The Show. at Port Perry 10-| eg. The lar youn, tad has sod} peg: popular young y that her ears -- by at disease, her bands tied utes we were -ad-| was never before seen in Port Perry. am: Buk: first! Ther will be. no extia charge at the Js quite ig Coin 3 ree wZam- Fwy boy a boils Ay id pfuprions 'he was 86 bad that he was he mix with other children. Zam-Dok. is a, wonderful prepara- d mothers 'throughout the Fal keep it handy." _ For eczema; /gtuptions; rashes, orm, aud similar skin diseases, Zam. Buk is without an equal, * It alsa cures cuts, burns, gcalds, piles, abscesses, chronic _ sores, blood péisoning, etc. All ists and 'stores at so cents a * box, or post free from price for Zam- Buk Co., Toronto. *. tion§. # & THE OBSERVER as 4 O « Goon KIRcula Ten, ua i 1, VOL. Be ho BRST Sav sin ho Medium in County'; is the champion of the § te of the more con- and , is not .@ and it ig the Oldest Send Best Fatal ished founded in x857--the most original and best in "its' focal end general news depart- "snent and i8 ted entirely in the place pf publication--FPort Px Tmas--g1 per annum in advance, paid in advance, $1.50 : jor f ns will be Blase 3 MODERN STYLES AND AT Low PRICES. 'Several sums from NEY. £05 sioioo0 nave ediat me for immediate in- wasliitent at Tove: rate. ¢ HUBERT 1. EBBELS, # : Barrister, Port Perry. Wo Ontario Observer. {The Oficial Paper of the People.) er - FOUNDED IN 1857. Su Yuper Frinia ud Published in PORT PERRY, SEPT. 15 "ryt. ee HAMMERED IT IN. Ey Free Trader on Lauri tS Beirayal ot the Frees Cause -- Whastern TO ra Protest. Ottawa, Spr. 8th. "The Economist of London, Eng- efuse imita- | ¥ 8 class of S waits of heiress land, is a financial weekly journal]s of high repute. It is a journal of strong free-trade views. In its JAssue of August 27th it publishes a letter from Edmonton, Alberta, in "which it discusses Sir Wilfrid Laurie's troubles in his western Bi position is uncom- bly vulnerable. When the ) will be one of the| ogideq ai) her lifetime inPort Perry, Exhibitions ever|ang for a number of years filled |r section of country his are added. he tetian Church, an. unusually attrac. popular display may be "The Directors of the most ably and acceptably - iH Her 'efforts were of tke Ascension and Presbyterian churches; for 'at ' many musical ebents of ible Hier yalilable services plsition of Organist of the Presby: | not confined, however, to the Church |; valves on' them the Show the grar it oth to be have been called into requisition in! and have been given with that cheerfulness that endeared her to a very' large circle 'of admiritiz| ¢ pi columns of the Packet - last that dt east seventy five ~ | should be built in. Orillia Juri present season in 'order to my requirements, there ¥ere wha were inclined to think t timate high. But ag, with th vent of new families in conus with our 'Wew industries and® e | general business, the demant s|in Port Parry. houses grows, and it is rdpidi coming a serious question as all the new comers are to be for the winter, Mr. Tudhope's ment does bot appear to have so far astray.--Orilha Pack OYSTER BRESTAURAN Tngrant has antand will keep a full supply celebrated Deep Sea Oysters, wh will sell by the Plate or Glass, supply them in quantities for Parties, &c, he has also the ne persequites that go to make Oys more palitable. --e rset The Bait Talent ever on ob¢ Fair Wsddalod cert, Sept. 16 Fair A ssoclation Cones : Sept. 16 ye aah Finance An Electric company at Montclair, N. J., hi e | $20 for spoiling two to make room for a; Montreal electric com pay at the game rite. shade trees they wold derive a hands from the tree butcéherse 'know why they shoul ® | trees of Montreal are ing. When" once v will never be replac Ask Edw. 1 Ld Teligions Macdonald Bullying. I¥ Dirusrivoe "Votes Consirva- Tive It WiLL Ger No Post Orrice '--MopgrN Lrilgrit 'METHODS. Ottawa, September 8H. ~ At Sir Vilfrid Laoriet's Lethbridge meet ig the West was Riven a taste of Lethbridge is greatly in of 4 post office, 'the town hav- gone years, - During the general tion - the. eletiors were assured Liberal canvassers that the town could not get a Bbst Office if the 'coustinency was foolish entough to t a Conservative. The constit- ugncy did elect a Consérvative, and no post office has been erected, {though sith biidings have been sown thickly 1% the Maritime Pro: vinces in towns less than quarter the size of Lethbridge. Mr. E.M. Macdonald, the oele: brated 'leader of the blockers' brig: ; arid Was one of the first speak- to address the meething au hbridge and in the couse of bis gech he said t ' Ftope we bave no ee attempt to bully them that Sit Wil- ©: | rid Laurier saw that the thing had loyee | had been overdone, - and when iit came his tern fo speak heapologized Tt was a highly Improbable story, | hose indeed, says the London Frée Press, Comic Sbrg-- Da Bye 2 Bert "Miresy! ) Tw Punchionettes-- Punch and the Baby Robert Clarke, Character Crstume Song--I1 Want Some One fo Love Me Eva Cuthibedt. » Comte Song-- | é | Yom Bert ; Reading Mrs. | Latbrops. Love Affairs Whitewa; Ly AY. 2 Plano hi Selected Mrs. Harvey. Comic Character Duet-- 8 Selected Miss Catlibert and Bert Harony. ---- Ltt w= A Stiie Fi ten ADDITION Port PERRY Ts Api Douglas Adams. General Agents (or t Yorkshire {Live vo Sto kK) dnsuranes Cov, of York, Eu fotship Pi offers Gennd of & Silver Sop! tie $20.00, for the best Stallion, ény age or breed. The plans of the Allan Steamship Company for the improvement of its Canadian service : provide: for the construction of three turbine steam: ers; each 700 feet in length, regis~ tering: 20,000 tons; aiid having. a speed of Z knots an Hour. It would appear that Canada will soon. haye an' 'Atlantic Ii way tion in' Bn; To the" latter awarding the bit' Hope's next- lace," Boor: En itself on "beitg pa; : Lortsoner" fraud are 'welug received by, 8 persons '# Canade Mexico. Thejs' 'sodmwanioatipns porphin come from & gan who has beéd for bapkrubtey, and | that este from Otfawa to the effect | some ; Bt: thatin an old strong box the tr ury depattment tad been found a |" half million dollars for whie that is found that Ottawa is unable to account fot, he