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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 23 May 1912, p. 2

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tiroh-- Sufiday next} Press 'Service -at 7 p. m. | jtange of Sacred ree parts. Come | i w Bert Yorke, Bass i Walker location be: ond seats sll free. | red Walker, whois the SHE : s er, is NestLeton Satiox in the pros: of a beautiful soprano voice perous and wealthy township of} of much power and- sweetness, sang Carlwright is becoming, if it has "Fleeting Days" with great artistic not already became, an extensive | effect... Her voice s g to great and impdriant shipping station. advaniage in Massey Hall. he was te moe an, sr. por. [Er Sabtg srt chased there, Mr, Geo. McLaughlin boquet of roscs.--Toronto Star being the estimable and popular) cr Migs Walker, versatility, and buyer of all 1 that line: To givel,, exceptional mastery of the ot OE some idea of the magnitude of com- | gesticulations and facial 'expression, modities shipped from that station, | were her strongest points. Combin- the proceeds of which go directly to ing tes gloss, fer jeaching the pockets of the farmers, we and flexible voice, an the casy "sang might mention that Mr. T. F. Bruce, Bo of en a iw live stock briyer, paid out last year grew more and more popular as the no less than one hundred and five | program progressed.--Stratford Her- thousand dollars for animals. It is|ald also a grand centee of poultry, but ter and eggs, the major portion of which is bandied byour estecined townsman, Mr. JastMcHoun! EZ All to Oshawa today Scugog: Death came very su home of Mr. R. H. Mc! night of Thursday or the Friday of last week; h been somewhat indis| the day previous, yet 8 about. the house pact. ol Dr. Archer had been was hoped that the rest 0 and the help given would stored her to her usual heal on Friday morning the fan shocked tofind that life wase come time during the night ed gently away. She is a Mr. Turner, ofthe Avenue, Albert. She was a worthy me of the Methodist Churc very highly esteemed by h bors. She was always will be seen by onr adve lumns, large poster cards, grams that the celebration of ing's Birthday (June 3¢d) will on a large scale in Port Perry, The enterprise and liberality of King Edward Loyal Orange Lodge to- gether being ably assisted by the business men and others of Port & | Perry has made it possible to finan of cially get up a program of events 8| on so gigantic a scale and offer such prizes that cannot fail to appeal to the owners of the speediest and best horses anywhere to be found, foremost athletes of the continent, genial and ready to help' | 8s well as Baseball Clubs whose time "if in her power. H kill have proved drawing cards| they turned themselves a co : Rev. |. W. Totten, cond nd w laurels have ibeen won | eracy of sed roblers known as Victua! Se, service at the Cent pose wi A [10s ners, or Sty, Vitullus® brothers, pe] ured : Cho o Reandionvian seas PARK AWAN RIVER a : i T.etters marque and they were called, were first lssned the time of Edward I to give lenve to retallato beyond the marches or limits of a country for wrongs suffered. the hands of a power nominally at: peace. In this frst dnstance they wero aimed at Portugal. About 100 y Jater two Hanse towns in M: wishing to relieve thelr prince, who was beleaguered in Stockholm, issued letters of ue--thieves' letters, as the sufferers called them---to all the rascals of the Bultic nutborizing them to victual the besioged city. This done, g N BAY BAKE COUCHICHING CAWARTHA LAKES, Erc. rH o! rg, Fo the West At Low Rates Via SARNIA OR CHIOAGO Literature, tickets and full informa- tion trom apy Grand Trunk Agent, or +E. DUFF, District Passenger Charles Emery Humorous and Dramatic Eutertainer and Comio Vooalist Tou nods of the varions songs "oth che: ylang Should he-come again he will be sure y A of even a greater reception than greet- | Prince Albert. ening Ee es hax ey in- an vestinent at lowest rate. redu ded circumstunces." HUBERT L. EBBELS, Barrister, Port Perry. ge THE OBSERVE Has A Goop CIRCULATION, and is constantly growing in favor. it is the BEST Advertising Medium in the County : is the champion of the &griculturists and of the more con- servative and practical class of peo- 1+, is not a favorite of schemers, mers and cliques ; it is the Oldest aud Best Kstablished--founded in 1857 --the most original and best in its local and general news depart- ment and is printed entirely in the place of publication--Port Perry. TERMS --§1 per annum in advance, if not paid in advauce, $1.50 will be (Thursday) and to-mottow (Friday) 24th May, and wituess the greatest 'Trot/and Pace racing ever advertis- ed totake place in this County. $1500.00 will be hung up for com petition by the Oshawa Driving Club, in five purses of $300 each. Speedy horses are congregating from all over Canada; Uncle Sam is also sending some of his best ones. The track 1s in grand shape Vand its already fast record stands a good chance of being echpsed. The Great Coal Strike has been fully scttled and operations were resumed yesterday ; the pay of the ed him last night.--Galt Reformer. Charles Emery was the head liner and his impersonation in songs and monologue was excellent--he was re- called time after time.-- Toronto Eve- ning Telegram. Jack Howard, Oharacter Comedian and Monologlst (T. M. A. Benefit at Savoy Theatre, 1910)--Jack Howard, from Toronto, next appeared in a singing and danc- ing act, and pleased the crowd with- out a doubt, his acting is very refined and his dancing very good.--Hamil- ton Spectator. Mr. Jack Howard as an entertainer had the audience with him.--Milwaukee Free Press. | everlasting rest, Mr. McKinley 4 d the family and friends have 1 friends are cheered by the assurah that she has gone to the lacd Mrs. C. J. Rearse will address the meceting at the Head Church next] Sunday at 5 p.m. Her subject will | held be Missions. All are invited. The District meeting is being this day (Wednesday) at Whitby. This is a meeting to get | all matters of the district ready for the Conference at Cobourg, June § sympathy of the community. Het [outing | pices of which it assemblage and prove an enjoyable to all the people. Lindsay's splendid Badod has been engaged for thie occasian so that the choic- 4 est of Band music may be relicd on. An active and reliable committee are doing their utmost and are put- ting lorth every effort to make the Celebration of 1912, under the aus- is being held, make it in every respect, a record breaker, and far eclipse the highly successful ove of 1911. That they will succeed beyond their most sanguine expectations no one for a Are they? How did they lose thelr | 'mopey x "Qh. they haven't lost their money. Mr, PPudgerleigh has bad typhoid fever "and is a mere wilking skeleton, and Lis wife has been trying a new anti-fat remedy which bax brought ber weight' down nearly forty pounds." --Judge's 'Library. Ne Noah Was Lucky. " "What are you swillug abont?" ask- ed Nonh. 4] was fust thinklog." replied Ja. pheth, "how licky It was we could go abead and bolld this ark without walt jug for an appropriation trom con: gress.'-- Washington Star. | Relay Race, 1 mile, (4 man teams), open: aie 20° roads wilt lead to Port. P ple prov comlorganyi convenience of the immense semblage PRIZES TO BE AWARDED Rees 235 class--Trot or Pace ... ... $60 $30. Five Mile Marathon Race (open): .. Joint LAOS 10° Baseball Tournament 25 10 2 © 2 2 ul 3 }n 8 ! Box Cigars. =! sae a Mile Race--open =... 220 Yard Race--open 100 Yard Race--open we .e Jn Mile Race--Bcys 16 years and under". Tug-ofaWar Jd 3 Si LadiesiRace Fat Man's Race (200 Pounds and over) x CONDITIONS: ~-HorSE RACE --5 to enter and 4 to start | entry 5-pet geup. of 'piirse. 5 per cent-additional from money winners 5 MILE RACK--Entrance Fee 20 BASEBALL TOURNAMENT Entrance Bee $2; draw takes place at-fo o'clogk, all moment doubts. The track and | athletic grounds are in the best condition for the occasion so that Rev. J. W. Totten is calling a meeting of the Congregation al the charged JOB PRINTING -- THE Most MODERN STYLES miners has been raised a certain percenlage. teams must be represented. 'Entries must be made with the Scerctary up to Mr. Fred. Race, of Torento, will! (52 TUE Juné 1. A : A ERY AND AT Low PRICES. North Ontario Observer. (The Metal Paper of the People.) FOUNDED IN 1857. Publishéd tn enly Papér Printed and 3 ERR Mort pe 1 mia Residents of New York City are paying as much as Ahirty-six cents a pound for the finest quality of beel-steak, the cheapest kind of soup meat costing fifteen cents. Mutton chops vary from eighteen to thirty-two cents a pound. These are the highest prices recorded in the Town Hall on Monday evening, June 3rd. Thorah Hen Ranch 5000 Birds Will Set the Pace in Egg and Broiler Production Some two years ago, says the ly | be accompanist for the Concert in Centre Church on the evening Tuesday, May 28th, to make > pointments of official representd tives, and to consider matters per= taining to the wellare of the congregation. HE Much regret is felt that i Della Raymes, who is a general pew and important records wil doubtless be made. --_------ A Narrow Escape. Chas. Kelley and Ed. Bailey came very near being killed cn Sat Mr. Bailey was driving Mr. urday. bis b° £Z SEQ ek < t ex, Amal Churth § Fem, ANAL GABECD wrVICH of Old England Lodge No. 9, R.0.E BS. will be he'd (D.V ) on Sunday next, May 26th, at 7 o'clock pn, in the Charch of the Ascension, Rev. Qu St. G. Tyner officiating. Brethren will meet in the Lodge Room at G30 p m W. J. ORE, President, T.J. WIDDEN, Secrotary, LINDSAY CITIZENS BAND IN. ATTENDANCE £7" Both the Track and Athletic Grounds will be in fine condition. The Gate Ticket gives permission to the public to have access to any part of the grounds irrespective of fences. BASEBALL at 10 a.m., Sharp! AFTERNOON at 1 o'clock Sharp ! _Obildren 16 cents. ADMISSION --Adults 25 cents Kelly home, and when just at the jury last week, by the falling ofa, market cornet Mr. Frank Harrison's EL barn door she had three fractu colt, which had escaped from the (Ontario Liquor License Act i . in one of her limbs; she hy Mansion House yard came tearing JERE Grand Concert in the Evening down and crashed into the buggy | jicense District of South Ontartd, y ; " upsetting it and throwing both un- tderneath. Onlookers held their breaths fdr a minute. "The horses were soon stopned, and fortunately apart from a sight shaking up and 'lan abrasion on ane of his knees Mr. 1Kelly was unhurt. Me Bailey es- caped uniujured, but his buggy was a sight. Both hind wheels were d completely,'and the hind "Iagle was badly bent. Report soon had it that Mr. Kelly was killed or at least mortally injured, but like favorite, received a very severe i ordinary trade, and, if long continu rand Stand--Free. - . Beaverton Express, Mr. R. E. Gunn, ed, will make vegetarians of many. of +Dunrobin," Thorah; started what was then claimed to be the of about 5,000 birds, which, it is trical news, the reporters on the Jargent poliry past do Canads, claimed, will be the largest mn the Toronto dailies should take a short - 3.5% bigs a8 % mammen, Dominton:™- course in electrical terms. As it is, any hgeses of s spealal character 0 they get voltage, horse power, fre- were erected to accommodate the quency, amperes and other electric new jigstey, and an expert was factors so hopelessly mixed up tha suigiose vty superintend the con- what they write is often unintelllig- cera. . Dher Inigrests fuirvened, ible. however, and the big plant was pot up their minds that they will lose : ; ; pushed with the vigor necessary for & money by bad debis, aud Seven new oil bunking stations | jis profitable expansion, and late ed sg |are shortly to be opened on the lisct acason Mr - Gunn disp: roe oEsu eC Bt, Amen r Mr ispersed "down, or freeze will be the rule." -- acific Coast of Sou merica|pirds, We undérstand, however. Pachol. and others will soon follow, saysthe | hat the premises have been leased to Mr. Gower of Ottawa, who will B@RL PERRY, MAY 23, 1912 Fhorah is to have a poultry yard Now that there is so~much elec. confined to her bed for quiteia while. Her genial, kindly face will be missed amongst her friends, they all Lope for a sp recovery. When the following Talented Entertainers from the celebrated "Harry Rich Concert aad Eutertainment Burezu" will make their first ap- pearance in Port Perry : 3g Sieh MILDRED WALKER, (Entertainer and So rane) - JACK HOWARD, (Character Comedian and Monologist) . OHARLES EMERY, (Humorous and Dramatic Entertainer and Comic Vocalist) : yo OTICE 1s HEREBY GIVEN that I P. J. McNally, Raglan, has made application for permission to iransfer his tavern license for the premises known as the Raglan House, Raglan, to Dougal McGiu- vis, Port Perry, and that the said application wilil be considered at a weeting of the Board of License Commissioners to be held in the Town Hall; Whithy, on Frinay. May 31, 1912, at ten o'clock a.m All p rsons interested w.ll govern themselves accordingly. Three railways were fined $io- ooo each at Chicago for giving re- bates to theatrical companies. Apmission--25c-- Reserved Seats, 35 cents. p@rPlen of Hall at Flint's, Committee--S. GRAHAM, Chairman; J. E MORRISH, Secy.; LG. HALL, Treas.; P. INGRAM, W. OQQK, W.INGRAM Orillia's "coal barons" have made | Brought: on by. --How a Oure Fae Mt. Joseph Stephens, Rosen New York Herald. Lack of such That dry summet predicted by | deposits has hindered the progress of steamers that use oil as a fuel, which bids fair in time to supplant coal to a large extent, some -aveather "sharps" has not made an early start, "Men ate only boys grown tall." a ne dinner in Washington about afittudred members of the House of Representatives: who are serving their first terms, forgetting part hd" the responsibilities of public life, passed the evening in a mock debate on a proposed tariff on cats. There was a strong feel- _ ing that there ought to bea pro- hibitive duty on polecats and some daty'on the malt in Maltese cats, * but that catnip and catsup should be placed on the free list. --Ex. Mr. W. H. Hoyle, M, P.P., has asked the Hon. Adam Beck, Chair- . man of the. Hydro.Electric Power Commission, to grant an interview to fepresentatiyes of Beaverton, 'Cannington, Sunderland and pos- sibly Uxbridge, with a view to hav- ng the Commission undertake to provide - electric power to these "places. The idea is to' develop ter power at Wasdell's Falls, 'Dbetween Washago...and Severn Bridge, whete it is estimated that a housaud-horse power can be pro- 'Do you eat muskrat ? If not read og. 'Itisfrom the Port The editor of the Liskeard Speak er, a life-long Grit, has made the painful discovery that the Toronto Globe does not tell the truth, and calls upon Mr. Rowell to read the organ out of the party. The party is small enough now--what would it be if all the newspaper liars, great and small, wete drummed out of it almost painful to contemplate. Work has already commenced on the new Provincial Hospital for the Insane, which is to be erected at Whitby. A' number of patients have been sent to the place and, ars busily engaged erecting temporary buildings to. house the staff and equipment of the institution. It is greatly enlarge the yards. He al- ready has men employed preparing for an establishment for 5,000 birds, which it is expected will be present the coming fall. On Saturday last five-hundred 24-hour chicks were received from the hatcheries, Buf- alo, being a first consignment of two thousand chicks from this source. The birds are ali of stand- ard breeds. Mr. Gower is an en- thuastic specialist in this line, and anticipates no difficulty in making the venture profitable, -------- Corn. The farmer who pins his faith to corn as a fodder crop. rarely loses by it. Once io a while there may be a season when the crop does not make good. But more often 'than pot failure with corn is due to ne- expected by thefall that ac dation will be provided for a con- siderable pumber of patients, and these will be drawn from the Mim- co Asylum. Tbe work will be carried on along. lines similar. to those adopted at Gueiph, and the patients will work oo the property and construct permanent improve ments. A crop of grain and vege: tables has beeh gown, which it is expected, will be. sufficient for the needs of the institution next winter. : Barrie, Saturday Morning :-- glectful methods in preparing the land, selecting the seed and culti- vating the crop when it is growing Where the land is in good shape and strong vital seed planted it is very rarely that the corn crop does not furnish a good supply of valu able fodder in the fall. If there is one thing more than another essen-- tial to success in growing corn it is frequent cultivation and keeping the crop free from weeds. For. this season farmers should not grow a larger acreage of corn than they are 4 number of foreigners working can conveniently cultivate and Ont , is one of the great lost continually sound tue praises ol Williams' Pink Pills, and he %has much reason to do sq as 'hey brought him from suffering to health alter he had spent much money and two years of lime experimenting with other treatments. Mr. - ens tells his experience as follgws: "In the month of Januaty, 1908, while working in a logging at Creston, B.C, 1 got my badiy injured. 1 sufiered a t deal of pain and was a less I tried plasters thinkin would help me but they use. 1 took several : equally without benefit, Then 1 was advised to try electrical treat- ment and did so for a time without getting ony permanent bei d it began to look as though as going to be permanently € d Then 1 was advised to treatment with a specialist kane, Was. After exami be said I was in very badsh that the trouble was likely in Bright's disease. Howe told me he felt sure he cou me. Ata heavy expense under his treatment for months, but did not get the benefit. 1 was almost in work was plentiful and wag but I could not work, 1 wi unable to bend. 1 was in: dition for about two years, my brother who was with me time came across one of D liams' pamphlets and read: great work Dr. Williams": were doing." He urged mi them, bat I thought it useless to spend more | all the other treatment He insisted, howe they 0} ie 0 7 : so many other reports it turned out falsc.-- Uxbridge Times. "~ PERILOUS POSING. ~ Getting "Human Interest" in the Came ora Man's Pictures. A. W. Dimock in Outing tells of his 1 asa professional disturber of snakes, lynx, alligators, tarpon, etc, for his camera man and of a partial drowning necessary to supply the "hu- mau interest." To quote him: - "When a cofled rattlesnake needed stirring up 1 shook a short stick in his face, If we caught a big 'gator or crocodile on a bank I was the one to keep between it and its home, iu river or bay, and discourage with a club jts advance. When our captive lynx was let out of his cage to pose it was my business to keep bim busy with fish or .! otherwise lest he eat the camera man. 1 was expected to hypnotize any bird, from a tern to a turkey buzzard, while the camera man got in his work. "Even tarpon fishing was made ad- venturous, and half a dozen times a day I heard the shout: "+Can't you pull your canos bearer the fish? I must bave human inter est' "Then I dragged on the Hone till the canoe was over a fish that was bigger + | than 1, which often shot ten feet over my head, sometimes crashing into the LEWIS R. LUKE, License Inspector, South Ontario. Dated at Oshawa, May 16, 1912. Seven-Mile Island SCUGOG. Parties desirous of negotiating for Camping Lots on one of the most beautiful Sum mer Resorts--SeveEN-MiLE IsuAND -- will kindly send in their applica tions or apply personally to the proprietors. THOS. SINTZEL & SON, i "Port Perry P.O, May 15, 1912. d of being p canoe, when ly rescued I was call: t " 'Swim farther is better" ~~. RILED . THE ART STUDENT. : = A -- likely to hear the otit, Where the light 1° The TN [GOOD JERSEY COW : FOR SALE. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT SPLENDID TAN COLOR- : AA: ED JERSEY. COW. FOR No einer Coa cil of the Town. | SA LE- coming in middle of next ship of Reach, at its meeting to be held month--good milker and fine but- on MONDAY, THE TENTH DAY OF JUNE, * 1912, igh R U. IRWIN. Propose to PassaBy-Law GREENHILL PouLTrY FARM, Port Perry, May 8, 1912, ; to stop up and close as 'a- Public High- Ip way tuat portion of the allowance for FARM FOR SALE Road, being 'in or Thirteen in te 3 f bitin t+ : Fourth Concession of the Township of Will i Pe $3000 Will buy 112 acres be- Reach, known as Star Street on the of the Village of Manchester, and vest hg composed of paris of lots 23 : and 24 the 1oih con, Town: the same in Mrs Mary Fitchett, the own- < 5 er of the land lying adjacent theretoata| ship of Reach. price to be fixed by the said Council of| For particulars apply to the said Township of Reach. WiLLiaM WICKETT, of Dated at Manchester in the Township EDWIN MARK, of Reach, this 14th day of May, 1912, - Little Britain, . W. F. DOBSON, Little Britain, May 8, 1912. T / hip Clerk LARGE AND VALUABLE TAN COLOR VALISE LOST. "ILL the party who borrowed, . / about two years 29013 Taige and-valuable Tan Colore: alise of". ONTARIO the undersigned, kindly. return the Provincial Loans of $2,000,000 |same and much oblige i and $240,000. J. W. MEHARRY. Port Perry, May 6, 1912. pane BE ORTAUIO, waive RI; 0 , under '1 4 the authority of Chapter 4, of the RT " ISION Staintes af Ouitatie; 101, iyviies fu cou OF REVIS y scriptions from the pablic for a loan x a § of 82,000,000 on bonds of the Pro- Township of Sougog vince of € taxio, or * Ontario Govern- - 4 eo N OTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN: . bonds. 1 ba dated 1st May! | nd payal z "that the first sitting: of « the i re de Set Con sion to reve the Av ih coup d lor :

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