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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 28 Dec 1911, p. 2

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on HAN, HING AW. THA LAKES, Etc. nce large, and rush of busi- The show of quality, was ali} -- ired, the. compeli= The somewhat unfavorable weather in the alter noon militated' against the street show of" horses, but there was a splendid array of grand animals that kept e: judges until dark finding the essential points so that they might announce winners. All . {concerned are to "be congratulated "Yon the success of Port Perry Xmas re, A and i 5 ; ran Alot i 8s A. 'E HUF URE. Disteigt Rasen Agent, T MONEY i= Hotbars. tat i at Boo: tar HUBERT L. EBBELS, Barrister, Port Perry. " THE OBSERVER HAS A GOOD CIRCULATION, and is constantly growing in favor. It is the BEST Advertising Medium in the County; is the champion of the Agriculturists and of the more fon- servative and Tr class of | Ee le, is mot a favorite of schemers, ~ Pm od ues ; it is the Oldest "and - Best qh lished --founded in 1857--the most original and Best in its local and general mews depart- 'ment and is printed entirely in the place of publication--Port Perry. TERMS--$1 per annum in advance, if not paid in advance, $1.50 Will be JOB PRERTING-- Tur Mosr MODERN STYLES AND AT Low PRICES. TE -- North Ontario Obser Observer. (The Official Paper of the of the People) FOUNDED IN 1857. ree eee only Paper PrN 3nd Fauiishen in PORT PERRY, DEC. 28, 1911. er En ~~ Itis proposed to build another big tannery at Newmarket. A firm of furriers has presented onto' Zoo with a pair of 0 Ld 'concession " a furniture Clarence Darrow, the !legal coun- se} for the McNamaras at: Los Angeles, got $170,000 for Lis ser- vices. 'There are six daily newspapers in Toronto, 49 weekly papers, 20 senfi- monthly, 76 monthly, and eight quarterly. The Collingwood [News bas a story about "Wise Uncle Bill." But in this case the gentleman's other name is not Pugsley. Edison's latest is that by the adop- tion of a process of his devising it will be practicable to' make house- , hold furniture of concrete. The Collingwood Bulletin 'has in anew heating plant. The tind has been blowing cold on Grit newspap ers since September 21st. (Peterborough Review :-- Wonder sheee the McNamara brothers tosbe when the United States battleship Maine was blown api? The Wnited States postal depart- indent; dike that of Canada, shows a : over Expats 'Fair for 1911, Pair Turki zy Mrs, F. Frank lin, 2 Jas. McKenzie. Single Turkey--1 Mrs. F. Frank: lin, 2 PF Ormiston, Basket of Geese--r Mrs. L Hancock, 2 Mas, Arthur Wilson, i 1 and 2 Mrs: Geo, Reacu On sk. For Deputy Reeve John x. 'Mark and Ralph McIntyre. Do Councillor .T. Dobson, Johnson, Joseph Peel, and Joho ol CARTWRIGHT -- For Reeve--Jas Byers, by acclamation. For Coun-; cillor--Jos, Forder, Robt, Jobb, Wm. Porteous and Arthur Camp. Nomination meeting in the town. ship of Scugog resulted as follows: For Reeve-- John F. Gerrow, Wel-' tington Sweetman. For Council- lors -- George Sweetman, John Ploughman, George Hood, James Davey, William Jeffery. Nii ile asin DesTrRUCTIVE Fire. -- On the evening of Christmas Day, about seven o'clock, Mr. Allan Moore's{' fine barn on lot 24, concession'2, Reach (Shirley) was discovered fo be on fire, and in'a short time the structure and contents were des-- troyed, not, bowever, before a number of horses and cattle ete oi saved by ye active ex Ten pounds Batter the product of Reach and Uxbridge--1 Mrs. Alex, Vance, 2 Mrs. Chas. Taylor. : Ten pounds Butter the product bt Cartwright--1 Mrs. Jas. Parr, jr., 2 Miss M Stewart. Ten pounds Butter the product of Wherry, 2 Mrs. L. McPhail, Ten pounds Butter the praduct of East and West Whitby--1 Mrs. Jos. Ralph, 2 Mrs. L. Hancock. Heaviest Dozen Fresh Eggs--1 Mrs. G. Baird, 2 Miss E. Phair. Horses. "| Brock and Mariposa--1 Mrs. John |, Single Driver, Roadster, 15}}° hands and under--1 W. S. Scott, 2 Geo. Brown, 3 Thos. Beare. Single Driver, Carriage, over 15% hands--1 P.C. Graham, 2 Russel Spinks, 3 Cyphus Sleep. Single Driver, Roadster, 15% hands and under--open except to winners in other classes--1 Sam McMillan, 2Wm. Anderson, 3 Dr. Jas. Moore. Single Driver, overs} hands--open except to prize winners in other, classes--1 D McMillan. Draft Team--1 G. Cochrane. Agricultural Team--1 Thos. Hall Two year old Draft Gelding or Filly--1 W. S. Scott, 2 Geo Mackie 3 Wel. Sommerville. Two year old Carriage Gelding or Filly--1 Dr. Jas. Moore, 2 and 3 Leslie Wilson. Lady Driver -- 1 Miss Kathleen Meharry, 2 Miss J. Taylor, 3 Miss|a Miller. of 1911, by "Acme'--1 7], J, Christie Special--by R. M. Holiby, Wh Henders and G. { Mackieo Drak Foal of 1g11--1 WJ Henders, 2 G. Mackie. Special ---by Geo. Cochrane and others--3 year old: Draft Gelding or Mare--1 and 2 Geo. Cochrane. Special -- by F. Dusham, St. Charles Hotel--Gentleman Driver --1 Wm. Anderson. The show of Draft Foals of "1911, was the feature of the fair with Clydesdale admirers. The liberal syndicate prizes offered by Messrs. R. M. Holtby, W. J. Henders and Special--by R. M. Holtby--Foal Geo. Mackie for the best draft foal|" of 1911 were keenly contested, a son of Mr. Henders' "Dunure Soutar" named ** Joe Buchlyvie" also owned by 'Mr. Henders carried off the|2 laurels, while a colt from Mr. Mackie's "Royal Freeland" was second, ' A new and interesting feature 'of Port Perry Christmas Fair was an Educational Exhibit arranged by Mr, J. H. Hare of the Ontario County Board (Whitby) of the Ontario Department of Agriculture. 'The display included Apples pack. ed in boxes. Mounts demonstrating the seriousness of the ravages wrcught by the insect pests. and fungus diseases in our orchards, and the advantages. of. spraying, pruning and general cate to combat | |same. There was also a most in- terésting display of models of - poul- try houses and fixtures, arid samples|é of poultry feeds, demonstrating' the suceesst methods o yo Mr, J. H. Hare A ! of - 1 ¢ re po tricts where rock and Mg. R; R. McGraco Has a Prise 1aNT OmiGiNat Goob. Roabs Scugme Wace Looks Pracric: AL. * The question of good roads is lane that will never grow old sa long 'as Oshawa is afflicted with such 'mtiddy streets as she has now. A logal man, Mr. R. R. McGregor, has come forward with a good roads scheme, which, ifit proves practical, will cause his name to {find an honared place in Cavadiab . He would pave oar streets with cement blocks made right in the atest gravel pit, and. when gravel. ling country roads, which is usually { in ne once every |year- or two, by ing cement with the gravel, this arly perioriiace would be un- + and mud would be , the road made perma- went, smooth and level as a floor, at very small cost. We would then have roads which would equal il not excell thos: in old England and other. Eutopean Countries, la dis- stone are plentiful, I'e. would lay a foundation of rock or stone and cover it with sand and cement to make it level on 10p. He gays.in making the: ce- ment blocks 6 incites deep, it would only be fccessaty to nse 0 'per gent. cement' in the Bottom. four hes of the block "and 20 per sand as 'were the a that were "laid here last , 'and' cemented together. claiins'a road of this kind could sian defac! all day snd MELE BE tie + 'engagement. 3 RP ro oho re sl tached whi telephone line. 0 of the a party were killed. Na Will Not Fight. London, Eng., Dec. 22.--The Teher- an Sorrespau undent of The Morning Post says that Russia on Wednesday pre- sented to Persia & ultimatum. A compliance with io hours, otherwise the Russian droops now sta- Sone at Kasbin 'would advance on eran, "Tha National Obunadl, gays the cor. respondent, has mow abandoned its policy of resistance and has voted the regent authority to setils in' the best rests of the. count The acute sage, of the crisis iss lieved to to be ee enn --E ed Theatre a Fallure. New York, Dec. 92.--"The New Theatre" idea, which was backed b several millionaires, headed by W. Vanderbilt, with the purpose of sv | the country an endowed theatre wi an established repertoire company of the firstclass, is now announced to have béen wholly abandoned. When the founders of the project gave up the magnificent but unwieldy iy they had 'erected néar Cen- ral Park, it was ahnounced that the idea would not be abandoned, but that a smaller theatre would:be or ed further down town to stock comb any. At a risfting i fr nesday night it was de- cided wi fuchince to abandon the. praject altogeth: It was ied "that the promoters ted ding .to 'the advice ee easiod thes I' py Pens thi a have a ~bera 1 Fear Win For- Ratlway, - - #4 Winnipez, Dec. 23.-~Consternation f| has been created in civia. circles by halt block pavement and would : ely more permanent. In fact he says it would cost little more than 2 coat of gravel to the same th. If bis claims can be substantiated the own Council cannot get in fotich with him too quickly, adopt {his method of making roads and get rid of Oshawa's eternal mud. sMr. McGregor's scheme looks good at a glance, and is certainly worth investigating.--Reformer. Cobalt, Dec. 21.--J. Graham, employed at the «Crown Reserve ne, fell five huadred feet down shaft of thie Silver leaf mine this | ning and was instantly killed. was warned to lower the the the cage was ta be hoisted to Ha Se the precaution ugh the car back Hg Bi when taking the car: off | terds; when he the possibili'y of the Privy, Councils, iactoinn arainstithe eity's: Sontebtion tht the Street Railway authority to supply currel For ent heat and power in While decision has x rendered, the law lords It have forecasted their o Gi by many dis rect questions, an by ski ng the sol gore for the city if"they oe willing 10 pay all costs, without contest, in the yen that the. decision went Ei She million dollers igs been invests |! ed by Winnipeg in a municipal power lant, after highest - courts in dudes t the Bi tanitobs had freed Brand poss Tad 8 yrulshet t an er, no legal in the weds o tho city. ig? fo ized the occasion resident's visit to te that in| i pi 27 be aed would EY oe his in: opposition to "he. President 3 rnd, eran - t ing Col. Roosevelt or § eammunication Sn him PORTE DROVE ROVE BARGAI ports > f Busi was at ane No, oct seit L loral w Cait Bec, Bio; mattlog. rij wheat patents, awn needs, LR Ak wh Bi tents, choice, Rs to $5; alt mie, lors, $25 to $4.40; do., bags: Oats--Rolled, barrel, $5; bas, 20 bss Hay ar} 2, 58 ta qibs0, o~=F1 eat ee io to 14%0; finest. east et 14a t Bul olceat ¢ roam Bese to ise; oo 0c to 5c; selected, No to 260 to Fe. big, ca: lola WEB to DE, killed, $9.50 to. Heavy anade short cut mess, to $22.50; Canada Parvets, 5 1 6 foi tierces, 375 lbs. rr bs. 9c; tlerces, ad pai 0 10s. ous NEN net, Re te Jose, 200 Ibs, 4,503 Pa tierce, Ly $21.50. ah; Pato. a Market, ri NE Deo £1. Spring wheat car. Joads Store, fv 2 red, 98; No, Wi oy end Th ed by the ilways, ppd x compris cattle, 3,085 'sheep 'and lambs; 105 iy 24 horses. i 00d active t good ont Hart ative tole ie. better in price. i a1 oh Shar cldsses were steady except ~wrere 50¢ per owt. lower a hogs hin $6.40 fed. wate 3 Kenhety bough 'Joads of the best cattle on the ma $6.25 to $6.35; 850 lambs at $8.40 to. $6.50. 2 afin fiat fl i "sows: 0, I; 00 4.761 tami, 8 i y 0 Asked Great Britaln to Requite the Cession of Sollum. 7S pris. £5; middiinia, #9 to las ' 0, ere' landed the rocket Raf rh Sa np. hae dela fo ge dhe abr: Shieh différenties on eine he = hs Jew Arrests 4 bad: meds 18 wo wi A ist gari that I led. The outr Premier occurred on Dec. 4 bomb was thrown in Old Wedlock Tangle. pr mnipeg, Dec. BoM. er charges the Bt. g ita] "vith refusing to pera oh her husband because Protestant and he & Catholic, / At th ace it was said the woman wag he Jasause she is not Brewer's wife, sayi hat he wild. when 'he phic the ; Brewer. The : fart Find Derelict. Washington, Dec. 22.--After a te days' search around d the Bermuda Rod lands, the tevenne Sitter, Bence ud 3 iven uj of finding the doe: fick ae schooner Nathaniel £, Palmer, of Portl steamers have reported the Pas a drifting in the vicinity of the inl eget "das nailer In Canada. Kingston, Dee. 23.--Charles Carbett, jailer of the county jail, 8 Ca celebrated his 46th suniverkary in. that position. He is the old in Canada, anc ia betuz cong, on all sides. Ve? ns Rivuzs.. McKinuey-- At: the dence of the: bride's * Te : Wis Carrie J. Raymes, 'el daughter of Mr. and Mrs. < Raymes, to Mr. Wilton SM io. Kinieyvo Oshawa. Ra

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