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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 13 Jun 1912, p. 1

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5% 7 [Trrus :--$ S5 WHOLE No. 7835 x da i of! Horse Register = © - Friis AR unfamil-' i : AP dat ! So lnters BARON OF CAIRNES (12727) 113142} hat whed imp: Clydisdyle, the piojerty J.-M. { ho didn | Macfar ane, Sonyn hig rotite wii in: v clide Cresswell, Smile nd, Pioedales and own s.uble, 2 3 £10655} 13576) od tea und"ate 4 biscuit. He # self wishing, for almost the' first time, | stuay, MS mind pleasantly Dusy BU me so pleasantly to othe men. He. 3 1 --- PORT PE H. G. HUTCHESON, Manager. "Sometimes a man wreckage. He drifts stronger than himself RRY BRANGH Bowmanville, Brooklin, » Ftv her face. He scarcely 'was saying. He only aman in an egregions- Arying stupidly to jus- Don't you believe that ometimes be washed residence of 6. L. Robson, Port Perry, Nov. 15; 1894. ~~ hb or lin H. HARRIS, B.A. LLB. GEARRBISTER, &¢. REV --. RICHARDSON. Third Sunday at 10 30a, m, --_-- DAVID J. & BOUSLAS Bankers anl Brokers. hem Big Ben chimed the ICIKNSED © AUCTIONEER Tor E it head. It almost seem- could pee het answer jer lips. Then the voice Fraide came cheerfully | tray, with cups, a teapot and cakes. pot Mr. Fralde" She altered her posi- | the Oprrivig Office Manchester, Jan. 10, 189! MONEY TO LOAN (4 per ent upwards --Britieh Capital.) INSURANCE REAL "ESTATE Marriage Licenses. &F Agents C- P. R., &e. ULCERS, BOILS, SW PIMPLES, AND CARNE BE TOAN. We must tion, he turned to Loder. tuto the fire. that followed Fralde's Loder gave none. Again he had found ggtisfaction that welled up at her pd adoption of him Loder Lehafed with a discretion that spokdiwell for his qualities. pMiced In the same re- 4 yet strangely lrresponsi- t have been excused if, t least, be gave himself' { But Loder kept free of nr Rr" Sopicitor, Conv ach (oe mile west of P »+ Moxey To Loan. xo. us. cout )illon Hinge-Stay Fence Manufactured by the Owen Sound Wire Fence Uo. Ltd, and am prepared to supply community with tiie very BEST WIRE FENCE produced on this Continent and at prices that can not fail lo satisfy purchasers. The DirLon Fence is without 8 uth 'wing Court House, appre Wo. A. SANGSTER, 'SENTAL SURGEON. Offioe Roireee to 12 a.m., 2 to 6 p,m. Also open' Sararday evenings. r experiments, his show- od unlooked for featured when put to a Its expected difficulties | smoothed thenselves away, whileothers, ted, camé into proml-! ble of all, the physical' reen himself and Chllcote, if the whole scheme, which ted on to offer most dan- exible ; 1t 1s a square mesh; itis a perfect hinge-stay fence, therefore t is impossible to bend the stays, | in fact it is the best ence made: ik this or any other country, Before purchasing a Wire Fence or GAN Filings, Bridge and Crown TAINTED OLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCHES, SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES PLETELY CURED BY THE NEW METHOD wed before the sweeping met him on every band. known Chilcote from his youth, seryats who bad been in his! employment Wor years, joined issue In, J acceptance. At times c).ote's position well nigh forced | "You are very skeptical" he satd,; Headed, Wort DRIR. L. GRAHAM ; R76 DR. FD. MOGRATTAN he attention of all thoss Blog, or: o AGRICULTURAL TMPLE MENTS AND MACHINERY. HARNESS ese se for avy person having om_ eruptions and blo it circumstances (orce him to flon of the truth, he would Human nature pre- im eyesight to the testimony treatment veutralize ell pol- sod and expel them from the fice ovet the Post Office. PORT PERRY. brandlies of Dentistry, ¢ and Bridge Work successfully i moat of thousands of tho most complicated cascs eualles us cure without experiizenting. W 3 Oauly for the Senatit You [BH ce of this astonishing suc- od a steady course. In the tion of Fraide's favor, in ptistical wish to break down he might possibly into a vortex of action, what direction it might; Db for himself, for Chil- # their scheme, he was liable second thoughts--those ssary curbs that go fur- steadying of the universe Free of Charge and lct us ly our remedics will remove ail evidences of disease, Un Method Treatmont the skin Le- Artifical Teeth on Gold, Silver, Alumingm rafrGolil, Silver-or Cement & extraction when requirea: £5 Prices to suit the times® North Ontario Observer A Weekly fo, Sortie ana encrgy return. and tho life Las opened up to in, YOU CAN ARRANCE TO PAY AFTER CONSULTATION FREE Send for Rooklet on Diseases of "KE GOLDEN MONITOR" cull, write for a Question List KENNEDY the house on the same day spoken with Kve on the had weighed possibilities FORT PERRY, ONT. > N returoing thanks to the public for th EVERY, TUURSDAY MORNIN patronage extended to years, I wonid respectinll intimate that am, as nsuval, now ready for busincss, and he atmosphere of the place loyes could never lack char- " er dull its momentary busi- er prosy the voice that fill- d sifted impulse from ex- only n man who bas lived ift and distinguish, close of that first day his o had been formed. There 88 rush, no headlong plunge, Things must work was his first expedition Bt country, and It lay with whether jt would be his Drs KENNEDY & Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Capadian Corres] ment in Windsor, Ont. call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat ta in our Windsor offices which are for Canadian business only. Address DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. ral Livery PORT PERRY. J EARTILY thanking the public for the liberal patronuge received during the have kept a Livery Establish have much pleasure in anoouncing that | Lave removea MY LIVERY ! it Large & Assorted Stock QF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which 1 am deterningd to sell very CHEAP As an inducement to Cann purchasers 4 Mound of 0 por onde will be allowed on all Sales from now until onéy, whet ddiressed to this for Correspondence and all letters as follows: regietered will bo at our risk. LETTERS containing m Ottics, prepeid snd Duties of the Claquers. The elaque has never. flourished in | English theatres, institution in France, where a enjoys a recognized status and makes a comfortable income. is a mistake to suppose that the only duty of claquers is to a plaud. claque includes some have cultivated the art {* fectious laughter. touilleurs" attend the lighter forms i of drama and laugh so heartily and their neighbors join' in and leave the house that the play must be a funny Then there are the "pleureu §& MADE BY HAND®3 and no factory work kept in stock, th: amper rity of wy goods will ut ence hecome ben leaning back In his seat, {he ministers opposite, his in imitation of Chilcote's i attitude, when this final i had come to him, and as It jips had tightened for a mo- his face become bard and 'an unpleasant thing when unconsciously reckons ou s of another, and the 100k sos the idea is not good to pred uneasily, then his gain... He was tena- ture intol- first sug- hilcote's "Intending purchasers will find that by me a call before looking elsewhere n he suited in quality and price, my perience iu the trade being an india antee that perfect satisfaction pnatantly ou haud and repairs neatly and ment in Port Percy, [ promptly atténted to. Port Perry, Dee, Xa ish haps--Chil- n his place. Then atine of the affair. : lgence and his obligations a o irksome than be struggle for a Sime The mails are despa Office Port Pers aa follows: e G orth-- 9.00 "Going South--11.20 a. m Going North-- 5.15 p. m. Going Seuth--10 p.1a Dress and Mantle M had touched Lo- | ISHES to 'inform' the 'ladies that she has moved: to the erly. occupied by her [over Mr. Flint's vhere Licensed Auctioneer, the Inevitable re- | ob he might venturs Fol THE COUNTY OF axzanio sna ders for Dress and Mantle: "in a manner unsurpassed. d Charming Effect 'Our charges are consistent. with for some of the small society talk that his cigar comfortably alight, when he rot thet the position was' ridiculous. | paused in his walk and frowned, inter- pq glanced at Eve's averted head and rupted by the entrance of a servant. | gid his empty cup upon the table. SIMON {r1ce32] ATs) ting: ros ie ou. | Atwost at ouce ste viru and thelr | iia ee Ae Mei hin eyes met. «| bourd W. R Michel's, Moripess, Vale proceeded to lay 45 extioucty Soe und, "Tou dhe amis, sso FUE WIS OF | (sii. fun Roe sand Jory Cuddy'sy cen ng cloth. lal why I wanted to have tea With | Ops. Clendive, M.riposa Station, Wm Loder watched him in silence. He you?" | Sparks' wud Dovald McDoveld's, Mari- had grown to find silence a very useful He looked down at Ber. "No he posa- commodity. To wait and let things' ty | oy amy A LL TR ~- ale the p operty of Smith & ch & Suna bl ft pesasen Be Was |. The curtness of the answer might | son, rier vill Yes a ater perp . He had not rung for tea, have displeased another woman. Eve Myrtle and another at Brooklin, the and in any case a cup on a salver sat- coped to take no fi i offense. remainder of the seavon he will be at his isfied his wants. He looked critically | "I had a talk with the Fraides' to- own stable. | at the fragile cloth. | day" she sald, "a long tulk. MP {ROYAL BARON 20d (12'84] Caundiane Presently the servant departed and yaide said great things of you, things | Bred Clydeeduic, the proporty of J solemnly re-entered carrying a silver yj wouldn't have believed from anybody | Lunes, Sonya, will make this s asm is own stable, lot 24, con. 2, Brock. Having adjusted them to his satisfac- tion and looked from Loder's face back | DUNURE SOUTAR [959] (14659) imp. > Nr y | Clydesinle, the property of W.J. Hone 5 Mrs. oa be with you In| He took a step forward. "What | ders, Port Perr, Mite stale will eae ve minutes, sir," he sald. things?' he sald. He was Swat | brace Sebert House, Port Perry. Greens { | 1 He waited for some response, but gghamed of the sudden, inordinate hank, A'ex- Frown's, Bethesda, Town of Usbridge, Hope Bros', Bungeg, and his the advantages of silence, but this time | words. own stable 2 shoe ot a compulsory kind. | won 1 mustn't tell your" She laughed | ROYAL FREELAND [0098] (1309 y iotp. Te had noting 10/935: a little. "But you have surprised him." | Clydesdale, the property of the Shirley The man, finding him {rresponsive, | ghe paused, stpped her tea, then looked Syndicate. Will be ut Raglan, Jus. retired, and, left to himself, Loder up again with a change of expression. Soott 8, Darlington, Jos. Steoug's RB stared at the array of feminine trifles; | "John she said more seriously | John Fordor's, Cartwright, Ambleside then, turning abruptly, he moved to «there ts one point that sticks a Tittle, | Para wy Ges ok soriies Sougog, Port the center of the room. | Will thls great change last?' Her | A ow Since the day they had talked on the (oie was direct and even, wonder: | terrace he had seen Eve only thrice folly direct for a woman, Loder | and always In the presence of others. | thought It came to him with a cer | Since the night of his first coming she tatn force that beneath her remarkable | bad not Invaded bis domain, and he charm might possibly lie a remarkable | aud own stabies Botany mat this new departure character. It was mot a possibility | WHINBLOOM [6007] (12785) fmp. Cly les: migthinens, | that bad occurred to bim before, and ule, the property of Smith & Richard« | CORNER STONE [3505] (11016) impr Holtby, Manchester He will stand at Greenbank, Suintfield, Wick, Scagrave, THs thought of her had been less |i caused him to look at ber a second | son, Columbus. His stands being Lau. vivid in the last few days, for, though '¢jma In the new light he saw her Vannest's, Reack, Jas. White's snd H. still using steady discretion, he had peauty differently, and it Interested been drawn gradually nearer the fas- pm differently. Heretofore he had wun'y and D, Puokeriog ay Vicker Ye cinating whirlpool of new interests Inclined to class women under Sir H Pellott's. Kingstongroad, io and new work. Shut his eyes as he three heads--idols, amusements and Te ain Kastor might, there was no denying that this | {peumbrances. Now it crossed his Whitby, ewan. uy moment, so personally vital to him, | mind that a womsn might possibly fill ; was politically vital to the whole coun- | another place--the place of a com | HE SINETON try and that by a curious coincidence | panjon. (} imd. OWpdesdale, Ir | + him. to take an.active interest in the | still looking down at her. EE -- Situation. Agaln and agaln the sug- | She did not return his glance. "1 | Corners, gestion had arisen that should the | think I have been made skeptical," she Wns, : smoldering fire In Persia break into a !gajd. | Porry, aud owo table. flame Chilcote's commercial Interests | g > | > : would facilitate -- would practically i: DR MARA OY hy dural ee Bpits compel--hls standing in In the cam- | able, vicious, unstable--and a quick : LY, . i 350 paign agalnst the government. | | ach, Rebt Th 1 AyIomms The little incident of the tea table, | compassion for this woman so Inev- | H Purvis', Manilla, 1 € b. Win. recalling the social side of his obliga- | Itably shackled to him followed it | Stacey's, Novman Osborne's, Ju Dow- tions, had aroused the realization of | Eve, unconscious of what was pass- | son's, and his own stabi greater things. As he stood meditative- | Ing in his mind, went on with ber sub- | : % x ly in the middle of the room he maw | ject. Risa TOR ge, Ben Josh 2 nach (it the prope . Me suditenty bow absorbed he bad became | "When we were married," she su | eee Perey. Shania ut Sougruve in these greater things--how, in the Eently, "I had such a great Interest in | Layton, Suiathicld, Gi nbink, Seber swing of congenial interests, he had | things, such a great belief In life. I | Mouse, Port Perry, Purple Hill, Bisck- been borne insensibly forward, his ca- had lived in politics, and I was marry- | Stock. pacities expanding, his intelligence as- ing one of the coming men--everybody A THOMAS [008]. Canattart serting itself. He had so undeniably raid you were one of the coming en. BAROY i 2M a i] Gane ne Ea found his sphere that the idea of usur- I scarcely felt there was anything left Sta HY Liou ois as en to ask for. You didn't make very ar N- Neots, Darlington; Jos Strong's and pation had receded gently as by natu ral laws until his own personality bad begun to color the day's work. As this knowledge came he wondered quickly if it held a golution of the present little comedy; if Eve had seen 1 hand forgotten about love. 1 wanted Geo. Jackson's, Scugog, and Port Perry, nothing so much as to be like Lady and his own stable Sarah--married to a great man." She paused, then went om more hurriedly: | dent love" she smiled, "but I think ¥ Stinson's, Cartwright: John Pearee's | | | ACME'S PHILP [10311], Clydesdale, the property of 8. 4. Devitt, Cadmus. Will what others, he knew, had observed-- "For awhile things went right; then | iat others bo kuow, had sbaerrd | [00 VILE SUR rans You ot | Bhat bon sabi things that be had not exhibited for your--your nerves." | years. Then, as a sound of skirts came | Loder changed his position witb | VIGOROUS MACQUEEN [$294] Tmport- softly down the corridor, he squared | something of abruptness. | ed-bred Clydesdale, the property of Y his shoulders with his habitual abrupt She misconstrued the action. F Bruce, Cwimos, will have siands nt gesture and threw bis cigar into the "please don't think I want to be Lotus, Ballyduff, R Suggitt's and Black- stock and own stable. | | disagreeable," she said bastily "3 Joh Io he ol I Laon TE ed we en ] W a A ydosdale, the property of J. Krn-st one difference--In passing Loder he | "I think I know," Loder's voice broke | Holtly, Manchester Hin stands wil quietly beld out her band. [In fnvoluntarily. "Things got worse, He took it as quietly. "Why am I so then still worse. You found interfer | honored?" he asked. | ence useless. At last you ceased to | Symes, Uxbridge Town, Utica and own ho Inaghed a little and looked across | bave » husband." stuble at the fire. "How like a man! You | "Until a week ago." She glanced up | -- el quickly. Absorbed In her own feel- | Fh % - ings, she had scen mothing extraor- | ~mut 1t didn't aioct me then" She dinary lo Lis words. spoke more slowly. "I wouldn't admit But at hers Loder changed color. | it then. And the next day when we "It's the most credible thing in the talked on the terrace 1 still refused to bx she sald. "It's quite incred- | admit it, though I felt it more strongly fire. Eve entered the room much 2s she had done on her former visit, but with | | fble, and yet 1 can't deny it. Against | than before. But I have watched you all my reason, all my experience, all | since that day, and 1 know there is a | my inclination, 1 seem to feel in the | Benge. Ar. Fraide feels the same, and lio Is never mistaken. I know it's last week something of what I felt at | first" She stopped with an cmbar- | only nine or ten days, but I've hardly rassed laugh. "It seems that, as if by | seen you magic, lifc has been picked up where 1 | ten hours in the last three years." She dropped It six years ago." Again ghe | stopped, and the silonce was impressive. 4 ped and langhed. AR "| 3t seemed to plead for confirmation of. Loder was keenly uncomfortable, but | ber instinct. gn g : he could think of nothing to say. Still Loder could find no response. "It seemed to begin that night 1 dined with the Fraides," she went on, "Mr. Fralde talked so wisely and so kindly about so many things. He recalled al we had hoped for in you, and--and be | That's what 1 came to ask. I don't blamed me a little." She paused and | want to believe till I'm sure. I don't laid ber cup aside. "Ile said that when | want to risk a mew disappolntment.™ people have made what they call thelr | Loder felt the earnestness of her gaze, last effort they should always make just | though he avoided meeting It. at him. could once persuade you to take an in- | weck ago, but today I can. I don't terest in your work he would do the pretend to explain why. The feeling is. jother kinder things, and I sat and ls j toned. But all the time I thought of | nothing but their usclessness. Before {I left 1 promised to do my best, but my & thought was still the same. .lt was " ed 1" stronger than ever when 1.forced my- Why om 1 so honored? he asked. selt to come up hore'-- She paused always want to begin with reasons. again and glanced at Loder's averted Tans Mire ie Beat 434. givintione bead. "But I came, and then, as if by er. towa conquering myself I bad compelled a table, and he followed. As he did 80 reward, you seemed, you somehow it struck him that her dress seemed 18 geemed diferent. "It sounds: ridiculous, harmony with the day and the j gow." Her volce was mused. a Bot half 'deprecating. "It waswt: 0 ence in your face, though I knew direct- t0-| ge the table he drow forward a chale 3 St von wore fre from Herves with a faint touch of awkwardness, | gay she hesitated over the word. pg She thanked him and sat down. Was @ differcnce In you In the He watched ber in Slence as 8b8 4hi504 you said, wore than In the. way. hos you said them." Osco more she | oO und laughed a little. seen: B.WOMBR. pq disecmfort week ago. Will you unm answer? could he say? What dared be say? Contased by his silence, Eve rose: list'-- Sle lesitated and looked mwas Clydesdale, the property of J. Kru-st Ta MacBrico's, Whitby Tp, Jos - Widee 2 include Albert Boverley's, Ashburn, B. Washburn's, Thos. Bueverley's, Wu. in the suze mood for niue or. After waiting for a moment she lean ed forward in ber chair and looked up "John," she sald, "Is it going to last? one effort more. He promised that if 1 "] couldn't have said this to you a rest. He said all that and a thousand | too inexplicable. I only know that 1 can say it now and that I couldn't & sill Loder remained mute. His posis tion was horribly incongruous. What "If it's only a phase, dou't try to hide d 18," sha sald. "But if it's going 19 last --if by any possibility. it's going. tov |

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