ES Hi Avie: tole the od wilt of Me 2 Business and ood wi Wheeler would: 4. lke lr all his old customers and is oy . ngw; ones as, intetid tp. keep Fa oe : : a ph all kinds of -- [the Best Meits+Fresh ang Salt--obtainable and at reas. SE ave now the Lidegest 8tock of te whit ro . el 4m also in the mar i, at bit ii ; Ct Colt foods evar shown in Port Perry Hogs, Sheep and Lambs fle lin, 10 is Cat Tati' Dabent Col Bots |" rier i Fe 5) ourtbdlis thetitnietif Rnd proiapt delivery cp tton--or Lace at $2.50, $2.75; $3.00 $3.50 pa a loos os i pes and Nowed Li Lats. : pair Maj 36, 1909: No ws 2 oA BOYS St Shapes in a hon ot Cdl, Saar iHtiney will be. cheerfully refunded. The millionaire taniot 8 5 an Metal aid Tad, n bily 4 better flour Tue Rovat HousetoLp, nor evel tht I = Ar aa] TR at is more economical Rh ; : , & 2 Fra SFG Ti Vion aly ae 8 fou 131 more economical. hos I , Foran & Soil. GHRAPNESS STYLE p ig pdt. fo i ita 1 fir trina es 5 g: ; et satisfied. ac Ee balayce Ey and ee - Pr === | CAR LOAD JUST RECEIVED a _.--.e.,.°_" Durability ana have come through very "well all] Gai ad yy vamale ahysiciann and nurses in. the h the provi » anid Squir- 3 o! wb 4 Rh Sg REE PimGEiE ny INGRAMS® « » Agents 1 STRENGTH, - AE ET AE EH Oi ii MAS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. the UO, A poiday, Shere a0 2 : A P ad Vital 2 w districts scatter about throug 2 For Port erty a cin ty. = & provined, where the crops own last | tices or greway Trane cord - " = x i i Ff vol intered ve oe well, but| tinues Pe dhs n flour at firm pric 3 ia Cannot be drpassed in the County. these are mich in tHe midarity and the | Oat adlan western, No. 2, lho t op 2 = 42, cir lots ex store; extra No.l feed, x inter crops getierhlly have come i throigh the Winter aplendidly and a ae, 8 CW, doe to dic; we : No. ocal promise a Fina yicld *alftbet" every- hits, he 10, fc; Na ocal Vite, 38340 {n Ont: to see. out--Manito 8 5 Robes: B bate: 1 i Mame En TS (KENNEDY &KENNEDY ib fr inh Sona looked wi. rade tI a ri: oot | B ° Aoi, tn LLANE "Ro less enconraging are the indica iy me $1.85 to 32. Rolled oats; | HB a y apt pong wus repels Boring crops" anal Sane, Te he BE Tod CURE DISEASES OF MER oN ; | Comparison of Prices Odarted feed--Bran; - Ontario, $22; Man i ah Bi PATIENTS TREATED Ti Sustivuy | CANADA FOR 20 YEARS {tepartment. The Suring wheat, bar-| gaan, Ontarlo, $22.00 essa | veo ley aud oat crops are just nicely getting Fanitota: 125: glo, Hoh $50 t ¥ Dr AS eTpranly hewp hrs W. A. BE ATTY thr the ground and an aversnge of id oso 0 fiat San 2a Thirds re pu ud oF orts received shows that there | [er cwt Beef--Plate, halt barrels, 108 a au ol Pi ont . 5 Lo een a good gHrmifistion of the Bei 1 Rn Herod; iran "dirouah the Nits ot frat -t i And the fields look healthy. The} xs | 94¢; boxes, 30 Iba, net (parche them Ee ira of Posts the Farmef siblp LE ans as they own and wn Ses Duliding in | Detrott, xii rs Ao When they cecide ORF ble, | yous worry fs fpinoy oy is now they will not ve you. 8; guaraptep. to cure rable cases. No favorable. for secding operations. There | &d, to handles; sto; pans, wood, has boon an increased quantity of s'-| Eros 0d ral DE ae wart. falfa rowp this year, but it 118 100 800L | barrels, $11; a prt -cut andl back | weather in most districts has been | ment lined), 9%c; tubs, (0 15s. Ie, graias Rad on Market Conditions FR ESH & TEN DER is mapping your life 1y degrees; ht ou ai Parr ors the ro dults 'of rast (liscre- to speak about Lhe root crop. 3 pork, 45 to 85 LT rrejd, $21.50; Can-' fia ya 45 Syren 8 to %_plevsa, Debeht Lg Be Bait how much money TT TT bar< vain; : Efi res n 180 to 1 Edbraged You may be. don i Frown in Ags ; fo useless trips to town for the : ee Bs 11%c, oh on spac iallsts, tian are Sop resen! f Hi Bell joButter--Cholceat, 2h {0 22; seeom within the clutches of any secret habit w bi progressive armer, S CE 23 IR o &, > tions; if your blood has been taihited from toy private diserss and ott dare pot marry; it Jou are married and lve in dread of sy' toms breaking out and expoeing your pas! if you are su: nD Vi Sunt of : ie i yront Jife--Des. K. 30 ¥ Lay your case en Sindy ed 2Y thoy will tell you honestly if you are cura! YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED Telephone saves him ail that. The late&t market quotations are his, and he In returning thanks to the | | waits till FE tonditions are right before ehip- CATTLE MARKETS. toronto. Live Stock. : % TURONTO, May 13. --Receiptd of) § Ie stock at the Clty Market were. H 9 ecdrlddds, consisting of 640, cattle; | 2184 hogs, 380 sheep and ldmbs, i 351 talves: public for the extensive pat- | Of ronage bestowed upon them | : Br Telephone is as necessary fo the up-is- would intimate, that asin tho te farmer as are modern agricultural imple past only choice fat animals tches 1 : i | 2 a Ji a wo owl He pod have both: ; will be slaughtered, so as to | ' ad a choles Ee 8 i BELL TEIRPHONE COMPANY neg the clioicest and ten- | (iit | WANE EY wh on 4 Ey a {thon erests Cuts possible, -and we |-f I ! 18, newb MIR BOING i targe Extension Rural 1 1 "alte on out. a hoy eg i AL D in a va District of is : intend at all times to have an k il BIKE i, Pope. fom a os 'Th RS j ample supply of | 8tockefd and es More stocked ahd feeders are wanted, gir io loes sre Joostad | i ay expeivi Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich, from Canada must be addressed fase it parched aor de [ee fra Fa: : NOTICE {or Choniin Correspondence Depart bringing 4 construction rung to the D FRESH AND TENDER CHOICE E MEATS is suitalfle either for passengers to Tad 0 Ki oe siockers, 40 abut 19 Wistar, Ont." If yo desite vo hb which we will cit to pledse aid deliver promptly. sme 1ly call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat Ee dels Ia Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and £5 an business only. Address all letters as folloWs: DRS. KENNEDY & ESANVEDY, Windsar, Of Write for our private address. __ sometls pot ot all > desire System should oi place thelr bets on w A full stipply of flrst-class Horses 3 appointment Safe the fy , : or and Rigs. " . Fle - prot : " sd ; 3, =» |} LR Took Rhona -- DE Blacksmithing?! Portland Gerdtent-- A full stock con. 3 . stdntly dh hand. NQ young person ean have a » Agent or the Loeal Manager: IV RTT: CTS Ar Gasoline and Coal Oil always in Tetto aatmtd rita nd stock: : _t] versities of fortune or & better fe ok | THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY GF GARABA; Oraers promptly #tton 7) Pion Oroers-- Dell or Independ []iource in a time of ficed than a Y IDL > Satie 30 eit--prothiptly attended to, || thorough busiiices trdining: MONTREAL. £ ; Rs eo J Et SHEDS a Ret ee faclities to give youthebest trafning : pr A Specialty, dons on Scisntifio Prinoiplé§ each, per owt; and baggage or both, having two sof fds and Ta, : « seats-and corfiiifodious fear accom ok = es 2 ematng modation. Chatge§ moderate. tea Fices ranged Conia 50" Soexdt AR Salt MEATS A SPECIAL TY. rend » wn the Ifrovince. Our teathers gre Tickers to ALL FARTS OF THE {| SPE! FathlTe, 3 b uw) s orRLD.--Mr, W. H, McCaw, Port }§ nud. sliorthan regg) subjucts : a . hl Jorn now in a Position 1 fsaue {1 1ter | ¥Bt.iow DBRT CORN MANGEL SEED fickets to all parts of the worl and Sm OF RNIP SEED © = to supply dll nécessary information || HOME STUDY COURSES FLINT CORN x Stn eee mms to parties 4s to iy cheapest and : = GARDEN CORN HUNGARIAN RE and Satlsfactlon @uarantsed; et Memon (bn | Lindsay Business College Fl canpew shams MILLEETT foad and Steamship lines, he bias {} (AMiated with Orfiftx Bus. College) ] been 1 sappoinied icket Agent for TI Meharry) the Gra unk Railway, Patties' | L H: SPOTTON - President. bi i W M > dl Ke G. Dowson datending to travel Will consult their | GROCERIES Eo REAL ESTATE BROKER : (Sucbessor to A. W. Allin.) Wea bor Snes sume mie | - FRESH AND RELIABLE AS USUAL I BR HR : i ? £7 BusciEs Vito Carload | Renioved to Shop oposite Orie Milling Co's ofiés erionos is Invariably iy oF I pts To ff | Gee pT i 1 s an re - Ti i CR ed caused by 19 | WITH ALL THE DELICACIES 3 THE SEASON. ll SEES eins Ba aie FIRED BYES = hen fl | J Vee, to disposi el ITBY_ Corky Mis E, 1g THY § ne 4 id oN Rk : hi : 1 ms ; OSITATA Clerk, Miss E. @ if special tfention of artes sequiring arms to Si gr a % ®@ ties now listed pe | Opbosite pa Sak © oy A fh vh : a ro --_-- i t. 18, Oct.8, N ne Farms in Sougog. | Cande's Greatest Maffdrieg| or is EE 7 28 ¢ 2. BROUGHAM Clerk, L 3 906 ties 5 = of disposing of landed properties | Want a rortoominting for mn gn i Swen' 5 Le their own interests by placing them with' me for POR? PERRY ad 5, Sept. 14, Nov. 9, Jan. 4, 9g re faction gyargntend, | and Surrounding THateiat * 000@ 1 4 | Then, rent ation o 3. PORT PERRY Clerk, J. W. Burn o%@ £ shout Comintesh afofon Real Estate security ol Ey Hy £0 ey Jas. HE 050@ | in surfis fo suit borrowers, at unusually low name must be appreciated the Ja ya 7" : L015@ 0 RE rates. - Quick action. 3 Fabia or they would not ve helped i # wi a ¥ 010 @ ¢ present the most desirable Fire and Life Instradcé 1687, 7, the dave out burned Soars s ae Ux yuan oun. Eu 30 @ o Prompt attention given to applications: Ode firm's name londs prestige to our 3% uy 28, Sept. 22; Nov, is : °@ x pt. 3, 1901. . epresonintivee. da a. -- " | Complete line oi Nufser§ Sock for 5, TO Cot, Gen! sik Spring 1911, - Canningt RE 12, Mare : may Write for Full Particulars. May 17, %, Sot. 3, Nov. = Bai STONE & WELLINGTON [ ait i #1 : ' THE FONTHILL NURSERIES [6 BEAVERTON -- Cort, : 3 di Ne > - 25 SRE i Deeringfinder for Salg|rorovre: =. = Owmamol 30ayiis Jubyin, Sept. ad hr .e ? T ROROVE Fob SALE GAT A, BARG 4 br. de Van's ; mig teh as good rch 81, May: Desting bo pi twelity. os of Now, 14 his i Eh i Ee i or TusNONDS. fan Fes, ty 17, 1916,