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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 8 Feb 1912, p. 3

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Farm For Sale. an T= adinhieh offers wt Bale the that excellent farm Being lot13: g. | concession 4 in the township of ary. on of the eiti- d the ma- 3 of the city, candidates or turned, includ- defeat et p a Blas Tall ; e . fiviero. and ex-A uw, Gallery, Marin} veque were dé: the fectip is the re: dldermer Al Ld the} 18st elec- mld BRI EFS. in was struck and - engine .at Sarnia Two then were sentenced at Chat i to the Central Prisdil for stealing prodsice from farniers. The temperance forces in Lake Me- ue. wo ou { yésterday and in of A. A. Gendreau jority of 12. jaung girl of fifteen | elerboro; y ] gan has promised fo x ary to cont. hast 1 3800000 wiih it wad to collect gs the twelve > mn /for toe M.CA. in <i line for, 8 'street cat to take him 4 rinity College, Toronto, wheré for ad been professor of J. W. G. Andras morning. Heart hrs brought. on by it} health, was overnment assistance for a rail or across the northern portion of western. Ontario. from Kincardine td a distance of 150 miles, was for won an influential deputa- "waited on Hon. ay. bett EE paver) stablomarnt ford, was burns "fire er broke otf im 9, fire serie, hile Ee was at dinner, oh s return he wds met by the n, 'whose clothing wes & mass of i Feb} 9.--With funds p apn bauk to thé Btate of Peunsyl- "New Honor for. Heatit. 2---Word is received a of i Town J Reach, containing 200 acrés more lor less, of choice land a large por- {tion of which is cleared, the balance being splendidly wooded: Tle tnd is in a capital state-of cifftivdtion There is on the prenilseés 4h orchard and a coniplcie supply df water. There is a large barn wil cc ment floor stablmg, #nd a smaller barn on the notth end of tlie lot; alsa.a | fame dwelling hous oti the south and. The locatidn of lhe farm is a capital one, being about 13 miles | from Port Perry on a leading read. This farm is, in every respect, a first class dairy farm and is only half a'mile from Mauchester rail. way station. For patiitiilars atid tefms, apply to the ptoptiélress on the premises: S. A. PHERRILL, | Prince Albert, fline 28,1g11. SticcassoXd " DRANISON.) LIVERY Having purchased the Livery business kartied on by JamieSon & Drennisor; dnd the premises ebh- pected therewith we ibténd fo REHORSE THE STABLES with first-class animals, ahd install New and Up-to-Date Vehicles with modern Trappings which for comfort and convenience canfot be surpassed. Special attention paid to the requirements of Commercial Travel ers, Qur charges are oleate and we guarantee to please our patrons. Patronage solicited. £7 Phone No. 2.' CAWEER BROS. 'COUNTY OF ONTARID. March 4, Ari) July 3, t, 8) or LORE Bet 7, Jail. 18, 5 1) OSU AWA--=Clerk, Hiss E. 1. dohsll, Whithyrdan. 16, Moreh 5, April 4, *M = Silingsef he Dirisim Gurs| STEAM OR SOFT be held. in the Rooms adjoining the] ICULTORAL OFFICE, BROCK. 8T,, HITBY pads ws 8 Hinseiginct o of the A Agricultural Departmeat of the SCHOOL. - Practice in judging Ee ture of the Course. Trips are taken to the best stables in L} vicinity for thiswork. Under FIELD HUSBANDRY. a study is made of the Rota- tion of Crops, Crop Cultivation, Judging Se=d Grain, etc. Uhder HORTICULTURE, the business of Fruit Gebnls. 18 * branches, "an duding: od "Stork. Bityitig Nutesry ing. 'Trees;. Best Varietigsto pen the Orchard, PicRing, Packing ind ond 2 spn - for Insects and Fungus Diseases; etc: IN STUDENTS WILL BE GIVEN INST UCTION ; BOX PACKING FRUIT at the Friit acking House of the Oshawa Fruit Growers Assttiation. Other subjects studied ate: AGRICULTURAL potaNy, including a study ol weeds and weed seeds and methods of bradicating) SOIL CULTIVATION; FARY RAINS AGE; FERTILIZERS AND MANURE! POULTRY CULTURE i in all its branches ; Co-operation ; the ecping of FARM RECORDS and FARM ACCOUNTS. No young farmer in the district can afford to miss this oppottunity, it comes at a season when the work on the farm is not pressing. THE COURSH IS FRE: Write for further infermation to J. Brey, Principal High Sohigol, & Hithy, ot td J H Hare, Agiic ultural Office, WHITBY. Planes :-- Bell, Whitby, 86. I in, all er Independent, Whitby 53. 00000000000661660000000000¢ -- -- [Millers to thie Ro; Family. &nd are ptipated lo proany Aira 'etders entrusted to their care, "They have the one Flour that gives satislactiod to the' consumer--THE ROYAL HOUSEHOLD---fills the bill, every pound is guaranteed, After giving it a fair trial if not satisfed return the balance (it over § Ibs.) aud your money will be cheerfilly refunded. The millionaire cannot buy 3 better flotir than THE ROYAL HOUSEHOLD, nor even the|™ pootest [athily lise a flour that is more economical. A CAR LOAD JUST RECEIVED INGRRAMS® Agents Port Perry and vicinity. IF YOU WANT THE BEST all classes of Farm. Stock 18 & prominent £3 Cheap: 'our Fruits before the big. a are able to ll er t SH te bogie 0 vag ting ibius, 8 lbs. for 25¢ Brand New Seetled Raisins, 10 od. ages, 2 for 25¢c 2 eaned Currhots, 3 ih for #5e New Currants uk Fancy Currants fn fo. 25% : quality New Dates 10c k mon, Orange & Citroll Debla 208 1h elled Walnuts 45¢ 1b. efled Almonds 40c Ib' ger and Cherries ulated Sugar 15 Jbs for $1. 00 i gar, Soft and free from Juans, 31bd nD oking Figs 4 bs for 25¢ Canned Corn 10¢ Alvmer Peas and Tomates 2 for 25] Matthews' Rose Brand Lard 17c Ib Jurdty Flour 8sc bag "agtey Flour 70c bag I. 8. FGRMAN & SON. SEEDS E. if. PURDY « BUSINESS # at the Old Stand and will have a full supply of : ' on hand at Moderate Prices. A Good Second-hand Cu ter 3-8 SEEDS SEEDS Witt CONTINUE THE SEED |BLOVER & TIMOTHY SEED and Harness for Sale-- N hi Like f | othing Like Beet! AVING purchased the Butchering Business and good will of Mr. I. J. Wheeler 1 would like to inform all bis old ctistoniers and as many new ones as possible that I intend to keep at all times a good assortment of all kinds of the Best Meats--Fresh and Salt--obtainable and at reas- onable rates as possible. I am also in the market, at all tifites, for Chive Cattle: Hogs, Sheep and Lambs Calves, Hides and Sheepskins, at the Highest Market Prices, 3 EF Fresh Fisli every Tuesday. Courteous tréatment and prompt delivery. May 26, 1904. W. A. BOYCE A FULL STOCK OF EVERYTHING IN THE Harness Line CHEAPNESS STYLE Durability and STRENGTH Canvot be urpassed in the County. MERCHANT TAILOR, Keeps in Stock ; a full supply of up- to-date Scranton Coal ! Free Burning Coal CHEAT] --GO TO-- orefard Ss. a. J. MORRISH Paper and Paint "ISSUER ®F MARRIAGE [required . = 1 Ww. F. NOTT, LICENSES (Successor to A. Rodmar Pox # Pansy, oir. : 2 crs neirh ol r Vidden's store Spring isthe Time for House (leaning. 1 am prepared to do all kinds of Papering, Painting, &c. Nast Foliar 1 12 Coristasion 6, Cartwright, Durham County, epi "100 acres. Erected on wi oy are a good frame | iling, stone o gellar. 30 8 20 18 x furnished i CLOT 4 Suitabla for all Soasons Ww. ¥. DOUBT at ¢ Robes, Blankets, Bells, Tronks &c., in abundange, TS ATRL Sui = 2a t Oomparison of Prices Courted W. A. BEATTY FRESH & TENDER S| CAWKER BROS. In returning' thanks to the public for the extensive pat- 'ronage 'bestowed upon them would intimate, that asin the onlgdlioice tat animals NG MY THSENC d to Sell over 50,000 up to any number of it to Land, ff from a ihre ys and Markets in JITOBA, SASKATCHEWAN, i ALBRRTA, acre, according to location #nd her, I have personally e ot fog | eb them as Jepised 1 will putchasers all the desired and uarter and Rail 1 represent * t go grec FE cn jn the Great 'West 1 negotiat- di n UGENSED AUSTONEES, : 0 be: slaugbgered, so as to cosure the cheicest and ten- derests Cuts possible, and we intend: at-all times to have an ample ppl oF otuLoce, Lvdu Port P 1 &nd winter lusive te oiy County durin, Yuwap free » [ 1RED BYES Consult me F. B LUKB, - Ra ries 169 Yoiigs- St, Toronto. : Opposite Simpson: a "Stewart M. Grabanm, i: ig Acres of Nursery Stack Clean, well grown trees and shrubs 'ka will satisy vour customers. Eads an good delivery gnaranteed. Estahlist over 85 years. Write:-for whole oi

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