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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 22 Feb 1912, p. 1

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{ticularly bright and happy, and the SIAN BAY, LAKE COUCHICHING KAWARTHA LAKES, Erc. ROUND 1 TRIP : I; SETA i To the West At Low Rates \ SARNIA OR CHICAGO. tickets. and full informa- Trunk Agent, or Sans ED! Dre Ipeiyiot Passenger " "5 MeCAW TOWN AGENT. ; rss am ~ 11.40. p.0y.- so MONEY. £: poy fw yestment at lowest rate. -. , HUBERT I, Barrister. SESS 7 THEE OBSERVER Has Ao Good CcoLATiON, and ds Taxus ft or anpum ia « sdaace, paid advance, $1.50 will cha jon Ho Most Mopmay STYLES AND AT Low Prttes. North Ontario Observer. "(The Octal Paper of the Pople) FOUNDED IN 1887. Only Paper Printed wd Pubtiicd in PORT PERRY, FEB. 22, 1912 enn ty oui BE, A002, McKinley v. Graham Appeal by the plaintiff from the judgment of Judge Britton "The * H.L Ebbels; for, fesdant the execufors ; an od ies C. McDonald, for the defendant "Charles Harper, junior. The judgment of the Court was , delivered by Chancellor Boyd:-- © The provisions of this will were * considered in April, 1890," in an, "action wherein the plaintiff was a ~party and the other beneficiaries "and the executors. It was then held that land devised to the son William was charged with the pay- tient of $706 per yeaf for five years after the death of the testator to- wards satisfaction of the legacies-- Sacluding that of the plaintiff. These payments for the five years have "een made, and the executors have _administered the personally, and Sturned over the land devised to > 0 rd him in 1891, which was rged with an annuity for the life of the widow as a first charge and as a second ~charge any 'unpaid balance remaining due on of the five years from the déath,: so far as the _| they found it, presence of her ten sons to do honor to a mother so worthy of their love and esteem, and they did it in a highly interesting and coimenda- _ | ble manner, doubtless had a beve- ficial efect ; and a finer array of manhood it would be impossible to conceive. Both mentally and phy- sically they area wonderful aggrega- tion--physically they tip the beam at nearly a top anda third and finer looking men it would be impossible pebupy important shies snd fill Tihem with credit while all, in their vations professions and occupa- tions, are doing their utmost to propel the wheel of progress and enlightenment 10 its legitimate goal, and thus leave the world better thao An army composed' of men of the stamina and calibre of the Williams brothers could defy the world but they have no leaning in that direction, their main object in life is to carry to a successful "| issue all occopations and enter- "| prizesin whichthoy embark and they have the ability and tact to do that te perfection. Long may they live {to prosecute their important and beneficial callings and still longer to enjoy the emoluments accruing to thet therefrom as a reward for determined and active energy and well directed perseverance. On the day in question these stalwart brothers lined up as follows : -- A. W. Williams, Port Perry. Elias Willismss;, Independence, Sas, Frank Williams, Port Perry. Midison Williams, Lindsay. Rex. Geo. Williams, Sherbrooke, Q. Aarot Williams, Port Perry. Allia Williams, Niagara Falls, N.Y, Walter Witkiams, B.A, WorldOffice Torbnto. Wesley 1 Williams, Toronto. Alonzo Williams, Port Perry. Are Ya tolng West This hk oh advavhage of the remark- ably low one-way second class col- ohial rates to Nelson, Vaucouver ; Victoria, BC.; Seatdle, Tacoma ; Wash. ; Portland, Ore., etc., in effect March 1st to April 15th; or if Western Canada is your destina- tion thre one-way second class settl- 'ers' rates should appeal to you. Settlers' trains to Western Canada will leave Toronto 10.20 p.m. each Tuesday during March and April. Bear in mind thatthe Canadian Pacific Railway offers the finest possible equipment and fastest train service. The route is one of the most senicin the world. It isthe i only line operating through standard and tourists sleepers, also dining cars to Winnipeg and Vancouver, with the most modern compartment observation library cars through the mountains. By travelling C.P.R. you avoid the necessity of changing depots. Dining car service unsur- passed. All equipment 1s owned and operated by the C.P.R. afford- ing the highest lorm of efficiency. If such a trip is under consideration apply to any C.PR. agent for full Toronta City Office, 16 King Street, East. A Port Arthur Hotel sold last week for $150,000, Tuesday, Hehiuary 27th will be oo y- Ee chasing ati e Thomas Manderson, Esq., who|. = lives on about the highest point of | land in the township of Reach, and who is also "ontop" of every en terprise on which he embarks; he being recognized as King as grower of tlie most valuable cereals" on this continent, having swept the best prizes ever ofiered for the best wheat grown anywhere, in fact he is successful in all pertaining to agriculture and possesses a model grain farm in every respect. Heis also an adept at weather readings and takes pride in keeping a correct record of the weather, particularly of its severity. The other day in town on business he handed in to Tur Observer Office the {oHow- ing which will doubtless ~ be: read with much interest by.all 1875--Feb. g--24 below - weather in 5 1881 Feb. in 3 Jum fe 862 1888--Feb. 15--10b. 188g--Feb. 24--12 b, 18go--Feb. 21--1 b. 18g1--Feb. 4--5 b. 18g2--Jan. 26--32 b. 1893---Jan. 39--15 b. 1894 -- Feb. 24--14 b. 1895-- Feb. 6--18b. F{806--Feb. 1718 b. 38g7--Jan 2512 b. 1898-- Jan. 30--14 b. 1899-- Feb. 11--~13 b. 1900--Feb. 26--14 b. 1gor-- Jan. 19--13 b. 190z-- Jan. 28--s b 1go3--Feb. 17--g b. 1go4-- Feb. 16--16b. 1905--Feb. 14--14 b. 1906--Feb. 7--17 b. 1906--Feb. 2--17 b. 1907--J}an. 26--15 b. 1908-- Jan. 30--30 b. 1908-- Feb. 4--21 b. 19og--Jan. 18--8 b. 1g10--Feb. 6--13 b. 1911--Jan. 4--10 b. 1912--Feb. 10--24 b. A Rare TrEaT.--It will be seen by the advertisement in other col- umns of this issue that a rich treat isin store forthe people of this section of country. No other than the Peake Sisters will make their first appearance in the town hall, Port Perry, on the evening of Wed- nesday, February 28, when a lively and Humccous Entertainment will be placed on the boards by twelve of Port Perry's ladies. It will, however, be prefaced by the popular, exciting and highly interesting one- act Comedy: "The Teeth of the Gilt Horse." That a packed house will greet the accomplished and sracelul entertainers' goes saying. To-day, the shi of tickets commences at Mr. ' Flint's drug store. Secure your tickets early and thus avoid disappointment. Peterborough has appointed a permanent assessor, at a salary of 81,400 a year. It is said that seventy-five per cent. of the fruit produced by Canada is grown in Ontario, LA GRIPPE'S VICTIMS Left Weak, Miserable and Prey to Disease in Many Forms. Ope of the most treacherous dis eases afflicting the people of Cana- da doring the winter months 'is la grippe, or influenza. It almost in- oy ends with a complication of troubles. It tortures its victims with alternate fevers and -chills, headaches and backaches. It leaves him an easy 'prey to pneumonia, bronchitis, and even consumption. Indeed the deadly after-effects of la grippe-may leave the victim a chron ic invalid. You can avoid la grippe entirely by keeping the blood rich and red by an occasional use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills 1f have not done this and the disease at. 'tacks you, you can binish it deadly after-effects through the use of this sanfe great blood. building, nerve-re tbe wonderful 'of Dr, Willi ams' Pink Pills over this trouble, . ome, Que. aa 2h was Mr. Emmanuel Laurih, St. Jer , +Freelands" be hard to Bic Avcror | MENTS, VERICLES Mr. Alex. Smif, and ' popular blag disposing of his busine ized Mr. W.]i Gibs auction on the| premi day, February 29, co one o'clock, all the Vehicles, Furniture, & the slightest reserve as lzaving the locality. extensive one and inc many articles, and whal still they are all new new. This will be a g tunity to secure at Ancl first-class implements, furniture, etc. Doo present and parti bargains. EF Great Arc first-class Horses, Ri horns and Crade Catt! Swine, Up-todate M Implements, &c., the Mr. S, Gray, lot g, cop. wright, The sale will take Tuesday, Feb, 27. Mr. G. will be Auctioneer, AucTioN SALr off Furmir --It will be seen by the that Mr, W. H- Nutson hi instructions. to Mr. Sti Graham to sell by" auctiga residence ofighe late Mr Simcoh Street, Port Perry nearly as good as new. | Ll takes place on Thursday; 22, and there will n V ve time be Avcrion Sac. leased bis far for om of are being extensively circu and consequently havi 0 = use for his stock of horses, y sheep, swine and farm impem he hag authorized Mr, Port mals and implements: 1 shoul on all well regulated fa. and AND Hii Grae Sonemoin Car. tLe, Pore Brep Swing, avo Up TO-DATE IMPLEMENTS, &C.--Tllustrat: ed mammoth posters are in pri announcing and important Auctio Sale of the property of Mr. Wal Wannamaker to take 11, con. 12, Scugogy 24th February, he | leave for the West storing medicine. Here is proof of |. "'lingwood dry '{ ard {erence of opinion in regard to 5 second big non-union job in ©! jundreds of other letter: refer, fn ore or. less guarded terms to various miting plaita. 0: a letter fo L. ngfield. In' Mash, "or, CE Remars "I 'am su of your letters. That Surprised Ail h the mails, only kbows who reads | office, as well as those thet leave it." 1° TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS, Bhiers of Mosboro' was ait on a sharp stake. Rod) sone are the Canadian Northern Sony rough the, town. i Two more actions for dam have been entered again Mr. Dav Boesel] Robert, killed by "| of Montreal, Miss Short of Charleston wes oh ly burned, her clothing catching fire from a stove. Notice of a a rosajution has been gn giv: én in the Commons to ratify the Col dook Rareerment. Inspector Alfred Codd the To. ronto police foree was cay | commissioners of Calgary as Pe ot lice. Dominjon fruit-growers favor stend- packages, but there ia Joris fis lt: mensions. Buenttord 4 will all be muzzled, itm het 0 pro lta eh: her. day turns out mb i n a al Parliament yi the late John ain Tw "$100,000 estead to the unit ahi and for hospital pur Kingston has an or: packed tose selling at 28 8 cents, and {res as high as 50 cents. Hotels have aealty in got ly. .| and the Helin ed pounties. of Durham Navolato, Pericos and Fie To thug Bt of 8 ge i . advance : oosl , the te "declare, in & foment given out in New York yes Ford Martin. "saves a¥e EW Bi . $340 Dated this oth day of February, 1972. L. C BARCLAY. Official 1 Agent . THE PROVINCIAL Hleotion Act. ELECTION of a Member for the Legislative. Awsembly of the Pro- vince of Ontario for the Electoral District of the South Riding of the County of Ontario om tle Fourth and Eleventh days of De- cember A D. 1911. ro Slared Siateniegt of all [ec Expenses Cur or on Charles Calder a Candidate at the above mentioned Election, sént in to and re- ceived by me, as Financial Agent of the said Charles Calder. and which said Elec- tion Expenses so received by me as afore- |, said have been paid by me. (ry W iam m Bright, rent of hall, 83 oo (2) J. ¥4 J Moors, Masouic hall, (3) Cawker Bros, Live: &e, 3 00 @ R. G. Vansickler, 'Livery, &e ' Port Perry (s) J Ww. Metiatry, Wiis Bills, &c., Port Pei (6) a Abbott, Posting "Bills, sc. Port or rm Port "Perry, rent of hall | (8) H. Parsons, ** North Ovid er," Port Pei . 45 50 Ol . (9) Bell Telephone Co., Wihy. - 435 (10) Thpuis C Saks Posting Bills 3 00 (11) bg "Posting Bilis. Brooklin 750 $87 35 Personal expenses of said candidate 15 oo $102 35 3 00 2 00 8 001 § oo Totel Expenses........ | Dated at Whitby this Ninth day of Feb. tuary, A.D. 1912. JAMES RUTLEDGE, Financial ig] Agent for Charles Calder. To William Morconibe Ral. T . Officer. for y 3000 the 15th instant. | GENERAL ADMISSIO Reservep Seats - £3. PLAN will be open at Flint's drug edirying on Port Perry, Jan. 24. 1912. fn robrning thauks for the liberal. mage so far since commencing the Confectionery. and Bakery Business, wes belf=to announce that in future We purpose -patron : "received o Auditors' Report for the: Township x of Scugeg for the Tear 1011, | John Jackson, Treasurer. RECEIPTS Balance on band, Jan. Je Government Grant, Schools... Government Grant, Schools... Dogilax ... i 2228858. ca 23, =3 | SBIS2ERERISB ¢ 8 EXPENDITURE, Roaps Ano _Brinces. Vo. Reader, work on hill... Platten, gravel... Hout. Jackson, gravel Jno, Readn, gravel. , W. Crozier, gravel... W, Graham, ginvel. Robt, Jackson, road job i. J » shoveling snow Gao Sch, ER OW... 'otte-n, shoveling suow , C. § Hiopu, sho oveling snow . repairio piring culvert, inles ing snow sine, rej he roads... re ad 8n e353 28228 2283233 NB3LEBER © oo sofa 0 te "3 ] P. Pettit, oxLiA work Sleating Ee Reais aid. savers vsnene any 4k Ear imber.. BRR --D EN =8832 83% Thos, STATIONERY AND Penge Graham ,., H. Parsous, Printing, Wooo ar Ft $48 65 Wige Fence Bowus even . E Reader. 0.0 500000 County Rates County Rate and Exchange...

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