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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 13 Jun 1912, p. 4

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T0 SUPPRESS HERESY |... Toy Easterners Prefer Presbyterian Home Mi:sions Divided. bats Driven Away From is by Employes. 'Ennigemenfs Occur With Ne = VE wt ' zag ui : born Pac ¢ ; 3 ) es b 3 : : E79 | \igorous Protest Is Reglitored at Gon | ne That. Universite. "news hind this 'cong 2 he and Teteiuane Cache, have alcantents Near Cobre and Blacks | T Kans And De hig Y ed Four railway re: Bestort OR Both. Times--Cith | eal Assambly Against Proposal to Ihlvare poss as a gett ge his} construction cams and four engineer- ns at Palma Soria.o Are Barri- | Combine the Two Sections Is Made sity Mre Teaching Heres) De- "Corn. ] o tage y Fd c a Jue. co) 1 hive been "completely de- "éading the City fn Expectation cf | . by Maritime Defegates -- Second | girygtive and Pofyangus Doctring, | igo to Inde da. The 1 also I a eh have 'Attack--Asking for Protection. Proposition fe Sur Pras Work Rev. W. F. Roadhouss Stgrts the nchanged to : rid (help divert | townsites. The men from the railway : nde e 1 t . " . gt ug 0 $ SN i v ALIW Eantin, Cuba June 1.--The rebels a oe dena » > te a Alliance (£BT fu Crusaders." | wen ib ket .cl th they" HS y al bs wore. all. xr WW dnesday nizht attacked the Cobre monton, Alta., June 7.--The plan : ; -- Toronto i : it z No, there will not be one word of | - % 3 ; Mines, the fri. continuing for one | of the home mission committee of Torolte. une 1. he ols 7 have the hol se ticiam of Canada or her methods of Fae tor pe pL from. the buming ne) hour, when they were repulred by . the Presbyterian Church to unify the upnress higher critics in Toronto ' R attracting immigration, if I can help | back towards the mountain pa: : armed employes. No Government | mission work of the church received (rpjversity, Knox College and Me- : t 3 ity' Thomas L. Penwell of Helena, | was so great that a vast ot force was pres. tb. an unexpected check yesterday after- | Master. : "| Whea 4 Mortar, presiient of the Northwest | snow on the mountaf ng from the | The rebels nlso engaged a Govern. | DOOM. : The promoters declare that MeMas- velopment League, said yesterday. | forests was melted, with the result ment guard at Punta Del Hal, the The first rocommendation ft the (or teachings are heresy, that the i RE AR that the Fraser rose throe feet in two landing place for Cobre, but were re- cornmmttee was that the divieion of! scriptugal tuition at Knox 3 Kaufman to Blame. days. The ecffect of the floods ir} . pulsed after much firing. the church into two sections should {iia ant at Toronte Universit YE rs b "Toronto, June 7.--We, the jury | quenching the fires had the contrary _ Citizens at Palma Soriano are bar. be terminated, As was stated by Rev. hong Toronto Grain M empaneled to enguite into the cause | effect of allowing the river tn nite ficading the c.ly momentarily expect- | Dr. A. B. Grant in his advocacy of ~ cMaster graduates are using vig- | Wheat, fall, bu ; of the death of Lillian Stein at 8%. |" Hundreds of moose were burned. ! ing an assault by the rebels, who are | the plan, there were not two churches, ' (rous language in expressing their | Wheat, goose, Michael's Hospital, on May 24, who, ---------------- 2 believed to be near in strong force. | but one and not two assemblies, but pinion of Rev. W. F. Roadhouse's | HIS. Sushel - : at the corner of Queén and John TELEGRAPHIC BF . The foreizners there have telegraph- | one. The representatives of the Mari- 05 role as areanizer of the new al: 1 ; { street, in Toronto," was thrown from HIC BRIEFS. ed to their consuls here begging for i time Provinces, who were present in jjance. Rev. Mr. Roadhouse recently for f the sidewalk into an excavation and | The anti-clerical tumult i protection. the assembly, made, however, 8 Vig-| gave up his Baptist pastorate to ally i : crushed and otherwise injured by be- | is quieting down. Belgien The columns under Col. Valiente | orous and no decision Was | himeolf with the critios of the Biblical ] ine hit and 'carried into" said excava-.| Prother Viancoe i dnd Col. Vallant returned from the | reached. teachers ni the univercities - Toronto Dairy on in an automobile drive hilip | Golieze was: {field yesterday. It is understood that The proposal that all the work in The new organization is tobe called Butter, creamery, Ib. rol 'Kaufma) 8 ¥ " {their plan of campaign proved a com. | the western section, including the | «rhe Aljjance of "Bible Crusaders." Hutter, creamery, solids, : lote failure and that a halt has been | supervision of hospitals, Sunday | -Tho first chject of the crusader a dled. until a new plan can be per- | schools, ; york, etc., should be . ¢ : J 5 TR ay 3 : 81 ision af "hone at 5 ras : Tho nitec ates Fann Fat ssion_commil ee, alto received bit and the belief in the word extrac 2 3 dent he off the vicinity of the Cuero Mines | sent from the synod of Alberta sug-| 'up ; : Moritreal Grain and {| "whi ni 'ehquiting iy | Methodist Conference yesterday x EE ES i er Ts os worry 30 intereried." can Jmeumy AME. | pve, June A--BuutBl) "Gent of Lillian Stein, whe last Mth | tr norer othe Richeliey & On- [i ih n occurred, returned yesterday morning | unified, hrt that Saskatchewan, Al- : 2 OF paying a Cd suring Wheat gvei of May was killed by a motor car |, gation Co. and other steam. : ml fo Daiquiri. berta and British Columbia should be fitty cont annudleinkershiy {es : preipegiy inere. on ps "driven by Philip Kaufman at the cor- on oa: the lakes, was com. BOF Joiland sys taken part, the officers of the two regi: ) ofl of war fmenable James Bears, a London cigarmaker, B housework. 1do Eo rss Toss Thies was stabbed by an unknown man on Ji | not take medicine of | [© OCT Lg fo reestablish disci the street, and the wound was very U any kind. It was: & | Of last cen ury, ity | Io Madrid In 1813. neoeur of £4, ed in Ta i s 324 The movement i was a & Lieut. Charles RPelknap, acting un- | given complete supervision of the 2 eles 3 fe from local buyers for oath 4 ner of Queen and John streets. Coro- der 'the orders of Captain George W. | work in those provinces. Dr. A. 8 DoMnens vas do ner Graham had charge of the enqui er Jap! . : s. a AL 8, » { quir |Kline, commandant of the Guantana- | Grant withdrew all the further recom- ean McMaster grajonie 00 X el sem] py a" FoF and in all over 23 witnesses gave orl mo naval station, arrived here yester- mendations of the home mission com. | " g 18 very unlorfun- yg 'and 10.000 No. 3 a rents dence. | o . A s wasters day to investigate conditions and re- | mittee until the committee of system- | wie. t 47%c afloat here. American SOFD 19 . Re the Hoss Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ome De, Te a ror ora port back the wishes of American citi- | atic conference, which has charge of | reaker a dpmand i a All Above Board. tai cause of its lack of power to ob- pound that restored me to health." ~ hould take up the quarrel and fight it rens with resard to military protec. | tie new budget plan had been reach. | Want Duty Removed. clined $1 per ton. es adr 3 Chicago, June 7.--Publicity will U8 a Jats, ihe, socalled | Mrs} Ronurr: PAIRSATRN, 772 Parent i ¥ . ° { ; tion. Lieut. Belknap had a conference | ed. | Ottawa, June 7.--A large deputation ood demand. Butter quiet, ich ts covern the Republican national com- in one. I nvestigation in ita "Avenue, Windsor, Ontario. oll. i In battle area 3 I 5 with the American consul, Ross E. | The report of the home mission from the Canadian Press Association tenging Jover. Cheese weaker. 8 mittee in its deliberations upon the man cope will not be taken up until In Ant 1a] advice write to tniagine a whole army In battle array r oF Holedav, and many Americans, and | committee showed 791 mission fields representatives who are meeting here en oe, 8. | contests for seats in the national con. "Th bill which ) Lyd IE Pi him Mediel Co. (confl- on one of the'Jarge plalos. thay sur 5 made lists of their applications for | receivinz assistance from the home waited upon Hon. W. T. White and Oats--Canagian western, No. 2, 8 = vention. This was decided without | g, i k x. ich would allow the Lydia E. Pinkham ne Co. (co round Madrid. (nthe center a Iarge g ' {rocps for the rrotection of property | mission fund, a net gain of 60 over Hon. Dr. Reid yesterday alternoon Se; do, No. 5, tie to ble; ext opposition et the opening session of | p % oR i ew England (Grand dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will ry; js eft open for the contestants, 5 in the city aud vicinity, amounting | 8 year ago. The committee recom- and urged that the duty on linotype i re feed. WGA a J the committee yesterday, in accord. ay ailroad to extend its lines be opened, read and answered BY & [yj jot is rulsed abose the plain so ; ance with the expressed wishes of to Béston was epact>d in the Massa- woman and held in strict confidence. ¢y.r ot one of the spectators of this atorethor to 930 soldiers. SA { be President Tait and Col. Theodore chusgiis House of Representatives. trugle sceuv--gayly dressed olficers, t } mended that the warious building machines be removed. They pointed ing, $1.08 to $1.07. The jicutenant said that if the Cu- funds b> amalzamated under one out that these machines are not mauvu- Buckwheat--No. 2, 7c to Te. ban Government was unable to sup- | management. During the year the factured in Canada, and that conse. Flour--Manitoba spring wheat 68 Roosevelt. Severe fighting has occurred at. Daj cas (Tratly Geame 1d! 1 Une, Spanjards. exciled as ply these, American marines would be | Women's Home Missionary 'Bociety quently a reduction or suspension of rn. $M Senonoy BW, aroun * The p.blic and the newspapers will abe, Satin Domingo, rear the Hai. ! Nc Ven entire control aver thy Aer eT excited them-- will {sent as soon As possible. Later he raised $33.637.15, and 158 new organi- the tariff would not affect any Cana- straight rollers, $4.80; do., bags, jo be represented by the five press asso- The G a aman 2 Tovey | ited at the handsome salary of 'ie one phase of the contest nw» 'and Consul Holaday bad a confer- | zations were added, making 650. A dian industries. The present tariff on $2.40. ciations recogrized by admission of e GovernmelEtroops were driven |i 000 During oue of their i Pi y 1? ernice wth Gen. Monteagudo, the Cu- | special effort is to be 'made in 1913 linotyre machines from the United Sed oats--Barrels, 35.05; bags. their rerorters tn the floor of the na- buck gto Haitien territory. The town 2 ety became y Dutore 10470 Siew AF IDE oe ban commander-in-chief. to increase the auxiliaries to 1,000, States is 20 per cent. Milifeed--Bran, $23; shorts, $2 tional Hous: of Representatives at hk aged by the rebels. areatly excited and made a mess of MHI 13 ubout to he aveng 0 the Gen. Cullister, the American owner and the presbyterials to 50. Contri- Hon. W. T. White, in reply, stated dlings, $29; mouillie, $30 to $34. se Washington. 3 hc Jnr i] ocean liners have been his English, which was usually eéx- bod of thirty brave men. of a ranch at Sigua, neer Daiquiri, = butions from the churches in Scot- that the matter had already been Hay_No. 1, per ton, car loth The committee also elacted Vietor Mil en slaved by the fog in the i ent McVea could not help smil- | The arum 1s heard I'wo Shen Baked who was reported to have been held land and Ireland amounted to called to his attention, 'and while he to se--Tinest westerns, lic t 3 Rosewater of Omaha, permauvent ou x ero Among those ing audibly, with the result that he to the walst, step in the fing. 'Ibe DEst . fcr ransom by the insurgents, has | $6.007.59. | was perfectly willing to give their re- finest easterns, 13%c to 13%¢. = chairman, and adopted the rules of x hed AY en unable to dock on was summarily dismissed and never Is tall aod strong His black eyes it arrived here. Fo tells an interesting | The committee recommended in quest every possible consideration, he | Butter--Cholcest creamery, 26%o four years ago, which are to govern Fi ule 1 pe el Royal Lidward, permitted to come to court again. | disdainfully upon the gaping crowa. story ef the experiences of himself | part as follows | could not say that he would grant ae to 30; Ka er | the hearings preliminary to the na- T in Lake Champlain and Mount It is related that once, when he 'He is Giacomo Ferrarl, the cetebruted aud his partner, Mr. Wheeler, in the 1. That the eastern and western their demands. Ie to 1bhe. ee : tional convention which begin June | =P PRAT - was very weary after 8 long journey | jrallam. 'The second, tal. rise mpd: on ely | sortie toy ion BSI B01) avon AT ot EE ho 35. Spe Retires After 88 Years. J fe aon we wins 05 2 sds peso SF - est American ssiona ead. Dre id 1 CFs ifled' with, e Czar ol 4 ' | ord 0 1 2 : 3 hey requested herses for the rebels; | 2. That all mission work ox Gava-| i Rosion. June 7.~The nay oo in | one Hogs--Abattolr killed, Big Wireless Scheme. Toronto. June 7.--After 38 years t ie Arent In. the frets sncdestiy Be I : then comped at Alta Gracia, and | dian soil, for which the Presbyterian over, N.H., Wednesd Pork--Heavy Canada short cut New York, June 7..-Twin wireless continuous service to the University | nojac: at St. Petersburg, slipped on . ter y when they departed took six horses | Church is responsible, be brought un- r, N.H., Wednesday of Rev. W. A. | barrels, 35 to 45 [Peces, $26: shOR®US sfations to communicate direct with | OF Toronto, Prof. Ramsay Wright goes | © el the solished floor |The seconds take thelr places on el with them. Later a messenger arriv- | der one board 3 I his 9th year, backs, 'barrels, 45 15,56 pieces, SSA . aa) Yondon will Te hat ore Roy abroad to engage in research work. A ih eine wildly at {side of thelr principais. A deathiike ? ed from the rebel headquarters and | 3 That the assembly authorize the dest or von board 13 wood patie. Ibs. net, le; pure, 1 ;. Jersey coast within a year, according He will draw a retiring allowance |, of his attendants, the Emperor | elfence ensues. 4 informed Coilister and Wheeler that | appointment, for the supervision of at Thetford. Vt.. in 1853, and arrived oo. bay M#ei pure, wood pails, 8 B&' to an announcment made last night from the university of $2,750 a year |; gi] the Russias went through a "On guard! k Generals enoz and Ivonet desired all mission work on Canadian soil, of at Smyrna to begin his missionar: BO iate. barrels. 20. he. Va "8, by the Marci Wireless Telegraph for the next five years, when he will | (ia of gerations extremely ludic- The two mnstef cross swords. Gla- fo to see them. 12 superintendents, who shall have (greer in Turkey in 1853 ey ay | tlerces, 300 Ibs., $25. rl . Co. of America. The distance is 3,100 be sixty-five vears of age and eligible | 1," 15 hind that nearly brought 'como Ferrari funges repentediy at Jean 1 They proceeded to the rebel camp, oversight of districts, and be known! g]) hj 3&5} s ; y Minneapolis Grain Market; {1 miles, and the estimated cost of the to come ou the Carnegie pension fund. | jipself and his subject to the floor. fouls, but fo vain. Llis every thrust and Gan, ota \ Cs ol as dilate ro is missionary service was ren- po ty i ' - A it has not been usual to ret Tree 3 i ol hie {O2 mmade JTotuse apo listrict superintendents. | dered at the station of Cesarea. He ' MINNEAPOLIS, June 6--Clo plants will be $750,000 each. pat ua retire uni- | 1006, at the time a prominent and js met vy a parry. fe wakes up bis 4 = og! i for taking their horses, bat 1. That the different funds for the was married Oct. 21. 1852 'to Miss | --July, #112 Sept., $1.04%: D Tl The announcement also states that yoru Premiers pol ihe, age of 65. | o nadentiul adviser to the throne. | ping to bide nis chance and caresses aid that he had been compelled to | purchase of sites for churches and | Caroline Elizabeth Palmer, who, with i) Bara, le oil options have been obtained upon sim- Tol, Vvnght an rs. Wright were | .,u10 not check a smile, a smile that 0) ay nis opponent's binde. tean do so. Iistenoz assured them that the | manses, and for assistance in the erec. | Yay sites at Sun Francisco and Hono. | Li8 guests of honor at the annual din- | {he Czar turned just in time to catch. two daughters and one son, survives louis, enim and watenful, lends bie Corn--No 3 yellow. 2% to TA. || | jnsurcert: would nct disturb their | tion of manses and church buil i 1 it is _ | ner last. evening of the United Alum. | cory Enidoff lost ranch as they were carrying on civi- he amalgamated, and that ne | Bre Buffalo Grain Market { a Br nae _Bocieties of the various colleges Le or ae ns pe $60,000 Self to the ply, when, quicker than lized warfare. He added that he had | be auzumented to at least $400,000. New St for T. BUFFALO, June 6.--8pring wheat dull; lands, which will communicate direct in the university, as which. a large ! tr | lightning. the italian juinps Bride with Been compelled to destroy property | 5. That the different Women's Mis- e eamer for Toronto. Nox al carloads store, $LM%: (it) the one at Honolulu, The com. number were present. i a loud yell and mikes a terrible lunge 4 !at Jean Louis, n Florentine trick often | guecpsaul But with extraordionry ra- pidity Jean Louls has parred and ris sionary Societies throughout the | Sault Ste. Marie, Ont, June 7.-- | "Corn" Firm; No. 3 yell whole church bs united Fhe formed 1H: H. Wylie has purchased the screw | yellow, me; No. § corn, EA to into one Women's Missionary Society. | steamer City of Chatham for the 4 corn ie, ail on; track thru bili The report of the Woman's Hom ! Grimsby Beach and Bouth Bhore Nav- Barley Matting, $1.15 to $1.25 simed entirely a flast the en Gov- | Mission Society showed the evangeli- igation Co., Limited, and will take her Duluth Grain Market. © ernmei;, ~~ | 'cal work, including 11 heme mission immediately to Toronto to operate be- DULUTH, J A The rebel leader de red that he , fields in New Ontario and the west, tween Toronto and Grimsby Beach. hard, §$1.16%; Too es would allow none of ht en to com- | deaconess' work ~in_ Winnipeg, Ed- With favorable weather she will reach porthiern, #104; July, SLISK; . thit any 'Gutrage, and promised that | monton and the Kootenay; Childer- | Toronto on Monday next. "4 -- all found guilty of such acts would | hose memorial fund, from which CATTLE MARK at Daiquiri in order to show the world that they were eygg ued in a revolu- tion, but denied ghat he was fightimg against foreigners® The movement was pany would thus he enabled to send + 9. messages from London to the Philip- Fine Display at Galt. I pines by way of the United States, re- Galt, June 7.--King's weather, good Van Tromp's Way of Fighting. The Dutch Admiral Van Tromp, who was a large, heavy man, was 3! a es halienged bv a thin, active - Poxts guickly 1 the shoulder. laying fo messages by land wires 2}sndance aod a varied and lively 3 from the Jersey coast to San Fran. | bill marked the opening day of the aw "It is nothing." cries Giacomo, "a cisco, Galt Horse Show. The morning dawn. | French officer. "We are mot upon yh in oe And they gain fan aro d pa LI ed under a threatening sky, but later equal terms with rapiers, sald Van, mer rd. Alfost direct!y'ne is nit in: _ Religisus Orders Tottering. the clouds broke and yesterday after- Tromp, pnt sel) wr Nn a his fie he wword' ot "|. Washington, June 7.--T) save relig- Ro the pedang bles Showed god old i ee ya called ! Jenn Loufs, wno Is now attucking. pen 4 ons odes, postieniarly, those of the iE Le nied on a ie oy o he found the Dutch admiral bestrid- ietrites deeply. (ilacomo's PR cans for visiting" him and escorted | Hr a fenton, gj the continent. ing a barrel o gannowiet, ge comes Hid, hia wad drops from his them beyond the outposts, from which | Ontario, in the form of small loans, Genaer, a well-known Winnipeg citi- --The 'rs f St. Baned; > wid: Hon. James Duff, Ontario Minister Is roompenougn oF Fou ea 8D | yand. and te falls beuvily ou the turk. they reached home without difficulty. | the sending of libraries and literature 2en and head of the real estate and Le live Hn 7a Sanat Revive wl of Agriculture, made his first visit to | Te She ne i Nae ye Blind, EE | to Sabbath schools in rural districts, financial firm of Gens:r & Co., was the City Market, comprisi 680 cattle United States to review the recent | Gait and was met by the reception rel. Sit down. ee 43 Jen Louis 18 already in position. He Mohn L. Sullivan HL | and lumber, mining and construction testifying in a suit before Chief Jus. 9872 hogs, 474 sheep, 344 8 and 8 decision of the eizhth U. 8. Circuit | Committee of the association and Ee Ll achat was thunder. | Wibes bis reeking biade: then. with the . Abington, Mass. June 7.--John L. | camps, and also supplying needy mis. tice Mathers, the chief justice stopped horses. YEraS Court of Appeals that the agreement Mayor Scott and members of the Town RL iL terrible mode of fight- puint of bix sword on the ground. be be punished. H anked #he Amer- emergency assistance is given ta Perjury Charge Against Winnipegger. | home mission conveners in Northern _ Winnipeg, June 7.--While William Toronto Live St su't coupsel, tidy wll be held here a American League. What peed we to relate nny more? week. hey 'were arrested \Wednes- | and adapt itself to a great variety of "Razorback hawg." Sullivan, once champion heavyweight | sion fields with suitable clothing. | the proceedings and ordered a charge But x i Council and the Board of Trad i "aw iiivan; ones char b » | ' : bi] y 3 d chers, of a monk to convey all his property 08IC 10 Lede, fv but as the Dutch admiral told ealmly awaits the pext mith. prize fighter. who some time ago de- | 'The amount raised during the year go! Dery eeinn Genser in connec: | The best steers of export to his order was void, as agaiust pub- I ny aa would fight no other way | The bext tencer of the First regiment y cided to lead the simple life and set- | was $38,637.15, an increase of $7,903.04 '100 With his testimony. for butche lic policy Triplets In Torouto. coneiliati d {bas Just been carried awuy a corpse, ny {ie down on his farm here, is ill, and | over last year. yn, with The decision was made in the case Toronto, June 7.--Two healthy girl terms of Leconciliation ensued. hia Sr wot set over. Yohrievy 1s 1 i Pith. of : 1 y . s tae 2 ) 3 h « finds declare his condition .is criti: | The amount raised since the organi. BASEBALL YESTERDAY. bulshery an Yorfers 0 3740. i" Father Augustin Wirth, for fifty | kiddies and a baby boy were born to One Man Collfery adversaries are there, impatient. to ea) - ; ; | zation of the Women 8 Home Mis. ms $4 to $6.75; bulls, $5.60 ts years a member of the Benedictine Mr. and Mrs. George Boore of 32 --ne : ine {i measure swords: with the "vonqguerer. allivan, who is a member of the | sionary Bociety in 1903 is $163,280.97; International League. cows, $2.50 to \ Order, and at his death a priest of a | Broadview avenue last Tuesday and There is at least one coal mine 1 hi iter they pid committee arranging for the 20th estimate for next year is $45,202. | "crn Ww Stockers and F German church at Springfield, Minn. | no happier nor prouder parents are | Britain that was not affected by the 'burning to avenge the master they bu anniversary celebration of this town, Two incidents of note occurred al Rochester ...... . et Lost Ped en WO to 1000 jhe, 8 rym Fortes een : * | in oronto than these two. Mr. Boore strike. It is in that out-of-the-world Qeewed Inv Incibie. Teak contracted a cold at a meeting of the the morning session. Rev. Dr. omer fo City TO "ol Riots be cui ioskes | Sold Lof He Couldn't Deliver. is employed by the Warwick Bros. & spot known as Rainow, pent Maceles | Jean Louis hardly has two minutes' committee a few days ago. | ville spoke of the small increase in Bajtimore 2 4 kL Milkers and Spring "Vancouver, B.C., June 7.--8. How- | Rutter Co. The three tots are all do- field. Thic colliery is a curiosity, he- pout. "He ix ready. A Dew auversary : the meinbership and indicated that Toronto BB AM There was a lurge numb ard Evans, a well-known real cstate | ing well, so is the mother. The chil. | ing leased Ly one man, who performs giands before nim. A stuister chek ot German Aviator Fatally Hurt. | there was something seriously the Newark 13 n 'uy ond springers, upwards of f agent, formerly of Winnipeg, was sent | dren are of the same weight, 've {all the duties necessary between gel |, urs is heard & lunge. on purry, a ris Hamburg, June 7.--The fGerman | matter when in the face of an im. Monten 5 BOX MB Reia'on an average. pef (the penitentiary for four years for | pounds each: The firm for which Mr. 'ting the coal and the seta] barning post wnd then o cry. a sigh. and all 1s - ghar Chities Rout, ros nsefelly | A of id the Siyieh gained ON ee rea Worontoi BR onticy 3 to $0 wi sling 8 inh i which he could not Dots works, £0 goon as they heard of Yo He meni gets 14% A over. A second: body 1s betore Jean et njured while making an aeropla | only two or three per cent. in mem- 7; Newark at J City, : hy each. eliver the. title. ¢ he event, sent to his home three scending into itv v i Sit - } i: Sie Sesteniay, > | bership. | more © Te Batis a Ren 4 Veal Calves. ¥ bright new gold pieces of the pew ;shait, at {fis herd ol which iste 3 X thara adveresty atvaTces They + aris, Jure 7.--The acrial naviga- | Principal Baird threw great doubt 'SL in ; here were 34 veal calves and Sarnia Citizen Passes. coinage. King George will be expect. | 8 Wwater-wheel, which the coal 13 . wp p tion growp ef the Chamber of Depu- | on the immigration statistics, and fo- Fray Jeuiens Montreal uy Poronty prices yenained sirone, at vef oo inia. June 7.--H. W, Mills, man- | ed to do the same. drawn to the surface. The Same Shan oa on Tom ar ant ties yesterday adopted a resolution of | dicated that the reason why the Baltimore, Buffalo at Rochester, Sheep and / "ager of the Sarnia street railway, died --re-- loads the coal op to is oN JT ha of on hy een. The ata i» puthy in the death of Wilbur | church did ot get a larger proportion ; National League. Sheep ewes sold at $4.80 Wednesday evening after an illness of Carnegie to Students. hitches it to his own horse, and pro- | Rl Even. Sey Ri president of the group, | of the Mewcomers into the member-' clubs. © Wor. Lost, Pet, | CNL; rams, at 8 to 4; Jam a week. He was city ticket agent for London, June 7.--While Andrew | ¢¢¢ds iz vel] foal through the er tall aa the vue > sic Brits {. Painleve, will send a message to | ship was due to the fact that they did New York n 1 i + ii the G.T.R. at this point. Carnegie was deliveri i | neighboring district. ' rocpse covered Ly n military cloak. He this effect to Orville Wright. | not remain in the country. That those Cincinnati 18 A Solestd Tod ena Hoga ss 3 '| - P --_ as nes Sf Sn ie re tps | ban closely watched Jean Louis' play ; wh) came to. the country and were Chictfo 1 4540 ana 1.0 to nha | Rev. J. Crompton Dead. at Aberdeen, Seotland, yesterday, the Putting It te Work. "rod thinks Le has guessed Lhe beret : Chifjese Disruised as Negrces. counted as immigrants did not remain St, Low 2a 2% a try points. Londen, June 7.--C.A.P. Cable.)-- | students, the number of whom was | When the train stopped at the lit- of his victories. He multiplies bis RE Phildlelphia, June 7.--A U. 8. com- | in the country was shown by the dis. Philadciihia xm Ce East Buffalo Cattle Rev. J. Crompton, lute of Muskoks, | large, hurled chairs and rugs about tle southern station the northern tour- féints and tricks; tuen. aif ut obce. * missioner here yesterday ordered de- | crepancy between the figures prepared Brooklyn . n Canada, is dead. -| the hall and kept up an incesssnt ist saunfered out on the platform, poyudivg like a tiger on his prey. be i ported five Chinese, who, it is alleged, | by the Government, those of the im. Bo Sy Nobienis At uo en a . ' . - din, singing and whistling, but finally | says The Housekeeper Under a scrub ives his opponent a terrible tbrost in : were smuggled across the Canadian | migration branch and those of the rain. ren at Do { Elasticity of Conscience. | permitted the ironmaster to proceed. | ch stood a lean apimal with scragg bis Jowet ee Int Jenn Louis' sword i border disguised as pero labourers. | census. Friday games ; Cipcinnat! at New York, In the majority of cases consclence Mr. Carnegie advised the students bristles, "The tourist was interested. , rye and Ix Dow aeep within his In order that the Chines, of whom | Shap 2 Broa). ute at Pblla- | strong: heavy and mixed,' Be od 1s an elastic and very flexible article, | to "remain teetctalers until you have | "What do you call that?" he icquired Erpienla Ure. claim American birthright, may con- | Dr. MacGregor Found Guilty. % $1.25 to $1.8: pigs, which will bear a deal of stretching | become millionaires." of a lanky native. : p | Bad Axe, Mich., June 7.--Dr. Rob (ps. epi vs 0 OW, ee Ten pew. mlversuarion folluwed him, Fon dost Pet. d: | circumstances. ; Some people, by pru- Fast Trains Collide. "Well, what is he doing rubbing id te ert A. MacGregor of Ubly, Mich., for- Chi ago ... 18 x 1 wad gay 1 t ghighe arrival here of a | 000 Tor Yondon, Ont., was Boston © Dau | steady; lambs, $3.50 to $8.35; | dent management and leaving it off | Wionipes. June 7.--At Lappen sid- | against that treet" and the ten tell before Juan atin 0 io. guilty of marder in the first degree s Washington i 3 i | Chicago Live Ste {| plece by plece, like a flannel walstcoxt ing, on the Pacific division of the | 'He's stxopping himself, mister; jest Rud the excited yells und roars of An bq the jury which returned its verdict" Cleveland 2 2 34! CHICAGO, June 6--C )s = C.P.R., two fast trains collided yes- | stropping-himsell." army. fu Sms Swedish Fruit to Compete. jury. Detroit .. 2% 2 s: Mark n "in warm weather, even contrive in i ppl , ir © Fhirty second - Stockhaiim dune FC AP, Cable.) | at midnight Wedilesday. Piljadensia Br oP 0 tot Texks steers time to di with ft altogetber, |teIdY MOTRIN. RR At ine regtiedh; or lie: Fuirepaeryit oi syndicate has been | The history, of the case which fe. Jew Tork - wn, o 4 : E Jolifte was kiiled and two {4 . Hen Concessicn, culonel, Who. thought the =A Bwe registers. which bids fair to prove a | werinl cfmpctitor in the Kuropean fruit mgrkets. The company intends to build-#%d operate a steamship of its own and to bagin a service with n America on the opening of 'she's older than dent, | dean ania aft know 'she's older ! EL ~ at. a ¥ b ie sulted in the conviction of Dr. Mae. Bt Louis .. Ge A C8 s : ; Gregor dates from June, 1909, when Jang 3 Priladeiahia Tse To 3 Ven TALE $0 WJ kid alc w elayed five hours. | John Wesley Bparling, a prosperous ington 9, Chicago 1; Boston B, De . : i farmer, died under circumstances Friduy games: New York at ; vy. 8 : 1 ¥ Alex. Fraser Honored. h 9. "did she ; 0.000 hich ted poisoni 8i that 2nd Philadelphia at St. Louis, Washing- 2° Ti beve It ?. What di 0 Ya Pigiw Ding ie! len, | ton at Chicago, Boston at Detroit. ! » " A a us 5 ; : nd I are just the 3 'Albert and Seyi, Hy Tied from EL Canadian League, . ; = ul brakemen and a tramp were lurt, raffic yd sithilar causes,' jug ofi-u- low bridge" ed and drove 04 a Ls the esllar, "Why "didn't you tell 'me before, | Duchess " | * "Because thers was Some, ma'am: ing a0 | London Punch. Ai

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