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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 30 May 1912, p. 4

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are er Bf "gagnouiwre; 10¥ Wo- "LSTA BL ¥nahesd nr the ane men, laws he better protection {with the royal guests were: The Lord vdnsaa, ii" WI1tno! . he 1 i dent. In view 3 parz asteeyf of _andochildren, public health, | Bishop of Toronto, Lady Gibson, precet i se 7. M. | the custodial care of feeble-minded | H ee ; 0. Whiter Cole the, Hon, | 811 proceedings will is ronte will in| women, 'éducation, the suppression of nghesy Mrs. od. KE. Sel ; : derfand, Pinedale, objectionable printed matter, citizen- Robert Jutivay : ] Tr: eo : 3 = ship, employments for women, immi- 3 - Bir" . Broekvi ) ; Site ald SERED ge ¢ gration, suppression of the white slave | A.D, ady Pp r I ) : CHICAGO, May 2i.--Khnsas mede ERICK [10655] (13576) imp. | traffic, cate of the dependent poor, | Nesbi Ard. 0 ayor yosterda i IL 1 N E Brices to-day tor. the wheat pit The the peoperty of J. M. Mac- | and the press and advertising com. addy" rt, Co Fe : A ' watohed almost exclusively we Ho will be at his oue| mittees. RB | Yarying news from that state regar i Souy 2 , ) : M 3 3 : _ the end i tirougiidut the sestou, it practically epitomizes thé greater coners Mrs. Wallace Nesbitt, Hon. | battles were fought, wi Fifty years ago Nerviline was used ' Ing woather and crops. to tho ol; ht i ; : % ] to coast and in thousands RP A x part of the rork of the council. | Mr. Jhstice Rildell, Mrs. Geary, Mrs. | est molestation. The. ii ey tousty Nabaont ad 1-8c to l-dc | Lak Batam 2 1540f {S850 dor Cp Twenty-five thousand of the women | Meredith, D. J. Gotigin, M.A, D.C.L., |ed in American waters gs . Pre tire tRintly: il thir roles Corn closed unchanged to 1 Sonya = property ob J: M. Mcfarlant, | of Canada, members of afliliated so- | Sir Edmund Walker, Mrs. Denison, | Lawrence, directly oppOEIEE fils, and kept the doctor's bills small. Up, and oats at an advance of lof th the. A912. uin at his own stable | cieties, are represented by the dele- | Gen. {Cotton 'Mess Ne W.\ Rowell, { ville, which precluded th igi Nerviline still holds first rank 1-dc. Provisions finished irregularly, ! to : 2 gates prisent and it ges without Hon. {F. H.. Phippen, a: from interieting. 5 Canada iid Sate selleving remit pirine out from 5c decline to 12 1-20 | or to sett F 35 : saying that those selected as rtepre- OlarkjJ. J. Swall, K.@G., Mrs. Cotton, ~ es--scarcely a home 'you can fin i) AY SUSIE hon Lu imp. sentatives are the cream of the intel- Bir Win. ackenzie, Mrs. W. T. Expert to Select Di ; {nat dosapt use 1, oy Fro Port a Ee er onl on to b : Te Scaya. His route takes in rg aT outcome of a Pn Mr i at Bye H MEP ss. Ottawa, May 25. --Morrig | 2 : Hope: Ont, a - de oe. T a ive, Snintfield, Viotoria Cocucrs 8 G 03 hippen, Licut.-Col. Hendrie. 'minent E v i ons. 3 ote. Brock, 'Sunderland. Wick, HE meeting held in Washington, UB, | Thestoast to His Royal Highness tho a dl TESTIMONIAL | 4 ®. [Sresngay Winnipeg Opt boron Telepho Ind "owh stable, y five years before the World's Fair at Dukesof Connaught, was proposed by Sh ay LH NO. newspaper Open. High, Low. Close. Close. | {1/10 soo a'high n 5 more. c Ni x Chicago. At the great exposition a iF B. Featherstonhaugh, K.C., presi- bial et iid the select 3 4398 writes: "For 20 beat 108%b. 106% 104 bi%s 108 d'was throw stance 'was: & visible ign ILYER SIMON (10852) (13752) imp. | second gathering at which twenty na- | dent 8t the Empire Club. Sovarnmont i the selecHuRN o : years we have M8 = 1h J 06} 1p eX 3 vag iow! | apazt' from the yiosdale, the property of J. M_ Mac. | tions were Taprésented {ook place. | His ¥6y#! Hizhness In rising to reply oy ol Wilson Has V used Nervillne in " ggg o.day. Y v 0211 the foreign des aclane. He will have stands at Finger- | The outcomes of this was the estab- was greeted with prolonged cheering, ios, AR : our home, and not May ' TT Yan : OR y oard, W. R- Mitchell's, Mariposa, Val-|lishment of thé council in many coun: "all present rising and waving their perience in rezatd to the bul 1 for the world would Jie be without it. Tuly 0 the trus| of the Sum, fue aly s and Jatin Codd 's, "tries of the world. A provisional vice- gerviettes enthusiastically. ry danis oo England an fol. A saan ay : 5 fund will téfuse to 3 : sertk ution, Bi sfore Staton Wn. | gregident, the late Mrs. McDonald of | "I thank you most warmly," said paris of the Wold. : TE Eo Treparn Toronto Grain Market. ; El grant | grace his ancestors. © pA onald MeDouald's, Marl: | Toronto, anda provisional secretary, his royal highness, "for the manner : ) tion so -useful and quick to-relieve as | Wheat, fat, bushel braid 5 Bo and : By the way, I. posa. jigs! Willeughby Cummings, were ap- | in which you have received my health Ominous, Nerviline." bus! 0 98 ed as igtail that has (saved BLACK IVORY [7761](13357) i 3 pointed for Omnada, and Lady Aber- and especially for the kind allusions "Ts the boss going to 3 Let every mother give Nerviline a ° shel = Kingston has Ho te A from the baldness that Al the Diovests of ine O J deen gave the necessary impetus to you have made to the duchess and to | raise you asked for" trial; it's good. for children, good for pg, ' a library ectirely for its o short-haired eiviliz i, Columbus: will have Riturd | the mOvannkYby consenting to be- my daughter. "Well--er--I'm afrajd old folks=-you can sub lt on 88 a linl- | pariey;- for = Ln very day 1 had neve lle ved roan or oa id cama its first prosident. : 'Having now for eight months had | yoy 4 thought _ment or it 1 fd Peas, bus ded. Cl ER EN i is | The Nation: Council of Canada is the honor of being His Majesty's y E wa stable. How son sed 0f sthe following coun- | presentative in this great Duminion, ] : ils: ~ Toros n take op} BARON 20 12181] Cusalian- FORM oe Ag dlr ae Shin opportunity : Clydesdale, the proporty of Juma ton, "51. John, Halifax, West 'Algoma, 1 am in ll impottant questions affect: - SEERA ? fast rin muke this season at| Victoria and Vancouver Island, Van- ing Canada, and how I rejoice at @ ; Eat % bis own stable, lot 23, con. 2, Brock. couver City, Regina, Vernon, Bran- the great prosperity at present exist- lobgs for reynolds and 50 DUNURE SOUTAR [959+] (14659) im | don, Nelson, New Westminster, East ing throughout all portions of this es Union ek Time SY ! Clydesdale, the oronarty of Wo P| Pictou, Lindsay, Ingersoll, Renfrew, vast country. Appetite was Poor, Di JI LJ J rly i has not been made public, it is under. ¢ y Y! y property of W- J. Hen le Be 33, Jae 3 Tifth race--Abont two miles, purse 1 Pi : ors, Port' Parry. Hie stands will ean. | Walkerton, Chapleau, Sudbury, and | "My one wish is to be able to aid in Continuous, Cruel Backachiy $300, Tally Ho Steeplechase, 15 jumps Minneapolis Grain Market gfood that it recommends the dismis- 5 Trois has Been brace Sebert. House, Port Perry, Green: Copper Cid. _ every way in my power the best in- for four year-olds and up, selling--1st, MINNDAPOLIS, May 24. -- Close -- sal of at least one prominent official, sisi I bank, Alex: Brown's, Bethovdn, Town of| Mrs. Torringlon of Toronto, presi- terests and the soundest projects in | gnother Case In which Dr. Basiltows Pills | Idle Michael; 2nd, New Comer; 3rd Wheato-May §1.12 1-2, July $1.18, Sept. 8nd that other drastic reforms are | ov Amar aE Chinsnan. | Uxbridge, Uope Bros', Scugeg, and his dent of the Nati nal Council, will pre- the many spheres of activity through- 'siclang od 61. i ? 2 ive | advised. furope an metica, e yn hs own stable ! | side at the gencrnl meeting, and Mrs. out the provinces of the Dominion Saved aLile that Phy Bes pairthfilae..| Jou Lett, Time, £49. | By 3 During the investigation, which was | 13 keeping hix pigtail. and is auld in, fats er i prot Ne ; Bixth 'race--Cobourg Purse, 11-16 Flour--First patents, $5.50 to $5,78; uring 2 ga ion, ® an; emergency, whether Republican Cummings, who hes been associated It is my earnest hope and belief - ! Pp conducted under oath, some rather ' gency, Ep ROYAL FREELAND [6095] (13694) Avoibitiel we ki ie ts Dre What a pitiful sight it is to ges a |miles, purse $500, for three-year-old second patents $5.10 to 35.45; frst op i : or Imperialist. - 1f the Kepublican SELAY [609%] (13693) imp. | with the movement as secretary for that during the time of my Governor- Mey DE § Bn : ps 3.50 to $8.95; second clears, startling revelations were made, say 3 As © handsome, able ik being gradually and up, sellin 1st, Fup rviwp gad, $80 to $8.10 the investigators. Acute differences | £RUSE prevails he will continue fo be robbed of good looks, health, and & y | Scrimmage; 3rd, Servicence. ime, : Ha 3 | 5] raay WH , Col. GT: Den- tween Brockville, Ki hisicovers a wide fleld but esident Falconer,' Mrs. Fal. que and Ogdensburg b t as ce th Premier Borden Thursday. = = While the substance of the report Clydusdale, th= property of the Shirley | eighteen years, is recognized as the Generalship this progress will stead. Syndicate. Will be at Raglan, Jas. | best i ed 1 : 5 : oi Cash wheat--No. 1 hard, $1.151-4; : : | queucless; if the lLinperinlists are vies ; Jagian, As st informed woman present on all ily continue, and every advantage will | to work. "Such cases are frequent-- ch wid i along religious lines between the offi- | 94¢ 3 ) me | Buott s Darlington, Jos. Siaong's and thet concerns the téchnicalities of be taken of the great advance Rial as Re here described being tiabof E. 4 a res. alasia Xx 1 porters, ili LER 1143-4; cials of one of the most important de. | torious, he will bring out his, pigtail i sob Fordor's," Cartwright, Ambleside | council worl | ence, which makes many matters pos- | P. Lascelles, a well-known Printers' |, Sventh races hig funongs, Ge He heat $1.10 1-2 to $1.10 8-4. % partments, according to the evidence | and tie it to his hat or to his growing 3 . Far, sal Goo Jacks a's, Sengop, Port 0 os Lhe, : 3d re De lespair. | Supply mau, residing in Hamilton. Purse, purse $500, for three-year-old | EN io WS how. 16 : 3 "Pr jocks. 5 § Pr : 3 le which would have been despair: pp A | C 3 yellow, 76c. reached such a pitch at one period : drey, and his own stablo, | or Winai od oiin earlier days "About six months ago I began to | and up, maidens, Can dian foals--1st, Oats--No. § white, Bc. J ih mon hag spolicd for | An observant philosopbar wander. 2 o 4 ie 1 Train in Ipnpes Ve NT an haral A te Oa tad th notice a worn, tired feeling coming aver | Tropaselur ad, Le d'Or; 3rd, Philis. | Rye--No. 3, 88 1-3¢ to 87a. Ri two o 2 pp {ing threugh China might measure the Ear CORNER STONE (3303) (11018) imp. | Winnipeg, May 25.--The most strik- congratulate Uanada on 0g DUM. |. pe, 3 was unabl to shake it Offs It | Time, 1.16 | permission to carty firearms, with her degree «f revolutionary fervor by the. H ideally tha property of J. Ernest ing welcom > im.charge of the bar Zana Ze argh who are was not the fat =e that toliows Tiere A er Buffalo Grain Market !| which "to protect m3elves." length of the people's hair. In Can: 3 gna, He AU gn ay "Made in C ' train have Tacely br agnio inte a Fs woos 4 Bok es at es Piexican Rebels Repulsed. iy TE TR ALD. in hl ay roa, Ww. Taudvi De d tor, where Republicani-m is rdmpant : Shrink, Dulathe, ick, Seagrave, | ed so far was given last night when ence will greatly aid in developing | anxious to work, but didn't have the Mexico, May 25-=Again Gen, OFos EE 1 wine caren Meg radi 20, ' olin W. Taudvin Dead. aud ugoressive, every mri and mae 4 " representative Winni- | the great resources with which nature | energy. Something was dragging me Go's army retreated before the artil- No.3 red, $1.18; No. 2 whits, $1.19. Kingston, May 25.--After a lengthy | child is closely. crappe Even the s y cate | va a banquet in the has provided you. down, robbing me of my health and | ra ¢ Hvert d \, the elaboraté menu | "On this great anniversary dedicat. | spirits. I got tired of taking prescrip. | 'ery a - ain 3 SE y i) haw, 801-40; No. 8 corn, 810. Taudvin, aged 43. He was for many ' haired fashicn, for bands of amateur ; only "Made In Oan- | ed to the memory of that gracious and | $-00s that did me to good and fed DD ay _ 2 abil is SY thik Ss ed 96 to 701-80) ,oqpg provincial fishery inspector and barbers whose shears are supniement. Ng Bullion pre | atorions sobteion. under wows relan Dn emits I Sods Re a Sone a > e Pai uy Onto Bteady; No, 3 white, 68c; No. 8 had lived here twenty years, coming el with rifles parade the strects huut- the British Iimpire made such vast | ing from a terribly congested liver and x 3 or 4 « ul cir ranks, and Te white, 57 1-2¢c; No, 4 white, §8 1-30. itrom Prescott in his younger days, ing for queues. In Shanghai is the sce cxtonded a civie wel- | sirides, one's thoughts naturally turn | acute indigestion. Dr. Hamilton's Pilla Dg ne ol Tar hi gs 1%: Barley--Maiting, 31.16 to 31. He 'was formerly a celebrated athlete | game. Nut in Nanking, the headquar. by W. Sanford Evans, | to the significance and meaning which | brought back my appetite, cured the ited north from Reliatio, us jew n, Duluth Grain Market, and lucrosse player and was a prom- | ters and eapital of the Republic. | chairman of the Cana- the word 'empire' has for ourselves. | heavy pain in my side and back, gaye | which severe) gd Corn--Stead¥; No. 8 yellow, 828-40; illness, the death occurred of John W. | aged have had to adopt the short ° Ly WHINBTGOM [6397] (12753) imp. Clydes | Rule, the property of Smith & Richard- ean, Columbus. Hix stands being Lou Vaunest's, Roel, Jas. White's and H. MaeB ien's, Whitby Tp, Jos Wide- man's and D. Packering's, Pickering, Sir H. Pellett's, Kingston road, Dug. come, hb i i mw', Broken Front, M Crawford aud | T. A \ Fa UTH, Ma Ak next Forester and Oddlellow. Hs ia uctice that many of the common folk . Jus. Crossmun's and 2 Richardson's, E. | dian Home Markct Association, H. D. | Probably never in our time have the | Me & new gripton life, 1 gained 10 scene of a rebel visors. hard, $1.16 as survived by a wife, but no family. wre a lade shy of a harber. © sre Whitby, Oshawa, and C. Blanchard's. Scully, manager of the train, and | thoughts of those who are building it welght oa UR am strongest Sok For nearly twenty-four hours the | No. % northern, $1.18 1-8; May, | 141-8} are no queues, it is true, but hundreds rs | T. H. Race, lecturer, replied to the up been so deeply centred on the mar ore I]two main forces of LE Sven a | wy $1.14 1-3 asked; Bept. na 1 3 of people are Jetting their hair grow HELSINGTON (GLORY [11465] (14699) | various toasts problems which we have to face. If you want to get back the Vigor Sn Yebal tro ii ted, x LOSS OF THE QUEUES longer andl uet.dier every day. This ignl. Clydesdale, the property of W. J. | - . F H S S LE - | "Por Canada {hose problems have | and spirit of youth If you wantithe | The losses could fok:de sypmaied, 1 may be no proot of want of sympathy Henders, Port Perry. Will make the | British L I Elected ithe deepest significance from the | Sparkle of robust health on your but casualties will be numerous on CATTLE MARKETS. with Republican imstitutions, 1t is j avason at Gr enbank, Siintdeld, Victoria | Titieh Lue IF en ee on rightly | Cheeks--use Dr. Hamliton's Pillg teg- | both sides. Even in the darkness the 'robaoly notaing more than an insur h Corners, Leaskdale, Town of Uxbridge, | London, Ma --(C.A.P. Cable.)-- por JE Ho a trian ularly. They cleanse, purify, _ tone, | fedorals persisted in their artillery Chicago Live Stock. L=FECT OF HAIR CUTTING UPON ER YL ihe ratanb at the nove 7 $ Wes, Page's, Reach, Soberl House, Port The South M bye-election caus- | 30 "40 minions of the Empire. TT he Plrg A fire. Gen. Oroaco was himself weak CHICAGO, May 24.--Cattle--Receipts, THE CHINESE ernor who a lew months azo was in J ¥ Povry, anl own stable. ed by the r nt of Horation Bot- oM h ayt rhe ho ih § grand medicine § fain: al, 25C | ged Ly bursting shells. The night | 15007 beeves steady, cows lower; beeves, aL the habit of making the head ftw ® ra the retain of a May the various races who have | per box, or five boxes for $1.00, 8% Bll | (lack was a surprise. : | $6.10 to $9.40; calves stronger; Texas enh " g , tor I built up the Dominion be strong and | dealers, or The Catarrhozone the lost pivtail. here are still pes steers, $6 to $7.85; western steers, $6.25 MACFEL [10232] Clydsdale--from Tmport- Ho M 3 SR SE Sed loyal to themselves, and above all | PaIY, IZingston, Ont. FERRITE ng wha remeber the fnte to $7.00; stockers and feeders, §4.40 to | Celestials Without Pigtails Are Now ple in Na ed Stock --the property of Wes. Frise, | 9 : 4 : Y Aviator Wright May Recover. $6.90; 'cows and heifer 3t : A een ess reformers who vens Scamteve, Bie stele will be at aed Giheon, 1 may the unity of Canada be the fore. YOUNG BRITONS MEET. Yale Ne y BE rs ond Retfers, 3 to 47.001 | a Rule Mather Than the Excens il ds HE I (freinds Boos, Rewch, Robi. Thowas Tryio Horatio Iv. who sat in the | most wish of ell its people, and of v Dayton, Ohio, May 25.--The condi- Hogs--Recelpts, 16,000; market gen- ; re rou H. Pure', Maoilis BE soon, Hoist ot 0 Ci asian indepen those who are called on to direct its | goo onion Assemble In Large Hum. | Hon of Wilbur Wright is slightly im- | erally bo lower; light, $7.15 to $570: tion and It Is Very Dangerous to |gred tu lhe Lepopiican aw. Stacey's BLE SL en Bo Sant dave n Noit int (ho rash destinies 8 hers at Brockville 8 proved and attending physicians are (Eres 31.30 te uso heavy, $7.30 to Enter Streets of Cantori With That %, son's, and bis own stable. : : of heavy dan being found against |. "I feel convinced that if Canada s ¥, : > hopeful that the improvement will RE Bulk of Re Hi S008; Digs, 35 to Ornamant In Place--It Is Advers t > } : i Bl.by.th ate of | 18 true to herself she will be true to Brockville, May 25.--The 3lst am. |ontinue. The inventor has regained Sheep--Recoipts, 5000; market as: Marticge Penalties. bs es wy | him in a suit brought by the egtate of |p 0 in hi ~ d iva \ NT ova 3 a5 : 0 % hy ; market steady tising Fact of Unheaval. 5 ¥: y th 1 KING PROCTOR 1758, Reg. French'a retired Government official Bot. | the empire, of which all Canadians, | nual meeting of the Grand Lodge of |:onsciousness and is able to recognize |to 10g higher; native $8.76 to $6.35; west- i Much iz hearl of the taxation ¢ A Coach (imp) the property ft H Melton Lov Is ihe editor of "Jol Ball." of whatever station in life, are equal | Orang: Young Britons of British [ind speak to members of his family, | rn. $4 to $6.40; yearlings, $5.50 to $7.50; The :m whe has been fellowiftg | bachelors, hut little is eve suid of the. Zac Bp) ) i He A miley 1s the editor oO ohn ull. ? 3 3 : 1 T TA : n : ; NM ras B : 1 lambs, native, 35 to $8.90; western, $5.76 ie an who ns c x 2 Ari Kenzie, Pori Perry. Stands at Seagrave, | members, and in whose integrity a North America opened here yesterday |ill of whem are at his bedside. to $9.10. y th: market in wigs onght ty he a het: communities wherein matrimony 18 Layton, Saiatficld, Greenbank, Sebert are equally interested. with one of the largest representations y ishable offence. Perhaps Mouse, Port Perry, Purple Hiil, Biack- EMPIRE BAY BANQUET "Never let us forget that the Brit- | of delegates in its history Pointe as Stock. | ish Empire has always been foremost | far west as Sault Ste. Marie and ensh | in promoting the liberties of its popu- | to Quebec City were present. After rm | lations, while at the same time main- | a civic welcome by Acting Mayor Mae: Duke and Duchess and Pringess | taining those traditions which have | kenzie and a deputation of the tg Ne aim " x = a i SH iTlaE Av i wemed a pan Chee: ter judge of the Chinese revolution | ¢ ! I 3 CHAMBERLAIN CHOSEN | PICTON, i factor. | than any diplumatist or newsparer the mst extraordinary Mons with 5 les boarded 1088 boxes, tho highest bid | correspondent, writes William Max. | evened 0 this subject nt 1 Sa Se i fh Wars ala, Nell br The Londan Daily Mail. He | be held at Osfcrd University in Eh. Hore WLLE, May 24. -- Colored \ alune can say whether the million land. There, for instance. a fellow e 80ld on the board to-night for 4 . \ of All Souls College foetal He Will Succeed Hays as Presi 128 eran, McVegh and Camp. | Of Chinese who have cut off their pig: vi i wher staal BARON THOMAS [9005] Canadian-bred C! the property of Geo. Mackie, Pre. ul have stands at Raglan, Cartwright; Jobu Pearce's Sougo, and Port I'erry, o h made its past so glorious. council and a complimentary i : «wi 1 1 LR Darlington: Jos Strong's and Are Guests of Honor. | "I am sure that in no portion of | from the local Orange lo | dent of the G.T.R. 3 ay Tae preset. Lng Jove pasted with Hens wv Gis he sheull take HH dy it gniy z J ia the Empire is there more loyalty and | ports of the grand office: devotion to our gracious sovereign | ceived. Gorgeous Function at Toronto Marks | than in Canada, and nowhere in the Grand Master Gordon Blj First Dinn.r of Empir: Club of Empire will there ever be a stronger | ronto made an appropriate: when a pigtail will be sarin the mark Tu such Te hom eo po Te BASEBALL YESTERDAY. of p patrint. For a pistail 2 easily | 8 penaits, replaced--when yeu have it. ven in college with a meni ial in the shaps The International. pre-revolutinnary davs some people | of 8 si'ver con, 1 the. further cone Chairman Smithers of the Board of Directors Announces the Appoint | Newark | ACME'S PHILP [10314], Clydesdale, the : i : : ie @ J sense of the duty we owe to the flag | to Brockville as the birthplace x 00000000 2-- 'era. ¢o, fi om th their hat dition thet en this cup shall be fn Ey A oii lah a That City -- His Royil Highness | ypqer 'which it is our privilege to Orangeism on this continent and ex- ment of First Vice-President to the ih rv run a SS Nb ud i t bax a a scribed in Latin, "He backslid inte a ; rke! r at Hope om 5 A iyi --- : ge 80 A] N( ap i 3 " Pt ai Shes ro OR aud Expresses Great Hope For Canada | tive. pressed his satisfaction at the con- Position of Head of th) System-- | Holly, Shaw, Dalton, Bie ie public places, matrimony. ed A as Part of a United Empire--Many | reer tinued growth of the Young Britons Wainwright Moves Up a Step to Li Fiepatiick 2 Stolen bases--Vaugna | | confess 'hat the Chinaman with There is an ari-tocratie club in: VIGOROUS MACQUEEN [4294] Import. | Notables Present. ONE DEAD; SIX HURT. Touching the g ton of home rule Take Mre=Bhambeniain' \ to re suule-pleve_Dallonite Maxwell | ont his piptiii is a severe disappoivt- London, the Bachelors" of Piccadilly, ed-bred Clydesdaie, the property of 1 Tp for Ireland he said: "As.y grand alee ts amberiain's: 'Place. Fitzpatrick; Fltzpatelon to oily oer to pant. He outraces my sense of tha | whereof the members who so far for- F. Brace, Cadmus, will have stands at Toronto, May Rarely, if ever, | Miss Lilian Stein Killed In Toronto | master I feel I voice the si iment of | Montreal, May 25.--Announcement er. Struck out--By Gaskell 1, Taam | mesthetie properties. T had f{aneicd | got their loyalty to the club as to i h a distinguished Auto Disaster. this grand lodge when T 3 Lotus, Billyduff, KR Suygitt's and Black- | in Toronto has suc y stock and own stable | essemblage gathered around the -- Toronto, May 25.--One young wo- brethren in the old land-haw i WONPRT ; hve yossa . gelebonte u day of na- | man dead, another severely injured en mpathy a bil and Grand Trunk Pacific Railways ires--Doyle and Guthrie SIR PRT [7366] 0789 (10923) imp | fiona hanksgiving, of national re- | nd four men and a boy in a more or | Vo! e passage of the ho e bil that the 'vacancies oaused b: the ewark . ! Clydesdale, the property of J. Kroes membrance and of imperial aspira- Jess serious physical condition, is the for Ireland, and that our hopes and | jcath of the late Charles M. Hays TOIRto as an 109200104! pean. elothes--even of despised frock- | one may felaih an honurory hjensiees Holthy, Manchester lis stands will | tions, as that which graced Convoca- | 40]] caused from a motor car driven | Prayers are Leing exercised. n their | 1 ,q been filled: The announcement | base hits--Seymour, ay Taras | coat and taphat. To my infinite dis- ship, bat su far as active nem iri! include Albert Beverly's, Ashburn, I. tion Hall last evening at the first | py Philip Kaufmann crashing over behalf, and, if need be, our'pe al T'was couched in. the following official Penon, Struck out--By Lee 1, by Rudolph | plea sro Tid that thd Chingman ia [18 concerned he is etrictly oul of tha 4 B n --Oft Gaski M. ) rift ' ctually expt | 1 os- tour was yesterday made by Chairman Al- | well Ht point Balk a tr Kk. jal he oud gorryiine i ny ee MI ue- | fred W. Smithers of the Grand Trunk | Left on bases--Newark 4 T it 5 gracefully' ax come of tay Chinese i i } Srontoid Um: | friends in the European Tegations. I | such exy alsion is that by the pay- 200080000--§ | overlooked the saving erace of Euro. | meat of s fire of $109 thy offending tracized. The only savint feature of Washbarn's, Thos. Beverley's, Wm. | annual Empire Day dinver of the | Queen street at the southwest corner and financial assistance, in ir no- | stntement: . Bases on balls--Off Lee 2, off Rudolph nr blue padded conta looks nmdigni. | for the rest of his life. vi Sym Jxbridge T Jiica a | Empi Hac | : 3 3 h a hi hero Ste tb: ¢ | 1 Bacrifice hits--W. Zimmerman, edi withiant Nils pital At is a similar organization fn Symes', Uxbridge Town, Utica and own | Empire Club of Canada. jo John strect at 2.15 yesterday after- ble fight to uphold the Bri crovn Mr. E. J. Chamberlain, vice-presi- | Stolen tases--VW. Zimmerman, Richer, fied wither! his vietnil. And v hen he re r is Crab, stable. | On the day forever sacred to the AY 4 {Seared 40 noon. Leaping into an eight-foot deep in Ireland, and to prevént & "memory of "Victoria the Good" her | hyilding excavation at this corner the from getting into the i : dds 4 } ulrace n clath can, fem and goneral manager of the | JON" Trmpires--Guthrie. and | Rl he oe arnionevel he | Whenever there comes to the offi- cials of this club any intimation that a member contemplates matrimony Jie is immediately summoned for trial | illus i son, Arthur, Duke of Con hi ed ho Roman church Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Co., has Sora 12 UEP ite, and Then Loe A illustricus son, wir, Duke of Con- | machiné carried with it two women | 7 UR | bee 1 appointed president of the Grand. | Provid 1s Tush Rigeeus 2 naught and Strathearn, Canada's | who were walking past on the side- Grand Becretary Hashaw sapor'el ar a Prunk Pacific Rail- ER re Zia 00-2 But every reform demands its pen- WAMTM [ODLLATULR roval GovernorGeversl, | ined with | Galk 'at the tine and the occupants | the membership at 10,000, Whigle ic al- | qv Companies, to succeed the late | TWo base Ke, Gandil. Double | ally. Our Puritan ancestors set this {those foremost in the political and! Jf the car. It buried two beneath it | Most double the figures one year aco. | Mr. Charles M. Hays. Mr. Chamber- plese Ganon, laye-Gandil, Stolen bases Roth, Gan. | example to the Chinese, and the vies | in the ls oun, Ni he presiient | social life of Canada in a speech | after turning over on its side. The Ten new lodges wera institufed at Re- | 1,1) hag also been elected a member | Hit ors - Sacrifice hits--Rock, Purtell. | torjons soldiers of Cromwe!l did not | a8 judge. | 3 A | brimming i fopt.mism for the fps ¥aead ar "Miss Lilian Stein, 323 glues Barks or- s--Off Mitchell § in 6 Innings; off Tay. plead in exteuustion cof his offence, R greatness. o i8 Doniiwion and of | t d 25 ye 1d, | tage la Pr; Natighal Council Opens Its Con. confidence in her pl ying a worthy West umn rath Eres 3 Rivers Man ip * vention in Londen. part in" the upbuildinz and defence | fric,d, Miss Jennie Weinstein of 33 | Moosejaw, Sask, an of the Empire of which she is proud | Sullivan street, when the car swept a grand secretary of Grand Trunk board in place-of Mr. |jor 3 In 2 innings; off Mattern, § in 7 | Gixdain to Le known hy the gny Cav. : ta =hill 4 senti Hays. p LI Bases on balls--Off Mitchell 1, | ali-rs as "erap-cars. Thiy: too! laid and upon bis Set in presenting ey "Mr. Wm, Wainwrigh d vi oft Harden 1 off Taylor 1 oft Mattern & | their bair--and sometimes their heads | plea depends the amo 38 ne. Tr. Wm, Wainwright, second vice- | iit 'by pitcher--By Mattern, Ata; by | on tae altar of their country. ; which ranges frau $100 to $1,000, president of the Grand Trunk Rail- | Harden, Purtell "Time--i4. Umplres-- |) hilexs Wor shall pet areustomed {o | Tie humorous feature of the fine com way, has been elected first vice-presi- | Byron and Mullin, Tae i sists in the application made, The wei to form a part. Not only was the them from the pavement he ofoU- the shyngs in the Domi Vern- | dant of the Grand Trunk Pacific Rail Providence .. 0030100008 | the spectacle of the mutilated China. ! \ i 3 m Ire 3 . TBE 5 5 - real .. BN : . t | money is devoted to a dinner, where. First Day ls Taken Up With Commit duke present as guest of honor, but nis of the cer were Sol and Josiah | ment of September last, an ibut- | way Mr. M. M. Reynolds has been Bons eal on Carpll eos 200002 me just as Vc have ceased to opto at all mcmbers appear in mourning added eclat Was given to (he occasion {go 1a), sons of Rabbi Kaplan, 166 ed the defeat of Sir Wilft urier | olacted a difector of the Crand Trunk |on bases--Providende 4, Mon 4 Dn Ar ree attire. - At the conclusion of the re t6s Meetings. Preparatory to Main |} gt ; % 2a the presence of the Duchess of 5 a: | to the Protestant people of €anada i i i. | Btruck out--By Lafitte 4, by Viebahn ¢. Business of the Bission-=Many and y John street, and the driver, Philip ising Tn Shale RiAEANE Pacific Railway and second vice-presi Bases on balls-Off Viebahn 4 off Lafitte : o - si lemnly reads the 0 rut a " painful and the Chinese di mot help past the president so 3 Kaufmann. None of these were ser- ministry which, ho asser 3 x dent. Hit by pltcher--Russell, Stole us tn besr ths shock. for they insixt | sentence of expulsion, and. the des Varied Are the Subjects That Will jously injured although all were ! p This decision was reached at a meet- | MoDermott, Lathers 2. Sacrifice hit--La- linquent is led from the room amid ' Come Up for Discussioh -- Gifts bruised and suffered from hysteria. Jeg dase upon by the #4 |ig of the Grand Trunk directors yes. |fitte. Time--12%. Umpires--Mullln and on hanging their clothes as well as the groans and lamentations of bis terday 'morning. Mr. Smithers was asked if any ac- _ National League Results. tion would be taken shortly to appoint | 7~ a genéral manager for the Grand Cinclnnatl Trunk Pacifié, the newly-elected presi- | SG LOUIS ore dent having held the dual position of | Geyer and. Wingo. vice-president and neral manager, | New York but Mr. Smithers, while replying that The driver escaped almost unhurt but was in a serious nervous state. He was arrested on a charge of man- slaughter so soon as word of Miss Stein's death was reccived at police headquarters. The machine has been |eonfiscated. This was done to elim- inate the possibility of a recurrence 1t is amazing how swiftl. the south erstwhile elub members. has discovered that the queue is a badze of slavery ard not a national Korean Marriage Customs. ornament that distinguishes thie heav- | Tha Koreans marry young -- some en-born from the barbarian of Europe '| {imes as eurly as (welve or fowrleeny l'and America. Those who dil not Teap | _ the matches being arranged by tha to this conversion by the light of na- {'14er people. as in Chi ; tnre have, been generously assisted hy [ni voupz folk have vel From Lady Aberdesn. Loudon, May 25.--The; Normal | 8chool yesterday morning was alive with; the officers and delegates of the National Council of Women of Can- ada, who are holding committee meet "As on previous oecasions, "the people decided that a be called upon a Govern had abused the trust rep: This should be a lesson to Government in their attem upon the Protestant people a form of government thal 5 : of conditions as in the Brintnell case 5 . the matter would, of course be taken | get a Phel i Ap ] ql ings 'prior to taking up'the work of i ; of some time ago when, after an auto | controlled entirely by, the C up later on, did not commit himself to Bas prEanind Sands gma] witty hoes in the matter, h larger 'scope. i RN accident, the machine was fixed be- Homes aT i any further statement. Chicago ...... 8 'e Diplai J Ehanaliat "Nan | 12 la. Hau Above the platform on a white J fore it had been examined as evi- en 1 Hever % . He will leave Montreal about June | (Batteries Tends ] Tiny. otties. par ound rises a shield with the motto dence. of Russell presented a sa! 8, returning the beginning of August. . : ] ancial statement. The rcesipt He also stated that no statement con. fieils "Do unto others as you all sources reached $2,500, 78 ; tos? i y z ened + i] cerning the companies' plans in the Wireless For North Land. meeting. sll obligations, t matter of steamships on the Atlantic wold they should do 0 you," out- d te 'Ottawa, May 25.--That the distant | a balance of $1472. At. legpacted Yor Bonde ain The Blea SP gi ble. in) porthern | snd Yesiers wildemess may | session eo if the ; : or 3 roroviers FEE Ba HE 38 + y 7 be pla n almost immediate com- ommitte j l re rn ; Ingtor y i Es dl || Ea ee | ne aes me souunnnibl Gn, ales, in blue and 3 more than a _p rob 3 de 4 i | | ¢ 0? y bh i a sion. The proposal, w b . a i wk ft oi [6 BL oo ne mat wmorgamint | New LER ; ecial | | | le SERENA I orig and. me Lr re a (| CATARRHOZONE | "ioibizion 5, 5 $ g 3 iralds ~ 7 : e J er Totes stati ] ay ven Ba from iar jis b i rei ins Jn, SE Ro | vconke My ab Satna ee Swe] | JEieanne sme ing 'parties would report ; formation of * importance would be communicated at once by wireless burési. A map bas been:

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