'Strayed Heifer 4 AME {nto'tha premises of the sub- 0 Ahr on hg 6. Reach, SPADE fe 25rd day of May, 1910, a Yearling vifor, Tha owner is reqnsted to fous, | prove pr vy PRY 6XPrURR AN Re Bava, thie iat Vil bo Hold as the directs.' : ay en JOHN suiTH. Lpsom, June 23, 1910. hd ; , Farm for Sale ARM FOR SALE -- known as, the ; x Ewers' Homstead -- Manchester, _ two miles from Port Perry, containing between 95 and 100 acres, | €lay loan Bids or communications received, and -* particulars from NORMAN EWERS, 69 Alexander St, oronty Notice to Creditors of illis , Walder Cook; decedsed. Bot HCN en 5 URSUANT to Sec. 38.0f Chapter 129 of the Ruvised Statutes of Ontario, 4 notice is hereby given that all editors and others having claims int the edtate'of Willis Walder Cook, te of the Township ;ot Reach, in, the uty sf Ontario who died on or about the Thirty first day of May A-D- 19¥o, afe bh or-before the Twentieth day .of July A.D: 1910, to send hy post, pre-pa Win. H, Harris, Pof{ Perry, Ont, £ i for the Executorsof the said deceased their christian, names and surnames.. ad: flresses and descriptions, the full particu- ars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and nature of the Securities if huiy) held by th d that feel ie day ja tid Execulo 25 Bre and not be liable y part thereof, to any person or ersons of whose claim &r claims hotice thalliot have been received by them at {hie tithe of such distribution . ated at Port Perry this Fifteenth day of June, AD, 1910, WM, H, HARRIS, . = PORT PERRY, ONT} Solicitor for ' _ Briza Coox 7 Jas McCuLLOCH pw: M: WirLiams Notice fo Creditors in the Matter of the state of Henry. Poole, late of the Township of Caft- wright, fn the County of Durham; Yeoman, deceased: J OTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN N pursuant to the Ruviged Statutes of at 0, 1807, Chapter 429, See. 88, that all creditors and others ving olaims Aguinst the said esata} Henry Pool. who died on or about the Six nth day of May, A.D.. 1910, are re. ired on or before the 80th day of July, a BL 1910, to send by post prepaid or deliver to Juo, W. Crozier, Port Ferry, Solicitor fur the Executors of the said Bre th ir an A on wor n addresses and d XT tions, t 8 arn OF thers claims, the their account and the na- gsecurity (if any) held by AE Exectfors 2 he { '4 among the entitled therato, having rezard y to the claims of which they shall ave notice, an that the said Ex- ! 11 not Liable for the assets Sonia notice shal nok YOU" NATURALLY CO ~ MeGAW'S AND IN DOING SO YOU MAKE NO MISTAKE OUR STOCK FOR 1910 Far surpasses that of all' former years and is destined to create early and rapid sales and capture the most fastidions so thdt intending purchas- cr will do well to be on the alert 10 scoure the choicest. Some of the more 'mpsing, latest and newest. crea- Lins are two-toned 13rocade papers, Chintzes, etc. jut why enumerate, our Stock is so comprehensive, that it embraces every style and grade ot Wall Papers know to the manufacturers, and our prices cannot fail to please. £2 Dou't fail to inspect our magnifi- cent sth. AVING purchased the f Butchering Business and aood will of Mr. I J. Wheeler Lavoutd dike to inform all his old customers, dnd as maoy new ones as possible that I intend to keep at 'all tities a good assortment of all kinds Of the Best Meats--Fresh and | Salt--obtainable and at reas- onable rites as possible. . Tam also in the market, at all times, for Choice tattle, Hogs. Shecp and 'the Highest Market Lrices. gz Fresh Vish every Tuesday. Coutreous treatment and prompt delivery. Bay 26, 1900. W: £. BOYCE. - 3 bo bi ve gs . Dangerous Reproductions. -4Aq artist" said Mr. eechum, "should sttive to reproduce what is pearest to his thought and deepest in hfs affection." 2. 3 "Yes," replied the mercenary genius, "but 'the laws agaist counterfeiting: currency dre so severs["-- Washi, Star. 3 re. te 5 & + is UL La Judge--Haye = rintng to ay Before] pass sentence? I'risoner (Who ws human vatore)--Yes. my lord; Sittings of the Hivisioh Courls . QOUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1910. 1» WHITBY Clerk, Miss E. L. Mac- "* "donell, Whitly--Jan, 10. Fh 8. March 2, April'6, May 4, June 2, July2 , Sept. 7, Uct. 6, Nov. 6, Dec. 8, dan. 7,19 ARE. 01a WA--C : donell, Whit 5 1 March 8, A J ; uly 4, Spt. 8, Oct. 7, Nov. 8, Dec. : apn tH. AR 2. BROUGHAM ~£Clefk, M. Qlee:on, 'Greenwood--Jan. 12, March 4, May 6, July 5, Sept, 9, Nov, 9, Jan. 16, 3.1 ORT FERRY --Clegk. J. \V. Barn. . bm, Pore Percy--Jday, 14, Margh 7, May 30, Juv 8, Sept 10, Név. 10, 7, 181 : or IR ANIC 3 5. CANNINGTON--Clork, Gan. Smif, Cabuington-- Jan. 20, March 80, May 18, July 28, Sept.}22, Jaw 12.1910 C |6. BEAVERTON, --* Clerk, James M. - Gordon, Baaverton-~Jan 19, March 3 18, Jan. 13, 19iL |7. UPTERGROVE. em rl, : Ron afioh | Dited at Whitby, No f.ambs Calves, Hides and Sheepskins, at $4.00 Boots or Oxfords discou # '" " .00 " 1 AE k Nov. 17, . 81, May 19, July 27, Sept. 21, Nov. Our Magnificent Stock of Sprig aud Sug TTT range ever shown wR Beautiful Suitngs is p-o2omneed "by compeent ju MOST eqomplete =e7 18 for Splendid ang Pantings and Vesfings. OUR $3 and $3 Pints before youlBuy. SY. M.D BH gs § Eb 2 3 § § % 2 ? 8 @ @ 50° 502502500 508 0m 500 body & GOAL DE No. 1 ITard Coal (any size) Lopez Coal (a softer Coal) Blacksmith €oal S team Coal Port Perry, Jan., 1909 * 504500 5050500500 SSC p-to-Date D Working Largest ort Perry ig u Wl. REAL BS Expeieaca i Invaindly: Essential to Succes. AVING, hid, sqiderable Sales o sofiie; Targest 12: h FARMS FOR 1 would call special attention of parti Four fine properties now listed and for Three Farms in Scugog. in Reach. CAWKER BROS b. P ER K| NS FRESH AND TENDER Hi This is tbe timie to sell Nursery] Stock + ToroN16, \HE UNDERBIGNED havirg purchibed te PH EARERY AND CONF EC FIONE K BUSINESS formerly carried on by Mr. Chas. Pearn, together with building and all the appurtenances be- longing thereto, yrpoes carrying on the Bakery and 'Corfectighety Business as it $hould be¢,' No expense or pains Will be spared in order to cater to the public in a manner that cannot fail to mee: their approbation. 'Ctisjofpess will eet courteous treat-- ment, and every e. fort will ba made to supply their Nishes and demaads at prices that cannot fail to please. (Successors To Jamissoft & DEenN1soN.) 2 LIVERY Having purchased the Liyery business carried on by Jamieson, & Dennison, and the premises, con- nected theteyith we ifitend to RE HORSE THE STABLES | b fitstclass animals, and instal} All Bread, Fancy Pastry, and Confectionery produced at my establishment will be absolutely pure and as near perfettion as possible--nothing ut the best and most approved ingredients will' be utilized in their production, regardless of expense. . xX with modern ; comfort and convenience cannot be surpassed. 3 Special attention paid fo the requirements of Eommercial Travel- ers. 5 Our charges are moderate and Yours truly, we guarantee to please our patrons. Patronage solicited. i N. INGRAM. EZ" Phone No. 2. . Ve ay ; CAWRfR BROS. on W. H. TUMMONDS, V. 8: PORT PERRY ir TAL ar Prompt attention given to all orders, _ Thaoking the public, in anticipation, for their liberal and extensive patronage. TO MY PATRONS ONE AND ALL WANTING 70 Replenish Their Homes with ORT PERRY. | Gloed and Cheap Furniture Has of + War. en tonds for the practice of hig| I beg fo say that my Warerooms fare complete with a' Well Selected' profession, iwhere calls .by phone or | Stock of Furniture, stich as PARLOR SWITES, BEDROOM np otherwise--riight of ay--wiil be prompt: | DINING ROOM SETS, SPRING BEDS, a New kind, COUCHES ly responded to. All work guaranteed. | gy ints : : : Cirarges moderate. Patronage solicited. Extra Finished. In fact I can supply everything toa Well Furnished wm. Entrance to Office, east side of store. Phone 45. . ~ atv, i ¢ 2 ouse: My Undertaking Department Ts fully supplied with a Good Stock neccssary for a Well Conducted Funeral. PHOSPHONOL % Electric Restorer for Men. Restores every nerve in the body to its proper tension; restores vim and vitality. Primature decay and all sex- nal 'weakness averted at once. Phos- pbonol will make you a new man.-- Price $3.00 a box, or two boxes foc 85. Your Pafronage Solicited. &ZF AGENT FOR MONUMENTS. , Malled to any: address, on reeeipt of JOHN NOTT prica. The Scobell Drug Co., St. Cath- | "an sous FRESH & TENDER SAWKER BROS. In returning thanks to tho | public for the extensive pat- | ronage bestowed upon them would intimate, that asin the past only choice fat animals will be slaughtered, so as to ensure the choicest and ten- derests Cuts possible, and we intend at all times to have an | | a ample supply of HEADACHES | are nearly always catised by FIRED BYES hich require spectacles Consult me F E TUKE REFRACTING «Li y. OPTICIAN; 159 Yonge St, Toronto. Opposite Simpsons'. NILW Merchant Tailor Shop E MEATS which we will cut to please and deliver promptly. EZ SMOKED AND SALT MEATS A SPECIALTY. went A FULL STOCK Tailoring HN Business tn the Ebbels Block, ith "a fine collection of Suitings, Vestiugs and Pauntings. Begs to announce to the Citizens of Port Perry and surround- ingeountry that he has opened OF EVERYTHING IN THE Harness Line Having had a large exper- 1 tence I am prepared lo mak Suits. Mgr? shin fd Cheap GH ERPNESS STILE, Duability and | and Up-to-Date as any in lhe STRENGTH, trade. Suits made to brdér from Cannot be urpassed in the County, Sroiip. Port Perry, May, 1906. 4 WANTED | A Represéntative for Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks ; PORT PERRY sada * We pay liberally and offer steady employment. Our list of SPECIAL~ Tis embraces a rare and choice list of ready sellers in both Fruit and : OxnaMINTAL stock. SEED POTATORS, Bla cksmthin g &c. hd Write for terms and ¢atalogue. STONE & WELLINGTON = ho Aa a 2 IN ALL ITS BRANC Orders promptly attended to | W. A. BEATTY THE FONTHIGL NURSERIES (Established 1837) ONTARIO I ge a) berful in regulating the gener: 8 wane West Territory and in, |itoba., Parties g 10 any Pines Femala Pills-- Wife's Friend 3 Avtelidble t regulator ; never fails. White, these. Pills ate .éxceed ri pow Va prs , of the femaly system, v are strictly eafo to nse. Refuse all cheap Limftations. Dr, de Vail's are 'sold at] $5.00 a box, or three for'$10 00. ° Mailed | to anv address. The Scobell Drug Co. St. Catharines, Ont. a - Klandyke, British Columbia |* iy above paris call on A. C.P.R. ticket agent, for in jates, &c. EERE