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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 8 Feb 1912, p. 4

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the national conye nomination is 1 li of the country will 'to ty a great victory in standard and win November. ' . "I would not make this prediction pletion did 1 not feel that my information "piore from all parts of the country War pong shout rants me in 'doing so." ft nal Ti had Motor and Trffey Clash. ~*~ £8 00 Niagara Falls, Ont., Feb. 2.--W. P.' had expert . Marseilles, president of the Electrode come to Company, one of the most prominent something citizens here, was injured yesterday gversee. B in a head-on collision between his when the motor car and a Buffalo-bound trol man.' Jey on the American side, Alexander Hon. KR cLare, his chauffeur, was also ser- about the ¢ iously injured. Physicians last night = Hon. T. W. Of said both will recover: another mal Because he became intoxicated over Mx. 'Leu the river Wednesday night while cele- 4 eoram 45 ope t as tab] Mr. Oro a n Oe from A a es b thousands of Presbyter- in demonatrators t home rule be to Bell: About a- dozen .and churches were packed. scenes of wild enthusiasm determination to resist any fort of the Government to bring in & measure of home rule. . Twenty-five thousand LE general aocord with tion, though he thought the & Canada should adopt could = extensive as that obtaining No express companies stop the Government if it d are wih | the efor . : strong (E. Lambton), made a vigorous attempt to ae: whole debate ruled out of order, but Speaker Bprovie effectively squelthed im voluminous quotations from* Bere Ct Dr. Neeley (Humboldt) stated that for lack of a sample market in Win- 'nipeg the farmers of the Northwest Jost millions a year. The spread be- Tneen grades was great, and a Joan Fn was nob g enough for grade 1, but very high grade 2, got no move for it than the man whose grade 2 was of low graliey: F. Z. Schaffner (Sourie) rked that the grain growers who were in . the other dag: opposed . » bo. demonstrators resolutions declaring their un. determination not to obey the laws of any Irish Parliament whose emands for money in the shape of taxes"would be thrown into the fire. The resolutions declared that the re- , ligious and industrial interests of Ire- {land would be calamitously imperilled y home rule and appealed to both e British Government and to their |gorolisionists in Great Britain to save e Presbyterians from disaster. The proceedings passed off without 'any disturbance. ; less misery; ¥ cou : color was fearful, dark circles und my eyes, bad dreams, etc, > : 3 "As ® last hope, 1 was persuaded to. try: Dr, Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Buttérnut. As I persevered with this treatment my appetite gradually returned, and I began to relish my meals. My strength slowly returned: the headache and chest pains grew less severe, and at last I began to look my | old self ugain. Dr. Hamiliton's Pills: cured me, and I use them occasionally _| still, because 1 find as a system re- gulator and hes no medi 'who did know kx he had to ould ensue fined two d d a 3 sey as Anoney g fire. Onr Na- trymen, may if they so 0, their claim to man- age their own affairs, but they will not Let an Irish Gov- ernment be formed, let it send its offi- cers here to take taxes by force. We Our decision is final We trust in God establish menage our affairs. shall not pav. and unchanging. sour Father, and our duty is clear." ose to the farmer the right to 4 uct in the way he pleased. Both the grain growers and millers were pressing for Government- owned and controlled terminal eleva- tors as more urgent than a sample markot. They were strongly opposed to mixing grain, and the sample mar- ket was no use unless mixing were allowed. J. D. Staples (Macdonald) was in favor of the sample market. The iden- tity of the grain should be preserved b his of Fonthill, Ont, Bert Carner waa o igate the i Italian authorities of pacizdte by Turkish members of the Red Crescent Society, who were ngers- on the French steamer Manouba, handed its report to Premier Poincare yesterday. The commission finds in favor of twenty-seven of the Turks, who wiil be permitted to continue to Bfax, Tunis. Of the others, one is seriously ill and the of the second have not been fo atisfactory. The lat. ter will not lowed to proceed. London Phoned Rotterdam. Frank tion of the Oppo on his part wo Rt. Hon. R. .L the oommitiee rise sud report pro- greas ard that the bill stand over till the information desi by the Op- position was SY Gaim! After Storm. Rome, Jan. 28.--Ths Fri Italian for Beware, mail from The Catgrrhozone mpany Kingston. Ont, 12 our ow wholly su fiod (Ps. xxxii, 8; Isa xxx, t ia those verses in Matthew the thres ~IForemost 'among 'struodtutes. répre- senting some of the attractive as well | as substantial features in good bridge designing of the present age may be mentioned the Washington bridge over the Iarlew river in New York," said the superintendent of construction of bridge engineering. office of publi roads, Washington. "This bridge has two middle arches of steel. each 510 feet Iu clear span, and seven masonry Scriptures that were fulfilled, and let - us not forget that all things which have been written concerning Him must be fulfilled is Our lesson today. begins and ends with a statement concerving the child's growth both physically and in wisdom also. He was a partake of real flesh and blood and grew in many respects us other children do, but we must al- ways think of Him as being specially eoutrolled by the Holy Spirit, for what through tunnels, rocking ontorfes. Home of the ne fainted through 'mervous exba to long as there was nodoss in dollars sud cents. If the evil of mixing by manipulators could not be done away arches, each with a sixty foot span. Its total length is 2375 feet, while the width of its roadway ts eighty feet, and its beight above mean high 'water 1s 151 feet. It was built at a cost of $2,850,000,"~1ndlapapolis News. 'and many of the other passengers had already succumbed. . ' Suddenly, in rounding the reverse joop in Abtelope gap, the rear coach. careenied till it bung by one wheel on. the rail. As soon as the moment of suspense was over Gemeral Manager Dickinson sprang to his feet and call. London, Feb. 2.--Telephone com- munication between England and the continent is developing rapidly. Con- versations © took place Wednesday night between London and Amster- dam and Rotterdam, The Postmaster-General hopes to be in a position to open an Anglo-Bwiss telephone service as soon as negotia- tions with the Swiss and French ad- ministrations have been completed. {nciden t about: i of ion}, brougi bolt by Ge ee French steamer Manouba br 1tal- Watahips, is in Wa he on uestion ROW dis. cussed 72 tnt of Bods 'a oy by which the Turkish prisonges L be released or delivered 10 French authorities. 1 : Archduke Operated Upon. : , Jan. Bp gan. Jos- ph, who is A ne) of Em. peror ¥rancis Joseph, Was operated sterday for appendicitis. The shiandlog physicians report that he not yet out oi danger.. Archduke George 8. Clarke, the famous ship- builder, said that knowing the demor- alizing and blighting effect home rule with the country should do it itselt had upon so many countries, was 1t in a sample market. any wonder Unionists of Ulster were J. G. Turrift (Assiniboia) thought Propane to take any steps which God- the Department should remedy the caring pas tholigh necessary to pre- 'evil of substitution of grain. serve and hand down those rights W. F. Maclean (8. York) declared and liberties which they had inherited that there was too much intimacy be- as their birthright? tween the railway companies, the Free Trade With England. | Silly co panies aod pe Sosa London, Feb. 2--The Dally Ch1on. | sore od Sod aaa iimont 3 te icle publishes a forecast rie iy tien £3 Sai TB Speeisl profil rule bill. This provides that the Irish ou{ that the fons | Fender) puied Parliament shall have full control of 4a] he identi ys were to customs and excise, and provision will ee il i Ylansical article consigned be made for the continuance of com- 7 disechivignes and sijolie who took away that grain might be Jiajs free trade between England and reached under the criminal coe. . 0 | Hon. Frank Oliver declared that a 3 Ireland is to receive for fifteen pore important question than the pri- years, an annual imperial subsidy of = vate rights of the parties was the $10,000,000, after which she will make | jegradation of the standard of the contributions to the imperial expendi- | country's grain. ture, based on a percentage of her | |) &chafiner (Souris) was empbatic Toque : J in declaring that the only remedy was he Trish Parliament will consist of Government control of terminal eleva- {wo Houses--a legislative council of {,.q ahout fifty members, and a legislative Fetore ir assembly of 103 members. The coun- Jerors fhe xdeient 12 der Toe cil will have a suspensory veto on p,. to a question of privilege. He legislation. In the event of 8 dis- gpiected to what he termed an. anony- agreement between the two Houses, pus dodger, which had been distri- after the second rejection of a bill by = puted to the members through the the council, it will be submitted to 1 gt fice, charging him with he the Houses deliberating and voting j, connection with his remarks on together, and adopted or rejected ac- | t},¢ aligged British Columbia lumber cording to the decision of the major- | "combine. The pamphlét was written ity. 2 3 by A. E. Watts of Wattsford, B.C., stand LA ne » bs Sopra: snd he charged A. E. Goodeve (Koot n mperial Parliament, | ry wi istribudi ' but in greatly diminished numbers. Bd) Fi the disiribugon, The Irish Parliament shall have no ! control with respect to the navy, army or militia, foreign policy, coinage. }military camps or coast lighting, and | ey Binh OF Socialists' platform is opposition T¥ re- the further enlatgement of the hl: navy. wis true of John the Baptist must buve-been true of Him also (chapter §, 15). There were three annual feasts at Jerusalem, at which all males must ap- pear (Ex. xxiii, 14-17), and the pass- over was the first, und this was Ilis tirst Paspver, It scems from 1 Sam. i, : TY, that wi wv Thackeray was a frequent patron of | 515, and png as Lai : the early omnibus. "I remember," {inst Mary accompanied Joseph: We writes "An Old Passenger." "n driver ' py not be able to say whether at this pointing out Mr. Thackeray to me, Whe (jnje He fully understood His own was riding by the side of another om: | dentification with this feast accord- ' nibus driver, and | noticed the extraor "ing to I Cor. v, 7, "Christ oii 'Passover dinary length of his legs. which be al- |g sacrificed for us." but my owu con- Joseph is commander of a cavalry | vis J Saye fe "= on eT re a pus! we ck over bis head (han many are will 0 be regiment at Budspest. and seemed to be keenly enjoying his J Do cannot grasp the wondrous statement ride and conversation with the driver." NATURAL BRIDGES "cs rs x Rp CheoseFinest finest ensterna, Butter~Cholcest secondly, $20 to Thackeray Liked the Omnibus. ed: . T ! "Pull the bell rope, quick, Brown, and run forward and teil Downing to stop this if he wants us to reach Ogden alivel" Then, not to risk another such sec-. ond, the general manager sprang to the rear platform and twisted up the brake with all his might. fret 2) n. 4 The seventy-six niles of intricately HL, Keb, 1.--Closing- curved track were covered in sixty: Soot, ay Asie ft rs five minutes. Tt was a hair raising | March, 1s T%d: Mav, Sd: 3 record, and several passengers who a an e! No More Railway Passes? Regina, Bask., Feb. 2.--Passes for members of the Saskatohewan Legis- lature have not arrived from the Grand Trunk Pacific, and it is under- stood that the railway will shut down on the free transportation. It is. ru- mored that the action of the Grand Trunk Pacific foreshadows the 'enset- ment of a '"'no-pass"' law for the Dom- inion such as exists in the United States. . x © After U.8. Express Companies. 'Washington, Feb. 2.--Prosecution express companies for overcharging shippers oh the transportation of their oods was indicated by Commissioner ane at the express rate hearing yes- terday to be the intention of the Inter- State Commerce Commission. Bart STigte, Darien, m0 te, iis aud for Him, that He created Adam and Eve, provided the coats of skins for them after they bad sinned, walk- ed with Enoch, talked with Noah, dined with Abraham, inatfucted Moses about the passover and all else; but. though we cannot understand, we-can beiteve, and through faith we under- stand. There are wonderful things about the number twelve und every other pumber which will yet be un: folded tu us (verse 42). lu this case it may have been just the age when a boy kept lls first passover, but we will see more when we know as we are known (I Cor. xiii, 12). that all things were created by Him History Repeats (tsaif. went through the experience did mot | yy oy os recover from the shock for a lovg ti; Keb, 8s "Can't say that the world Is getting time. e bit smarter," asserted gran'pa. "My grandson asks me the same silly ques- tions that his father asked at Lis age." ~--Lippincott's. : Toil | We Can Boast of at Least Nine | of Them In This Country. OUR FIRST WOODEN BRIDGES. SMALLEST OF SCREWS. ------ MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 1. --May, $1.08%: July, $1.4 hard, $1. No. 1 nort 2 northern, 0% No, 8 wheat, Corn-=N elinw, 63%c to On hite, 9c to They Leck Like Specks of Dust am Are Used In Watches. The smallest screws 1n the world are made In a watch factory. They. ste |. cut from a steel wire by a machine, but as the chips tall from the knife it seems as though the' operator were mply cutting up the wire for bis own The feast being over, the people musement. No screws can be seen, started for thelr Loges Jn axers -- * #-a raf s sarew is made at every third - * rebels our CE sekociation the fees for | meeting decided to reduce the Gost] so, registration should" be reduced. |to members for securing extended Mr. Bright strongly advised against | tabulated pedigrees to go cents FOR THE Tomsk of Reach now financially, but the time might Mr. R.E. Gunn introduced the To Fix Awards for Damage Done Wine books for half the truths they bold are homered tombs.--George Eliot. TRAINING THE HAWK. A Feeding Lesson Given by an Old Bird to Its Young. While fishing in a remote and wild part of Scotland a British naturalist They Were Built About 1800 In the Eastern and Central States. and Then Came the Covered Structurés--Few iron Bridges Prior to 1850, Nature has provided this country sh with_at_lensd une aiural brides. o-oo chapced to wilness an entertainiag 2 : C¥Galé tlorse AssoCia-} Mr. Goodeve roplied that he was! -oihnake a note of time and place oi re Clyde¥aaie : on oh well within his rights. The circular ggskatchewan Goes After * ~*" | of sale and don't fail to be present. tion of Canada, on Friday .o ust Ly It was forward- ~ Regina, Sask., Feb, ®-= such ! Fo | week, held the largest convention in ed to him for distribution by a pronii-' ment of Saskatsyill be preceed- E385 | its histor The place of meeting nert lumberman. The Bpeaker rulel gn insuranes y: that such distribution was the com- vis Wit the utmost | i which had held the crowds of other mon custom and perfectly justifiable. nd a proper exampie ma e 5 3 J W. M. Martin (Regina) drew & ol i 2. offending. Given seen that first-class farm in the 7h i nd seal at arms | concession of the township of Clarke, will be sold on Wednesday, et | hime J at York, this Fourteenth day of February 21st, at one o'clock at|ciation with it. That organization Coulter's Hotel in the Village of has far outstripped others in the A rode 50 district : yw a December in the Thirty-eighth Pontypool. This is a grand oppor- Working for Roosevelt. Chicago, Feb. 2.--"We are goin right ahead with our movement, ji the people are with us," said Alex- ander Rowell, president of the Roose- velt national committee here yester- | day, atter a visit to Theodore Pe | velt in New York. | Auction SALE oF A First) Farm.--By the posters it come when it would not be so|question of securing = stallion strong. Besides the fees for regis-|license law in Ontario, and strongly {ration were reasonable and lower [scored the Minister of Agriculture than most of the other recording] for withdrawing the bill brovght associations. ¥ down in the Legislaldté a year ago Mr. Gunn moved, cecotided ry Wn. Smith, M.P., who was equally strong in his condemnation of the jyearsy was inadequale this year The interest in Clydesdales is growing, and the Clydesdale Asso: Puse Foods Act, hundred dollars, And this at Administering the Government: The Telegram and Assessment twenty-five cents a bushel. For --_-- Commissioner Forman expect lo see next season t a great land "slump" in Toronto hirty cents is offered. --_-- ontario Horse Breeders COMING :-- be obtained of Mr. H. L. Ebbels, Vendor's Solicitor, -Mr.' Jos. Baird will be auctioneer. minister for side-tracking important and necesssary legislation of this kind, that the Clydesdale associa- fo Sheep by Dogs 'i'ake Notice Fie Minister of Inland Revenue jast season dpeaksu irom his tomato the Thir year of His Majesty's reign. tunity to secure a splendid farm at WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS * a \ at Ottawa has given orders for the | crop $1,519. Others drew: Irom the strict enforcement hereafter of the | canners as much as eight or nine PETER Ls. suction price, Full particulars may MANY FORMS OF THIS DREAD DISEASE ARE CURED BY THIS REMEDY belore very long. Association. tion memorialize the Ontario Horse Breeders' Association, to again take action with a view of securing a stallion license law. The motion carried without a dissenting voice. The election of officers resuited as follows :-- * President, Robert Graham, Bed- ford Park, Ont.; Vice-President, John A. Boag, Queensville; Vice: President for Ontatio, Peter Chris tie, Manchester. Directors, Wm. Graham Claremont ; Wm. Smith, M.P, Columbus; A G. Gormley, Unionville; James Torrance, Mark- ham ; James Henderson, Belton ; Walter Milne, Green River; and T. D. Elliott, Bolton. 2 DIED. Frersorn--In Toronto, on Wsd- nesday, February 11, 1913, Mary Reed, widow of the late James Freeborn, aged 74 years, : Deceased resided in Cartwright for over 40 years, prior to Novem- a F, E. Like, Opt. D. Toionto's . Reach Council. well known optician can be con- sulted at W. H. McCaw's Jewelry store Port Perry, Thursday, Feb. Met in the Township Hall, Man- 29th. This will be an excellent Dance to get correct glasses at chester, on Monday Feb. sath, on right prices. Satisfaction guaran- members present except Mr. Jolin: teed. Come early. SOR. Jie os Minutes of last wae sire. Biitohte, of Galt, Ont, Sags She Believes it confirmed. , Y From gg Turner, Saved Her Life--Doctors Said She Had Not Lieut.-Colonel of the Salvation Long to Live When She Began This Treat- ment--Read Her Grateful Statement. Army, requesting a don wards the Social work of ° gation 'Ary, a Writing again under the date of From the County Trea August Jan, 1011, Mrs. Ritchie i * : "As to my genera th | pK a. dg say that 1 A not felt so weil Toho a, > i in-years. My stoma chis in the best Sig Shigron. / of "condition and can eat things 1 Circular letters from the have not eaten for years. I can Bridge Co, and the walk quite well, but oe By ene i . when 1 go out, asl have not quite Be Kay, Count confidence in myself yet. But if room P. y > ) 'you had seen me whep I started ta: urer, giving list of HOSE fake Dr. Williams' Pink Pills rior township of Reach liable to would reniiznl what'a Jiracle ex ber, in 156, and as a devoted wife, for, arrears of taxes in { have wotked in my case. Al I Eg tid via: part lot 300. 11, 8 that 1 have statediis absolutely true; | loving mothet Gi oy Fo and I may add .that the pills ba ? ' . The Aud This meeting convened mainly for the election of Officers. R. 5. Gunn, of the Clydesdale Horse Association, brought up the matter of the notorious stallions Legislation Bill, and it was urged that Judge Swann says that in his! it be brought before the Ontario Legis- opinion the majority of the 17,000 lature once again. The bill was Yolo fires in the New York city last year pi to the next meeting of tho execu- : i i ; ive. Wele of ingendiary orgin, The election officers was as follows : Prosident--W. Smith, M.P., Colum- A thousand dollars for a single silvergrey fox skin is a business transaction in the Meaford district reported by the Mirror. ship of Reach alleging to have lieep kilied by dogs in the fatare, and where the person aggrieved intends to ake claim for compensation from the L@nuncil of the Municipaiity, they muss first notify one of the following Sheep antors who will investigate the injury done within forty-eight hours after notice thereof is given to him, and the said Valuator shall forthwith maka bis report, in writing, to the Clerk of the Council giving, in detail, the extent of injuries and amount of damage VALUATORS. Peter Pariott flenry Tavior Wm Parrish Sinclair Robertson Henry Davis rant Christia hos. Boynton Chas Honey Alex. McGregor - Wesley Akney 4 M. Real, John Wanhamnaker: Thos. Clarkson Michael ay ley Stewart McKay Silas Reynolds John Howsam. « 'ALEX. LEASK, 'Manchester, Feb. 12, 1912. Reeve: I" ALL PERSONS in the Town- Nestleton The American Poultry Assotia- tion has petitioned the United States Senate Committee on post offices that live chickens be admitted through the mails. "City Engineer Wright, of London, 'Ontario, reports that a large part of -the $500,000 spent on pavements in the last fifteen years has been wast- us. The First Anniversary of the Vice-President--J. A. Boag, Queens- | Presbyterian Church, Nestleton, ile ig will be held on Sunday and Mon- Sec.-Treasurer -- A. P. Westervelt, Monday, February 18 and 19, 1912. Toronto, Exceutive--Messrs. W. Smith, J. A. Boag, A. P. Westervelt, J. Gardhouse, J. Bright, Peter Christie, Manchester. Directors--From Canadian Clydesdale Association--W. Smith, J. A. Boag, J. Bright; G. Gormley, W. Graham, J. "Torrance, J. Henderson, A. QG. Major, W. Milgé, T. H. Hassard, Poter Chris- tio, R. Graham, T. D. Elliot. From Canadian Standard-bred Asso- ciation--G. Pepper, O. B. Sheppard. . Thoroughbred Association--W. Hen- drle, R. Davies. bs, Horsoddsoniation aul 6iiobi Canadian Hackney Horse a ie ek --W. Renfrew, J. W. Allison, Et tion--J. Gard- carcely a day passes but fresh os 18 Y tered 4 the wonderful power of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills gare of | over disenise. In many of these cases relief and new health comes to the sufferer after the best efforts of med ical men. have been in vain. 106 cuch case, is that of Nrs. D. M. Rit- 'hie, of a Ont, who writes : bh Teas: i "dtity to. let other peof the fe Dr. Williams' Bink Pils : one fot mei 1-was taken sick , ith rheumatism, ON SUNDAY Services will be conducted at IT a. m. and 7 p m., by the Rev. Jas. H. Miller, B.A, of Riverdale Presby- terian Church, Toronto, Miss Irene Bellknap, of Prince Albert, will assist the Choir. Special Collection for Building Fund. ON Monpay An Excellent Tea served {rom 4.30 107.30. A Good Program. Ad- dresses will be delivered by the local Ministers and Rev. Mr, Miller; inter. d ocal Music and Co - hs Toronto Telegram says that prominence of potatoes on a is bill of fare was once a sign but now it is a sign of of Amefican' 'Belkn Soloist, Prince 'Albert, . Choice Music by the {'Choir: A cordial "invitation is ex- . oo {jended to all. Admission 25 cents. Y. jas. Gordon, Secy. Robt. Dickey. Treasurer, A : Irene

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