder done. It required more grading and gravel to complete it. He would like a small grant. Ex-Reeves Thos. Lambe and W. W. Crosier were invited to seats on the platform. Mr. Leask introduced and carried through a By-law making provision for the expenditure of the sum of $1747 4o for the improvements of the roads and bridges and appointing Commissioners to expend the sever- al amounts, N Road--gravelis oon. Thomee © Bobeon aad Jno John Johnson home $50 00 Ne a ges Tin To m0 Grayeling N Road, "* Bobson sod W J. Haocoes Gom'rs, Graveling Broek ond a Jon BSinoay Gra wre. Tea will be served in from 5 to 7:80, i Programma ip tho o'clock, consisting of & Mr. Robius, Rov: Mr: Fi Creighton, Rev: Mr. Kid and Instrumental Music bS Admission--Adults 28, S. 8. Children, Free. {i § Special serves Sunday, J om and py 3B XE Myrtlg. At the regular monthly the Ladies' Aid of t church here held. on June eighth about ome? d fifty friends from the circ@ifegs to do honor to the Rov. EJ Howard. After a sumptnd enjoyable program was Howard was then pi beautiful amythest aod by the members of the after which she very {fli Mr. Howard's friendd th him with a splendid and chair, uj Lolstered gd leat thoroughly surp as usual, made 3 ply. The fety over whig ably during the § take this oppor you the deep re {rom among us, A some tangible wi preciation of your services and h esteem in which you are il. Your life, work and An charact:r which you have gd and posress has been a source fFation to each of ue, ever baving nse of Christ at heart and thes @f this church your supreme 8 As wo have met from mont your judg- ment has g p We [cel that you bave b for a speci- al purpose and § and faith in God together forbearance with us and our omings have shown ns what pmbined in a noble christian We know tho contact with 8 baracter will bave a lastio 8 on all our lives and we firons of better living. ¥ . We pray th p may long be id your home, Br We Ay ail gdom without presided so r years, we expressing to igur departure Fito express jn that the sixty. amethyst in number or p your life. =! - | Coneert will ba given b - | artists : Miss Florence Lapp, Elocution- - | Baritone, + | miss | it, ter, Mr. A Grand Tea will ba served by the ladies, in the basement of the church from 5 to 7 o'clock, after which 8 Grand the following fst, Little Britain; Mr. C. 8. T earners. L.T. FREE £7 Bring your Baskets. Hol water also supplied free on Grounds. psn Little Britain; Patriotic Songs and Choruses by the School. Rev H. M, Manuing will deliver his Opiar and appropriate address on "King Edward and the Empire" don't Program commences at 8 o'clock sharp. Relreshment stand will be on the grounds from which all the latest delicacies will be served. Ad- mission--Tea and Concert 35 cents, Children 20 cents, Tea alone 25 cents, Cuncert alone 20 cents. All are cordi ally invited.--R. A. DELVE, Pastor; C. SLEEP, Sec. ; W. J. GimsoN, Sapt. "Tyrone. After years of patient suffering with that painful disease, rheumat- ism, Mrs. Susan Virtue sank pain- i | fully into rest Monday, June 6, aged 69 years. The remains were intei- red in Bethesda Cemetery on Mon- day afternoon, scivices being con- "1 ducted by Rev. }. S. Spence, B.A, dis mourned by a nds 'who with < In a no love and care. One broth. eo, Gilders, Hespeler, and five of her sons, Wm., of Michigan, James and Charles, Toronto, Ed. and Arthur, Tyrone, and four daughters, Mrs. F. Randle, Port Perry, and Misses Lizzie, Lila] and Maude, were privileged to be with her in her last hours. Owing to distance three sons, Archie of Cali fornia, Robert and Fred of Oregon, were unable to be present. The bereaved have the warmest heart felt sympathy of all in their irreppar- able loss. he sorrow of relatives and friends is tensified by the sad simultaneous intelligence of "the death of a bright little grandson, Bobbie Virtue, at Kimberley, Cal., who was well-known and' a general favorite bere.--Statesman. al a [The London Free Press--May 31] Mr. Borden's Tour.. Mr. R. L. Borden, the Liberal- Conservative Chieftain, will pay two visits to ridings in the immedi ate vicinity of London during his toar of this Province'in June. On the 16th of the month he will be at Ingersoll, and the following day will speak at Aylmer. Altogether there will be eight or tea meetings includ- mn ed in Mr. Borden's tour, at one cf which, that at Niagara Falls, Sir James Whitney will also' be a speaker. - Additional interest is lent to the "* {coming visit by the fact that Hoo: ]. oben, the member for ~MORNING-- RECEPTION at Train. PROCESSION to the Grounds--headed by the 48th Highlanders Band FOOTBALL = -- GREENBANK vs. PORT PERRY BASEBALL: -- UXBRIDGE vs. PORT PERRY Tug-of-Warz; REACH, SCUGOG & CARTWRIGHT EZ Games interspersed with Excellent Music. &&F ¢&F Sports to commence at Ted o'clock, sharp | PIC NIC ON THE GRASS. All are cordially invited. The Committee are d be universally understood that ALL is Free. Execvrive Commrree. -- N. BRIGHT, President, DR: J _ Sonth Ontario Liberal Con. Assoeiation. 7 ~-AFTERNOON-- i. 3 'Togram (Chairman), 'W.. S: Shost, W. L. Parrish, Won Graham, P. Christie, H. G. Hutcheson, H. Lucas, E H. Purdy, L.G. Hall, John. Bright, J. W. Meharry (Sec- etary.) : 21S 2 . ., Blackstock that it sh AS MOORE, Secy, "HON. W. J. HANNA, R. L. BORDEN, M.P. COL. SAM HUGHES, M.P., Lindssy MAJ. S. S. SHARPE, M.P., Urbridge - C. J. THORNTON, M. P., Leaskard S. FOX, M. P.P., Lindsay J. H. DEVITT, M.P.P W. H. HOYLE, M.P.P., Ginnirglon. CHAS. CALDER, M.P.P., Brooklin WM, SMITH, ex-M.P., Columbus P. CHRISTIE, ex-M.P., Manchester The Town will be Gorgeously Decorated < by Professionals from Peterboro as well as by our citizens. &&F Special Trains from Toronto and Oshawa. 14 i At 40 by, the: i ; : Sid division, and one of the House of accordingly. license must be lodged with the Ins speciot four days preceeding Lhe meetings . By order, LEWIS R, LUKE, wh Lospectofe Oshawa, June 4, 1910. § STRAY CATTLE, HAVE upon my premis-s Three Head YoungCattle marked with a pig ring in right ear. The owner will plea-a come, prove ownership, pay expens s aud (ane them away. 5 GEO. WELCH Lot 15, CoN 7, Reach. Deering Binder for Sale Fos SALE AT A BARGAIN {a Deering Binder as good Ins new; it having only cuf twenty acres of grain 3 : ; to 2 APE sl; TUMMONDS Good Pasturage. The undersigned hava an abun- dance of Choice Pasture for a very fimited number of Cattle on lot 13, | con. 7, Reach, (225 -acres). Good running water and shade, No grazing permitted until June 1st, this will ensare fine pasturage. to commence with, ? D. J. & D. ADAMS. May 18,1910, YOU BEGIN TO THINK Better Trina Now! B werei |B have trained and put = road to succsss, 'Write for particulars Peterhoro' o whi iherefore govern themselves Petitions against granting such 3 H rhe difference between the LARGE i - SORE WRC RRR the sympathy of the whole county in the their sudden bereavment. 4 * The unfortunate young man was 3 Sephew of: our esteemed townsman $ ic Prince Al neetve| EYRGUTORS' SALR 1} Notice to Creditors 2 i} accompany his leader {7 | gree" {Of Willis Walder Cook, {2 erty. / It seems Real Bstats, Household Goods & Chatto deceased. FREE ih ablest 'men io the mous,