SIMON [10652] (13752)--This Clyd®dale Stallion the pro- -M. Macfarlane, Sonya, will 'make the present season as foLows -- y ni Wm, Foster's, cor 3 esdoy noon, R. W. M fect ell's, von: 2, Mariposa: Tuesday wight, Caleb Hicks', NS tentin, Wednesday moon Jas, Raley's, con. 2, Ops. Wednes- day night, John Cuddy's, con 2, Ops. Thureday noon, Leslie Webster' 00 Station, « Friday or 8, Mariposa, Saturday noon, MoDopall' 's, 00n-5, Mariposa. Sat- wa Stabile sud Fewaiy W% ay jeagrave. Tuesday 's, cou: 1i, Reach. t, James Mackie's, Green- nesday Doon, John Horn's, Sajutfeld. Wedoesday night, Robt. Acton's, Victoria Corners: Thursday roou, Robt. Acton's, Victoria Corners. Thursday night, Mr, Steele's, con 4, Brock. Friday noon, Collins' Hotel, Sunderland. Friday night, Collins' Hotel, Sunderland. Batarday noon, Jas Hadden's, Wick. Saturday night, his own stable and ro- main till Monday afternoon. Alex. artin, Manager. ROYAL RODERICK [10635] (13576) This Imported Clydesdale Stallion, the property of J- M. Macfarlane, Sonya, will make the season of 1911 at his own stable, Sonya- SILVER STAR [11540] (14366)--This Imn- ported Clydesdale Stallion, the property of J. M. Macfarlane, Sonya, will mak the season of 1911, at his own stable, Sonya. HIELSINGTON GLORY (11465] (14699) -- This Imported Clydesdale Stallion, the roperty of W. J. Hendere, Port Perry, 11 make the season of 1011 as follows -- fonday afternson will leave hir own stable and proceed to R. Cragg's, Green- bank, for night. Tuesday noon at James Boe's, then to Wm: Fair's, West Brock, for night, Wednesday to the Temper ance House, in for noon and uvight. Thurday noon and night at the Mansion House, Uxbridge. Friday noon at Wes: Page's, Reach, then to his own stable for aight, Saturday, all day at the 8ebort House, Port Perry. H. Wilson, Manager- DUNURE SOUTAR (9598) (14659)-- This Imported Diyansluls Stallion the pro- perty of W. Henders, Port Perry, will wake the present season as follows-- Mon- day, will be at the Sebert House, Port Perry, till Tuesday noon, Tuesday "after- noon proceed to K. Cragg's, Greenbank, for might. Wedaesday, Alex. Brown's, Bethesda, noon; Mausion House, Ux- bridge, till Thursday afternoon, then to his own stable Friday at Sebert House, till soon, Hope Bros, Scugog, for bight. Saturday, i House, till evening, lis own stable and remain till Monday morn- ing. ROYAL FREELAND [6098] (13698 --This Jovera A Liydssdals Stallion, the pro- hirley Syndicate, Shiriey, boy iy the season as follows --Monday leave his own stable, Shirley, aud pro- ceed to Raglan for night, Tuesday to Jas, Scott's, Darlington, for noon, Jas. Strong's, Cartwright, for night. Wed- nesday to \WWm- Patton's, noon, to Amble arm, Scugog, for night. Thursday Bros, noon, to Geo Jackson's t. Friday to St. Charles Hotel, Sens. for night: Saturday proceed to his own stahle, till Monday morning. Jas- McGregor, Manager. ROYAL KNOCKDON (11501) [4216]-- This Imported Clydesdale Stallion, the property of Wes: Frise, Seagrave, will the season of 1011, ss follows -- Tuesday afternoon leave his own stable and d to Robt. Thomas', Layton, might. Wedaesday noon at A' Fallow «down, Pinedale, Manilla for night. "Tharsday noon at Thos Reason's Salem "Corners, Wm. Stacey's for night. Friday moon at Normau Osborne's, Joseph Dawson's for night: Saturday to his owa stable and remain till the following Tuesday afternoon: CORNER STONE [3505] (11016)--This Imported Premium Clydesdale Stallion, the property of J. Ernest Holtby, Man- chester, will make the scason of 1011 as follows :--Tueeday will lcave his own stable, Manchester Station, and proceed to R- Cragg's, Greenbavk, for night. Wednesday, to Grand Central Hotel, Saintfield, for night: Thorsday, to Jas. Leusk'a, Wick, for night. Friday, to the Occan House, Seagrave, for night: Sat _urday, to his own stable and remain till the following Tuesday afternoon. Frank Lamb, Groom. oan, bank: ve SIR HUBERT (7566) 9789 (10023)--This Famons Imported Clydesdale Staion the property of J. Ernest Holtby, Man- chester, will make the present season as follows ;/--Monday will leave his own . stable, Manchester, and proceed to Klgy Brown's, Brock , noon ; to Wilson Home Ashburn, for night. "Tuesday, to : Sonar' 's for i) w Signy JoThos ver] or night, ursda; Studholm's for wight Friday, if pk Croser's, Utica, for night. 1, $0 bis own stable dvd remain till . John Johaston, (iroom. ANCE Eos) (12756) -- This Ci Hion the pro- a om Blanch. . theses. Practically the Tetpopsthyity 'S ST DUEL Col. ¥shn' Norton's Squaw Wite Fell in Love With One of Her Own Race and the Valiant Soldier Fought His Rival and Killed Him--Had to Flee to Avold Penalties Against Duel- ling In This Country. ° Ab the close of the War of 1812, there settled on the Grand River, On- tario, & shrewd middle-aged Bcotch- man, by the name of John Norton, known in later days among the set tlers as Cot. Norton, says Marion Dal- Jes in The Canadian Century. Nortou, like the majority of lus counttymen, tought to improve his possessions, and bcs fost a chance to accomplish this purpose, The great Mohawk, Chief Brant, was alive at this tims, and excrcised un- bounded influence among the 8ix Na- tion lndisas, settled on the Grand River. The canny Scot, who was u real toliut of fortune, touvk a cool survey e whole position of af- fairs, a hl his fone Aceosilively. of the grant, at assured Nor- | or on that If be selocted a squsw he would uss his influence st the Pow- ows. Fe finally solected n very fine fqunw, tre possessor ef a fair nhme and five hundred acres of land. Cep- tain Neilrs made John Norton and Katie Docherty man and wife. Shortly after his marriage, Norton set to work to build a mansion on his newly-acquired estate. DPosseased of great cxccutive ability and energy, the shrewd Beot soon a his wife's 'lands the source of a handsome in- g¢ome, which he spent with princely hospitality. He dressed his Indian wite in regal style, snd for many years their married lie was ws boppy as ovuld be desired. Accompanied by bis wile, Norton visited Scotland, and there Katie had the honor of being presented to royul- 3g in the yen of Quen Bit hie the wife of Ueorge IV. The Queen was very gracious to this red daugh- fer gl the Canadian forest, ond gave or many Jowels, A few of the older cople in the county remember sce- ng these when they returned to Haldimand. The Queen also hed two portraite ot Mts. Norton painted, one she gave to Col. Norton, keeping the other for herself. Three or four years after the visit to Lritain, the cloud that was to dark- en their married lito and eventual deluge it with utter ruin appeared, no bigger then a man's hand. A certain Indian, named Ordndas Joe, began to pay court in a shy way to Mrs. Norton. The foolish woman emiled on her new lover--the result was disgrece and exposure. The in- jured husband determined to have re- venge on the scoundrel who had brought dizshondr on his house. He gave him the choice of fighting a duel or being shot down in his tracks Tis Indian; to do him justice, seems to have been no coward in this, he chieertully agreed to fight a duel, re- marking "tbut after Norton was shot he would have possession of Kate and all her prope Two heavy pistols were loaded by William Weir, who for many ycars kept a hotel on the Grand River. Tho Indian got the first choice of weapons, then the two men stood up, back to back, and et the word of Weir stepped off six paces then turned and ized; beth stag- gered but neitber fell; wild with rage, they flew ot each other, with thelr disinaged weapons, After several in- effectual attempts to knock one an- ower down, they grappled and fell locked in & « adly cmbrace. Both men were active, musculur men, but the redskin bad the adventage in weight and yeers, Fer some tima lt w 4 fecar-d that Norton would rel overcome, but the Scotehiman, like | moby anothe % his count ren, did not know w Ye was | iten, and, bs 8 clever Siok in wreailing, got ths Indian under and begen to batter his brains oat with the butt of his istol. Then it was that tl wounded | ndian begged for mercy, pleading he | © had been shot in the thigh ie was bleeding to death. The culonal, like a modern Dagald Dalgety, desred a bystander to exam'n ener ag s thigh, and report on its audition be fyre giving up his advantage. When assured of its severe nature, he re- leased the Indian and o Bs fect 41.o Indian died of hemorrbidge two days latef. His bullet had grazed Norton's scalp, Baving 8 wholesome dread of the p -.alties attached to duelling, Norton gathered tegather bis portable proper- ty. and, converting what he could into cash, disappe ared attended only by a roere dnd. As neither one of them wna ever heard of afterwards, it was generally supposed that they made their way fo flie great nor'west, there to commence B80Cw. Katie Korton met the fate of all | false wives--a pons Hle and a | tuiserable death. Meany | n Haldimand | iT remember the old squaw, who for ber board at the doora of he ire people for many years be- fore her death, andsome Katie Docherty, who Sad honored by royalty. The Ocean Liner's Oaptain. The captain's authority over an Sean finer, aud equally, of course, naibility for ber, extend only Be time when she is crossing s when sha approaches land on wt 4 ilot sssumen, That squaw wus the | When the Odds |= AreAgainstYou = You Can Depend on DR. CHASES SYRUP OF LINSEED AND TURPENTINE Whet a fight goes on during the win colds. keeping dry and warm, and the par- ents ars worried to hear them cough. The best insurance against serious results is the use of Dr. & of L 80 well-known 1s this medicine and 80 scarcely tell you of its merits, we tations and substitutes. 6} least four imitations of Dr. Byrup of Linseed and Tur tha any dealer talk you into accapting 1fanyining but the ¢ onuine, an each thoy ith the genuine Dr. of Linseed and Turpentine you can readily whooping congh, throat irritation, and the 25 cents a bottle family size, 60 cents; 2% deol or Edmanstil, Bates oron A BAILIF Fog rapt Su CO... prompt attention. 5 ADIES' 200 IADIE Jewelled Tetohos Oe 10 00 LADIES' 1d filled wat face, suitable for chatols jewelled movements, 'American Watoh Case $17; taken for debt; yor ng) long chain, fob or J& 250 hunting or open fi guaranteed by tho Am { TDoyementa nigh and 17 jewels, adjui ; our clearing prices h, including chain © 500 ) LADIES' B solid gold Allg sion, signet top sultal 2.95 cach, worth ASubie bracelots, same Sunitihy set; 'Da "Pet od; special value, 146+ to Help You, If You Get the Genuine. ter season against coughs and The children are careless about GENTS hase's Syrup ineced and Turpentine. universally used that we nm, do want to wern you sgainst iml- nce you know that there are at Chase's tine on market, you are not likely to let bot- |. own merits, Hi ou! i) have a name of their own. shell; wi # J \nse's Syrup Theloiing sitk presents and Ee GD LADIES! AND | ik Khia Loi soldered link Taped 50 overcome croup, bronchitis, most serious coughs end colds. 6 une val () SILVER PLATED & Co., plain or satin finish, f > pos, rtigar howl, apoon holdos RUTTONS COVERED with your own material in Plain, Oval, Bon writ promptly TORONTO DRESS PLAITING CG., Phone North 3313. pitcher; last two mado to sell at shy our priced cluding tra tray, §7 87. ¢, Rin nnd combination styles. Call, 5 any of she above goods 0 or Bey for prices. Mall orders br mall or express. A smolly hold any article for ten daf day to secure these bargn! tion guaranteed. Fogarty €00 Yonge Street, Toronto 108 Viotoria Street, Taranto, Garments Cleaned FARMS FOR SA . DAWHON, NI H. SGRVE Streot, To 1 Like New Br matter where a Ive, send us your lust season's suit, costume' or coat, your Hhsehutely rato and A 'o McEACHREN, £0 ADELAIDE 8T. WEST, TORONTO. FIUXDRED ACRE Kent--brick hoyse, two at thirty-five hund tte NINETY ACRES--COUN! --twenty miles from To barn, orchard; elght thousa P TO DATI HUNDRE] County Peel; soven thous HAVE ALL SIZED FAR finproved and unimproved: Raskatchewan, Manito it will pay you to seo me. ners, feathe is, eto, era or clea Li ur pean pay express ONE WAY. SEND FOR PRICE LIST, THE CLEANER Lovely Pictures FREE QP EER NARS ture of KING GEORGE and this page! pictures to one person B The PATRIOTIC PICTURE CO. n YOU KNOW et } YOUNG Ql ! jus i r Hh prin 10 Tard addre: tre ponipid padina Av hid Toronto, FRUIT, STOUR, GRAIN A farms to sult you in Consult me. whl be sent to any reader of paper who sends us 10c. to pay Dostuges king, et. Positively not more than tw enty-two Wright avenue Toronto. ry eces inlaid ¥ Case | gunboats were there. UroxN JTPON RECEIPT OF MON] 3 £8 Fought on Morssbask By the - Firs President of ey : Paes, who was the : of the Republic of perhaps Ye man Ti righ bay matter ol ry that he, to Ww "y more than any other' from Simon Bolivar a Koy ul eridgned actnall Hom a fleet of of Ad Wis was as sndenvoring fo cross Apure river in the st for peudeace, but was prevented from do- ng so by some taht Spanish gun boats, which moved u; stream as he did. Bolivar was in de- spair for awhile. To Paes, who was second in command, he appealed for counsel, saying that he could never crops the river so long as the Spanish "If only we could capture them," the revolution- ary leader observed, "the rest would easy." Peez decided that he would have those ships or die, and he according. ly caled on.hi§ regiment ul cowboys to follow him. Paez Sime! had been a cowboy on the plains of Orinpoo end was the idol of his men. So phen. be allng ou his Horse into the follow and down Fine 3 | London Gry his men t hei thetr saddles to ba d 'ot the ves hola, letting their rns ewim back shore. aving thus out off their ee retreat, it was a question of win or dia, They fought well, aud every ganbost was captured. ew Coln-Testers In Cars To prevent fraud a number of the Council teamcars are now fitted with coin-testera. The Juice There Willl Missionary (enthusiastically) -- Now, my specialty fe work amony the young. Do you think there is a good ¢- [opening here? Heo | HO! MR. FARME =H Foti con rell your lai farm for $50 to §100 pes were] vow one four times as large money, healthy olimate, close to excellent markets, w aro advanolug from $2.50 Sl Dept. os, Toronto, Can. that there 18 an § enormous de- nang for ne Le Bell's groat hook "FIGHTING THE PAPC Kil RLS"? This now edition, which has || wouldn't yon ne wise ? t been fssued, contains over 00 prges || from, 80 acres to 1.600 ny Interesting [Nustrations and retalis st] | TCh UE Rati re 0. give best terms to nge nts, Outfit by Flt ier, Hy Send 130. for forwa sroing \arges. Boo esir | 1 i pon re reli of | | Estate, \Warman Lime, 2182 SASKATOON, AGENTS WANTED To sell 'appliances for Hghting|yo Sto Town Streets, etc.s Territory rights. Liberal commission Apply Sales Department, want to make nonoy perty fu or Ye Buildi dark Book i Avi res, Public * Buildings, Parks, iHeforantel 52 Colborne St., Toroato. TIES --for a few v One live man tak SU 1 {and best value, Fall samples will be ready on the 1:th of July, |CROWN TAILORING £0., LTD, ROCK SALT FOR FREEZING ICE CREAM TCGRONTO SALT WORKS CyquLONS WIRE FENGE full tue of farm fencos and gates. Also arna- real estate situation inh : with current list of inv and particulars of onr od -| cates, write Box 1)3. Saal AGENTS RTUNT- nters on fn, togrotlier 8 availiile ve syn 'i- Sask. 116 in every town to| e orders for MADE-TO-MEA-|~ RE Clothing. argest line cf samples in Canada FRUIT LANDS Southern British Columb has mune climate ail from £100 to $600 per divided in ten acre tracts. ane entire block at 210 A Does P..0: Good conimissions. STUDY OF OF A Sp convin gan sun ours oy foil > ; Travellors' Du tawao. TORONTO C: anadi' ~ Bost Tailors. DCCeSBUTY | mothers and iris igh Canadian, Indusy Albert stroot, Ottawa, BEND I'OIl 'R'CR. G. J. CLIY ¥, Manager, Toreuto, Out. GO TU k FOV A Hutteron s (Imp 01] Rocks and Whe ries winners from 00 oultry Farm, Know! ALE. Pays reqict | giicilars 10 od | tailed intormatiol ; mintug companies now oparating in EQGS FOR mental fence sd gates suitable for lawns, | parks and gardens. THE CYCLONE WOVEN WIRE FENCE CO, Ltd. four dollars; 0 Ahern, one Le ngle oon b black 1170 DUNDAS STREET, TORONTO. ar dof ii ani The Green Cap of the Bankrupt. There waa a Inw in force in Franee for a century oz more that compelled 14294) -- This dale Stallion, the y, Cad RMAN proms known es 2 : )~Thle Celobrated American Hired | will 'the sexson of 19¥F as y Juve His owe The Chicf (doubtiully)--Well, wo don't, as a rule, believe In giving ment to the kids, but eay an hour's extra stew--there'll be the gravy, you know--there'll be the gravy. White ° Vaseline Invaluable Internally or Coughs, . Sore Throat ~ Croup. Etc 12 Vaseline Remedies in Tubes - iz Siuntorated, Oxide y- ; Zinc, hy RR Sate phorated. Mentholated, Etc. Each, for iregy Purposes; Write For Free ~ - Vasoline Book.\_ __ Chesebrough Ms. (01850 Chabot Ave. Montreal OYERGOATS TO ORDER Send far Samples and Measure Forms. 138 BAY STREET, TORONTO. | PranceGropar 2 oo HOTEL | Union Station | i) | | Iu the centre of Theatrs, Shopping and Business District. 230 Rocme 1CO with Private Bathe EUROPEAR and RAIRICAN PLAN A 16 Gavte Hosturant At Reasonable Prices. Sam. H. THOMPSON. Paoe. TORONTO ~ QURIOUS NAVAL BATTLE | : encrels ges inde. E Fa ot it halted as hi to athet itself together for a final Fen Lablache step, forward the lowest dept of his immense Soa sent oa such a thunderous roar that the terrified animal turned and The Need of ltdeals. Mankind always needs ideals which loom 80 large in the sight of man that they cannot fail to see ti il More than ever Is this tru 3 for the turmoil end the hun ern life raise a grent dust whi times hides. the skies. Bul puslasm, dreams, Siopos are $o dnd belong jo. Youth, whi ks ever Tf news sell ii w hearts, altho reason is: ©00/ Not Familiar With the Quotation "Ah, Mr. Blinks," said the fair one Hghtly, "1 seo you wear yout heart upon your sleeve." Mr, hastily pulled down his cuffs, "1 guess maybe it was my ved flan- pel underwear you notice," he lamely remarked. of the Freight on WILSON $ won SCALES SL HAY AD STOCK SCALES in 120 Bifferent Styles special price list it To rested in money Is the way to Eave Money Drees Well JUST THINK OF ITI 6a, Coton, £11k or Mixed ky SANE Dae Pr oelNo clare VE x Que. id : STE 5 nog 8 Blinks looked bewildered and} The jog echpor ry ny ngs hy. fulfillment of th desires. 2% % sald that he Teor bird has so many . question: er that before she realizes hi gh an season hi gone by and she is forced to put eggs into the hedge pi nes! pe Coil A City Within a City. in Augsburg, Germany, thera is little city in the heart of the city shu} in all by itself win two gates and named the ™ 1% is so called because the 106 io nn it were built with money left b; the wealthy sixteenth cen Es, anker. When he died be directed that these houses should be built and then given to she poor eged families for 4 marks fd 12 pteonigs rental a year, which is Seotly one American dollar. They have four rooms. and kitchen, with & little front aes and 4 little garden behind. | Eyes and To WURME EYER REMED TED EYELIDS Mos ine lx Doon marSanthes yo Pal BOOKS AND ADVICE For Red, Weak, Weary, Watery i. 2 Selve, En, wtic Tubuts See Lion bo BYE D urine bi ifn - Sure Enough, Which? Little four-year-old Robert, Jigs many other boys of his age, liked to ask questions. So when the first downy chicks came in the spring and his mother saw him studying them most intently she knew something was com- Joe. And it did, for presently he urned to his mother and asked, "Mamma, are chickens' legs hind leys or front legs?" Torres oo ARES AREA Beandal is when you don't know af much a3 you can guess, tor Cobar Eitan RES ev 0 on-fticherdson: The Porcupine Quill A monthly publication giving de 01 over talrdy the now Porouping Gold: Fields, COPY SENT OX REQUEST: SCOTT, DAWSON _& PATERSON, STOCK BROKERS, 24 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO. AILROAD MAILED FREE Beautiful €1x Celor Picture of DAN PATCH 1:35 and MINOR HEIR 1:58 (S!7e 22x 23 inches.) £2 Yon must name how much live stock yon own. Wiite to us for this pleture. INTERNATIONAL STCCK FOOD CO, Ltd, TORONTO, CAN. This paper and state i! INTEANATIONAL STOCK FOOD. The Great Animal Tonic Is sold hy over 100,030 dealers on a spot cash guarantee ihat its use will coat you no- os ug qiesy you pet Eh results. 1f it ' e promptly ro- Food 15 u Ktranply PROVED ITS rae WORTH, ALTA, 10-10-10, The etalon "Simei Food Co., To- ron, Ont. --Gentlemens 1 feel in honor bound 0 afler you my yestiman: ul fn favor of your Lock fod ysed It faith. fully this suromer iL Pred its inys pe Able worih, It made my ES E grow, resale wore simply marvel J Fi not ba without it tor any Hines. My bores nast stefmper ceagli ih the oof cleared \t ccagpletaly ystam and they went through ork flue and came out of It fat. Flaasg duplicate my last Mis. Coa requests me to tell you ir Poultry Food ir excellent, that on your, Tou, food doubled the quantity uf roi ae, iteould not be better hes i fil and Resplig the owl healthy. --Yoins sineern fon > {Sg yi R. Con, Sco our Heaicrs, or write us with regard to our FREE TRIAL OFFER POL Cuirated med Ses oy oped af roots, herbs, pis te 1s, ety ei em 1; in with grain and purifies Gp utd adrepgtiiens the 8: nits y astion and assimi< imal obtains Sore nro nt 1 food 'taken. Its mons of grate fed bint the awonat esrtwiiated or ree tute Hh sic (het fatfors or keeps yonr stock in rood condition, id as jnternayonal Btock Food Jreisasnt assindlatiof ft will wave yo make you mere poney YOu ext EA make Re whhout fignbc, It Also onres and. prevents many forms of Aeeare Land {3 absolutely harmfess, hi i Sakon to the hugnt's shew. International Eick Tood Is er-dersed By &rer two million farmers who Rave used It for years. The editor of your funa paper will tell you we do exactly as we Ly by and ag reference we give you the Traders Bank of (anada. A MONEY MA AKER NERD TWO-SPELD SPRING FRAME MOTORCYCLES BE BO TEA AAR SS MOTORCYCLE 4 EQUIPMENT CO., 2 Kg BLY is eountzy. (CENTRAL PRESS AGENCY, LIMITED Maniifactured by the Owe! Wire Fents Uo. I "and this wHolg prepared to supply - community with the very BES WIRE FEN NCE produced oft 4 Continent and at prices that éa not fail to satisfy purchasets: The Ditton Fences witholt peet. It is the BEST becatise it flexible ; it is a square mesh ; itis a perfect hinge-stay fence, thuselore it is impossible t6 bend the sta in fact it is the best fence mad this or any other country, Before purchasing a Wire Ferod don't. fail to inspect {he Difco FENCE, J. H. Brown; DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL Iupiffs MENTS AND MACHINERY. A April 6, p08, SEAGRAVE 1 returning thanks to the pile for th' patronage extended to mié for ovef years, I wouid verpeniully) intfmate-thad' ani, a8 usual, now onay fof business, and Ji late & OF DOUBLE AND. SINGLE. ¥ which I am determined to sell very As an inducement to Casn pur 5 Dissent of 10 will bo allowed on all Sales from now th Jon, ist noxt. All work boli 8" MADE BY HANDwE and no factory work kept in stocky super arity of my goods will at ened bed: apparent. tending purchasers will find diag by gividg me a call before looky they can be suited in qualify and Seporhir long experience in the trade being ap H putaole guarantee that perfeot satisfac will be hier by any article purchased. , Tverthing in my line of business ki constantly on Band and repairs neatly promptly attonded to. JOHN noLPé:. Port Perry, Deo. 1. r interestin, or'. Hatp and ** How Seng us a rough sketch fires oar 'opin festaiie a