al attention' nid 1p the x topoacial of Commercial Tratel- eral and ¢ ers... i: : Our clidtges are moderate and we guaraatee to please our patrons. Patrofiage solicited; E> Phone No. 2. = OAWEER BROS: Keéaps in Stock a PORT PERRY Subp of up-to prays: CAWKER BROS - -08 tn. Tummonds for the practice of his Pp up to g profession, where calls by phone or 5 " = 4 otherwise--night or day--will be prompt- TS ly responded to, All werk gnaranteed. J Aha Charges moderate. Patronage solicited, o EE a In returning dishes to 'the store. Phone 43. public for the extensive pat- ronage bestowed upon them would intimate, that asin th FIRST - -CLASS PASTURE past. a fat i Sir HE PORT PERRY, REACH | Will ba slaughtered, 80 as to & SCUQOG AGRL SOCIETY |ensure the choicest and ten- are desirous of pasturipg about 300 1 i head of Sheep and I ine on its fora os pessitly iM wo founds for the next three months, intend at all times to have an he pasture is No. 1 and charges |ample supply of are moderate. Apply to J C. BROWNE, |pREg AND PENDER CHOICE MEATS fe Wi & H Port Perty. Aug. 23, 1910. which we will cut to please and deliver promptly. were still green 4 : SMOKED AND A 2 Y. There. were in all EZ Sarr Me TS A SPECIALTY, Most dealars buy their Groceries on the A. : at a iia Llray of AIGHET, § @y TE A E U LL STOCH Jen on , : caused * by ad ep Ay MUA rng |W TIRED EYES to OR-BYBRYTHING ne Tak 1 h H3 u oA hich require spectacles Consult me FB LUKB, IErmacrive 159 Yonge St., Toronto. GHRAPNESS 8T LE Opposite Simpsons'. ~ is Duability and Stewart M. Graham, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, STRENGTH, PORT PERRY, Gradaate of Jones' National School dieses Pat solicited Terms reasonable. ¥ atronage solicites 8 ! i Robes, Blankets, Bells, Tranks Berkshires For Sale. [*® eT : RE Oompelrfi OUR BERKSHIRE SOWS-- perison of Prices Courted nsurance is extensively eo : two with litters of ten gach and toed in ly 5 benefits defived| Ni i a two bred to farrq® in October--at W. A BEATTY such a Source in En, ; galoniatie. Tig jeatorisble prices to make room. ny - 9 3 } Jno. W. Crozier. | ) eh : ; : = A Port Perry, Sépt. 8th, 1gto. | Meborrs || rons Nothing. Like Beef! P mnty bo wah tl MEN ; Foi CLASS DRIVING Cannot be drpsied in the County, y 4 MARE IN FOAL, FOR|. i. ety, y 1 . All FSATE. Apply t AVING pirechased Ha exists about the ay { ps Ll 7 RPRYR J. IRVIN. H PVR and ~ : : Port Perry, Sept. 13, 1910! ood will of Mr. L J. Wheeler b . poof ih rE - would like to. inform: all his | Kp drighe 18 8 hr) ESTAURANT. [old customers and as many Essential ts Stiée - i goa In addition to his other business, Mr. new. Snes as possible, that i Lo : Rat apend at Didier. Resta, intend to keep at : a A ii bee fn sory of the|g00d yl of; Sea. ystems, which he | thé