| Paris 'a fow years jhe remembar the an took {11 nt on: With characteristic de- termination Charles did so, end when he. an, ally in Mr. Au. beron Herbert, Who¥rose and declar- ut himselt 'alo '» republican, an ex- raordina t arose, Bays toa coaicse of that time: "Bome idred : of - strong, excited. furious men 2 shouting and yell ing. on the Binches, with the object of interrupting sod drowning the voice of one man. . . . They roar ed, hissed, gesticulated with the fury of the ny gallery, disappointed in some ing ht performance. The shrill 'cock-croy," unhosrd in the 1 Honse of Co ng for a whole gen- . eration, shrieked once .more in the ears of the bewildered officials." The strength. of the Irish party in the present House, and the furious Jat whish 4 Proilsed = the Hgm ne ule. question, is cau peop! wonder whether there will be a re- . petition of the scenes which when Mr. Gladstone was fighting for ,this message, It no uncommon thing for Irish menmtibers of Parlia- 'ment in the 'seventies and 'eighties .to be sukpe: in batches of twenty and thirty st 8 time, while in 1901 and Yen: othet Nationsl- . bly 'removed by the . But all these scenes pale into insignificance when dompared with the rb fight which place on floor of the House on July 97th, +. It. began with Mr. Chamberlain's frost ourth ol p - Hope oie Bill tarouth y the o. the suse. Me. Gladstone pla; 1 oppon 1 Dells advooste," speech the bet Is body wal ond | ggked, with SY estan word ing to ot some who "did". the will Ng cafe, whers every waiter was ke 8 felon, 1 undoubtedly 'the weird ©afes." Near. the Montmartre there Cabaret de Neant (Inn of Nothing. ness, or Death). The entrance to the cafe is through 'a small opening in a black shutter, and, once insidd, the visitor is appaled by the gloom of the room. Lighted by flickering tapers, its walls are hung with pio- tures representing skeletons in varl- ous forms of activity. drinks are served on coffins, end the undertakers' | waiters are garbed like mutes. ¢ Youthtul Logie. - The teacher in element mathe. matics looked ully ut the room. "Now, ren," she said, "1 wish you to think very carefully be- fore you answer my next question." The small pupils set eagerly await- ing it, wide eyed and, in some in- ces, open mouthed. "Which would you rather have, three' bags with two apples in each bag, or two bags with three apples in each bagey asked the teacher. *"Three bays with two apples in each bag," said a boy in one of the last seats, 'while the class still de- bated as fo the best answer. "Why, Paul?' asked the teacher. "Because, there'd be one more to bust," announced the ake, bag young mathematician. He Was Waiting. A pretty, rosycheeked count 1 entered Y department "oi, Teds ay, an crowd was grea Lisi EL She wandered about from floor to floor-- the stairways because she was afraid of the eleva- tors--and finally she stopped, lost and confused, in the middle of the biggest re she had ever seen. A Soorwlker saw her and politely h - on you?' he smile, "Yes, sir," answered the girl, blush. the roots of her flaxen hair; Robs Pil. door he's at. Things worth while are more apt to | come your way if you go after them. ii i q A desirable investment hasinitthese essentials-- the safety of the principal --the certainty of income 3, fair an 9 ted rate of ncome--probable appre- ciation in yvalue--and saleability. 9 Bonds, select- ensure to the investor these desirable ele- ments and are invariably secured -- princi and interest--by the total as- séts of the company that issues them. ¢ 'Wrige us to day for our litera Iv. Bond ny for ou a list of thoes we ROYAL SECURITIES 0! ATION C on LIMITED INTO of fed nds the 1 oi Dr. s Oin [] dealers or Co., 3A Mystery to In daylight little his book of In upon, \ ing thelr heads in' wi But when darkness fel ened t elt spine. "Mother," he W gn as he stared 'at bending over his. book, rey 10 the Indians'. opy replied. his mother, 7" "Because he Wi Thomas in an awed Voicd, ed him?" was a musician? Joax--Nonsense | "You certainly told melodies. "I told you he was § heirs. He sells soothing A Calendar of We are not only plas by a feather. The his is a calendar of sttaws: Pascal in his brilliant Jw) night have kept th he dhad VE) "1 ~The king of Madngao, bei en Mf Bae -A LINE FO write ns for our ohaloe] a plioa; we hava the grant agency proposition Jala a, to ny. ONLI, NOCORSATY. Cult n Industrial &., 223 Albers, swrees, rience. | n. Aulssvill qut-of-town clients will make Sseof my offices during Ex- Hibition time. JOSEPH P. CANNON, Member Domivlon Bock Exchange. ROOMS 9, 1, 1% 1 DOLLAR MAP SERVICE of the Porou- pine Gold Camp we wilt FAZER the first large map saumerating eipal properties: and relative Pereupine to other Camps, showing railroad and 40] to_the camp, elc.; alae current of THE Erte Gh "FORCUE INE, which ves full on all Porcupine mation SECURITY CO,, LTD. Members Dominion Btock Exchange, 1033 KENT BUILDING, TORONTO, CAN. = ey K.P. Evans, Discoverer of the famous Evans" Dancer Cure, desires all who soffer with Cancer to write to him Two days' treatisent cures 3 ternal or internal cancer Write to &. D. EVANS. Brandon, Maaiwba, ada. ARTIFICIAL LTHBS 'The "Double Adjustable Ant ction Slip et" 1a the greatest a ever. devised for artificial IT SATISFIES relieves the Jar to the systsm and affords ease und comiort as Do other artificial Umbd can. ro TRUSSES o sory description at Moderats DOMINION ARTIFICIAL LIMB CO., 385 College St., Torento. 'Phone 0:26. sland' y. bel his li Kian ro con | keepers, all 'engaged Why Hs. Didn't Shost. "My deat," remarked Mr. 0: as he searched "for the fost stud, 'I believe you were' tight' you sald there was a burglar if house last might." 5 ; do you think 'so?' she bked.' "Well," he 'said asx he found' the missing stud by stepping upon i with his. stockinged feet, "1 leit a Boods deal of money in .my pockets when | went {o kod 'and there's 'none thers. now, _"Iv's all your own fault," 'she re plied, "You ought to hive got-up and' shot the wretch. If you had been braver you wouldn't have lost money." 8 2 "Yes," sald Goodman meditative] #but if I'd shot the burglar 1d 'be widower now!" it ---- Coverad the Ground: ? 4 A man who was dunned by a book- | seller for a book delivered Wome tire before returned the bill with this writ. : "] never ordered this b It k did you did not send it. It I 1 paid for it. I'1 didn' ! nu i ig : Z iA Definitions' of 'Man. Man has been defined by Aristotle as "'a reasoning animal," by. Plato as. "a political animal," by Dante 'as "a ridiculous animal," by Varchi and by ' Boerhave, men "mud worked up by the hand of God. | washerwomen to 'b || {acture of soap.--Bt. 'book. | nowhere. common, seems more College. LJ. Fo Sweeney, te. Gf ha 1as Coffey, Senator, "Ca lic Record," Loudon 2 "Dr. McTaggart's vegetable rene digsifor the Uquer and tobacco habitaare fealthtul, safe, inexpen. sive hone' treatnignts. No bypo 7, derfnic injections; no publicity . ue loss, of time from Dusitess, aod) a certain cure. Consultation or cor: espondence invited. To ensure attention address. . DR. McTAGGAR Care Central Press Agency. i 70 Pearl Street, Torouto rmm----e . Fish Used For Soap. The -anglér or fishing frog. thongh ener ally' distributed , acound Eeglind's coasts: than some authoritiea suppose The angler is so ealled trony the curi- ous "rod and bait" formed by A mudi: ficatinn of 'a ray. of the front dyrsal finy- which was formerly fancied to attract smaller fish, but the entire hid. tous -body is a marvelous "mimetic adaptation to the bottom of the sea. upon which the creature walks. sing the pectoral fins for feet. is ma- Bishop ~ {rine ogre has little value, except fot museums, but the gl ig used by 1rish each linen, and in Tceland it is utilized for the manu: James' Gazette. Napoleon and "Julius Cassar." Bonaparte was one night at thie play Lisi Paris, and it. Havpened) to bm "Jd- ] Caen 1 bi Dealers in Go bentures and ¥ Reports on any Oapadian or stonrity tarnished on application, 21 Melinda Street, Toronto. Teiepboncs M 7970-0 Cable Address "Lyodplas." | could' be Heard on | minutes, Ra ar. and "Give us 'brek oun' Iiberties,". the acclamutions all oves the house were 80 yen that nothing - stage for man Bonaparte meanwhile wus taking snuff in bis most violent way. which he always did when &gitated. || The next day he sent orders that that H. H. Nightingale] STOCK BROKER Member Standard Steck and Mining Exchange. LISTED STOCKS CARRIED ON MAREN Correspondence invited. 33 MELINDA ST., TORONTO. A MONTHS FREE] a Fa i ma ade | A 'Diplomatic Satire. 1 ias "fine Frenen 'kid {clippings remaining when the play was not to he acted any urore. eee ------ Old Parchments. . parchments of all descriptinng always fetch good prices. Dealers have invented a process for removin the ink, and eventually the ony parchments in many cases coffe back loves." Thyq loved are made are not wasted, Mixed with they a 3 "yellum snd b.ts of leath "boiled. down for "size,", The co shavings, wth odds and ends of sea} and other akins, are utilized for fills ing cnéap tennis balls: india Rubber, Tn Brasil the rubbergatherer aver . ages 16 pounds of juige a day. * 1911, We recomniend the purchase at once of , "HOMESTEAD MINES | OF SWASTIKA, LI : Limite siotmt of stock to be President perfect hinge-stay fe {t is impossible to bend in fact it is the best | this or any other country, - Belore purchasing a Fe don't fail to inspeet "the Dr Fence, WER N retoroin hanks to the public f I ages ranan a ous years, I wouid reapevtfuily inguin am, as usual, now ond f ! oF will be allowed ob all' an, 1st ne: % p && MADE BY HI and 'no factory work . ke| super ority of my goods apparent... at tending 'purchasers will giving me a tall before 1, hy: they oan be suited in quality a long experience in the trade b putavle guarautes that perféct #8 will be given by any article} Everthing. ih. my line I constantly on hand and repsi promptly attended to. 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