and Residence, QueenSt.. Port Peyy % oe houra--8 to 10 wm ; 1 to3 ma and Evenings. - Telephano in office and house, oHeiR night hi Si of G. L. Port Perrys Nov, 15, 1894. WM. H. HARRIS, BALLS. "BARRISTER, &¢; Sugeest 45 0. FU Ye oh, Port Perry, MONEY YO Loaw. Private Funds at 4 per cent. Feb. 7, 1901. ed re i Jno. W. Gol : & A fae + SoLioiTorR, CONVEYAKCER, B2 : ve at residence, 6th Con. each (one mile west of Port Perty,)-- Moxey To LoaN. i REE he TE RTE dy E. FAREWELL, K.C, LLB, Chitty J. Crown Attorney, Barrister, Doan * itor, &ec., Notary Public and Conve: Jffice--South wing Court House, hithy, ¥ W. i SHGSTER EOR. Office Tinurs--9 to an am. 2to pom. Also pen Satfirday ray gyaningss FLA Fillings, Bri Bridge and Crows d Ngeoinlty. Vitalised Air. er L. GRAHAM over the lings sodth, Sintrted! * JN Robaon: V gy Sh ee DAVID J. & D S55 Port Perry Branch: - Blackstock Branch Neagoten Station Branch nvillo, Sihaws. Whisky. Clersinont, L OUCLAS ADAMS, Bankers and Brokers. REAL Marriage 5 Agents C-P.R.Gt MONEY TO LOAN (4 per cent npwards-- Biitieh Capital.) INSURANGE ESTATE Lieensés. No Liniment Like S Nervilat" AN "bravelies' of entistly, including Crown aud Bridge Work successfully practiced. Artifical Teeth on Gold, Silver, Aluminum or Ruhber Plates. Fillings of Gold, Silver or Cement Painless extraction when required: & Prices to suit the times®? North Ontario Observer A Weekly Political, Agricultural ana bangly Newspaper on FODLISRED AT Y rout VERRY, ONT. kvERY THURSDAY MORNING BY 5 PARSONS sgn if puid in advance; wou $1.51 0 subicript oo taken "ar lea paper discontinued | RR ADVERTISEMENTS measured Nouparier snd charged according to the space ADVERTISEMENTS ressived tof for podiuation, with. Sous will oe bl Set taken out until ox aml Pal for pL ALIBERA pen piggies | THESE terms will in all cases bo srlotly adhered to : JOB DEPARTMENT. and Bits, _ Pumphlens Posters $rograms, bh 1 Heads, Lewié Toads, Wedding Tavitations, ok Forms | Receipt Books, Business ards "| hy Vest, | Boe for $100, al deat tarrhozone Co., of "Nervi- finer other liniment. trusty case accident or sudden Searedly 3 ailments for which are the following:- Neuralgia matism Chest Colds Toothache Earache Cram Diarrnoea wel Disorders' | Doctors will tell Bo that nothing but the purest and most healing Headache Sciatica Lumba Sore "Bgtk parent. If you haven't tried N do so now--your neighbors are sure to know of its manifold { and uses. Refiise any sul tute for _Nerviline. #o1a the ise any bit He pled success is due to the fact that it is five times stronger, three times more pene- trating, more pain-relieving than amy ptr septic drugs are used In 'Nerviline-- that's why It Is so safe for general family use, for the baby as well as the GEO. JACKSON, Licensed Anctioneer, Valunator, &c. FoR THE COU Ty AF ONTARIO AND TOWNS! OF CARTWRIGHT, | 7 ISHES at this the commencement of aunther Aaction Sale Season to re. 'rous for oh his part RZ mded evr aatod tr in the past should be a syfficient recom mendation as to his gbllity. All Sale givan into his charge will be attended t with promptness and dispatch ~~ Sale lint One million bottles used every Fear-- made wut and blank notes supplied free, think what this means! Surely stronger ©® Applicati proof js not possible that Nerviline isa Perry, for dates claimed for Sales and an ache or pain that Nervillne mske arrangemeuts, or write to his address | won't curc--among the hundreds of it is guaranteed 2 Phone at Residence, No. 31 %a CHARGES MODERATE. GEO. JACKS Port Pe Nov. | i - 1, 1901. G. J. MORRISH ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Port PErrY, ONT. | May 10, 1907. a PRIZES IN 3 WNSH IP © Cartwright. NTOTIGE is hereby given that the AX Carcwri sht Agricultural Society have dh +d 10 hold a Field 'rop Com petition at the u-nal times the coming The 1 crop selected being CATS ion is iim the Townsh: poof € The Ca- nt Totlowing prizes will JOS. BATRD Listen AUCTIONEER for the County of Qetario. Sale Register at the Opsyuver Office Patronage solivited Maachester, Jan. 19, 1899, Hrowing fod { OB Central Livery Gea}. PORT PERRY. ray thanking the pubilo for the aT rms reeeived durin wang Jeary, have kept a Livery Eni menbin Port Perry, I have much pleasure al announcing that I have removea "MY LIVERY ! to my former place of business een ot Rtas AT MODERATE oRARGES d to _r arfwiight ~ Not-less thas: tes ens fos nor more that twenty. king ot AR. J ansicn Pact Perry, Ie 21, 1900. ER : EE Wasr 6.82 ami" 8.50 a.m.» 1 him sa-cesses. Hix very exteneis& practioe Partirs wiehing to eupagt his services liniment, a household remedy May consult his SaLz Kraistex either at upon which mothers can depend in the Observer or Standard Offices, Port ney. { Che woardntcm Jer cduey remedy | 1 every ma. chine there is one part that works the hardest and} gives out first. The kidneys work | night and day, and naturally a life of unusual activity doubles the duties of the kidngysand in time | the strain tells! The fudurys give i and nature cries stop." Booths Kidney Pills are sold by all dealers, Fd poral from The R.T Booth! 3 ort Frie, On Veo i pil "ah as good. Sond for a Free box. The test will prove the truth ol our staiciient, Looters of Bauks Mast Pay | Penalty. Washington, tay 24 1 Talt to-night dented the ap sileations | lor the pardonot Charies W. Morse, the lotmer New 1s sifving a hiteen-year sentence in the ederal penitentiary at Atianta, financicr, who is serving a five year sentence at Lavenworth, In decid ing against Morse and Walsh the President has resisted {he moat powerful lufluences that, have been | brought to bear upon hin on any subject fitice he entered the \Vhite House. lu the case of Mores, the prisoner's wife placed a petition bearing the names of abyrt {6,000 persons, melding ttany Ye poliical fe; while 10 Walsh's case Ruests tor clemency also can the re from apy well knowin pub 5 {trary and busiacss. Trae \Warsu Cost "Johy RB \W.aish was cou of in for Imprisoiment Penitentiary began Serving ty, 1910. His hist, because laws were hve lits sentence Yeats, Januari was asked bis violations of ti technical and did pardon not second, the benefin depositors finan ral because all the him no ol 1 'sacrifice ot Is pif t lortane third, because lie was trymyg to up bud wdusinies of sobsianial ben eh to the country ; fourth, hes an oid nan in ikely to hve foog, Lorn a good reputation and hived a rie ob simphcity indf'gence The President briefly reviews Walsh's crime and says: --* The appitcation lor pardon must be de ored, fo the fest place, {shows moral turpitude of that ins sidious and dangerous kind, to! punish which the national banking laws were especially enacted. "Walsh had acquired great powet in the control of htee Farge banks His regponsiln I'v was commenst f= ate Fhs guilt ys in proportion Lu "10 the trust ed 10 him. YTHE uf wl-health, not aud not of "| Bettevinle, Onf--"T was 80 and worn out from ¢ fopalees that I concluded to $y Lydia. hams Thicre ig York banker, whey ivoive moral turpifade and secured | by bau ks were paid in lull through the | because | and ure who has J self- | the record | and confidence extend: prominent fort his Ee pn Is ve . Every woman WOMEN READ THIS Parisien Sage Tat Luster . reade Osserypr who di Te (hat Sverjoe admires should gol plication of funds of wd} Bank of North Am- f making false entriés to! books of he bank and in its report to the (Gomptroller of the country. imprisonment | prse, was conviet- |. Ho Edw, s to-day and Bet a Nig Yak: $60 "ring acilp; ol money back. Parisian Sage is the best Hair Tonic known. Itis the only one that will cure dandruff, cleanse thé scalp and make the hair grow long and beautiiul. are sny And very scarce; that lfis 07 i mh to ears in the Atlanta Pen- | girjcen. Eve ry year in which a pres} elentiary and began tie service of | fiji of the United States is in T | his term January 3. Iy10. ow Alliough his conviction. tech- | nically was on false entries, there | ed they are plentiful" Emerson rose. ™~ "1 had no idea thers werd such prot- 11s no dogibit as to what the evidence | Its tn the Bsberles np here." | showed generally, to wit, that Morse was engaged in large private tran- }sactionsido which the |of capital importance to him, and procured control of this particular | | bavk and other banks for the pur | [pose of doing the spec he matntenance | Lol cettdin stock in the matte was | >, thing |, "What does it cost to Install and -op- 'Nobody knows ft outside of thosg crested. The Kalvik rivet fa the | most wonderful salmon river in the world, for it has never falled once That's why the companies guard ft | | 80 jealously." It was evident that the young man was vitally interested pow. {entioved, which was €8sefitial to | srato.a canpery for the first season?" Piégident | the sucCess df his speculations. The | "About $200,000, 1 am told. But I be- tesuit of Ins operations was severe lleve one can mortgage his catch or losses to the bank, which forced it | borrow money on it from the banks, nto liquidation. "Oae of the chict made in Morse's behalf is that since | god John R. Walsh, the Chicago | he commission of his offences he | | has out ol his own estate, good the losses inflicted upon the Horch In the ficst place, the evi dence does, not sustain the claim | (hat all the lcsses (6 the bank have | | been made good by him, but even [1 his estate bad met the obigations | growing out ef his fraudulent tran- i sactions, 1t could not change the] necessity for is lawful punishinent for the crime he had committed." | voice. He flung himself dejectedly into arguments | dem made | , rv and so sot have to carry the full bur itirhat's to prevent mo from gotng | Into the business?" "Several things. Have you the mon- | | "Possthis. What else?" | va site." {TT | "That ought to be easy." Cherry laughed. "On the contrary, | a suitable cannery site is very bard to | get, because there nre natural condi. tions necessary, fresh flowing water for one, and, furthermore, because the companies pave taken them all up." "Ah! 1 see." The light dled out of | Broerson's gyes; the eagerness loft his a chair by the fre, moodily watch- | tog the flames licking the burning | | toga. AT @t once he gripped the arms | o Reg story Torefito, was almost Ly deaf in both eats for a num= of years. ---- , Warner says: 'Tot the past | years my hearing has been fC ed. The streets were as to we as if I lived in the city of 1. I ewuld neither hear the cet cars nor sound of horses' pavement: Before I had | which gradually improv= | 1 can hear a whisper oom. appreciate Catarrhozone, wonderful results I have de- from using it. Catarrhozone has st endorsement, and I am ; that you should use it." CMP. ner's unsolicited testimonia fugpishes (bundant proof that deaf- sesgicun Le cured, even in old age, if | gerhozone is used. This remedy Sentific in its application, and with the endorsement of promi- nisters, and. doptors gll over. laa. Our pest equipped health in- fons always keep it on hand, and 'are recorded where it has been "with great success in the Gov- ent e other means proved futile. Wg plete outfit. price $1.00. All r the Catarrhozone Co. Kings or, srdritcasesesesesetey The ILVER HORDE By REX BEACH, of "The Spoilers" and ede dadodeadebeodedodaded rhozone Inhaler three days | to notice a great change in | I cannot tell you | deaf and dumb institutions' | of his chair and muttered through set Jaws, "God, I'd like to take obe more chaoce." Li Hin a TE Ta a | again, evidently insensible fp her presence. At length be CHAPTER If HE girl darted a swift look at | stirred himself to ask: "Can | hire a guide hereabout? We'll | have to be going on in a day or so." | "Coustantine will get you ope. 11 | suppose, of course, you will avold the | | Katmai pass?" | "Avoid it? Why?" "It's dangerous, and nobody travels | | it except in the Alrest emergency. It's much the shortest ratte to the coast, but ft has a record of some thirty deaths. I should advise you to cross | the range farther east, where the di- | vide is lower. The mall boat touches at both places." | On the following morning Cherry told Coostantine to hitch up her team | and have ft wnitmg when breakfast | was finished. Then she turned to fm- | ersou, who came into tbe. room and Boyd, but he fell to brooding | said quietly: | "I have something to show you if you will take na short ride with me". | The young man, impressed by the | gravity of her manner, readily con- | sented. Constantine freed the leader, | and they went off at a mad run They, | skimmed over the snow with tho flight of a bird. The young man gave himself up to | the unique and rather delightful ex- perience of being transported througtl, an unknown country to an unknewn destination bj a charming ghd of whom he also knew nothing. | "Yesterday you seemed to be taken by She Oshing busthess," she Analy "J certainly was until you told me there were no cannery sites left" "There 18 one. When I came bers a year ago the whole river was open, so on an outside chance 1 Jocated 4 ! NONE ETON Pyeng arvation, Slow By the testimony of actual cutes--by the words of those who have proved. the merit of Dr. Hamilton's Bills. yout can satisfy yourself. that indigestion and dyspepsia are curable. "Four years ago I got into a condi- tion of low health--sutfered all pos- sible torture with acute indigestion, wind on the stomach. and dizzy h aches. Tho very smell of food -éften' was sufficient to make me violently ii, e ~Was fading away, I no longer had any desire for work or for the col y of other] people, and wad In the depths of de- | fa 'Worse martyr= CURED | oo col not; wu 4 YEARS on Dr. Tsing iol Pills. noticed light imurot live. I used Hr many Jemegjon Yihont i boos; hopes of I a sl kept right on using one p! a t:.. Jn a month I cond mig addy. Si hea | butldings, ds) | Hai¢_ Tonic. 3 boitle for 50 cents, banish Dan of The} ires radiant hair] THEY A SUBVEYED THE SUBROUNDINGS. the money, btit if you.will bufid a canoery on It I'll turn in the ground for an interest." Emerson meditated a moment (hen replied, "I can't say yes or no. It's a pretty big proposition--§200,000, you | sald?' ot "Yes. It's a big opportunity. You can clean up 100 per cevt in a year. | Do you think you could raise the money to build a plant?" "1 might," be said cautiously. "At least you can try 7 : "But 1 don't know anything sbout the business." "I've thought of all that, and thefe's a way to make success certain. I be- lleve you have executive #bility dnd 3 2 | cin. Kandle these men." "Oh, yes, as he drew a long breath. "What's your plan? "There's a man down the coast, George Balt, who knows more about the business tlmn any four people in | He discovered the Kalvik was its foreman umtil be | with Marsh. Balt isn't the kind of J Tani £2, bi Gisglyitried, oh Ot eve enough money to build a cannery, be took hig scanty capital and started saltery on his own account. Marsh broke George'in a year, ruined him, ann ipa ot mii. came bck Tato Amp, but he owns a. | valuable trap site which Marsh and his colleagues want, and before they would give him wark they tried td | | make him assigp it to them and com- | tract pever to go in business om his own account. Naturally George re- fo He's been starving now for two TNo man. dares to fursish food 6 | | George Balt; no man dares to give him a bed; po cannery will let him | work. He bas to take a dory to Dutch Harbor to get food. He doesn't dare leave the country and sbapdon the, | meager thofisands be has fovested in and every summer when | the run starts he comes across the | marshes and slinks about the Kalvik thickets like a wraith, watching from afar just in order to be pear it all He stands alone and forsaken, har to the clank of machinery, evety boit | of which he. placed, watching bis enemies entich themselves from tbat | gleaming silver army, which be con- sliders his very own. He is shunned like a leper. Some time I beileve be will kill Marsh." "Hm-m! . Orie scoms to be focever crossing the trafl of this Marsh," said Boyd, who had listened intenfly. "The man wbo beats Marsh will 793 ie ti ofie- to do it." reached thelr Gestinatiot( ward, seised the leader, guiding it info a clump of gpruce, amohg the béles of which be tangled the harness, for this team was like a pack of wolves, Ing his spell about a prospective And in truth sbe had Sn well, the. coniiitions I've done tbat sort of | | thing." His broad shoulders went up { | by Prams Saviour to such as | have seen themselves to be great sins | nets. Paul saw himself to be the chief | of stnoers, and to him Jesus Christ' was such a great Saviour that be could think or talk of no one else. It will be | just so with his people Israel, and afte er their conversion there will be a na- tion of Payls to make Jesus Christ | known to all the world In this present age if every believer was filled with the Spirit as our Lord Jesus would like us to be them | worid that seeth pot and knoweth not | and cannot receive the Spirit of truth | would see something of Jesus Christ | in His people, and many would wand to know Him. The Spirit always tes-_ | tifies 6f Christ, teaches things coneemn~ | ing Him, guides into all truth, shows | us things to come and brings to res | membrance what we have read or beard about Jesus (John xiv, 16, 17, 28% xv, 26; xvi, 7-15). He ig specially "the, Comforter" (partakelos) and is called four times in these verses just referred to. mK ed th 7 ng Siti ; still, according to verses 17.23, Fal Son and Holy Spirit all dwell in us If | we are trne believers and make our bodies their abode, ot mansion, for the ° word translated "abode" In verse 23 is the very same word which is translat, | ed "mansion" in verse 2, and it is used' nowhere else, although the verb from' which the rioun comes is used a grea | many times and is variously translat | ed--abide, remain, dwell, continue. _ It is impossible to fully grasp such &° truth, and yet it is stated again and again in such words as these: "Christ liveth in me," "That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith," "The life of Jesus made manifest in our body" | (Gal 11, 20; Eph. tit, 17; I Oor. tv, 10, | 11). In verse 19 of our lesson He seems | to say that He expects that the world will sce Him in nus. His life at the Father's right hand, where He ever | | more manifestly changed into Hi ness by the Spirit (II Cor. lil, 18). longs to reveal Himself to through us, aid He does this Spirit nd His word ({ Sam. 16; Job xxifl, 1%; LA per 811. Thus only can we know the' peace which He alone can give. He is thé Prince of peace, tie God of peace; the peace of God, our peace (Isa. ix, 6, 7; Heb. xiii, 20; Phil tv, 6, 7; til, 15; Eph ii, 14). By the blood His cross He bas made peace, J when we truly recetre Him we have' with God and way be led WAS 4 peace ia batleving (Ol 4 RIgEY HH Sha 3 a1 BE, Fal i F34EE E 5 8 Rg gt Ho cauzht ber re piened | pe SM (wo : conTnus) Will Make ko Hair 'Grow - Every upto date woman "should have radiant hair, . £ There are thousands of women with harsh, faded, characterless hair, who do nat try to In England and Paris women take pride in having beautiful bair. Every Canadian: woman can have lastrous and luxariantdair by using SALVIA, the Guat a lint : a dull,