ta 10 atl} Tto3 Pm, Nelephone ba afte dad house, open ht i She Port Perry, Nov. 16, 1894, H. HARRIS, B. x "BARRISTER, &¢., OL ho Tobe F. 3 Port Perry, - Ont. _ MONEY TO LOAN. . private Funds at 4 per est: of the Jno. W. Crozier; _ Souicrror, ConvEvanbEs, Office at residence, Oth Com. E. FAREWELL, K.C, LLB, Coty y| WIRE FENCE prod i . Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol Produced onthis Y Contiflefit and at prices that can |, ances. not fail to satisfy purchasers. A. SANGSTER, DENTAL SURGEON. Office Hours--9 to 12 a.m., 2 to 6 pjmi | ip; : Also dpen Saturday evenings, this or any other country. PORT PERRY. ineluding idge Work successfully h on Gold, Silver, Aluminum of Fillings of Gold, Silver br Cement winless extraction when required: # Prices to suif the times ntario Observer Politiéal, Agricullural and Family Newspaper Se North 0 EVERY THURSDAY MORNING . H PARSONS RE SER Si gs ys, poo rs ay onvarlel, and pl oh So A RELA arr hz fe er SE terms will fn all osées bs strictly adhéred to to this it risk. R. 0: OHUROCH. Third Stinday st 10.00. m, Dillon Hinge-Stay Fence ach (ome mile west of Port Perry, )-- NS aciyiel by fis Dwen Sound prepared to supply this whole coftimunity with the very BEST The Ditton Fence i§ without a peet. It is the BEST bécause it is flexible; it i¢ a square mesh ; it is a peifect hinge-stay fence, therefore it is impossible to bend the stays, it fact it is the best fence made in fice of the Beuk in Toronto on Wednesda bruary next, st 13 By oder of the BSkrd, GEO. P. SCHOLFIELD, 'Toronto, 21st Decefiiber, 1011, Author of the "Pilla of Light" ing" and' "The of the Kansas." Bg MONEY TO LOAN (4 ber tent. tpwards-- British Oapital y INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Marriage Liconses. & Agints C-P. R.-&. Before pirthasing a Wire Fence #2 Gold Fillings, Bridge and Crown |don't fail to inspect thé. DiLLow FENCE. R. L. GRAHAM J. H. Brown, DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL IMPLE- Huodrssor 10 Dr. F. D. MCGRATTAN MENTS AND MACHINERY. April 6, 1905. have a advance: not §i.8 As an inducement td Cann purchasers Hr =§ Dissouad dif or ol will be allowed on all Sdled from now until Jan, lst next. All work being #& MADE BY HANDE} will be given by any article purchased. eda 'promptly attended to. pa JOHN ROLPH. Port Perry, Deo. 1. DAVID J. & DOUGLAS ADAMS, = oer i" Banket's and Brokers. 'due BUCK Would Have the alternative of being drowned or beaten to pieces against the frowning rocks or shot! | from the mainland dike so many strand: ed seals if somo aiiance of luck and strength secured & momentary foots hold on one of the tiny islets that barted the way. Some one threw # cork jacket ovef' he girl's shoulders and bade ber fas-| ten its straps around ber waist. 8he' obeyed without a word. Indeed, she seemed to have lost the power of speech. In a curiously detached way! | she wondered why Hosler did not re- her ears. Whitre was Hozler? What vas he doing? Why did he not come fort She felt a strange confidence fp him. If he had not been struck down by that calamitous sheD he would have saved the ship--assuredly he would bave ¢ some mesns of saving their Perhaps even now be way attempting seme desperate ex- ---- | pedient. The thought barred her fof an Instant. "Theh a repding, grinding MEANING OF THE CROSS This cross (in red) has becii adopted in Canada and all over America as the emblem under which the Crusade ag#inst Consumption EAGRAVE 3 reader knows of i dlneanes how: too. offen. the the family falls a victim, or or youfig woman, witli a promise of a happy and useful life, is stricken down. y This modern Crilsade, lille the one of old, is a winning fight. The death fate from Consumption in province shows a decrease of over 25% in the past few years. Nearly 6000 of these poor sufferers have Been cared for in our Consumptive Homes in Muskoka and near Weston. Toiday we have 300 patients under treat- Who, if they had the momey, could not through fear 6f contagion gain admittance into other the favages of this "the young man N returning thanks to the public for th patronage extended tome for over 3 years, I wonid respectfully intimate that' ~ . Ay am, as usual, iow ready for busincss, and ¢. Muskoka Free Hbspital alohé We are now 128 of these carnot pay a single cent for the cost of their maintenance, 15 pay 70c. per day, 1 pays 57c. per day, 12 pay 50c. or less caring for 150 . patients. Large & Assorted Stock OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which I am detérmined to sell very CHEAP Our Trustees, having faith ig the gefiérbus-hearted people of Canada, have continu during the past year. ; Money to pay doctors, food; fiursing and caring of these sick ones, i§ urgently needed. Will your readers help and have the joy of sharing in a work that has the promise of thé Master's reward? W. J. GAGE Chairman Exectifive Committee, Natiooal Sanitariuni Association to carry on this work ' no factory work kept in stook, the] empér ority of my goods will at once become Spparent, J ntendiug purchasets will find that by glving me a call before looking elsewhere they can be suited in quality and price, my low expéiionce in the trade being an indis putavle guarantee that perfect satisfaction Evérthing in my line of business kept constintly on hand and repairs nestly and | noise was followed by 4 sudden swerve | and roll of the ship that sent ber stag. | wrung from her pgrehed throat. But the Androl righted herself | again, though there was snotber sound | of tearing metal, and the deck heaved K. A strong Hand It was Coke, § men. of the mob ep of the forehold. can swing her clear." up toward the quivering ccm Central Livery PORT PERRY. "EARTILY thanking the public for the lib , toceived duting the 0. P. R. Time Table. MYRTLE STATION. 8 that 1 have removea MY LIVERY! he to my former place of business Water 8 treet which Iam sbout to largely extend in- aie Mails Olése. despatihed from the Poa JAQKSON, Audbionser, Valuator, &o. hima ro a < x A 4 . RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGES Port Perry, Jane 21, | gering against a bulkhead. An out | | burst of cries ofiq shouting rang, | through her bralh, @nd a shriek was \ | They were festooned with seaweed, | the ship's plates and the rocks was peiring horribly. 8he, | aware. saw Hosiet leapiagainst the flood ef "Curse you, the woman fi r ohe| | she would have slipped off into the heard him say, and be sent the leaders rawiing over the htches Coke, almoet carrying her in his left afm, butted in among the crew like an futuriated bull. - Some of the men, shamefaced, m#fle way for them. Ho- gler reached her, She thought he said to the captain, "There's a chance if we Then the shi struck, and they werd all flung to the deck. They rose, somre- how, anyhow, but the Andromeda, ap- parently resenting the check, lifted herself bodily, tilted bow upward and struck again. A wass of spray dashed down upon the syyuggling figures wha | had been driverrf second time to their knees. There was a terrific explosion in the after hold, for the deck bad burst under the pressure of aff, and another ominous roar announced that the water had.reached the furnaces. Steam and smoke and dust mingled | with the incessant lashing of sheets of 3 spray, and Iris was torn from Ooke's | ;¢ the cleft and was flung off is a grip. 3 ' She fancied she heard Hosler ery | : a "Too late!" and a lightning gLTIDse | gt nearly swept Wails into the next | shell he would have saved them alll | pitiable object. A couple of rats ran down the sloping déck showed SOME \worid, and ft doove every rodent in that .| of the engineers and stokers crawling iexposed place, back to the dry interior. | ibappy chief officer as a causeway, and 1 | { 'Waurtks, Okla.--*'1 had female trou- could not sleep day | this condition Iread | ham's Vegetable weight and am now strong and well." --Mrs. SALLIE STEVENS, R. F. D. No. | 404" coke, g 3, Box 81, Waurika, Okla, Another Grateful Woman | tion. London, Ont.--I feel as if I could | were beginning to measure their lives not tell others enough about {he good | against the life of the wedge of irom - | and Umber kept in position by the crumbling frame of the ship. | a fast diminishing scale. The figures painted on the Andromeda's bows rep- resented minutes rather than feet. _ Watts was lying crouched on deck, who te the same pul e | with his srs thrown round the wind Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable pound has done for me. 1 was 80 weak and tired that I could not rest nights. A friend recgmmended your Compound and I soon gained health | and strength and could not wish to i sleep better. I know other women and they: join me in praising it. --MRS. WM. A. BUFFY, 905 Dame St, | London, Ont. Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Com- | und has gurely cured many cases of | emale ills, such as inflammation, ulcer- ation, displacements, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, back- nervous prdstration. wedged in a cleft in the rocks. They might still have a chance when the tide dropped. So that explained why it was so dark where a few moments ago all was light. Iris pressed the salt water out of her burning eyes and tried tp Jook up. On both sides of the narrow triangle of the forecastle rose smooth overhanging walls, black and dripping. and every wave that curled up between thrown back over the deck, bild ¥ 0 1 : cleft with its supersaturated alr spacel made active the choking sensation of which she was just beginning to be "I cannot breathe!" she sobbed, and welter of angry foam beneath had not Hozler tightened & protecting arm round her waist "Stoop down," he sald. J She had a dim knowledge that he unbuttoned his coat and drew one ef its folds over her head. Ah, the bless ed relief of it! Freed from the stifiing showers of spray, she drew a deep breath or two. How good he was to herl How sure she was pow that if he had been spared by that disaiAimg Bent and shrouded as she was, she could see quite clearly downward. The ship was breaking up with ihooncel?- able rapidity. = Iris heard & ghastly yell from be- neath, and an eerie face appeared above the stairway. It was Watts, mad with fright and drink. He scrambled up, 8 over his body, and as each whisked across his shoulders and past his cheek he uttered a bloodcurdling yell. A big wave surged up into the recesses Arenching ghower on to the foréeastie 'Po return they had to use the un- ithe poor wretch's despairing cries were heartrending. He was clinging for sear life to & bolt in the deck when «Coke joined bands with a safief | 'was thus enabled to reach him. Qoke | pulled him up until he was lodged 1A safety in front of the windlass. CHAPTER VL COIL of stout ropé fell on top of the windlass and rebounded to i 'tulty in throwin bles for seven Jone, was allrun dowry, | a 2% Jo Joe 1uan E yo EQ nervous i: . .. could 9 do any- | cess of the seventh was \ thing. The doctors | @ favorable gust of wind treated me for dif- | the cleft at the very instant ferent things but | heeded. The saflor's quick did. me no . I !goived this problem for the future. so bed that I | pving the small rope to the heaviet 3 hose who remained below or night. Whilein | it pr he some sort Bf & of Lydid E. Pink- | Was established. : Once there was a check They Compound, and | ed anxiously, but there was no began jts use and | given by the frail rope that they were wrote to Mrs. Pinkham for advice. In | to haw! in again. Then the upward a short time I had gained my average | j,vement continued. "Chunk e rock in -the way," #h« laring round af the | survivors as if te challenge comtradie: No one answered. These nen lass. Looking ever for a fresh incur sion of rats, he seemed to be cheered by the fact that his dreaded assailants preferred the interior of the ferecastis | ped, all that was left of the Androme-, | to the wave swept deck. He was the | da toppled over, and the cavern she only man there who had no fear of Qeath. Suddenly he began to cfobn & ache, that bearing-down feeling, and | leng forgotten sailor's chanty: "Now, me lads, sing 8 stave of the Sead mass. , Ye'll never sail 'ome again, eh! lass, Marooned in the Spanish main, ohl 8ing hay-- A nikker is Davy Jones! ; plug an' a swig at the Jug, An' up with the ckull an' bones!" 'After a longer end faster haul than stopped a second time, Every one ex- cept Watts was watching the whip "Thera she goes!" 8." numboess of hblly and mifd che cheer broke from the lips overwrought men. that meant. Somewhere high above the black rocks aud the flying scud was hope throned In the blessed sum- They drew him in cautiossly until Coke was able to grasp bis hamd. "They were gnick to see that he brought a second rope and a spare whip. 2 "I'wo at a time on both ropes" was They knew: what' friendly Portuguese up there, but no one must be seen if a boat is sent from, the island to find out what bes be come of the 8hip. Bo step lively! Now, | captain, tell 'em off in pairs. Qeke's method was char He literally fell on the two Dearest men and began to truss them. Hozlet followed bis exampie and tied two others baek to back. They vanished, and 'the repes returned, much more. | speedily this time. Four and four | i, the insensible Watts. Tears gus! again were araws up to safety. "Phere were left the captain, Hozier and the wnbappy Watts, who was now crying "NERVILINE" CURES RHEUMATISM And Hero Is the Proof--A Solemn | Statement From a Four-Years' | Cripple, Who Says "Nerviline" "If I. had lived through my suf- ferings another year it would have is is ne openin, sentence of the declaration Sh 4 Mr. J. Ecties Squires, member of oné of the hest-known families for twenty Tiles round Sydney. rawn out of shape, even my fi were gnarled and eroORed--my | Bases griifrosm, and {nabllity ut_al owed the. havoc Rh tism made with my health, The bless in [To BE corrinUEn.] that 1 have heard ine, a now 1 .am able to and advise 8 a thet | Full of Aches, weakened had to build up with a good tod 1 took Ferrozone at me never stopped rubbing on Ne x it had a magic influence on my painful joints, and bbtth aftee 5 Pp er, A few doc a years ago i it is scoepted by the Because Sours, Bchools sud Press as thio one supreme an- thority. Because be Wio knows Wins i Snecess. Let us teil Were swept away, (De TOTemAasT Tery the forehold and forecastle were riot- ously flooded by the sea, and Watts, were he capable of using bis eyes, might have seen his deadly enemies, the rats, swarming in hundreds to the tiny platform that stifi rose above the, destroying waves. Soon even thaff frafl ark was shattered. When the keel and garbeard stroke plates snap-, had invaded rang with 8 fierce note of' triumph as the next wave thundered in without hindrance. Lh . . . . . » eI It was indeed a new and strange world on which Iris looked when able to breathe and see once more. Dur ing that terrible ascent she bad retain- ed but sHght consciousness of her sur roundings. She knew that Hosler and herself were drawn close to a bulging rock, that her companion clutched at it with hands and knees and thus fend- ed her delicate imbs from off its bre< ken surface; ghe felt herself half car' ried, halt lifted, up into free air smd er to cleared tmpressions. But: she t muoeh for granted. For instance, it Aid" not seem an unreasonatile thing that the familiar faces of men frorthe Ane' dromeda should gather pear her on an uneven shelf of rock strewn with bre< ken bowiders and thé MNtter of birds. She recognized them vaguely and their presence brought a new con fidence. They increased in numbers Satlor-lke, they began to take pard instantly in the work of rescue, buff she wondered dully why Hosier not come to her, nor did she un 3 stand that he bad gome back to tha! raging inferno beneath until she saw' | his blood stained face appear over the lip of the precipice. 4 Then she screamed wildly, God--oh, thank God!" and sta to her feet in the frantic desire to help in unfasteningthe ropes that bound pds forth at be TS own helplessness, The pain in hew eyes bitnded her The shrank & 4 sgaln. Kot ul Thilip himself spoke did she to look at him, ta' find that he was bending over and endeavoring to allay her agita' tien by assu thefr: common well bel ing. "Oome, Misd Yorke," said Ho< 3 gler, "our Portud "I'HANK €0P--OH, gtiese friends say "My hands were THANK GOD" © we mpst Dot re< mato bere an instant lenger than is get | ~~maueu® mr | WOMAR'S NEEDLESS SUFFERING tinl Back Gall Pains, Pale and od 031% 2% | Gun the Use of Dr. Hamilion's Pils ny Re ails I that only back pains and bladder, dis- orders were traceable to the - but to-day, sclemce many ,| of the most fatal and & ed diseases. : hisve their sources in irreguier kidney action. | "Such was the cage. w den "Anns : A. ran inaen dent of 1 "Fer Valencla--read her aE oh