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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 8 Feb 1912, p. 1

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Crise J North Ontario Observer I Cd) Gomd X Shou ng " YBRMS.--8) per snsum ¢ oa LETTERS contaloing money. whet ET ED) Ee. Puvadl Dffize and Residence, Queen St. Port Peiry - "Port Perry, Nov. 15,1804 WMH. HARRIS, B.A. LLB. + "BARRISTER, &c., . Buecessor "and occupant of the Lecsnr 0e Jute FM. Yarnold. Port Perry, - Ont. MONEY TO LOAN. ' Private Funds at & per cent. Feb, 1,101 . «Jno. W. Crozier, ARKISTER. SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, B Office at residence, 6th Con. 'Rench (one mile west of Port Perty,)-- Money 10 LOAN: E. FAREWELL, K.C, LL.B, County Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol- ublic and Conveyuines. Court House, Whitby, "W. A SANGSTER, DENTAL SURGEON: Office Hpurs--9 to 12am, 2 to 6 p.m. Also open Satarday evenings. 24 Gold Fillings, Bridge and Crown EO rr Vitalised Air. / RRY --. RICHARDSON. = Thind Sunday. at 1030 u: 0. Dillon Hinge-Stay Fence Manufactured by the Owen Sound Wire Fence Uo. Ltd., aud am prepared to Sepply this whole (Community with the very BEST WIRE FENCE produced on this Continent and at prices that can not fail to satisfy purchasers. The DirLon Fence is without a peer It is the BEST because it is flexible; it is a square mesh ; itis a perfect hinge-stay fence, therefore itis impossible to bend the stays, in fact it is the best (ence made in this or any other country. ee 1 ik Pep or? Drafts issued for langer amounts. ' Savings Bank Department at Every Branch, . 7 4 TN Ce ort Rordy ch, = H. G. Flutcheson, Ma: fice hoaré--8 to 10 am; 1 to 3 pm. \ REV. RW. ALLZN: WM. A., Tecstbée. BlacKstoc ranch, « R. I. Coulson, or. SE : oh i k/ - et 5 ston fon 5 le Ba Whit ¢ os in and liouse, open night 4th Sanday of cach month. at Bowman: 'day over the Sy Youth. rE mecied ednondags at Sp. mm, . leo mt BO rds Jand tigug Fonbiinas of'; L. Robson, V.8. 'R. 0. CHURCH, DAVID J. & DOUGLAS ADAMS, Bankers and Brokers. MONEY TO LOAN (4 per cent upwards -- British Qapital.) INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Marriage Licenses. \ gF Agents C-P. R., &e, Before purchasing a Wire Fence don't fail to inspect the Dirroxs Fence. : J. H. Brown, Deacee IN Acwicviturar IMpLe. MENTS AND MACHINERY. Apiil 6; 2908: SEAGRAVE All branches of Dentistry, ineludwy 'Crown and Bridge Work successfully practiced. Artifical Teeth on Gold, Silver, Aluminum or Rubber Plates. Fillings of Goll, Silver or Cement - Painless extraction wheu reguirea: #4 Prices to suit the thnes® A Weekly Political, Agricultural and a kamily Newspaper IS PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT. " KVERY THURSDAY MORNING 4 To ' ~'H, PARSONS if paid in'sdvance : mot§Lb! 0 subaoription - taken for less an months; and oo peper tiscontinued until arrears ure pabd up. addressed to thi< 'Office, prepaid snd regittored will be at our risk. ADVERTISEMENTS mensured by Nooparie!, and Charged aceording to the space they occupy. . ENTS received for publication, with-. oak aTr Eo aaa ortion vont] vad for. AD! mient will be taken out 1 AL discount allewed to Merchants snd othe: AL A dvantive by iho year of hail yoar, i _ THESE terms wil in all eases be strictly adhered tw JOB DEPARTMENT. Pamphlets Hand Bils, Postors Bill Heads, Checks Wedding Tavitations, Receipt Books, Business Cards ©, Cireulers, Assembly Cards {#1 Visiting Cards, ke. of every style a Sele BR EnEal mia the County... ah SET EE Tl Sots Hy PARSONS. N Sr - . 2 N retirning thanks to the publi for t1 itronage extended to me fortover 3 . T wonid respectfully jutimate that um, as usual, now ready or business, and have a T. Large & Assorted Stock OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which I am determined to sell very CHEAP As au inducement to Cann purchasers =) Diound of 10 por vende will be allowed on all Sales from now until Jun, lst next. All work being §& MADE BY HANDE3 and no factory work kept in stock, the <uper rity of my goods will at once become apperent, ntendiug purchasers will find that by giving me a call hefore looking elsewhere they can be suited in quality and price, my long expa:ieuce in the trade being an indis putaule gurantee that perfect satisfaction will he given by any article purchased. Everthiug in my line of business kept constantly on ny ave repairs neatly and promptly attended to, 3 OHN ROLPH. _ EUROPEAY AGNECY Fv LrsALE Indents promptly executed = « lowest 'cash priced for British Continentias Foods, Tooinding i} kinds of ud Port Perry, Dec. {Water S reet | VV -that she has moved to the |over Mr. Flint's Drug Store. where |. she is prepared to execute all 0. P. R. Time Table. MYRTLE STATION. Going East Oke Going WrsT 10 17 a.m. 6.82 a.m. 6.27 p m. 830 am 11.08 p.m. 5.50 pn. 11 50 p.m. | og A. J. DAVIS, Town Ag en Ey LOUIS TRACY Author of the "Pillar of Light" "The Wings of the Mom- ing" and "The Captain of the Kansas." The mails are despatched from the Pos Office Port Perry as folloas : Going North-- 9.00 a.m, Going South--11.20 a. mw. Going North-- 5.15 p. m. Going South--10 p.n GEO. JACKSON, Licensed Anctioneer, Valuator, &c. YOR THE COUSTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNNKI OF CARTWRIGHT, | Pd ISHES at this the commencement cf Copyright, 1909. by Edward J Clode another Auction Sale Season to re- turn thanks to his bumerous pairoms for padt favors. In requesting their esteemed © I: 4 TR and covtiuned patrunage he desires to 8 state that no effort or pains will be spared bay. Tuen there was a further de. on lis part to makesll sales entrusted to ay While their indefatigable scouts him successes. His very extencive practice brought milk and water, some coarse in the past should be a sufficient recom bread and a good supply of truit from _mendation as to hia ability. All Sale the but. It was part of their scheme Riven into his'charge will be attended t pat they should give thelr friend's dubroptunes ane flapateh | Sale list pabitation a wide berth. It their pana pplied free, A : oa application: miscarried be was instructed to say Purtins wiehing to engage his services that De bad found the English iady mny conault hie SALE RkGISTER either at Wandering on the shore soon after day- the Observer or Standard Offices, Port break. Perry, for dates claimed for Sales, and Apout midnight there was a bright make arrangements, or write to his address moon salliug overbead, dnd De Sylva &¥ Phone at Residence, No. 81. =1 gave a low order that they were to CHARGES MODERATE. form in Judian dle. Marcel led; the ex- GEO. JACKSON, | President himself followed. while: San Henavides, Coke and Hozier in close pro ty. Dx brought up the [conTiXUED. | Nov. 1, 1901. Port Perry P. O 4 rear in order to prevent straggling and assist med who might stray from the en Td 1Ver path. It was barely a mile te the village, convict settlement and citadel. r | Bowe few lights twinkling vear the PORT PERRY | shore showed the exact whereabouts \ : | of the inhabited section. Another mile EARTILY thauking the public for the SWAY fo-the right lay Fort Sab Anto H er pationape deived during the Dio. which housed tbe main body of many years | have kept a Livery Establish troops. Watch fires burning ou South ment in Port Perry, Ihave much pleasure in point, whence came the shells that dis- announcing that I have remqvea abled the Andromeda, revealed the MY LIVERY ' presence of soldiers in that neighbor- to my former place of business bood. De Sylva explained that a paved road ran straight from the town and which Iam about to largely extend in: crease facilitivs so that the public may be ter acoomn i with safe and dosit- |! able RIGS AT MODERATE OHARGES 'R. VANSICKLER. 21, 1900. z Wiss Harrison, Port Perry, June [AN BIGHT QUR MISTAKES." HE FEB. LY, § 10 jiersuaging the maoch that' hi bd was to be - Be would Iris ucross for the curral. Bere po dificulty what Per - the prevalent excite id. drawn its custodians to the town, they fooud no ome in charge 1 a-couple of barking dogs, while tf 1 were pedple In the cattle keepérs' buts they gave no sign of their presence. A few stakes were polled gp. They even came upon & couple of axes and a heavy bammer. Equipped. with these weapons, eked out by three revolvers owued by the Braziigos and the dapper captain's sword, tbey borried on, quitting the road instantly and following a cow path that wouud about the base ot a steep ofil 'I'iney met their first surprise when they tried to cross the road to the fort. Quite tedly they ed Into a small picket stationed there, and the first intimation of danger was given | by the staruing challenge: "Who goes there?" It was familiar enough to Islapd | ears, and the convict answered readily: "A friend!" "Severs! friends, it would seem," laughed voice, "Let us see who those friesds are." "Nowf" [shouted De Sylva, leaping forward. There s a wild scurry, two or | three s were fired. and Hozler | found bigself on the ground gripping the t R of a bronzed man whom hd bad ed backward with a thrust d no time to swing his stake He was aware of a pair of bla eyes that glared yp at him horribly in the moonlight, of white teeth tbat shone under long waus- tachlod of peculiarly warllke aspect. but hej feit the man was as putty In his nds, and his fogers relaxed thelr ure. | He ked around. Tbe fight was in ended Almost as soon as It began. The soldiers, sis in all, were on their backs the way. Two of them were d.~ The Italian sallor bud been shot ihe body and fas twisting In * ports, would be beard in town, citadel and fort, and the troops would now be on the qui vive. But De Sylva was & man of resource. ¢ "Stelp the prisoners!" he cried "Take their arms and ammunition, but bind them back to back with their belts." "Rutt In tbere, me lads," vociferated Coke, who had accounted for ove of the Brazilians with an ax. "Step lve ' ly! Now we've got some uniforms an guns we cao rush that cittydel easy." Hogler was busy relieving bis man of his eoat. When tbe prone warrior realized that he was not to be killed be helped the operation, but Philip was thinking wore of Iris than of deeds of derring-do. "Whyuattempt to capture the citadel at all? he asked. "Now that we can wake $atiicient display, is there any reason that we should not go straight for the lauvoch?" "§ thivk it is a good suggestion," came the calm answer, "provided, that is, the launch Is io the harbor," A bell begun to toll in the convict settlemefit Ligbts appeared. ln many houses Scattered over the seaward slope, © Hozler, never for ag instant forgetting Iris, saw that Marcel still remained with bis leader. Under these new circumstances it certainly would be a piece of folly to send back until they were qure of the launch. Happily tbe launch was there, moor- ed alongside a small quay. From the © it was y to cruss a low wharf some fifty yards in width, and Pe Syiva's whispered com- mauds ¢onld not restrain the eager men when escape appeared po longer prob fedl, but d They broke and ran, an almost fatal thing. as it happen since the soldiers whom P| bad seen from tbe rock were still onboard, One of them no- ticed the cable disorder among a y of men some of whom resem- bled hls awp omni He bad beard the firing andl was ng jt with othe: : ot bap- D:ess and Mantle Maker ISHES to inform 'the ladies rooms formerly occupi pied by ber| or! | ders for Dress and Mantle Making 3 i | Correctness of Style | Our charges are consistent. with ip A manner unsu & "Charmg Effect. the value given. t Perty, Apfil 1. 190g. = was shrill and started. A wan He was In tbe act of rope off & fixed ca De Syiva shot him between Ider blades. "On boa soul" shrieked the I 7. "At 'em,' "gasped Coke, though scarce a apotber foot. The men no bidding. Bheets of Bame the vessel's deck us the 80 thelr rifles avd fired potnt at these mysterious assaflants 16 a foreign tan. guage, Bu 1one could pot stop that d ack. Some fell, but the surviv. 5g at the Brazilians Mike fam! on thelr prey. There . shooting. ------ -- ------ = { 'Theo who has gone for Mise Yorke > "30 one. [¥ye tOIGK that this blamed " preside tares' Tor ahybody bul MIS self x : 3 ~" 1'nitip felt the deck throbbing the putsaions of the screw. The ou' sho : --_-- THERE WAS NO MORE SHOOTING. MEN Y GRAPPLED AND FELL one other man who could bave gone to her, wus lying in the cabin with three ribs broken and his collar bone frac tured. CHAPTER X, | WHEREIN CERTAIN PEOPLE MEET UNEX- PECTEDLY. I. i bed In a dimly lighted hovel She gazed up with uncompre- RIS came back from tbe void to find herself lying on a truckle bending eyes at two brown skinned women bending over her. One, the elder, was chafing her hands. The other, a tall, graceful girl, was stirring something in an earthenware vessel ' perc ere Af dd How Ald | acmai Then she remembered, and memory brought a feeling of helplessuess not wholly devoid of self reproach. It was bad enough that her presence should add so greatly to the dangers besettitgs. her friends. It was far worse that sbe should bave faluted at the very moment when such weakness might well prove fatal to them. . Why did she falnt? Ab! A Hvely blush chased the pallor from ber cheeks, und a few strenuous heart beats restored animation to ber limba: Of course in tbloking that she bad yielded solely to the stress of sur charged emotions Iris was mistaken: \What she really needed was food. A young womao of perfect physique and dowered with the best of health does uot lap be- cause a young man embraces her and each at the same moment makes the blissful discovery that the wide world contains vo otber Individual of su- preme lnportance. She hardly realized" bow hungry sbe was uotll the girl havded ber the bowl, which contained a couple of eggs beaten up ln milk, while small quantities of rum and sugdr cane juice made the compound palatable, While the girt Manoela was furtively appraising the clothing worn by Iris per mother was listening ever for basty tootsteps among tbe trailing vines. At last. with a muttered prayer, she went to the door and unfastened tbe stout wooden staple that prevented in- truders trom entering unbidden. Some one approached. "ls that you, Manoel?" asked Luisa Gomez In a husbed voice. 'I'nere was po answer. The woman drew back. She would bave closed the door, but a slim, active figure sprang across the threshold. She shrieked in terror. 'I'he newcomer wns a Brazilian officer. . "I think you are bere, mademoiselle," he sald in French. "1 am come to xnare your retreat for a ttle while. Verchance by daybfeak 1 may arrive into uncoasc Root speech. A wiid foreboding gripped ber beart until she was like to shudder un- der Its tierce anguish. "You, Captain San Bepavides!" she asked, and ber utterance Was unnatu- - rally calm. $ "l. mademolselle" be sald, "and. alas, 1 am ajove. May I come in? Itis not well to show 8 light at this hour, seeing (hat the isiand Is overrun with fufurtited soldiers." ! 'fhe concluding sentence was 8d: dressed to Luisa Gomez in Portus gnese. [lealizing instinctively that the man came as a friend. sbe stood aside, trembling, on the verge of tears. He entered, and the door was closed ber hind niet : '1 gm the only map who escaped, madémolselle. 'Tbe otbers? Well, it is war, and wae Is a lottery." : "Do you mean that they have been killed, all killed ?* sbe murmured, with by... The launch | ship and was mente, we hastened to Was woored dawers. Tes. what do you ns ; 8 4 Jos that wns 8 | ! toot aid way toolish things : Then » run." 2 Vo Ae oe Iris made no reply. She hid ber ticr In ber bands. he could frathe ol pot make it clear that be had flung | himself flat In the dust when be bear: | the order to fire given by some one of board the launch. Then the lightning of a woman's in tuition plerced the abyss of despair Surely there were curious blanks t | this thrilling narrative. As was be, | way when thoroughly aroused, Iri | stood up and seized San Benavides al | most roughly by tbe arm. Her dis | traught eyes searched his face with | pathetic earnestness. "Why do you think that the launc did pot get away?" she cried. "It wa dark. The moon might bare been i" shadow. If the inunch met tbe war seen there must hav | been firing." "Chere mademolselle, there wa much firing," be protested. "AL seal" The words came dully. She wa stricken again even more shrewdly The gloomy was closing iD ob ber, ye she forced herself to drag the trut' from his unwilling lips. "Yes. Of course 1 could not wal there in that open place. | was com pelled to seek sheiter. Troops wore | runpivg from town and citadel avoided them by a miracle. And my} sole concern then was your safety." | "Oh. my safety!" she walled broken- | ly "How does it avall me that my friends should be slain! \Wby was ' pot with themY | would rutber hav died as they dled than Mve in the knowledge that | was the cause ol their death." hs hand on her shoulder. She shrank from him. He pugred amiably: "Mademoiselle 1s profoundly unhap py. Under such circumstances one suys things tbat sre unmerited, is it pot? If any ope is to blame it is my wretched coun. try, which canoot scttle its political affairs' without bloodshed. Ah, mademoiselle, | weep wil' you and tender you my most respect. ful bomage." A deluge of tropical rain beat on the hut with a sudden fury. Conversation at once became difii- cult, nearly im- possible. Iris threw berselt back on the tres- - tie In a passion of grief that rivaled the outer tempest. The girl, Manoela, weeping out of sympathy, crept to Iris' side and gen- tly stroked her hair. Like ber mother, she could only guess that the English lady's friends were captured, perbaps dead. Even ber limited experience of life's vicisajtudes bad taught ber what short shrift was given to those who defied authority. The republic of Bra- il does pot permit its criminals to be executed, but it shows Do mercy to rebels. Manoela, of course, believed that the Englishmen were helping the imprisoned Dom Corria to regain pow- er. Bhe remembered bow a mutiny was once crushed on the istand, and her eyes streamed. Meanwhile Luisa Gomes was touched by the guod looking soidiers plight. "We must try to help you, Senbor Capitano," she said. "If the others are dead or taken you may Bot be missed." Me threw out his hands in an elo- quent gesture. Life or death was a matter of complete indifference to him, | "We shall know fn tbe mording." he sald "Have you any cigarettes? "But listen, senbor. Why not take off your uniform) and dress in my clothes? You can cut off your mus- taches and wear a maotilha over your face, and we will keep you here antil there is a chance of reaching a ship. Certainly that is better than being shot." He glanced at Iris. Vanity being his first consideration, It is probable that he would bave refused to be made ridiculous ip ber eyes had not a knock ou the door galvanized bim fauto & fever of fright He sprang up. and, glared wildly around for some wiesns' of eluding the threatened scrutiny of a search party. Luisa Gomes bim a rough skirt and a shawl huddled into a corner Dear the and draped the two garments oves | female ills, includ wn Oi hi : IT It was ulcers of and another told me it was & tumor. No one knows what I suf- was regular, and the bearing-down Jrins weretertibls: was very ill in bed, and thedoctor ! . told me I would ¥ ia have to have ao : operation, and, that I might die during the operation. I wrote to my' sister about it and she advised me to take Lydla KE. Pinkham's Vegetable' 2 Compound. Tirongh personal expe-- i rience I have found it the Best medi- % GatuiSe | eine in the world for female troubles, Li for it has cured me, and I did not have = to have the operation after all. The Soniponnd also helped me while pass- ing through Change of Life. Mrs. LeTrrria Brame, Canifton, Ontario. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-: | ud made from roots and he nal 8 proved to be the most successful 3 remedy for curing the worst forms of. ! splacemen : inflammation, fibrofd tumors, us larities, periodic pains, backache, bear- ing-down feeling, flatulency; J tion, and nervous prostration. It costs but a trifle to try fe and the result has, | been worth millionsto suffering womens "Oh, [billp. Phlipl* sbe sobbed." "He told me you were dead, and i be- Heved him!" The mauner of her greeting was de- lightful to one who had faced death for her sake many times during the past hour, yet flozier was so surprised by its warmth that be could find never a word at the moment. But be bad the good sense to throw aside the'shat- i interest. 2 When they parted in that same' squalid but af midolght Be' tok with® hilo the intoxication of her' kis.' Pot he scarce brought himself to befleve that the night's happenings were reat or that they two would ever mee§ again on earth. And now bese. wi¥: Iris quivering -agatust ls ast. ' He could feel the Peuting of ber heart The perfume of her halr was as in- cense in his nostrils. She was cling-: tpg to him us if they bad loved through all eternity. San Beopavides supplied a timely tonic. Throwing aside the rags which cov-~ ered him, he tried to rise. Philip' caoght a glimpse of the uniform, the sbeen of the paked sword. He was about to tear himself trom Iris' clasp' and spring at this new enemy when the Brasiliap spoke. "Ml diabos!® he cried in a rage, "ghii.carsed ingles still lives, and am 1 posing before him like an old bag!" His voice alone saved him from be-° ing pinned to the floor by a maa who had adopted no light with others of his cosntrymen Quring the past half hour, as the dented gun bare rel minus its stock well showed. But' the captain's mortified fury beiped to restore Phiiip's sanity. Lifting iris® glowing face to bis own, be whispered: "Tell me, sweetheart, how comes ®t that our Brazilian friend is here?" «He ran away when some shots were fred," which was rather uofalr' of Iris. "He sald the launch had beem sunk by a man-of-war"-- ~But he is wrong. 1 saw no man- of-war. We captured tbe launch. By this time she is well oot at sea. Une fortunately Marcel was killed and Do- * mingo badly wounded. Tbere was no one to come for you, so I jumped overboard and swam ashore. 1 had to fight my way bere, and it will soon be known that there are some of us left ou the island. I thought. ths 1 might take you i

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