wi 18 EASIER TO sTaRs ou ova oO = Fe bib BTS ; ita RO Baie ht, me f i é 2 Ctileotes: cigaroto box with ta | bis feet th thiélr owh Erie." Ritiipg | ou dein, Le tle. Pu "1 : ' ' " TN 2 Sal eamthg Monogram, and 'him. hand, be began t 'with watalie, 3 Oza and Reiktitor, Gilenls, Hah a a fe ress of bls a ' ho eo. fie hourar--§ to 10 ain § 7%. 5. VR eh1 My rose agatn. The iden hat the fant | But Loder kept the same position. MLVER SIMON o offic and house, © oe, b Moy okt bani iy oh get G. HUTCHESON, Manager. mate objects tn the fond J hi | "You'll find the check book In its usual faciumes Re wil Telspiions in office and house, ope! Eratan "ind wd feb Fanny Saeed a. $ aloo. at IC : 3 BSE Rod ip Lt for what he was, recognized {ntey- drawer,' he sald. 'I've made ope board, W. Miho . foie V, y. over Tries" south; --n. | oh oak Siranrong, Weduendes onic Bt i py on Hipage Gee. : Jo: ou ver t man- | joper where human eyes saw the right- | entry of £100, pay foz' ihe fire€ week, | ecutia, Jae® 's and John On Re © B.o.omumom. ne ER Te | BH | ab basa svat wot a | Ur. Geilo orp Stir We Port Party, Noes 1, 1604, £. re . ' nent ot t His ow e0ergy, | Through all his disgust and chagrin 8 | paused abruptly. Sparks' aud Doudld McDonald's, art ret REV, BCHARDRON. * ©. : w nd na 3 Bess, fwmile "foroed. Whelf to lis lpm, and, | Chilcote shifted his position. "Don't | PO "Third Sunday at 10.30 5. m, 3 iat. arte dt hie ite, ii crossing the room for the second time, | talk about that. It upsets me ) anti | BLACK IVORY (7761) (13367) irap- (lydes- HH A. ole btm ie : xmbitigu, déterminntions, ie i he passed int5 Clilcote's bedroom, ipate. J can make put & to-'| dale, Se property af Swith & Richard Th orrow 7 lumiba ill amare an | JOS. BATRD DAVID J. & DOUGLAS ADAMS, | i ts, Suey ant | oe rts bs sg | Be ie ni pas and' tof the of JRE AUCTIONEER for the ) : ' his mood than the eperg¥ and, actiot Loder 1s better out of the x remainder of thie Seven. Ye will bo vt Dis 2 of he Tare FH Yama - Soiniy of Ontario. Sale Register at {a "You wa to teil you that 1 will which the study i sfiggested. | can't be too careful" fo ol ge -apoki owiistuble. ' Yort Poi * unkutis So solicited Bankers and Brokers. 1% of he be iy Walking directly to the gréat bed, he | with unusual {mpetuostly. Already . BOYS anon mane 84] Cannan? 4 ' Yr er ey ned. 00k ® | gat on its side and. for several minutes | slight, unreasonable J was col te ydesdale, the property of Jaws mewey 76 BY ere SR ---- step forwards: "Yes." she said; "1 want | reared straight in front of him, appar- oring his thoughts. Alréady be grodged a al Dake Fe mn gov. , Péivate Fands al & per cent, ; oy : It ore thnpl anything in the world," = |ontly seeing nothing; then at last the | the {dea of Chilcote with Tie unstable Rp. x Ee 4 wg i M N & exe wa Ln walt. Tbe declaration |gjathy passed from him, ag his pre- nse and restless fingers opening oe DUNURE SOUTAR (0495) ) J14659), Jom 4 . ! L that would #ktiaty her came to 1.odCr's | vious anger ngalnst Citfieote Lad pups | drawers and sorting pets thal Clydesdale, the topevty of 3. Heli 3 dno. .. Org®iér; ; ope hos Ye blond es lad. lic stood up slowly, drawing his { for one stupendous for en nad been ee Bors Seige Hig stands xiii em: | 3 A Ae long limbs together, and recrossed the | his without question. Turning aside, hort Howony Lent, Terry, Loreen x rng J ojerson iy T (4 fier ent upwards --Britieh Capital) round. afte qorvat whd bad | room, passlug along the corridor and | he changed the subject brusquely. Yank Alu Ty, Reads, To ? vs Rout Ts Res Th hr Te = git 10 in EA AY zis through the door communicating with "Come Into the bedroom," he sald. | own stabi p 4 ' i 2 : \ 0 |the rest of the house. Five minates | "It's half past 7 it it's a minute; and 7 3 Moser ro Loar; = TT | N S u R A N OC E der a tel _"Any answer, sir?' he fre gra Inter he was In the opén aif and walk- | the Charrington's show is at 9M Withs ROYAL FRE £1. AND [6098] (13698) inp," = > : : 3 . ffbck i Ing steadily eastward, his Lat drawn | out walling for a reply, he walked Clydewinle, the. Property of the Si irley, EL ; KE, FARIARLL, KG. LLB. County Dillon Hin St F ve fio ck to her cbalr. 'There | forward and bis overcoat buttoned, up, |e the room and held the door Yui i id by 7 Raglan, Jos, 3.8 wa Atgprney, "Barrister, County Sof ge- ay ence T E was n flush, on her cheeks, and ber eyes | As ho traversed the streets he allow- | open. Se Hr ng Grrtwahe, Ambani i off set; Notary Fabio nd De eg *Manufactured hy the Owen § d R E A i: E S T A were still ley tly bright. ed himse no thought. Once, as be | THKeté was no silence while théy &- Farm, and Geo Jacksof's, Scugog, Port . "a a Sou Bg ouse, Wire Pouce Uo. Ltd. out i Yoder the telegram open, "read Waited in Trafalgar square to find a | changed clothes. Loder talked contid- Perry, aud his own stable, | Tk ified & ON, ics miners. rapind 40. SADE by 20d 6m M fa Li it, then thr@W:1t Into the fire. | pened vehicles, the re | nously, sometimes In short, curt sed- | opp CrovE (3505) ot: : : ro hy iis whol 3 Lg 4 "N said laconically. membrance of Chilcote's voice comin; 8 p. es W oI. STONE [3505 m f : : A SANGSTER 4 community witli the very BES1 ary e ; cens es, Jog ye A il out of the fog ou thelr first night ne {sbee, sometiney With Jools Toca Clydesdale, the property of J Erowt: ; y WIRE FENCE produced on this : Yooked opi isngroenble LENEP end Itself prominent, but he rejected i | of humor; he talked umtfl Chilcote, Holtby, - Manchester: He will stand o% DENTAL SU SURGEON. Continefit gd at ices that" che i= Avonls C-L2, Rr. Ere. enld sat ant departed [ quickly, guarding hitnscf, fioin" veh | strangely affected by contact with an- Cinenbask, Suintfield, Wick, Seagrave; uot fail to satisfy purchasers. > , fle gi at her. He was watch tn involuntary glance at the place of fours personality nftfr. his weels | "00 OO WAI | aii pi dan Stn ; Fice Hours--P to 12 a.m., 2 to 6 pm The DitioN: Fry : ing the a am withering In the cen- heir meeting. The Strand, with its un- | solitude, fell under his influence, hig | WHINBLOOM [6097] (12785) imp. Clydes. = -a Hii open Satlfrday o evaringt. peer It is the BEST 3 without re . ha ter of the ceasing life, came to him as something | [oxen piss his fmagination ri d le, ids property of Smith & Rioward es Eis the ks} recause it iv on "No, heal, at fist 16 § Atrained nimost unfamiliar. Since hig identifien. | 208 at the novelty of change. At last, | pon, Columbux His stanly being Tad 3 oir Gold Fillings, Bridge and Crown flexible ; it 1s a square mesh j iti er A garbed once more in the clothes of hid Vannest's, Reack, Jas. White's and H.- 2 wot A Hpechuty Vitalied Ale. | perfect hinge-stay fence pin Dare YY oul Marr yY DR Net ould dows thal 1_that I ton with the ew life no business hud | Ene ONE the bed! | MacBrieu's, Whitby Tp, Jus Wide. 2 had fe gotted to expect." | drawn him east of Charing Cross, and room back into the sitting room and man's and D. Puokeriug's, Fickeringy * Sir H. Pellett's. Kingston road, "Ding-* -- | :t is impostible to bend the stays DR. R.. L. GRAHAM in fact is the best fence made i J this or any other country. Subcmssor To Dr. F. D. McGraTTAN Before purchasing a Wire Fence SECRETS OF HOME LIFE | GHAPTER XI. | bin first sight of the narrower stream | there halted, waiting for his com- mau's, Broken Front, M Crawford and - J of traffic struck him as garish and un- | panion. Crossman's and F. Richardson's, E, Stat " ) by atients taking the New Method Treatment. They know it Cares T= a slicuce, an uneasy pleasant. As the impression came he | Alnrost directly Loder followed. He Whitby, Oshawa, and C. Blanchard's. A tter Loder spoke. The accelerated his steps, moved by the came into the room quietly and, mov- . J DENTIST St fail to inspect the Dircoy £2 No Names ge Testimaniuli wud vithoer written consent 5: Smid of the telegram was, twigh to make regret and fetrospection lng at ounce to the table, picked uw the | HE LSINGTON GLORY (1146: 5) {483% PORT DERRY, or CONSTITUTIONAL BLOOD DISEASE! ( VARK Nas " mppenrances, ordinary glike impossible by a contact with aé&- | notebook. {md Clydesdale, the property 'of AV. J Wl Ey TT : o J. H. Brown, oy No. don, «The spots td al | yearted treatment: rig ome whet Pd | iE ing forth Evel quegtiof tual forces. "I'm not gofng to preach," he Sg Henders, Port Perry. Will take. t : i EACER IN AGKICULTURAL IurLg one from ny legs 4nd arma and I fecl | dulged in Immoral habits r vorad ve and his '0 reply as a natural 8&; gull walking hastily, he entered Clif- | "80 you dn't shut me up. But Ills| season at Lr: enbunk, 8 infield, Victo: a now, I ani very Erotcfil to Varl i both wed Shay e ead . : «13. A Murray, NENTS AND Macuingky, g waver. Torots the orl Bhd Ye Ram AE = Ta yeh in ihe pavse that follo fords inn, but there qlmost uncom: | say just. one, thing--a, thing that will' Ce "pu a unk dake Snare # 4 fr. have done Tor me. You eam: ventment he wells ps folio 3 sciously his feet halted, There wag | get sald. . -Try nics an Pagry, be. iy we to. * {ade something in the quiet fmmutabiiity ot | Remember your SER RNTIST, © an aL Dies over the oat Offive. . E : '. PORT PERRY. -~ All branched , OF Dntintsy, including . Crown an Bridge | i sutcesafully ce: pract Artif) Teeth on Gold, Silver, Aluminum "use my mame in fecommonding it to eg ee eon ag mer | G0, ar ald Bk omits ried goon. Thanking you once Moe | sppeared for quite a while and tt Theme ete. 8 cure. I wrk 'havier and feel loss tired, I have no desire for that habit SAYS TWO MONTHS CURED IM. whatever and if I stay like thls, which I have every reason to believe I will, Patient No. 16165. Age 23. Sinrle. | Thanking you for your kiad attention," Indutzed In immoral halts 4 years. De- | ete. ost t in urine and drains at night. : Ficose Veins on both sides, pains in | GAINED 14 FOUNDS IN ONE MONTIL April 5. 1905. Rod your hold!" He spoke energetital: 'wore wily f frovathy bad boen droppéf he place that sobercd energy, both one the cause was Inex- penta] and physical; 8 sense of {7 looking earnestly into Chllcete's --the property of V to the other only too plaln. (hapngelessness--the changelessness of | eyes. He did not realise it, but he was e. His stands will be at Jas. tched the ghost of his mes- ate things, that rises in such sol- | | pleading for his awn career. 's, Reach, Robt. Thomas', Layjom, : 110232) cy tatoo bog sage grow whiter and thinner, then , . ( ntrast to the variableness of Chilcote paled a little, as he always H Purvis', Manilla, T. Courtice's, W, a: airy fragments and flutter . | did In face, 0f § reality. Thea hé et Stacey's, Norman Osborne's, Jos tl fi th last mere human nature, which a new eft sun's, and his own stable. np mney. As tlié lust morse vironment, & Hew otitiook, sometimes | tended his hand. it y 4 or Rubber Plates. back, weak sexually. He writes: --"T Tatient No. 13322. Tula patient (nged ered med " low," , Filitgi of Gol, Silver or Cement received your letter of recent date and | §3) had a chronic case Dy oa wil out of sight he tu and. on a nifv presence, has power to up- My dear fel A be sald, with ¢ KING PRQGIOR FE or Sh Painless extraction whef required: tn reply I am pleaseq to say that after | llity and Soxual Weakness and was run keéd at his companion. heave and remold. He paused, then | touch of hauteur, "a man can geveral Coach (inp: Xh ty of H. taking two mon(h. {reatment 1 would | down In vigor and vitality. After ono ¢ maag me commit pny: | 1y be trusted to look after his own life. ouch. (MD) he PEARLY ae Mo-, es && Drices to suit the times® consider myself Samia ured, a month's treatment he reports as fol- wll Almas I JrFS with slower and steadier steps crossed Kenzie, Port Perry. Standaat Seagrate : a have seen mo signs ming | Tom r hm feeting very welk 1 hove sé ¢ sald. he desire to fide 40 little court and mounted the fa- Extricating his hand almost immedt. Layton, Saingfield, Greenbank, Sebers- back (one year). pained 14 pounds in one month, so that his feelings his nl was short. miliar stairs of his own bo ately, be turned toward the deor and House, Port Perry, Parple Hill, Black: I will have to congratulate you. Later SHE WORLD SEEMS DIFFERENT. | feport:--"I am begluniag to feel mote ¥ Bke a man. I feel my condition is Patient No. 15023. "I have not had | Betng better every week Fis last Fo. port:--+Dear Doctors--As I feel this 13 § Tesuies Emission ¥ dons know when | 0 jase month's treatment that & wil na am feeling fine: The world seems | pyc to get, I thought at ang {me altogether aifterent to me and I thank would never be cured but I put cone God for directing me to you. You havo | fidence In you from the start and you been an honest doctor with me." have cured mo." i without a word of farewell passed inte, tock, | the lttie hall, leaving Loder alors tn BARON THOM as [0005] Canadian- bred BEBR nonce of Siavater, * loging, LIL unter. fntictip of fue | be MEDS room. Clydesdale, the property of Geo. Mackief tee rane At Olbor vom stones and trees that he had fust ets. | ER XI1 Shirley. Will have stands at Raglany' 'mowent n he moved directly toward the fie | CHAPT - N. Scott's, Darliogton; Jos: Stroags an erations. nox «tthe moment of oa without waiing Tor persion, [PX the web. of el | EMI, bn ud baet - 3 pwn Loder tasted 300. Jackson's, Scugog, an ort Perry, bis fingers, the soit given be hu the a After to dar | oF Tein oe ie folgnaiitly tod: ad his owa stable wt + "Ewe returned bis glance with a qulet 2 ? As he turned the handle of his own regard, but he scarcely saw it. He bad 3000 ¢ome one stirred 1nsid¥ the sitting North Ontario Observer 4 Weekly Political, Agricultural ano ' +. kamily Newspaper 18 PUBLISHED AT FORT FERRY, ONT. ow CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY rst time. | Before thetr, ACME'S PHILP (10814], Cigdesdale, tho ; N ret : thanks to the public for {1 VERY THURSDAY MORNING | | povamgs extended to ot tt ~ Sure V. NERVOUS DEBIUTY, | AND feet, and with . bv years, I wonid respectfully fntimate that' rs e SAGES, Sie VARICOSE YESS AND BLADDER DISEASES and all logie; #ifack of justicd dns an in hin; ee fs iS ue ae. os pris pros, oe 1 H PARSONS imi, as usual, now Jonny or business, and TATION FREE FREE. 'BOOKS FREE, If unable to call write for a Question Sesonimont. SiH thon | helped to fii Ne he had ly it 1 ea Oe rey 1 prope thy ot § A Geri, Coiman walls y ov | apathetic; but with action the apathy | Blackstock snd at his owt stabl All lotters from Caneda » ust be vy 4 i As be entered Be stock and at his owfi stable. CERNE. iio fim Large & Assor ted Stock pe NOTICE: 1 TICE i= J or Eve, stil watching him, saw the dark | yj" cqme forward, his figurg throw = | had been dispersed, never again to re- j Tien : ERS: TERE a KENNEDY, his expression and with a) CTT be the double net, | | sain its oid position. VIGOROUS MACQUEEN [4204] Tmport- got) Sir oh a 5 ement rose from her chair. | He realised with bitter ed-bred Clydesdale, the rty of T.' ETERS coments money, when addressed to thi OF DOUSLR AND ya Ha RS Sarah has a theater party to He Be dressed in a shabby tweed or Me wis no Foti Bums coming, | F. Brucé, Cadmus, * will. drsve Arwir ed: 3 L ioral will be about tab | Which 1 am determined to sell very 1 am dint ith b be Suit; Dis face looked pale and set with Lotus, Ballyduff, R Suggitt's und Black 3 th . nicht od Ding orp a slightly nervous temsion. But; besides entering Chileote's house he had ex- stock and os stable. oy sald. "It ls an early dinner, so I art ust dress! ' the look and a certain fddbd restiess- | | perienced none of the unfam ty, = i his | ness of glasce, there was no visible | 00° of the unsettled awkw: | SIR HUBERT [7566] 9789 (10023) imps' i, I Beaching Loder, be. heid out | that assailed kim noW. Thére be had | Clydesdale, the property of J. Erues must e cxplalned mysel almost seemed the exile returning aft- Holthy, Manchester. His «tands' wi As an inducetient to Cann purchasers CrEmpmmesm ier | Yd of mle Jeseuctions, with be Tnsorted unui Cor. Mictigts Ave. and Griswold St, Sorbus sad charyod ai . = advertise. | will Le allowed on all Sales from now until ud. + ment will by taken out w Jan. Ist nest, All work being Bbe naghil 4 i Jifle a ir he anid quickly. er many hardships; here, in the atmos- | include Albert Beverly's, Arhurn, BY 2 IB and otha ; ; AR discomiture here Ww orley's : he 5 sear, *| ¢@ MADE BY HANDE3 | Uss Por a Friend : ! tae ) ne | Cl oted at puff Gistion. | Phere made common by years, be fait a Ra giev's. mg THESE terms will tn off Shir 6 and no factory work kept in stock, th "1 Jef my house furnished, and Ing) an alien. It wad illustrative of the . y 3 ¥ > y Shotedie : 5 course "aeross the room fowara. wm INCY. man's character that pentimentaltties | *'*"'* ; JOB DEPART! super ority of my goods will at cuce become have bad measles there. Of cot "Well? Well? How has it gone?" J "1 Pamphlets Hand Bile, ~~ Pusters ap we've bad the place disinfected, do { : "The scheme? O Ih rr Le | tne. i ls : 5 os S Re eeding pirchasers will find that by | PORT PERRY suppose It's quite safe. What do you efigroszed In the check to his e scheme? Oh, excellently fiayagen time) thet Sm ee 'Programs, © Dodgers BulHeads, Checks | giving me a call before looking elsewhere . think?" es, Iiitensed at the sudden- ders Sof med was abrupt. Turning |, og Fo ed but ats used The piace for years, but Lester Meads, Wedding Tovitations, they can he tufted in quality and price, my 1 fa a 1 right, dear. | ness of Chilcote's recall and still moré from the restiess curiosity in Chllcote's | , ~ altogetber dented. used it as he might use a betel, and long expesience in the trade heing an india F EARTILY thanking the public for the wey t would be a incensed at bis own folly in not baving €¥% he moved a lttle way across the |, , ", whatever of his household gods bad; liberal patronnge received during the fiat i thfRk perhaps it wodld be safer bd It, was olly in not BaTI%E room and began to draw off hia coat | ci a os in the sitios room after | TC im remained, like himself, - Then, as if struck by the inctvility of departure, first sensation | sufferance. His entrance into Chil t of both her movement and Bests Cirgulars, Amembly Carls, will be "The surroundings had been ajtogeths : v3 a was one of physical discomfort asd | & Then quite abruptly they he action be looked Pack SPU unfamiliarity. His own clothes, WK | ov duterent. Unknows bo Alsigell, 8 Blank Forms Receipt Books, Business Cardy itn tisfacti be far be ghey tat | prtioet shtisfacy fer. many years I have kept a Livery Establish to lend it to a friend first. ' i Cards, &¢, Everthing in my line of businces kept ment in Port Perry, 1 have much pleasure in Punch. f . conatantly on Hand and repairs neatly and | announcing that I have removea scheme has gone ordinarily," be of avery style Vo AS obittided themselves upon him, break- = fi. £0 thelr worn looseness, brought no sense | exeoul 7 promptly attended to, MY LIVERY | Corrected. "gp | ng bis egotism with some- said. "I could almost say absurdly. | "tines such as nes ARd {ed been In the position of a young, E JOHN ROLPH. . ares ROE a or che the sharpness ain Lolien. There are some thihigs, Chilcote, that in an old garment. Lounging and the Sri, i nyse in modeled iy nN qu! a pupll of c] blow: Turning hop fairly bowl a man over." clothes that 105 Rad 10 jour heats { wo die 3padie ot i -- to my former place of business ! - ! 0, my som," replied the wise man. | E81 faced, A great relief tinged Chilcots's face. ~ EUROPEAN ACNECY Water St reet at was Jullet he Was found dead | prob Folk whe it ey oom "Good!" be exclaimed. "Tell me all a = | erything is mew, but his Inner sight! WNLEan Ident which I am about to largely extend ie 4 id 90) mult; : his turning she about if, bolic and even Inspiring. leaps is instant Amid; | But Loder was reticent. The mo-| =, 4 .4 TO I Bofwith grease facilities 80 that the pulitio may bo | ment was not propitions. It was as if a hupgry ash had. dregmed a great Bi ron was Fama, Baa phere, the home: Bh AC A En aR OBE HY g enty, moving and had a ed to his star xe On this first night. of return Leder, RIG8 AT MODE! Vi HAG : a ard: ol fie p vation. He 'was chary of imparting his comprehended something of his pesi-. : 'R. VAI i A Faw tion, und, comprehending, he faced th" 7" Poet Perey, June 21, 1000. in her mame un. | "This nothing fo fell" he wid problem and fought with fi co . 0 re Qoing N first time. | shortly. %AN that youl want to know He had made his bargain and must! © Going South--1}.20 a. m. e, as well an the "15 here in black and white. I don't pay his share. Weighing this, he bad fiss Hatrison HEE Fan 1 on a 1 eve rd Coa' dhe om we out | § South ew oe hed shortly, thing. Ita a cloar business record" Fase. Thon at Just, us Uf finding. the Ee od back toward the Yrom an Inner pocket ny aves? dbf a object really sought for, his eyes had Dress and Mantle Maker 19h bulky notebook and, recrossing the come round to thé mantelpiece and. ISHES to 'inform' the Iadies GEO. JACKSON, | tallen, the Inevitable Foo. laid it oaon on the table, 1s was Toss I os a correct, even a minute, ev- em, \ that she has. moved. Io.the Ktosed. Ausudnisé¥, Fiddator, &e. | come and fbthing remdlned oy gion that had been accomplished He had looked at them for a long time, then ap ironic expression that was:al- oruierk THE COUNTY OF but to tAlleMhe fact with as good a ty Seed by La won ry ener SR FI ME Sie Sn she is prepared to execute all or: Wy isuss at this the Sqmmentement <f of " Tare a fe 20 fe turned back the-pages. "I had you ders for Dress ard Mantle. Makiog | 24 shanee votion Sale Season El iio out om watch nd your peeltion in my mind all in a manner unsurpassed for numerous patron . through." Jie, pauséd d glanced up trom the book. "You' Have a position Correctness of Style that absolutely Insists upon attention," and Charmng Eféct. he added in a different voice. At the new tone Chilcote looked up | Our 'charges are cqpsistent [with as well. "No moral lectures!" he | | the, value given, : with & laugh. "1 was anxious + | Port Perry, April 5, 1909. oo et eT aE i gi : to know {f you had piled it of--and _H room Was yu have vo reassured me. That's éncugh. |' University Sa e