W. Leonard. pol the castern lines CPR. In Westmount, : wad to the extent of about $5,000 % . ol last. night. thai av Was Anpoun A Ww. Carnegie has set apart $10. 000,000 as a fund to he devoted fo indd in sip of his pet hol Fes gs, THURSDA Election of Mr. thar Gilbert $n: Drummond and Arthabaska - been protested, Mr. Baltour's referendum proposal 'has created 8 serious spit in the gine forces. .. Baker Eddy's will has been wih mother church being named residuary legatee. EE Wood drew attention to the nupreparedness of the United ist invasion by foreigu a 3. BH. MeGill & Rs of Bowmen of Bim- r énera or. the + Baptist unday | work of Ontario neg Quebec. | $21,627 hel wy peng ron from the of 8. Silberman & Sons, Chicago, 'thieves 'carrying the "ihe plunder away in 8 wagon. | A heavy rainiall continued yester-| J; laay. andthe flood situation. in north- | erm aly became more serious hour- ly. The Tiber has risen until it is 1 'above its normal level. Contracts wers let Tuesday for the! nstruction of two British battle | nigel "provided for im She sarrest aval program specifica- | or" vessels of 24,000 fons, 000 hor oa nit, Jopontt & to bo to-day, has till Jan. 14 to live, | ter of Justice havi post: | the Sxechtion dossuss ringing. | last evening, she fell landing. In her tumble! baby was ant killed, i ehcp iain | : ma hospital window a urg Ee P. "Proctor. one of 6 bast-khown practitioners in fhe! "ity, was killed. Only 'on T i another. doctor shot himself in the. femple, and within a week a patient another , hospital threw himself' 3 a window, dying soon afterwards. | FRIDAY. wing dissensions in! Sr foe British Tories. he os aaa will send a military contin: to the coronation. ; 0 Gandiet, brother of Prinels for of "Kuox 'College, died at ue. reform journals seek farmers' ' io Ottaws. 4 aieg hs sy nddressed the un Club on pow- % persons in the neighborhood of e ER 8 Of story | Ear the" particular; wil jes iu which Mrs + Brokers quotes numerous pas. sages in letters, histories, ete., Show ing that Lh dd the eurly lita of Que izabeth there was some "Sex Shaken religivusly guard: , was apparently len, the prin- feved to connection. with Elida- ted and Ty atic assever- joh she would fever "marry. With this 'preliminary hint 'of mys: tery Mr. Bloker Introduces us to the Manét House of Bisley. ther, according to padition. "tha litsle 'Pringush Blizabeth, during 'hee * childhood," was 'sant away with her 'governess for chiniige of air." While she wes there word came (hat the King wad 'comitg to 'sce his little daughter. Shortly before his arrival, however, i child develo oped acute 4 ver and befor steps could be taken for her proper attendance and Save, she died. "I'he governess fear: ed to tell her father--Heunry VIH: had Site sors of temper which did not make for the bappiness of those around "hint." The nurse thereupon hid" the body 'and scoured the neigh- borhood' for some lividg girl child who could be fiased off for the priicess. "Dut Bere, again wus a check Throughout 'the little village and its smroundings was to be' found uo. litile girl of'an age reasonably shited for the purpose required. More than ever distracted, for time was flying by, she determined to take the greater risk of u boy substitute--if a boy eould be found ¥Antl; of course, there was a boy av je--'"just such a boy asi would suit 'the special purpose for which - be. was. required, a a well know 1 Lo the governess, for the litile prin 358 taken a fancy to him. and fely been accngigmiod te play had Wim. Moreover, hs was a ted from the circumstance ofthe Rea boy, as might have been ex- i "the 8 of about' equal 'stature," King Henry, it is said, suspected no- ARang during his visit, as Elizabeth "Always feared him "and {here had been any of the iafimacies of father ami daughter between them. This isthe tradition, and, according Broker; it gill exists in the najgliborhood. of Bisley. There is also this corroborating addition to be made to ik: + "Wheh the governess wished to hide the, seoret Bariedly she hid the body, intending it to be only temporarily; in the stone coffin which lay in 'ihe garden @t Overcourt;, outside-the prin. cess' window. Some tens of years ago the bones of a young girl, lying annidot rags of fine clothing, were found in the stone coffin, The finder was a ehitrchnian--a man of thigh. wet character and a member of a cele- Jbrated 'ecclesiastical family --. and he in the story 'of 'the Bisley Before Elizabeth came' to the ull those who kriew the secret of he Shien were in some wi 3 of or their silefice "fhe mame of the betta yl Neville; or such was 'the name of the Adamily with whom he.was liv: ag" ut the time. There are Soxatal ine 'claude, It sometimes disp pe without any in to 8 *p moistare, which are aff " od = with NY ach rain--which is ef.an exceptional 'condition, for! 1 grestor rt of the surface of the earth suffers from dropght rather than ks cessive moistite--it has been sug) ed 'that it may be possible, by er: oe diss Stee stations. ier aetrat: tug into al rio! nnd * Rog. Bick (hat however, 'a0 11 vouch. 1 hly made' experiments The Cony. y og on a small ia But on a small it. is undonbtedly true that electrify ing a_cloud. brings: about the preeipi- tation" of moisture, "Whether it will be so on go scale or. nob is a matter for experi ment; but it is well known that the elgetrical state of the atmosphere the Jind of weather experienced oles Sn con! nected seh 1s Bauseand whish is eff may be uncertain, But it proul3 Soeur very desirable to tryvgiie eat on a large scale and seb W artis ficially, altering 'the. state of the at- mosphere will not, at the affect the. weather... one may be able tol Bay previ what it will be. we have Oy the expericnge, 4 will ba time to con. sider the matter, from the pragtical and commeréial point of view." Christmas Gifts mi Moderate Prices rare to be found by the "hundreds" in our new 132'page Catalogue just issued. 'Write for » copy st once --it will prove 'a great help in selecting suitable gifts. €. We pay all postal and delivery charges--guarantee safe delivery-- and refund the mopey if you sre not perfectly satishicd with the goods, X™ WRITE TO-DAY FOR CATALOGUE R RYRIE BROS. LIMITED and Sivermmt dawelers 194-130:138 YONGE 87. - TORONTO 8. Rywis, * Hazay Ri 3 President, mires pL Shackleton th Canada. - Explorer, Sir Ernest Bhackicton's pag Just stepped off a liner into and she £8; J she is not goin; as hackle fon: 18 2 train is,_gaing to practice in a and another Eng: : a nurses' | thea before. 48 { clin we seo Begs 4 "ifiob she. Thousand. {and deserted and forlorn "in abandonment, more so 'than any other relics of Java's 'past mligions, With: the incoming hordes ef Arabs, ed egnatiered. Th Hohgmednniem: an temples. with (Hel¥ hed were abandofied, dn trapie y the Lydians.| farmer. .C., and there | th ng