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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 23 Nov 1911, p. 2

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Via SARNIA OR OHIOAGO. Literature, sokets sd tall Anion from ra 0 AE DUEF District Passenger fans Toronto, Quias) 0. vestment at lowest rate. HUBERT 1. ERs « $300 Barrister, Port Perry. mE OBSERVER Has A Goop CIRCULATION, and constantly growing in favor. It the B the County : it ig the Oldest 4nd Best Established founded i 15] the most original and best i tfs lotal aud 2 of publication--Port P TRA 1 antutn in advance, if not oc $1.50 will be paid in advance, cha JOB RR RTING. = THE Most MODERN STYLES AND AT Low PRICES, North Ontario Obse Observer. (The Official Paper of the of the People.) FOUNDED IN 1857. Only Paper Rented and Published tn erry. PORT PERRY, NOV. 23, 1911. Ottawa Letter. OTTAWA, Nov. 17. Ahe session just opened will A new #Government just taking hold cannot "expected 'to at once prepare important constructive legislation. Thlse weciprocity issue decided by rthe last election will' die a natural death without any action being + required by the government. itariff resolutions presented by Mr. Jpaturally be a short one. Fielding aad which were still pend "ing at the flissolution died with the -session andethey will not of course Cana. «da had a standing offer of recipro- city upon 'her statute book for eighteen. pars which the United be presented to Parliament. States Cangress and Governmen ssimply fgnored. The United State yinay or may not permit their offer 'of reciprocity to stand but the fact that it remains.open does not call for any action by the Dominion 'Government. Since 190g the Unit «ed States has had a standing offer «of reciprocity on agricultural im+ \plements open alike to Canada and allithe world. 'Great Britain auto- unatically took advantage of the «offer because she levied no duties pon agricultural implements. Can- ada took no action nor was any i action required. Even apart from the recent speech delivered by the Minister of Finance there is every reason to doubt whether any tanff legislation vill be proposed in the 'tear future. to $10,000, have with me for immediate in- Advertising Medium in is the champion of ,the Agricultarists and of the ore con- i and practical «class of pep- is not a favorite of schemers, Pets and cliqu fiéral news depart- and is printed entirely in the The ways § plank | in the Conservative I -- to be the most popular Rind Borden Government The 'Reverend, talented and worthy Pastor of the Mathodist 'Chiurch in thus place, Rev. R. Bam. forth, B.A. has consented, at the request of the Ladies' Aid, 10 give one of his famous Lectures entitled : "Four MoNTHs IN A WeSTERN MiIN- of. the church on the evening of Wednesday, 29th November. The referred to, and he possesses the happy faculty of greatly interesting his hearers on the intricate mance- uvres of "mining" operations and how the alleged operators "do" the rest of mankiad. Rev. Mr. Bam- forth's lecturing throughout England some years since proved highly suc- cessful, the leading journals of the old land complimented him on their merit and referred in eulogistically terms to the oritorial abilty of the lecturer, Don't fail to be present. The Aid cordially invite all.- Ad mission-- Adults 25 cents ; Children 10 cents. Great Painting Feat. . Messrs. F. W. Cummings and G. Schrode, the expert, lightning sign painters, of Chicago, who are with the Thos. Cusack Co., which com- pany bas an out-door painting contract with the Stac Tobacco people for this continent, left for Florida yesterday morning. Before their departure they embellished the Observer Block with a magnificent mammoth sign demonstrating their expertness apd ingenuity, accome plishing the feat in record time, 8 hours, covering a space of 1700 square feet. EXTENSIVE AucTION SaLE.--Mr. Beecroft, lot 3, con. 2, Mariposa, having leased his farm has author- ized Mr. W. J]. Gibson to sell with- out the slightest reserve on the premises, on Friday, Nov, 24, all his farm stock, implements, &c. The list is a large one and embraces many valuable and choice ammals, including first-class horses, pure Shropshire sheep, swine, up-to-date implements, farm machinery, &c. Just such animals and implements as should be on every well regulat- ed farm and will go at auction prices owing to the fact that Mr. Beecroft is leaving the . locality. Make a note of time and place of sale and don't fail to be present. t| Auction SALE.--It will be seen s | by the posters that Mr. Thomas Walsh, lot 13, con. 4, just south of Manchester, having sold his farm, and is giving up farming, has in- structed Mr. Baird to sell all his farm stock implements, &c,, on the premises on Tuesday, November 28. The sale commences sharp at one c'clock. Don't fail to be on time. All enumerated on the bills will positively be sold. £F Coming. F. E. Luke, Opt. D., 159 Yonge St., Toronto's able eye specialist, can be. consulted at W. H. Mc- Caw's Jewelry Store, Port Perry, Thursday, Nov. joth, Glasses if required supplied -at moderate prices. Mr. Asquith's tribute - to. ie, Balfour, 'at the Guild Hall "last is is n n . | ive Town," in the auditonum of Riding of . South just yi the prediction that teturned to Parliament, on Monday® Detember 11th, by & larger major ity than he has ever had in the past. This is as it should be--he certainly deserves so desirable and grotifying a result. Deféat the Whitney Government | What for ? The Returning Officer fof North Ootario is John Blanchard, of Leaskdale. Opposition to the Whitney Gov- ernment is opposition to Ontario's best interests. An Baglishman named Carre has invented a process for the arti- ficial production of; wood from " Toronto News :--Itis said that bagpipe players live to an average age of sixty-five years, being all that time unmoved by human suffering. At Collingwood a petition is in circulatian asking that the Council submit a by-law providing for mun- cipal government by a Commission. Toronto Telegram :--China, with lier 300,000,000, will be the first republic on earth, and Uacle Sam must go away back and sit down with his paltry 9o,000 Newmarket is not so old fashion- this year seventy.five new houses have been erected -in town, and and about $150,000 spent in build- ing. Mr. Cochrane, Minister of Rail- ways and Canals, was elected by acclamation for Nipissing, thus 'completing the bye-elections ren- dered necessary by the formation of the Borden Cabinet. A serious shortage of milk exists about Winnipeg, and the Health and Food Department is advising farmers that they can make more money out of milk than they can out of wheat. Stratford Herald :--The . great trouble with Mr. Rowell's manifesto is that the workable planks of his platform are already far past the paper stage in the Whitney pro- gramme. ? A Over 2,000 automobile owners in Saskatchewan paid a license of $10 each this year. Saskatoon, ac- cordingto the figures, has 236 autos Regina 229, Moose Jaw 179, and Prince Albert 61. The new leader of the Ontario Opposition, Mr. N. W. Rowell, K. C., finds himself, as the St: Thomas Times points out, in the position of | a man who buys out a badly run down business, or who falls heir to a dilapidated and mismanaged estate. He is making handicapped start, but if be possesses the requsite organising and executive ability, based upon clean and upright prin- ciples, he may build on sucha foundation a more stable party of Liberalism than "has existed in Ontario for the past two decades. All he can do at the present time is is to orgafise and tay founda- tions, for, as a Cobourg delegate to, the "recent Liberal convention at Toronto, with well-fourided pessim- | ism, remarked, "We are not going back to power this time, and we have plenty of time between now. policy." | One of the great opportunities that lies before the new Conserva- administration at Ottawa is the| Gere Mr. Calder will be triumphantly T ed as some people suppose. During} and the pext eletion to formulate a|* ham of Canada (O authorities of ario and others of important in We clipthe fofle from 'the Vind report of the procee Mx. CALDER Mr. Charles. Gald ed by Dr. Kaiser's friend of his who d wasn't going to die. untold. (Laughter One thibg was 'ci people of Oshaw what they wanted' likely to get it. 'He A it doubt tha not deprive anot] its just rights. He felt' thing should come 0 So desired to limit certain tive functions to.© 1f we are place the advantages befo and they are reasonable right belong to us. He w support any proposition to municipality the hog's sl the municipalities must their cases themselye: would : not. take. si municipality against South Ontario. Other thing equal he would always sup) he was always willing to gi the same share he claimed self. He felt that meetings were useful. Things felt a ance should be told so th could be placed in line wit supporters. The Governmel supported had carried out t sures they had promised Opposition and bad given vince honest and progressi was prepared to use his within reach for South Onta he would not stand bet municipality and another. Riding, 'He closed, ami by saying that he felt support was not diffe it had always been, the nominee of the Whi ministration. Mgr. Wn. Smite, M.Pg Mr. Wm. Smith, M. splendid speech, which sp us to condense far beyon merits deseive. He was a protectionist and would power to reach the results by Dr. Kaiser for Osh: facturers. Already he ; moving in the direction respecting the harbor and he had that day answer to his letter to the the Oshawa harbor wou into by the weight of opinion was th Office building was inad town the size of Oshay would be one of his 'was ci the opinion that Oshawa Post Office shol bave been established; sure even now that it abandoned, He spoke' a project for an armory and he thought the companies at least. the industrial history the past ;sixty year would 'do -all in' oe ook islation and administration Department claims of his own constituent) the whs Btier be bly ¢ dshawa, ould, fr [famous 'Liberal platform He Lmere rubber stamp--oF as Sic J for good--have - thus far have grave ofan for: disappointment. rt tt een. 'THE STAIRCASE TEST If You Oannot Pass It Your Health Is Failing. When you suffer acute palpita, tion of the heart, dizziness-or fant- ness every lime you go up slairs ; when exertion of any: kind. leaves you breathless and trembling, it is a warning that your blood is 'defec- tive--that you are apaemic. Il these warnings afe neglected worse disorders will follow--perhaps de- cline or deadly consumption. Il you are in this condition 'you need the new, good blood of health that has been given fo thousands of syf- ferers by Dy. Williams' Pink Pills. + | These' pills banish all the ailments arising from poor blood, tone up the \ | system and make weak men and Ywomen well and strong. Miss "Elizabeth Campbell, Almonte, Ont., says: "I was living in Perabroke at the time my health failed me. _|kept growing weaker every da until I at last grew so weak I could not walk up stairs without help, and "11 could not go down street without - |sitbing down and resting. = My | mother got quite anxious about me and took me to a doctor who said he was quite sure he could restore my health. He gave me a bottle of medicine, and 1 continued its use until I had taken four bottles, but instead of getting stronger 1 was growing weaker all the time, and | was only a mere shadow of my 3 former self, My parents believed "| she decided to ; thems, police much * 'change until I bad taken five or six baxes, when a de- cided improvement set in, and from that time on I grew stronger every day, until through continued use of the pills I was back to my old-time health and strength. I believe Dr. Williams' Pink Piils the best re- medy on earth for sick people, and cannot too stronsly urge other weak girls to give them a trial." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- Yaow' Medicine Co, Brockville, nt Mr. Henry Blackwell, of New York, the famous bookbinder, who is a native of Wales, has presented |to the Welsh National Library a copy of the great work on the North American Indians, written, illustrat. ed, and published by Edward S. Curtis. The work will consist of twenty quarto volumes of text, twenty portfolios' of illustrations, being 27220, forty of them--illus fiting ceremonial + subjects - -- being hand coloured. The subscript 0 price of. the book is $3,000, an the Ki on July 15th the total number of illustrations} 3 haying of the ocadsoatond by | is = Gravenstein (wrapped It is worthy of note that an Ont aric grower in the person of Mr. O. D. Remmer, of Pickering cartied. off] the largest money prize awarded; viz: 850 which was given for the best 20 boxes of Northern Spies. Three other large prizes of $30 each were awarded, of which "two caine to Ontario County growers, J. G. Michael, of Brookhn, for fhe best 10 boxes of McIntosh, and "H« Stanton of Oshawa for the best 10 boxes of spies, A large county display was mye possible this year by means of. grant from the County Couricili] liberal support from the Oshawa Fruit Growers Association, and an appropriation from the Departs ment of Agriculture,' The display was indeed a creditable one, It consisted of a carload of very high grade boxed fruit, standard varie- ties, such as Greening, Spy. Baldwin Gravenstein, McIntosh and Famuse were used in the display and ar- ranged according to- color of "the fruit in such a way asto givea very attractive appearance. A very conspicuous and beauti- fully painted sign was stretched over and covered almost the shite length.of the display, i 'Oflier coun ties : attractive displays but few outsho that 'of Ontario. The purpose of making fhioss's X- hibits was to effectually advertige the represented counties as good fruit growing sections. Prince Albert. The Christian Culture Club's meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Coomb on Saturday evening, on account of bad weather on the usual night of meeting (Friday). The topic was " Am I my brother's keeper?" The service was both interesting and helptul. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. R. Baltour at 8 p.m. All are cordially invited to join and help on the good work. The topic for the meeting is, "Endure hardness as a good soldier." The present war and rebellion will be used as an illustration, ; Mr, Ramer has returned from Minden where he has been on a hence expedition. We coogratu- {on ate Mr. Ramer \on. the fine deer which he has brought home, 'Me. Bi N. Hartry is all smiles | ¢ these dagsit | is'a girl. nd ig owdetl, Bovannile--trd ox Mhocity visiting (rien as. ers to mourn the Toss 0 and father so worthy of 'their esteem and respéct. place. from the family. residence ay (Thursday) to St. Johrn's|y tery, Blackstock. "Bhe Mail and Empire of Tuesday in recording the sadaccident says: MJust a8 Ke was to take-bis train for Borketon yesterday afternoon, shortly | & before five o'clock, William Cowan, a rétired merchant, who lived at Burke- ton Juction, ropped dead at the Union Station. Deceased was accompanied by bis wife, and there baing a nunber of people about, the man was cdcried into the waiting-room. Dr. Rice was called, but the vietin had been dead gome minutes, "Mr. and Mra Cowau had been in Deceased had Act been fueling well and thought that had better return ta his home. The remains were taken to the Morgu», and and a son was smmmoned from Burke- ton Junction. The remains we after] wards taken to the undertaking parlors of Washington. and Jpnuton, Queen Stret east." Kester--In Pickerig=lot 23, con. g--on Monday, November 20, . 1911, Lorne Kester, in Lis 56 year. Deceased. was one of the solid men af the wealthy and prospérous township of this County, where he! was born, educated and has resided therein the whole of hisdife. Han- "took part after pestainiog to the improve- {ment and advancement of the com - munity in which be lived, and his ye purse was: was ever open to every, good cause, He was .a devoted husband and a kind and indulgent | father and desirable neighbor. He is survived by/an amiable and dis- consolate widow, one son and one daugiter--Mr. Ross O. Kester on the homestead and Mrs, Edw, B. Flint of Port Perry. The mourning ones have the sympathy of all in their brereavement, ONTARIO Proviadl Toa of $4, 000,000 THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PROVING 0 puthority of ter 4, of the Statutes | [it Diario, ais, invites hers 3%) 3 r a loan a: the Province of Ontario, or Tacario Gover: gh Stock." The bonds wili be dated 1st Novew 4: tm 1911, = payable 'on the 1st Nov- ber, 4 ber, 104 os a Io of $1,000(% township of Pickering, the banner | gratul ONTARIO, undef tbe | * The funeral .takes| 3 oh or and. preceded by. the obs dod t a Bt of er Joaise Highness wore ine uni: & fe tis. - sue, with a long court swe i) gold © $d Fait paseude, hy xg was Boend:: 4 two. pages : cloth "bresches coats. The duke read the" spied trom the! throne in a strong, clear vaice, easily hearq in part of the mh first in Lr then in French, satin ag should Ke noted that he spo 7 of an with all the A accent of the born Pari sian. aod vigly speech follows: "Honorable gemtleme: of the Senate,' gentlemen of the ouse of Com- ng 5 with much satisfaction that 1. +ineet for the first time the Parliament. of Canada, and avail m syssl} of your and easistance in of the "important charge whigh' has, been entrusted to me by His agen! the King. I can assure you that teem it a privilege to be celled upon' to administer the affairs of this pros. perous and growing Dominion," and' to associate myself with you in the ime, puget duties which you are about to approach, "Ty ffords me great pleasure he fate you upon tha continu | increasing Diorely of the countr: Dur side th with Brie and with foreign countries, is rapidly, expand- ng, and there is every Pec that ts volume in the presen in excess of "The results of Abe cenbus taken during the present year will be laid; | before you, ga far as they have, been tabulated." While, the increase in pop- ulation has not fulfilled all the san- | guine expectatiops that had been form- ed, yet it has been substantial and: encourgiog "You will be pleased to learn thet. the revenues for the current fiscal year have, up to the present; Jargely exe . ceeded o0sé during any similar pers {od in the past, with Srey prospect that this increase will be ntained, "The advantages that wotia _resul¥' 'from #&, wider exchange of products 'between the various countries of the, Empire are undoubted, in view of the, wonderful variety and 'extent of th De ort rad en opened for improved trade are Tengo with the British ~Wesé er end British Guia; ns, whieh mipui prove advantageous td shese nies a8 well as 40 this Dominion, - he Ei he of Tiding. out coun ry better wa 3 fo th ar ll vb rod r the 2p "of enebling ; 'inion to co-operate with the o ploviness is (en accomplishment of desir "It da. ot ital to recognise thas, in Romseing red ile lan that oh which minjon 34 Yiapp Hoppil 1 endowed, the cod at at basic ust, y advisers are i logs tinte has come when should uy w, ' pe of the lu egotiations have :

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