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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 11 Jan 1912, p. 2

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. -- a 3 Ottawa, Jan. S.--FulBlment 8F 'the | pre-slection promises of greater aid Yo |. agriculture, made by the leaders of the DResent goverumedt, is already being commenced by Hon. Martin Burrell, minister of agriculture, by means of steps to assist field orop competitions - seud tests and provincial seed exhihi- tions. Hencelforward thase institutions which are potent factors in stimulating greater interest in the production and 080 of better seed, are to receive in- creased aid designed to widen their fest Business transacted at nuary sittings of the County. > be held on, Toesdaye) ry. 23rd, will be the election arden; and already there ave ay ames mentioned for the "position. Mr. Alex. Leask, Reeve "fof Reach; Mr. A. W. jackson, 'Reeve of the town of Whitby, ind ir D, Brown, Reeve of Thorah: : The following is the modus oper. ; Ta 'Campbeliford, O deliberations ot Association of convention here this morning, Fg of Kingston, pre: thé past year as chi tor for. Eas average produ: in. the district for, pounds, and the ay peice rs, British Cohn ware sly ,000 acres of orchard, while to day : i are 120,000 asd) In Canada | today there mre about 550,000 |actes of orchard, worth about $150, e| 000,000. Agriculture in all its branches has made rapid strides. For instance, in 1gag . British Col 4,000,000 © worth § the coming |: wintor and $k upetior sorts | of grain and 0 Canadiatt farmers. The saniples for general distribution. will consist of & wheat (5 Ibs.), white cats (4. lbs: barley (5 Ibs,), and field peas (3ibs.). e seut'ont from Ottawa. A distribution of 'potatoe: {nab samples) will be carried 'on from alinost as versatile as that. A i j1 & g.I1 a.m. 3:55 p.m. 7.33 pm. Port PERRY. 'Gorka Bourn. , |,' ewe , 7.20 an, 11.55 a.m. £ 140 pm. « $300 to $10, have MON iY Re vestment at lowest rate. 5 J HUBERT L. EBBELS, Barristé, Port Perry. TEE OBSERVER Has A GOD CIRCULATION, a x constan wing in favon. It | the BEST Advertising Meds in the County; is the champion of the Agriculturists and of the, more con- tive and practical class.of peo- Js not a favorite .4f fchemers, ers and cli ;- it ip the Oldest aod Best Established--foynded in 1857--the most. original and best in its . general news depart- ment nl Is priste] ra in the q. place ublication-- Po . Trango 4 annum in Nance, not paid will be $OB PRINTING -- THE Mosr MODERN SrvLEs AND AT Low PRICES. EE ---------- North Ontario Observer. (The Official Paper of the People.) FOUNDED IN 1857. only Paper Ppiniea ana Published in in advance, $1.50 . PORT, PERRY, JAN. 11, 1912. , With a population of over seven London had only pineteen illioi i % thurder last year. Fifteen hundred tons of potatoes row cotland Sgachsd New Cali. ox ingin the city of! 'Quebec, and the authorities are aking no adequate measures to cope with the epidemic. The total number of men and boys in Great Britain employed underground in ebal mines accord- ing to the latest Statistics, is 804530. Because she was refused when she proposed to @ man, a Chicago woman shot herself, There may be many deaths of that kind this year. 'The proprietor of the toll road be- tween Port Hope and Cobourg is dead, but the toll gates still live. They ought to have been dead half & century ago Lethbridge Herald :--A woman can 'wear low shoes and thin silk stockings in winter without feeling any ill effects, bat she would rapidly go into a decline if deprived of her furs. New Liskeard Speaker :--Those pos- sessed of the gamul; Shaiimos way grat- iy is by sim uying a ne the res ry slightly in favor oF i being a bad investment. fhe Cobourg Sesntivel-Star tages HA number of our citizen ted the harbor on Wednesday to see the wavs roll up in their fury and pitch over jie Langevin pier."' Busy Co- Port Arthas News obs residents of ty are refusing to eat eggs i in order to force a the price. We gone without'em Jonger than that without affucting the . oronto Htar:--A man of many col- - who was 8 eto the oro has § ded mn chigan, In sixteen amateur Thioy ave take on Seven down in Quebec with Tosards satisfactory results it discounts alt ] farmer anodes ever introduced into -Mcéording to the new Rule govern 'the election of that ger; 'and for simplicity and un. ntelligent governing assembly of representatives that ever assmbl il Bir. Wilfrie Laurier is apparent in news : mambers. .A strong eat be.on foot to have Bir hgsiyd ide and make 'dag Civilization but. may work like 3 The ballot is doubtless satisfactory "system - ye! dad should be afill in SA 9 Clerk shall thareupon take m ptacle in which cards have n ced, one card at a time an it comes "bo his'hhnd and 'call upon the member whose name appears thereon 'BEY ot whoo "he pasts his vita and thie Clerk shall place the fizure 1 under the'hame of the member for whom the vote has been cast. When all the members have voted the Clerk shall tortbwith inform all the Members that a majority of hl have been cast for oue member and shall thereupon de- clare the election of such member. The Town Ft Whitby Did Itsel onor. Our good bl} County town did itself honor and justice to one of the most popular and efficient public officers extant, by re-electing J. H. Downey, Esq, Mayor of that town for 1912. 12.34 5 Doha «ov. 74 48 36 51 60--260 Richardson . st 32 29 34 20--156 C. A. Goodfellow also ran, ----m A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Miss Lulu Vickery, on Saturday, of last week, when a Miscellaneous Shower was given for Miss Ethel Doubt. IMPORTANT AUCTION Saie. -- Mr. John Jacsson, Merchant avd Postmas- ter, Scugog, having disposed ol his busi to Mr. Jag. Gordon, Green- baok, has decided to sell by Auction, on Friday, January 28; all his Farm Im- pl ts, Machinery, Household Furni- ture, &c., antl in order to accomplish his object-he has authorized Mr, Geo. davkson tb sell the same on the premi- eB on that day without 'the slightest reserve. The listin an extensive one and contains many valuable and desir- able articles of which anvone to pos- sess:might be proud of, and all are to go at Auction Prices. Don't fail to reall the advert n another col- | Whitby Presbyterial. The Woman's Foreign Mission- ary Societies of Whitby Presbytery will hold their annual meeting in 1 Joba Church, Port Perry, on ednesday, Jan. 17, 1912. There will be three sessions, the morning at ten o'clock; the afternoon at two o'clock and the evening at eight o'clock. One special feature of the evening meeting will be the address by the Rev. Dr. McGillivray on, Conditions in China. Dr. McGil- livray spent several years in mission work at Honan; but so many re- quests came for his services from the Christian Literature Society of Shanghai that the church finally loatted bim for their work. Dr. M&Gillivray, a gold medalist in the University of Toronto, has proven himself one of the foremost men in China. with the Christian Literature So- ciety he touches the highest edu: cated classes in the empire. Over seventy volumes of translation and original literary work testify to the great ability of ithe man. In ad- difion to this work hé edits a monthly publication for resident and native ministers, "The China Year Book" bégun in 1910 is also in bis hands. The people of Port Perry are specially privileged in heating such a man at suth a time in the lifé of the Chinese natipg. £3 t t Guthrie to Lead tha Liberals? Ottawa, Jan. 9.--That what seems to bs the jndvitable troubles of an" oppo- sition leader sreto be mo stranger to the first cabal discussed tonight z movement Wilfrid way for | declarations of the several members as the law directs, after which'the Mr. Alex Leask; Deputy Messrs. J. T. Dobson, I: son and J. Stone. granted to the Hospital, Toronto, was paid to Messrs. Day 50 loads gravel furnished the Cor- poration. duced and carried thrqugh a appointing Mr. essor-for 1912 at a salary of $100. intrbddced Ww a 3-4; Dr. F. Officer ; Dr. scope. The new policy puté each province on the same footing and offers them all financial assistance on the basis of a refund of two-thi awarded in priges, gnder certain limita- tions. The organidation work, selec- tion and payment of 'j dges, etc., will ba left to the provinci agriculture, Ss of the amount departments of 4 ay, 8th inst, THE Reeve took the chair and organized the Council, The Council of 1912 is--Reeve, eeve, Mt. Ralph McIntyre; Councillors, . M. John- The Clerk read a number of com- munications, narie of which, how- ever, were of public interest. On motion of Mr. McIntyre, £5 was paid to. Mr. W. F. Dobson for delivering ballot boxes: On rhotiBh of Mr. Johnson, 850 paid to Mr. W. F. Crosier on ac- count of services as Collector. On motion of Mr. Mcintyre, 854 30 was ordered to be paid" to Messrs. as surveyors as per account. Abery & Co., for services On motion of Mr. Stone, $5 was Sick Children's On thotion of Mr. Mcintyre, 85.50 Bros., for On motion of Mr. Dobson, $5 was ordered to be paidfor six copies of the Municipal World. On motion of Mr. Dobson, orders were issued in favor of the following for 88 each for services as Deputy Returning Officers :--Enoch Ken- dall, Richard Terry, Peter Ganton, Wm. Stovin, Williams, Geo. Kilpatrick, W. D. Munro, Stanley McLeod. Wm. Pollock, Ed Messrs, Stone and johnson, intro- Bylaw Wm, Phoenix "ass- Mesrrs. Dobson and MclIntyt and catrietd Lye. "Pe a 1 . Mellow, Medical G. L. Robson, Sani- ary Inspector. Messrs. Johnson and Stone. intro- duced and carried through a By-law appointing Mr. J. W. Crosier and r. R. T. Harrington as Auditors. Messrs. McIntyre and Dobson introduced and carried through a By-law establishing the meetings of Council for 1g12--the second Mon- day in each month. On motion of Mr. Dobson;. Theo: Fitchett was granted $2 as tempor- ary aid. On motion of Mr. Dobson, $4 was paid to Mr. Wm.. Stone, as per account as Caretaket dnd au elec ion, : On motion of Mt, Johnson, Mr. Albert Stone was appointed path- f In| master to fill the unexpired term of In his work 1n connection | pM r. John Stoiie, he haviug resigned said office. On motion of Mr. McIntyre, $6.63 was paid to 'Mr. Thos. Kilpatrick, being two-thirds loss sustained in having bne ewe killed by dogs. Mr. Dobson gave notice that at next meeting he would introdace a By law fixing the amount of re- muneration for members of Council for 1912. Chief Profits in By-Prodtists. Chicago, Jan 4 -- By products yield 97 per cent. of the products in the packing business, according to figures given by Wm. D formerly géveral manager ¢f the Armour Packing Com, sas City, who cdncluded his testi mony to-day in the tri Miles, y, of Kan- the t Ee wn pér tent. of butter' tary conditions '@ by 45.230 boxe from the wells of 3 ies'were analyzed ated. This cond must be remedied tion that he made 4 Great Britain, rmed hi weight, énough in texti being tdo 'heavy' trade, 4 spoken by Mr. Geo director ~ of i bigh. prices of the quality of output, herds dnd of dtable ment of cream on H. Barr, Branch. were as cream. If cream is at the factor should be cooled ar degrees., If to frigerator is not so cream as a tabk w cream as the factor Prof, H. H. Dea tediperature of 65 d and at dippifig and cream-testing met pasteurizing cream ing each coy short ai McKergow, re Ayer and' boxes, the pre: too brittle. 'He that makers alvrags afid cheese of od At the eveni McIntosh, of Sti district represent ario Department: discussed the tatives' work to Dr.G.C.C Ontario Agricu! scribed the wor! explained the p ors and its farmers of the the past year: students enrolled ir Hon. Mr. Bi An address of power was Martio Burrell, of Agricplfure greeted him and lsténed with more tion. As 1 Minister paid a Eow, the gteafes The valve of . products in y :! wor, arly ex| & has pra [Chiefly frat g apd Cai] much improved. of them were found results of expetime in butter making and in the treat- factories were outlin of inrik at the time of reported also on af A few words of cb Ontario farmers and m Toronto. Special reference was made to the $eason, good at Ottawa farms and: in ed-by Mr. G of the Domimon Dairy Some.of follows 13-4 Pp! cellar is not the besk , Conclusions Stdinary ce to keep to be delivered y every other day it nd Rept at ss g be delivered only twice § week, 48 degrees: re- for cdvling water and ice. The natural ripening of gathered y will not pro duce d good keepitig bitter: I ny of the Ontario Agricultural College, gave an ad- dress on cheese and butter problems Overzripe milk at cheese factories can be preverited by keeping every- thing clean at the" farm, cooling the night's and by miilk to a ees. Acidity addjng rennet the moistire in curd and cheese also were discussed. Some of the butter problems are hods, "cost of » and how tb] care for cream on thé farifi; resolution wag passed ; recorhitiend- ing that cheese figtor that milk from patrons 65 degrees im edfitely after hilk- lep ocksaaty + demand cooled to thie r. A. Hing A A. Montreal, the use of better bnes in use being ommended also the cheese | [in boxes right sidf up, and do hot sedd in the same fshipments boxes tos. cn Mr. A. B. one of the f Agriculture, of the represen: province, n, president of 1 College, de- the college and of its endeav. bince. During e were 1,557 all the courses. LL'S ADDRESS. t interest and fred - by Hon. pinion Minister large audience 4 rohg applause remarks -{ way thatithe Government can help umbia produced v of farm ucts, and this¥icreased to $14,000,000 in- tgr0., The best the farmers of Canada, said the Minister, is to help the farmers to the Dominion Depariment of every way that is es] nly in the wey of. Bors" and in the way of. hore' an better education. Frey Will not be *'spo fled 'The actment is pecia spodn x help themselves, It is the purpose |. o "| Agriculture, "under the 'ernment; to assist the 1s 2 that they impaft to others the knowledge that.t . aiready have. and not be agoD about it, and then ask for reciprocity. For the development of the dairy industry it is necessary also to get an intelli- gent grasp of the work that is being done in dairying in othér countries, and this the Government is endeav- oring always to keep - informed on and to impart to the dairymen throughout the Dominion. Irwin -- Cookbley. P On Wednesday morning, Jan: ard, 1912, "Greenhill Place" the home of Mr. and Mrs; R. U. Irwin, of Port Perry, was the scene of a very happy event when their eldest daughter, Edith Gertrude, was united in marriages with Mr. Charles Richard Cooksley, df Cobalt. The ceremony 'was performed by the cousin of the bride, Rev. J. C. Forster, of Blackstock, assisted by the Rev. A. C. Carfteron, B. A., of Port Perry. The house which was beautifully decorated for the oc- casion was flooded with the rays of the morning sun as the bride entered the drawing room to the strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march played by Miss Mason of Shelborne, ..Ounly the immediate friends of the family were present. The bride, who was given awdy by her father, looked charming it her travelling 'suit of grey broadcloth: After jtHex wedding breakfdst the young ¢ouple léft fof Torontd; De. troit and. other points westtvard/ wherathe Ei ead Les Setey AION) eiv'teryrn w i Brutality of Russisd Hangings in Persia. Tabriz, Jur. 7.--Four mars Nationals were hanged yesterday near the Ius- sim camp. The executions were car- ried out in a primitive and brutal man- ner The ropes were pleced around the ngcka of the condemned men and pulled sharply. Thus the victims were slowly strangled. Some of the victims lived fifteen minutes. No bandage cov- ered the eyes, and in some cases, the arms dnd legs were unbound. The Russians have commenced to destroy the walls of the citadel, which is several centuries old. Shua Ka Dow- leh, the pew Governor, has thus far not been Taenguized by the Cossuls; with the exception ot the Itussian Con sul, whom he visited y ester in state. Probably the most peculiar lum- bering operations in the world are being carried on in the Bay of Quinte, on the northern shore of ake Ontario, whefe powerful en- gines are hoisting valuable oak and walnait logs frofif the . bottom of the bay. Some of them -are fifty feet long apd sound as the day the were though many of the logs Le been submerged. 'for twenty-five years. Long ago the lake was surrounded by magnifiokbt forests of oak, pine and black walnut, and when the logs Were felled and run into the lake for shipment, great numbers of , | the heaviest sank through their own weight or because they were covey ed with snow. Divers recent he | 35certained that the bottom ot 'ithe daily. i] Reports, nd have been in bay hi full 2 logs, and barges equip, with engines and grappl- ing hooks are now oe for commercial purposes: Hun- dreds of dollars' worth até raised reliable of ] circulafiof; bottom of the Scugop' calities contains v w d d 0 the sn dy the speaker advised | y tried many Kinds of medici no benefit, and" began to féar| nt mae Je several of thie Central only the pro Quebec. All Sai iree, by mail. ; ficants sho give particul- he soil, on their to Lp es they have ad I Shay fount Winsatisfactory, so that a pro- a heat for their 'conditions may be sent. 3 Each a 4 is wha B 3 tains igithe route taken by Colurm- bus, wlio must have ha wind ehind bit and h copied iT] 4 upply of seed is limited, faritlers are advised to apply early to "avoid possible. disippointment. No application can be accepted after feb. 15th. ] All applications for - grain (and. applications from "the. provinces of; Ontario and Québec for potatoes) should be-addressed to the Domif. ion Cerealist, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa. Sich a require no post ag: | Applications, for potataes, from farmers in apy other province shonid be Treo (postage prepaid), to the Superintendent of the nearest Branch Ekperimental farm in that province. shee J. H. GRISDALE; Director, Dominion Experimental Farms. WHitby Township Elsctions. Tliete was a keen contest in this township. For the Reeveship there were three aspirants. -- €ssrs. Moore, Lick, Hubbell. While sothe new men were in the "field" for Couhcil result was as' follows © VOTE BY DIVISIONS. 1g." Moorewwwyiy 37 73 108 Lack 78 36 32° Hulibell .... '2 4 Rowe 75% 99% 7 73 4 '57--2604 no 17-- 24 60-293 | 271 48--239| 71--235, 517733 --1g1 ZL i17--1 31 49--126 LITTLE WORRIES JN THE HON It is These That Bring Wrink- les and Make Women Prematursly Ola. 3 7 Almost every woitiah at the hep of a home meets daily with i little worries in ber household atx fairs. THe§ iddy be too "small 'ta notice an hor afterwards, but it ig these sanfe constant little Worried that take so many women look pré- maturely old. Their efleet' may be noticed in sick or nervous head - aches, fickle appetite, pain in thé back or side, sallow complexion; atid the coming of wrinkles, which every woman dreads. To thpse thus afflicted Dr, Williams' Pink Pills offer a speedy and certain ctire, a restoration of color to the cheeks, brightness to the eye, a healthy appetite and a sense of freedom from weariness. Among the thousands of Cana- dian women who hidve fotind new bealth and new strength, through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink: Pills is Mrs. W. C. Daerr, London, Ont., who says: 'About twé years ago I found myself s6 badly tun down that it was almost impossible to perform wy household duties I tell off in fob, was weak and very pale, and had no appetite, feet:con- staa(ly cold, and to further make my life misefaBle I was afflicted with those othér ailments from which so many women Bom 1 ybuit Brown 35 Haycraft ,.. Arksey .... Bell .... aa I was slipping into chronic in: validism. Ji wased i y Witliaghs' Pink pplications : be mon natsding v Td y aRtmaBte Gi Hitelicock ang a delegation of pr nent New MeRicank, were present. fn : : DIED 'Laxc--In Hampton, on Friday, Hanuacy 5 1912, James Lang in this goth year. , Deceased for many years was a tegident of the township of Reach and was one ofits most estithable inffabitants, and had the cohhidence apd 'respect of all who had. the 'pléasure of his acquaintance and MF. Lang proved a desirable acquis ition to the municipality in many téspects and fillel important offices with credit to all concerned; He tas more than ohce, elected to the position of Colincilor dnd "tha electorate had the satisfaction of knowing that they made no mis- take in placing him in office; Ada citizen he was efilerprising and in Hustrious and took an active part in every movement that had a- teh' dency to benefit hinkind, and more patticularly the agricultural inter: ests; being a leader and rendering much assistance iii perfecting agri cultfral'# gis) hd - supporters of these ilpoFtang itistitutionhd did nol stage hig, dctivity and and the} 'reciprgeated by im on the Boafd.of Direcd «org And elevated him to other offices in connection therewith. His name stands: recordelt {fi the honor falls ofthoth municipal sud agricultural archives of towiship of Reath: } was a staunch tte the courage of his cbnvictions, . Mr. Lang was a devofed husband, kind and indulgept: father and a good neighbor. ©" 7% ¢ ¥ ! Services were held at the house on Sunday evétilng at which there was a good atténdance and were under tte ditection of the Indepen- dent Olrder 61 Foresters the follow. ing Brethren conducting the service: W. R. Alli, D.S.C.R., acting as S.C.R., assfdfed by A. L, Pascoe as Orator, and J D. Hoggarth as P. S.CR. : On Monday last, at g o'clock the cortege I¢ll the family residence at Hampton, and proceeded to the Pine Glove Cemetery at Prince Albert; where the remains were in- terred in' the family plot. Drs ed was buried with Hofiérs of the Order ot which he had s¢ 'long been a member. The pallbearers were Bros. L. Neddery, K. Avery, H G Pascoe, J. D. Hoggarth, A. L. Pasco, and W. R. Allin. The Betvices at the grave Were 'conduct ed by Rev. C. W, Barrett, Method. isf Minister. : hos Coox--Tn Port Parif, on Thursday, _ Janvary '4th, 1912, Mary Ann rin, widow of tiie'late Joseph I, in het 87bd year. 5 1 felt somewhat h doso, To my delig the Pills a few we JHE] ADA? vi 6 new Turnip Pulper, Massey Harris, fs Platform Spring Wison , : 3 Light Democrat with Pale and Top Spring Wagon with Peddiing Box Ret Lizht EI Single) Set Light Double Harness Set, Heavy Dinble Harness Pair Sweat Callnry, Pair Double Whifflutress and Nock Yokes Pair Horse Blankets 2 Pair Fiy Nets Wheelharrow Hand Cure : (agoline Engine, 13 horse . 3 Turning Lathg Grind Stone Wire Stretche Circular Saw Rusniicy Lumber-- White Ash AR umber Empty Boxes dnd Tin Cans" lea Saw wna Tongs Grass Scythe: oy 2 Croquet Sets Lawn Mowet Flower Stand Lawn Swing. - Quantity Brick wy Stone Hammer | Work Bench and Seri 3 J 4 Window Sarh and (lass 4 Hoes; Shovels, Forks, Ricks ~ 3 Ladders i Sacks and Bags Set Scales, 240 1bd cap. Egg Cases Set Sealer, 10 lbs cap. Papper Mill * Quantity Oats | bout 4 tons Bay FURNITURE, ETC. 5 Parlor Cook | . Heater, coal or wood 3 2 Box Stoves, wood, Gasoline Stove i Canal Oil Hovpss Drum at Stove Coal Scuttle Number Piped: Bedroom Syite 4 Bedsteads Bod Springs Washstand Easel ' Coash Divan Quarter:cit Dak Centre Tuble a Jp Extension Table Kitchen Tang : 8 Diningroam Chairs, Arm Chair, 12 Kitchen Chairs Small Table Leo Cream Freeder, 1} gal. cap, Sewing Muehine<Singer = © Ro Flin Pri Glnen et Kitg Frames »§ Jrons 3 Chamber Sats, 12 Framed Pictured 45 Yds Rag Carpet R 3%! Straw Matting Mirrors Number Pitttire, unframed > Number Window Blinds, Poles .; Curtain SY rp Joe Plauté snd Flow. Epoien Fall Leaf Tah] 8 Rocking Chai hair: ; He Bhd had {8 de Sea lors, . nd shew . Wash Tub ringer, new 2 Large Jugs, Pots, Kettles, Lam, Ee Dai tieh . Lat i Other articles too tiumerous t& mentis | #® Mr. Jackson having. ' his business and iv moving V will be sold without reserve. SaLm AT ONE O'CLOGK. TERMS CASH. G. JACKSON, Auctioneer! Agricultural Meeting' OTICE 1S HEREBY SIvEN, . pursuant to Sfatute, in that ! half, tbat the 'Annfial Meeting of the members of the : Cartwright Agricultural Sootory ire WILL BB BELD IN THE TOWN HALL BLAGKSTOCK: On Friday, the 19 Jumnary, {94 at the hour of One o'clock p.m., for the, urpose receiving the Auditors' Res Bip lh bustness as nay be brought before "ths meeting. 5 Ch A good attendance is solicited, BOs. Py: i Prostasid hs ANKUAL MEETING

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